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Seamus is Roy Schestowitz, notorious Linux advocacy troll.

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Nym Shifter

Dec 12, 2010, 2:39:12 PM12/12/10
> Nym Shifter" <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote in message
> news:ie32bf$ist$
> "Nym Shifter" <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote in message
> news:ie1pe8$l25$
>>I was really hoping Seamus would mend his ways. But it is now becoming
>>quite clear that this simply is not to be.
> I just want to state, for the record, that I am the poster who usually
> posts under the name "Nym Shifter", and I did not write any of the post
> described above. I don't know anything about this "Roy" business.

Nice try, Seamus. Or rather, Roy.

You are Roy Schestowitz, notorious Linux advocacy troll.

Every day you continue to troll usenet I will make another post like this
one, outing your latest sock and crossposting to one or two other newsgroups
you have posted to recently.

Attempting to sow confusion by forging my own posts, or by posing as "Steve"
and "glyph" to try to deflect the blame onto another real-world personage,
will avail you of nothing, Roy.

Eventually you will learn your lesson.


Dec 12, 2010, 4:22:20 PM12/12/10
In article <ie38d0$1kb$>,

Paul pretending to be Nym Shifter <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote:
>> Nym Shifter" <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote in message
>> news:ie32bf$ist$
>> I just want to state, for the record, that I am the poster who usually
>> posts under the name "Nym Shifter", and I did not write any of the post
>> described above. I don't know anything about this "Roy" business.
>Nice try, Seamus. Or rather, Roy.

> [...etc]

Sorry Paul, but your cover is now completely blown.

It's quite easy to check that your post was made from the same IP
as those from 'meerkats', 'Chad' et al... The other -- presumably
original -- Nym Shifter is posting from a different IP.

And anyone actually bothering to do a web wander will find that virtually
all the mentions of "Roy Schestowitz" are to a PhD at Manchester (UK, of
course). I could find only one hatchet job from someone who obviously
mainly wants to diss Linux.

OTOH there's a trail to Paul Derbyshire that shows a person *exactly*
fitting your profile. I'd suggest a clear need for psychiatric help,
but I realize you have no intention of seeking it.

So I will just go back to ignoring you. You're not even worth the
hassle of plonking -- you'r so easy to see coming...

-- Pete --


Dec 12, 2010, 8:07:19 PM12/12/10
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
In article <ie38d0$1kb$>,
"Nym Shifter" <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote:

Hi, Seamus.

Nym Shifter

Dec 13, 2010, 11:03:28 AM12/13/10
"Purpleswandir" <> wrote in message
> On 13/12/2010 1:13 AM, David Johnston wrote:
>> On Nov 30, 6:17 pm, Purpleswandir<> wrote:
>>> On 30/11/2010 2:14 PM, David Johnston wrote:
>>>> Yes, you always say that.
>>> How can you say that I "always" anything when you've only just met me?
>> I've never met you.
> Exactly.
>> But you've been [false accusation and insult deleted]
> I have not!

You are Roy Schestowitz, notorious Linux advocacy troll.

Every day you continue to troll usenet I will make another post like this
one, outing your latest sock and crossposting to one or two other newsgroups
you have posted to recently.

Attempting to sow confusion by forging my own posts, or by posing as

"Pete", or "glyph" to try to deflect the blame onto another real-world


Dec 13, 2010, 1:49:07 PM12/13/10

As far as I'm concerned, every one of you spewing off-topic nonsense into and is Seamus, including you, AND
Steve, AND Purpleswandir (what kind of a stupid name is that?), AND
everyone else who shows more than the slightest interest in the whole
"who's Seamus?" affair.

It's the simplest explanation -- one single lunatic is trolling many
newsgroups and joe-jobbing people like Roy and Paul and Ken Pangborn for
whatever reason. (Maybe those three people did something to piss you off?)

No matter. I'm not going to get involved any further. I'm killfiling you
and I'm killfiling any nym who a) is obviously Seamus ("where's my
show?!" as debut post, [insult deleted], etc.), b) makes their first post
to any group be about Seamus, or c) becomes clearly-Seamus at any point
later in time.

