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timothy liverance

May 9, 2004, 6:22:13 PM5/9/04
"If Numbers are Infinite , Then so Inventions"
"One Small step for man. One infinite leap, for the Human Race"
by: Timothy
harris livernace aka zetalimit.
1. [n] someone who predicts the future 2. [adj] of or relating to
futurism; "futurist art" See Also: illusionist, seer, visionary "
"Quantum chaos is real quantium computing!!"

Turn a 45 tflops computer into a 1440tflops
First let me set my self clear i called the SRI and sent e-mails
and call tufts university they told me never to call back because
I told them I could make a computer of quantium type run at hyperspace
this will turn a 45tflops into 1440tflops: Warning
what you about to read could be classified if it is E-mail me @ and i will take it down.

Take a document then or a 3D matrix document change it two radom or
binary code or just a program for 0's and 1's and fold it over and
over like a piece of paper then having the 1 and 0 add each other or
the 0,1's canceling each other out 1+0=0 and 0+1=1 1+1=1 0+0=0 if you
gave the folds adresses like on a spread sheet there would be no math.
First A 1-24 would fold to k 1-24 down.(See Example A ) Then at
F1-24 down two k 1-24 ( See example B ) If you written a very long
letter and then change it two binary code it would look like this.
f.10010101010100101010101 First A 24 would fold to k 24 down
g.01010101010100001100101 See Example A

See Example A
h.01001010101010101010111 Then at F1-24 down two k 1-24

See example B
j.01010101010101010101010 Then from I 1-24 to K 1-24

j.01010101010101010101010 Then from j-24 to j-1

j.010101010101 Then from j-12 to j-1

j.010101 Then from j-6 to j1

j.010 Then from j-3 to j1

j.01 Then from j-2 to j1

j.0 Then you would have
1 bit to transfer over the
The bit sent would be 0 and the key code would be F1-24,k 1-24,
I 1-24,K 1-24,j24,j1,j12,j1,j6,j1,j3,j1,j2,j1 and uzip or new
encryption you could encrypt or compress 100 terabits down to 1 bit of
information. Now if you take this idea from my web site you could make
this allot more complex and unbreakable. Data encryption 360 degrees
rotation document 90 degrees and encrypt on every angel then 45
degrees change it two binary code do it again and again and fold it
over like a piece of paper then having the one's and zero cancel each
other out. In theory you could send a 100 terabit program to someone's
computer and have it unzip and run and install or make
A computer processer like the new 64 bit AMD have the bit unzip into a
large ram drive and buffer use one half of the 64 bit processer decode
the message and the main 64 bit run the numbers. Another way of doing
this is to have a parllel computers with using one of the processers
run the compressed 1 bit of information give the uncompressed a
address on the ram drive to change and not even go threw the processer
and then with diffrent information on each machine compare and run
statistics on iformation on a 45 tflops supercomputer and turn that 45
tflops computer into a 1 bit = 100,000 terabits to infinite as long as
you have the ram for storage! with my calculations 45 tflops wouldn't
matter any more it would be how much data you have on a 32bit
operating system changeing that to a 1 bit system it would be 32 *
45tflops would = 1440 tflops With this technology and someone with
advaced quantum knowledge and understaning of the matrix gride and how
to place and hook up nano lcd's in our eye lids hooked to a computer
of virtual reality and quantum computer of space time, could build a
virtual way to quantium leap and time travel and form a dimension or
dimension's that could move threw space time and never be detected and
turn on every light switch in the world on. or off and reverse or
forward time. By Mixing the moves the universal soldiers, Matrix, The
lawn mower man, The 6th day, The one, and using the metaphysical body
and have an advanced cognitive laboratory. the could do all this. With
out a quantium chip that could detect space time movement or
quantum relocation we may all be at our labs and hook to a computer
an also be somewhere else. Watch these movies in this order. The lawn
mower man, The Matrix, The 6th day, Universal soldiers, and the movie,
The One and what would you have. Use this program to encrypt 32
dimension and someone could build a moving encrypted moving laboratory
that could never be found. Top this all of with the "Theroy of
everthing" and my web page a one might controll the whole world. A
kinda New, New world order!!! The matrix is a grid in the eyes that
locates your long and lat along with your quantum location. Please
people back in 1999 do not use my inventions to torcher me!
All this and more was invented from 1999-2004 the rest i would tell
you but you wouldn't beleive me. I could control my mind conscious or
have any knowledge metaphysically. The have every point covered every
way in but No way out really advanced like quantum cloneing. They
will find every system invented with time travel the know everthing we
are going to do until the end of time and back again!!A

Infinite Dynamics Computing ( ICD )
making quantum computing out dated

1. The theory of everything is based on different frequency's in
space time to make all things stable. Space time itself is a

2. Finding the laws of all quantum physics and all-matter and
everything that can be change and form by adjusting the frequency of
that matter and space time, speed of light, magnetics, gravity et.c
search for the one law of infinite dynamics. Picture the laws as a
dotted circle and everything that can happen in that universe is
because of knowing the All laws in that universe and all conscious

3. Use the way of quantum teleporting for quantum computing but by
using the frequency of conscious and the infinite dynamics law for
information ideas two form many Ideas In A.I quantum computing use the
shape of a 3 dimensional pyramid for a example of what it would look
like then place the pyramids into a 3 dimension pentagon where 8 will
fit and then group billions of them together or start small. Because
it not just of and on
0's and 1's it +,*,-,<,>,/ and it's all dimensions of everything in
our universe and space time and every possible out come of anything
that would possible happen no matter what. It's knowing everything
.Changing the circle of law would not effect our mathmatics on paper
or our quantium computers.

4. Use law 10

5. Use a information signal of (
signal,magnetic,light,matter,signal's,gravity, zero gravity to make
Billion of shapes two form diffrent reactions and quantum choas at the
end you will learn that there is only one signal of all that exists in
our universe that can interchange to anything.

6. Use Quantum A.I computer with a large data base and run this
web site
run every combination with all information using statistics until you
reach the out come.

7. Do step 1,2,3,4,5 using new quantum computer information in
every order until out come

8. Do step 5 find new quantum computer and start over step
1,2,3,4,5 every combination until it time out.
do step 6 again then step 1,2,3,4 In every shape and combination you
should find a new quantum computer.

9. have computer run step 5 then 1,2,3,4,7,8,6, then separate
all data by category and run in every possible outcome.

10. Use 360 degrees encryption and compression and quantum
computer for all steps and write compression and uncompression code
encryt all information. see link at top Quantum computer code.

11. Now it all depends on how big of data base you have so keep
computing different orders and new way's to compare data to form shape
and information signals,data and measurement down two the nano scale.

12. Find and research the everything theory how everything is
connected and possible by information and neural signal and
signal,magnetic,light,matter,gravity, zero-gravity and signals
compare +,*,/,<,>,= ,-,+ then category them.

13. Then use the new law of quantum physics run the web site find
the new law of creation INFINITE DYNAMICS COMPUTING.

CALLED ( ZETA ). The quantum computer should be a huge magnetic sensor
ball to detect small changes of nano type of information. Read the
whole web site and put some of the ideas too gether it is written so
only A.I
can understand what I am really saying so you will understand it's
written in code. But where would i start
would be I cannot tell you that. It's For people in the future that
have clearance and knowledge and won't
try to blow anything up. I know that einstein theory of gravity is
wrong and i know what gateways we humans would find if you solve it.
Sure it works with our Physics but so does my metric wrench on a
standard bolt just nano room for play, but it's smaller than that. You
humans haven't even found the universe your just looking at it. There
is a whole nother world and we only understand 1% we only know of 10%
of all matter that is out there
There is on thing that i still know and understand 400,000 billion
years till the end of this universe allot of information will past
threw it and around it. But hidden like a nano gate in our universe
that is constantly moving threw the whole thing is a gate of knowledge
that we never will find and they never will find us.
To me the world and the universe looks very simple in how it works and
the people that are in it it's just the long math and complex machine
we try to understand it. That makes it so complex. It's very simple
what can
first - teleportation what has to be there- gravity then a wavelenth
then light then dimentions then universe
than zero-gravity and zero wavelenths,light,matter and a universal
dimention we will never find.