Furthermore I'm recommending everyone else do the same, and also that
they reserve their own judgment about any of the names that have been
mooted as possible real identities for Seamus. There are now three of
those that I am aware of. Clearly at least two of those three are wrong,
and probably all three of them are. Regarding the accusations swirling
around any of them as anything but scurrilous gossip therefore clearly
has at least a 66% chance of playing right into Seamus's hands and
helping him joe-job some innocent schmuck.

This will be my last post on this topic.

Silent followup-to ignored. Followups set to alt.troll on this post.

Have a nice day.

P.S. Please stop spewing all this off-topic shit into cljp and rat!!!

P.P.S. *plonk!*

P.P.P.S. Merry fucking Christmas.

P.P.P.P.S. And a happy goddamn New Year.

Dec 13, 2010, 4:14:43 PM12/13/10
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
ClassCastException <zjkg3...@gmail.invalid> writes:

4> Newsgroups:,comp.os.os2.advocacy,,,

4> As far as I'm concerned, every one of you spewing off-topic
nonsense into
4> and is Seamus, including you,
4> Steve, AND Purpleswandir (what kind of a stupid name is that?),
4> everyone else who shows more than the slightest interest in the
4> "who's Seamus?" affair.

What does your concern have to do with OS/2, Exception?

4> It's the simplest explanation -- one single lunatic is trolling
4> newsgroups and joe-jobbing people like Roy and Paul and Ken
Pangborn for
4> whatever reason. (Maybe those three people did something to piss
you off?)

What does your explanation have to do with OS/2, Exception?

4> No matter. I'm not going to get involved any further. I'm
killfiling you
4> and I'm killfiling any nym who a) is obviously Seamus ("where's my
4> show?!" as debut post, [insult deleted], etc.), b) makes their
first post
4> to any group be about Seamus, or c) becomes clearly-Seamus at any
4> later in time.

Famous Last Words.

4> Furthermore I'm recommending everyone else do the same, and also
4> they reserve their own judgment about any of the names that have
4> mooted as possible real identities for Seamus. There are now three
4> those that I am aware of. Clearly at least two of those three are
4> and probably all three of them are. Regarding the accusations
4> around any of them as anything but scurrilous gossip therefore
4> has at least a 66% chance of playing right into Seamus's hands and
4> helping him joe-job some innocent schmuck.

What does your recommendation have to do with OS/2, Exception?

4> This will be my last post on this topic.

Famous Last Words.

4> Silent followup-to ignored. Followups set to alt.troll on this

What does that have to do with OS/2, Exception?

4> Have a nice day.

What does that have to do with OS/2, Exception?

4> P.S. Please stop spewing all this off-topic shit into cljp and

But it's okay for you to spew off-topic shit into cooa, eh Exception?

4> P.P.S. *plonk!*

Famous Last Word.

4> P.P.P.S. Merry fucking Christmas.

What does your foul language have to do with OS/2, Exception?

4> P.P.P.P.S. And a happy goddamn New Year.

What does your foul language have to do with OS/2, Exception?

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 13, 2010, 9:00:17 PM12/13/10
On 13-12-2010 20:27, Lew wrote:
> Captain Infinity wrote:
>> Killfile on the Message-ID. If it contains aioe, it's Seamus.
> And he's the only one who uses that? Are you quite certain? We should
> killfile an entire news server for one douchebag? is a rather widely used news server today, when
many ISP's has removed NNTP from their standard offerings.


Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Dec 14, 2010, 7:49:50 PM12/14/10
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
=?UTF-8?B?QXJuZSBWYWpow7hq?= <> writes:

6> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

6> is a rather widely used news server today, when
6> many ISP's has removed NNTP from their standard offerings.

What does that have to do with OS/2, Arne?

Nym Shifter

Dec 14, 2010, 8:08:38 PM12/14/10
"Pete" <> wrote in message

> It's quite easy to check that your post was made from the same IP
> as those from 'meerkats', 'Chad' et al...