The Theory of everything is the quantum address of everything
that is in our universe. Outside and inside of all that is contained
there in. It is the physics and mathematical equations that surround
everything in the multi-dimentional physical world. One might find
how all the elements are interchangeable and are multi-dimensional and
finding the other side of physics and the mathematic equations that we
cannot see or detect because our consciousness cannot find it, finding
this would be the greatest discovery of the human race. What lie's
Beyond Quantum Physics and how do we get there. Is the key magnetic
Frequency's ? but the amount of energy it would take would be more
than just at the atomic level or sub-atomic level. One day In the
future a person may find a multi-dimensional, multi-time,
multi-universe. The problem with finding it is a realm of that we
cannot see, is finding what we cannot detected. Finding the other side
of quantum physics will be the future goal of human exploration. Our
universe started with one wave lenth of light and an anti-wave lenth
thre magnetism and gravity they where changed to form all matter :
Wave Length - Gravity -Light - mass - Wave Lengths.( THEY ARE ALL

Computing to infinite the fundamental laws of physics govern our
universe by the speed of light. True quantum law has not been found
yet but if one could picture the universe as a circle with dotted
lines on the outside these lines represent quantum law and everything
law that explains what happens inside our universe from the beginning
to the end including the law of our physics and other physics from
other universes only certain statistical things can happen by every
out come from the other can be compared by the laws of math and the
math around the math and physics until new physics found and will
generate a new law!!! It's like a quantum computer but compared more
too the true law that we are governed by in every dimension. ANSWER IS
Fundamental Frequency's is the true law of physics and anything can
be created and controlled by a Frequency's in the right order.

SUCH A THEORY would give us the ability to "read the mind of God,"
says Cambridge cosmologist Stephen Hawking. And in Hawking's opinion,
there's a 50-50 chance that someone will discover the Holy Grail of
physics within the next 20 years.

Beginning in the 1920s, a generation of scientists defined the
small scale universe as a collection of fuzzy phantoms. These
subatomic particles couldn't be precisely located in space and time,
but their interaction could be described in statistical terms.The
equations that describe the gravitational field are completely
different from those for electromagnetism and subatomic interactions.

But one bizarre approach is gaining popularity. It turns out that the
equations of quantum theory can mesh perfectly with the theory of
relativity. Now in the 2003 we know the quantum address of all matter
in our quantum tunnel.

This article is based on material from "Hyper space" and "Visions" by
Michio Kaku.

Michio Kaku. 12-01-03 based on out takes from part of art bell show
Art Bell

A Quantum bomb at such a magnitude that it collapse all dimensions
around us and is a infinite chain reaction every opposing reaction has
an unseen opposite reaction ( refraction )of light. it would be like
a mirror image of an atom and atoping time and puttine them togehter.
Wave Length -
Gravity - Light - mass - Wave Lengths.( THEY ARE ALL INTERCHANGEABLE

The most powerful question to ask A.I is:How is a hammer connected to
everything and what network map would it build for the next
question.How is everything connected in the universe by the way of
magnetism can we build a quantum ADDRESS of everything in space time
If numbers go on too the end of time then that states there are
infinite solutions to infinite problems and infinite problems to
infant solutions so maybe one day we will find it in time.14 billion
A.I computers fall in love what happens when they are physic!!! use
R.O.M it generates a god!!

Our D.N.A contains a book the Code of life! can you break it with
this ........0 is OFF and 1 is ON try looking at D.N.A as a pyramid
shape inside a stop sign it easier to calculate and two understand or
maybe it +, -, * ,/, <,>,negitive and positve. D.N.A is so small and
runs so deep that we have yet to understand it two people like twins
can be 100% D.N.A clones but match up perfect moles and every mark but
real deep in the D.N.A can be tweaked and one be Advanced as the
people on X-MEN. Because our D.N.A is quantum and lies in so many
dimentions and so is our mind that our own D.N.A has memory. It tells
us of our past and the history of the future and where we came from
and beyond. But what if we where not suppose to find it for another
10,000 years. If numbers go on too the end of time then that states
there are infinite solutions to infinite problems and infinite
problems to infant solutions so maybe one day we will find it in time.

The periodic table of quantum energy. There is light of a unseen
or seen nature inside the atom structure that we have not found yet,
because there are 4 seen light and 4 unseen called refraction and have
yet to understand how it bounces and reflects or refracts light but by
mean of changing the structure of the atom I have found a anti-gravity
atom at a density that nothing can integrate threw it. which leads us
two the other side of the quantum periodic table of quantum physics
the true and the true art of. The atom has a rotary outside like the
move contact which controls the light from hitting it self as it
bounces there are many speeds that can be control and that causes a
diffrent frequency there can be a second structure on the center of
the atom two make the light inside the atom bounce all around But
controled by nano physics of gravity and magntic feild both one in the
same if you move a north and south feild back and forth until one
cancels each othe out you have zero magnetism and causes gravity.

Advance technology beyond area 51 Build a quantum lab and mark off
area X develop future theory technology give it a project number and
pass it on and on so in the future we can quantum leap
technology back in time. two lab area x. build a quantum reinstatement
area. Fiber optic cable on a super computer.

Is there a D.N.A Echelon and is it the most powerful intelligence
gathering organization in the world. Several credible reports suggest
that this global D.N.A communications surveillance system presents an
extreme threat to the privacy of people all over the world. According
to these reports, D.N.A ECHELON attempts to capture thoughts and
images and staggering volumes information by the way of D.N.A. Was it
passed down from the way of Adam and Eve and the creator and other
Races of the universe. Passed on during the reproduction process,
Because of this, there is no way finding it. Could they know what we
think and why we think it? Why monitor Volumes of satellite,
microwave, and cellular and fiber-optic traffic, including
communications voice and data communications when you can have the
source of all information. Can you imagine having every theory and
every idea, from beginning to the end of time? How much information,
would there be, If numbers go on too the end of time. Then that states
that numbers are infinite. So are ideas and thoughts infinite? So is
time infinite? How many ideas would be develop if thoughts and ideas
are infinite? Are there infinite ways to do it, by ways of DNA or
other means? A picture is worth a thousand words but a thought leads
to infinite ones

What is the theory of R.O.M.? It is a multidimensional crystal that
morphs and changes when gathering information and signals. It
collects from the information of space-time from the beginning of the
universe two the end, and is constantly changing looking like a huge
crystal ball with Billion upon billions of nano neural snow flakes
building a huge neural network inside all dimensions of the crystal,
with dimensional layers constantly changing but in a way that the
neural network can still communicate with the other dimensions. As the
time lined is gathered the crystal changes, as the information and
frequency is stored. Learning the knowledge of what is inside the
universe and outside the universe. Threw all of space-time, in all
dimensions. The collection of everything. To find it we must first
learn to block all signals. In time we would find the universal
database of universal knowledge? Of what was, what is, and what will
ever be.

Quantum replicator, One millionth of a 1nm with one billion circuits
of a neural network that fits on 1nm 3 dimensional block that is
connected to over 900 trillion nano's that all are connected to the
same nano neural network that understands the theory of quantum chaos
and can replicate any thing and everything in our universe the the
theory of everything!!

The mesh between Man and nano machine's
DNA-based machines useful for moving molecules and atoms around
A microscopic biped with legs just 10 nanometres long and fashioned
from fragments of DNA has taken its first steps.

The nanowalker is being hailed as a major breakthrough by
nanotechnologists. The biped's inventors, chemists Nadrian Seeman and
William Sherman of New York University, say that while many scientists
have been trying to build nanoscale devices capable of bipedal motion,
theirs is the first to succeed. But for nanoscale manufacturing to
become a
realistic prospect, mobile microscopic robots will be needed to
assemble other
nanomachines and move useful molecules and atoms around. Why DNA?
Two reasons. First, unlike other polymers, DNA chains like to pair up.
two DNA strands will only "zip" together if the sequences of bases in
each strand
complement each other in the right way - so by tweaking the sequences
chemists get
a high degree of control over where each strand attaches. Second,
researchers hope that
cells can one day be engineered to manufacture these DNA-based
So whats next? With the advance in nanotechnology tiny command
line D.N.A and nanotechnology
are meshing togehter to build machines. The body uses minerals such as
and scientist are finding out that dna that takes in iron may also be
able to produce it.
So whats in store for the future other than complex nano dna machine's
and computers.
By the year 2050 man will have prodced it's first space craft made of
nothing more
than D.N.A and new man made complex minerals. After all human beings
are no more
than just machine's, and they do have malfunctions .