I'm his college roommate, you idiot. Of course it was made from the same IP,
since there's only one ethernet port in our dorm room!

Nym Shifter

Dec 14, 2010, 8:10:46 PM12/14/10
"Willy Wonka" <> wrote in message
> On 14/12/2010 7:27 PM, RichA wrote:
>> Is that why they seem to have so many holidays from production?
> Even that wouldn't explain missing *reruns*.

You are Roy Schestowitz, notorious Linux advocacy troll.

Every day you continue to troll usenet I will make another post like this
one, outing your latest sock and crossposting to one or two other newsgroups
you have posted to recently.

Attempting to sow confusion by forging my own posts, or by posing as "Steve"

and "glyph" to try to deflect the blame onto another real-world personage,


Dec 14, 2010, 8:12:04 PM12/14/10
Why this is marked as abuse? It has been marked as abuse.
Report not abuse
Im sure that unlike many in my newsgroup
(, Im actually totally cool with this
crossposting idiocy - but thats only because inbetween the now rare
roguelike posts the only other reading material available is DISCOUNT
groups, I know.

But seriously guys, you can all do better than this:

>> But you've been [false accusation and insult deleted]
> I have not!

1) [deleting insults] is a very weak method of control. The above was
in the first post crossed into my newsgroup so I cant look back at
previous posts in the thread, and Im too lazy trawl through the
origional newsgroup/post for the start of the whole thing. Doing this
actually weakens your position, since hiding your opponents remarks
has prevented me from making my own judgements on who has the more
justified position in the argument. Do you have something to hide? Was
it actually a better [false accusation and insult] than the one you
were able to muster, and thus must be [deleted] lest you embarrass

Which brings me to

2) >I have not! certainly appears to make this the case. This is a no-
content playground response, and doesnt even allude to what the
[deleted false accusation] was. In all very unentertaining, and there
are simply way too many examples of this.

3) What does this post have to do with OS/2, Numeron? Well this: Its a
reply to your own questioning of the crossposting in
comp.os.os2.advocacy, and the validity of those posts in relation to
the topic of the newsgroup. Its merely an extention of a conversation
which you belive to be centered on the OS/2 group, despite its tangent
of a topic. At its core it can be no more or less valid to OS/2 than
your own posts because it is in part based directly on your posts and
shares the same topic.

I liked this: it was good and irritating, especially since you also
aimed it at people who took an oposing position to Saemus (just to
make sure everyone is pissed off), and the extra hypocracy in having
posted in other newsgroups to ask only about its relevancy to yours is
brilliant. After all, what does your post have to do with roguelikes,

But Ive seen the same post 20 times over now, and the material got old
quick. The line by line dissections of already large posts have caused
me to tl;dr large sections of your writing, which is not something you
should be aiming for because the people you do it to will do the same
- and I assume that since you are writing it you actually intend
someone to read it. After one post it stops being clever, and starts
being spam in the thread to skip over.

4) *plonk* is always a sad thing to see. If you want someone in your
killfile then just put them there, and its all over. Actually writing
it shows a great weakness in that you have to have your last word and
then quickly escape lest you be demolished in return; something which
is not a great risk in these threads regardless. One way or another
its troll food, but its very un-nourishing - leading to even lamer
responses - and rather than encouraging people to do the same, it
encourages people to write the same.

5) "utter bullshit" "Asshole!" "What the hell is this shit" (taken
from the medical emergency thread)
Swearing demonstrates that your are letting your emotions get the
better of you, that you are beginning to lose control. Sharpen up. you
arent going to totally ruin someone someone by calling them names, you
have show more wit than that - and that can only happen when you have
a clear head.

Ive left plenty of troll food in this post for you all.

Now either get the party started or get out of


Dec 14, 2010, 8:49:23 PM12/14/10
"Nym Shifter" wrote:
> Eventually you will learn your lesson.

Plonk, you troll, "Nym Shifter". I doubt that you will ever learn your lesson.

Ceci n'est pas une pipe.


Dec 14, 2010, 9:26:02 PM12/14/10
"Nym Shifter" <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote in message

That is most helpful in fracturing
the illusion.
Until now you read as being a
non-douching crack whore using
stolen i-Pad(s) to post between two bit
truckers blowing their load(s) in your ass!

Now either get the party started or get out of


Dec 14, 2010, 10:25:38 PM12/14/10
On Dec 15, 12:26 pm, sp0t <> wrote:
> "Nym Shifter" <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote in message
> <news:ie94f0$snc$
> >"Pete" <> wrote in message

> >
> >> It's quite easy to check that your post was made from the same IP
> >> as those from 'meerkats', 'Chad' et al...
> >I'm his college roommate, you idiot. Of course it was made from the same IP,
> >since there's only one ethernet port in our dorm room!

sharing an ethernet port, that sounds so romantic! do you also share
your bed, or is he not so keen on having to sleep on a bed with a
plastic covering to prevent your nightly urine releases soaking into
the matress?

> That is most helpful in fracturing
> the illusion.
> Until now you read as being a
> non-douching crack whore using
> stolen i-Pad(s) to post between two bit
> truckers blowing their load(s) in your ass!

Doubtless the desire to wear the blonde wig and dress remain none the
less. Its just sad, Nym, that you cant go out into public like that
lest you are mistaken for a witch and chased into a forbidden woods by
a mob with pitchforks and torches.


Dec 14, 2010, 10:39:42 PM12/14/10
Clockwork <> wrote in message
Doubtless a fixation in using "refresh" bud.
Your works are all clocked up, Guggles Groper!
Decipher the headers yew hallucinating tosser.
arf! arf!

De Lurker

Dec 14, 2010, 11:29:03 PM12/14/10
On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 21:39:42 -0600, sp0t wrote:

I see that torrents of off-topic posts continue to pour into,
half of them on the topic of politics and half part of the big Seamus

Cut it out!

De Lurker

Dec 14, 2010, 11:34:38 PM12/14/10
On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 20:49:23 -0500, Lew wrote:

> "Nym Shifter" wrote:
>> Eventually you will learn your lesson.
> Plonk, you troll, "Nym Shifter". I doubt that you will ever learn your
> lesson.

I see that torrents of off-topic posts continue to pour into,

Message has been deleted

Adam H. Kerman

Dec 15, 2010, 12:19:17 AM12/15/10


>Cut it out!

Hi seamus


Dec 15, 2010, 1:20:04 AM12/15/10
On 2010-12-15, Nym Shifter <n...@shifter.invalid> wrote:
> Every day you continue to troll usenet I will make another post like this
> one, outing your latest sock and crossposting to one or two other newsgroups
> you have posted to recently.

... Says someone posting as "Nym Shifter", who does not offer any support for
his alleged claims? Yeah, the believability index here is hovering around
twenty below.

> Eventually you will learn your lesson.

The lesson is, no matter how good or bad you are, some Usenet kook will
attach himself to you and claim that you are very bad indeed.

Copyright 2010, all wrongs reversed. Peter Seebach / <-- lawsuits, religion, and funny pictures <-- get educated!
I am not speaking for my employer, although they do rent some of my opinions.


Dec 15, 2010, 1:52:03 AM12/15/10
De Lurker wrote:
> I see that torrents of off-topic posts continue to pour into,
> half of them on the topic of politics and half part of the big Seamus
> flamefest.
> Cut it out!


Message has been deleted

Willy Wonka

Dec 15, 2010, 12:16:58 PM12/15/10
On 14/12/2010 8:10 PM, Nym Shifter wrote:
> "Willy Wonka" <> wrote in message
> news:ie923c$ncn$
>> On 14/12/2010 7:27 PM, RichA wrote:
>>> Is that why they seem to have so many holidays from production?
>> Even that wouldn't explain missing *reruns*.
> You are Roy Schestowitz, notorious [insult deleted].

I most certainly am not.

> Every day you [false accusation deleted] I will [threat deleted]

I don't respond well to threats.

> Attempting to sow confusion by [false accusation deleted] will

> avail you of nothing, Roy.