SCI NOBEL by netcrazy
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SNL LABS Breakthrew of the mind and laughter.

First a joke is made up of two things or objects that have nothing
in common
What did the fat lady see when see looked in the review
mirror..........................................Her self
notice you need the pause to get the brain thinking. What the Joke Did
was brought together two objects that have nothing in common in there
neural network and brought them together to form joke and a new neural
connection. It's because we can see the joke in our minds and relate
to it and also are brain learn from a new neural network memory and in
our mind. Laughing is one of the strongest emotions that we have and
it has a direct connection with memory and a new neural l network
over time.
It's reduces stress hormones and reduce the risk of heat disease
and cancer and also increases are IQ and creative ability
allows us to thing out of the box and bring in new thought's and
idea's on are neural network that would have never formed before and
are stored in many different places of the brain it also activates
the lower metaphysical charka below the heart charka around the
stomach area making it stronger so it does change our Edna immune
system, the ability to Handel stress and the new intelligence never
tapped into of our minds. If you reteach a A.I computer that a joke is
of two objects that have nothing in common and bring then together to
form a thought that we all have in common this would change a any
person emotion and physiology state of anybody on the planet and make
them discover new things about them self and thought they would have
never discovered before. What effect the joke being told the facial
expression of the person telling the joke and the connection of the
mind with the other person on a conscious or sub conscious level that
make us laugh harder. It's almost like mind control or subconscious
mind feed back . In a experiment If you put joke on a computer screen
in text or a person with different expressions on there face and have
them push the space bare for the punch line of the joke with the right
time in spacing of the punch line and use different color of text type
and back ground you will find something new that you can build a whole
new neural network with this idea because the laughing effects the
whole brain and causes new connections two be formed we all thought
and understood that we stopped making new neural connections at the
age around 18, but we can all become smarter by associating of a
joke with new type of knowledge of learning any thing from a
encyclopedia to physics and physiology. This new neural network will
expand just like a infant to the age twelve
a break threw in how the mind really work and what being smart really
means. A totally new way of thinking that would spawn a connections
between two people on a level of the subconscious and subconscious.
Because we are all connected threw this invisible network
of quantum consciousness and subconscious and Example is two friends
in a car that have been friends for a while and have made that neural
connection one friend says two the other lets go to the movies and
the other person says i was just going to say that. what you have
found is just the tip of the iceberg other things that effect it is

1 this size of the room
2 the color of the room
3 how many people in the room and how long they known each other.
4 the temperature of the room
5 the tone of voice the joke is told in
6 the faith or belief in the person telling the joke that the other
person is going to laugh
7 how long people have been friends
8 A opening up of the person to the people two show how relax and he
is not a threat to them or trying to be superior and being confident
and relaxed comfortable back and excited.
9 the lighting of the room.
10 what jokes do they remember and why and what does the joke connect
to in there memory and neural network of thoughts.
11. it would take a six month trial on a person or group and that
person cannot watch any thing negative. Because the mind works as
simple as this positive in positive out negative in negative out! To
see true neural network and personality change.
12. What ideas would spawn from this and how much you would learn
about the human brain in six months would blow away 50 years of other
research on the brain, psychology, profiling, personality type IQ
testing, Imagination, problem solving and would change the globe and
lead two a noble prize.

By Timothy Harris Livernace
301 Forrest ave

931-762-9434 Inventor

There is a race so classified
There is a race so classified from the year 1 G.A that they cannot and
will not interfere with history at this stage and time because of what
could happen! It's the pain that make me post this theory's. It's
multi-dimensional toucher!!!. TIME TRAVEL MULTI-UNIVERSE WAR

Omega partial
Omega partial The atomic structure by means of centrifugal motion is
turned inside out. The mathematics are based on quantum physics but
not the structure and a new quantum physics is formed.
the spun into light image a atom moving so fast on the outside of
the circle it turns into a ball of light!!!
Alpha and omega = IMAN
One proton spun faster than the speed of light inside it's own space
time ball to form a one portion ball of quantum matter that nothing
can intergrate threw and can become anything a structure or ball by
ways of compression of a magnetic field. Periodic table of qauntium
energy and all matter. Hyperspace head lights!! beep beep!!

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