I don't do those things and my name's not Roy.

> [threat deleted]

I don't respond well to threats.

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 15, 2010, 6:51:02 PM12/15/10
On 15-12-2010 12:16, Willy Wonka wrote:
>> [threat deleted]
> I don't respond well to threats.

Those phrases are seen before in cljp.

Nobody misses them though!


Arne Vajhøj

Dec 15, 2010, 6:55:53 PM12/15/10

Only that somebody suggested in an OS2 group to
filter everything from


Dec 16, 2010, 8:40:38 AM12/16/10
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <> writes:

7> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

7> Only that somebody suggested in an OS2 group to
7> filter everything from

That somebody can make that suggestion anywhere.


Dec 16, 2010, 8:25:52 PM12/16/10

Including, apparently, comp.os.os2.advocacy. :)

Dec 17, 2010, 10:49:30 AM12/17/10
ClassCastException <zjkg3...@gmail.invalid> writes:

5> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

5> Including, apparently, comp.os.os2.advocacy. :)

But why? Out of the tens of thousands of newsgroups, why
pick that one?

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Willy Wonka

Dec 17, 2010, 11:11:14 AM12/17/10
On 15/12/2010 6:51 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> On 15-12-2010 12:16, Willy Wonka wrote:
>>> [threat deleted]
>> I don't respond well to threats.
> Those phrases are seen before in cljp.
> [implied insult deleted]!


Dec 17, 2010, 3:46:18 PM12/17/10
Purpleswandir <> writes:

3> Newsgroups:,comp.os.os2.advocacy,,,

3> I am not.

What does your denial have to do with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

3> I don't respond well to threats.

What does ClassCastException's alleged threat have to do
with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

3> My name is not Roy and "Nym Shifter" is a liar.

What does your classic pontification have to do with OS/2,

3> I don't respond well to threats.

What does ClassCastException's alleged threat have to do
with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

3> Go to hell. Go directly to hell, do not pass "GO", do not collect

What does your Monopoly reference have to do with OS/2,

3> The only [insult deleted] here is "Nym Shifter".

What does that have to do with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

3> You should have stood pat at killfiling "Nym Shifter".

What does your advice have to do with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

3> Thanks for at least notifying us, dickwad. Followup-to ignored. :)

Who is "dickwad", Purpleswandir? There is nobody in this newsgroup
using that alias.

3> Seasons fucking greetings to you too, asshole!

Who is "asshole", Purpleswandir? There is nobody in this newsgroup
using that alias. And what does your foul language have to do with
OS/2, Purpleswandir?

4> Newsgroups:,comp.os.os2.advocacy,,,

4> I am not.

What does your denial have to do with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

4> I don't respond well to threats.

What does Nym Shifter's alleged threat have to do
with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

4> My name is not Roy.

What does your classic pontification have to do with OS/2,

4> I don't respond well to threats.

What does Nym Shifter's alleged threat have to do
with OS/2, Purpleswandir?

Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 19, 2010, 4:11:02 PM12/19/10
On 14-12-2010 20:08, Nym Shifter wrote:
> "Pete" <> wrote in message

>> It's quite easy to check that your post was made from the same IP
>> as those from 'meerkats', 'Chad' et al...
> I'm his college roommate, you idiot. Of course it was made from the same
> IP, since there's only one ethernet port in our dorm room!

This reminds me about the supposedly two australians 1-2
years ago.


PS: You could still have different IP addresses even
in that context by using a switch instead of a NAT

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 19, 2010, 4:12:14 PM12/19/10
On 17-12-2010 23:44, Kevin McMurtrie wrote:
> In article<ie9gjj$ri2$>,
> De Lurker<delanc...@harvard.nospam.invalid> wrote:
>> On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 17:12:04 -0800, Clockwork wrote:
>> snip

>> I see that torrents of off-topic posts continue to pour into,
>> half of them on the topic of politics and half part of the big Seamus
>> flamefest.
>> Cut it out!
> It's spam from Google's unmaintained Usenet gateway. Drop all articles
> with '' in the Message-ID header and be happy.

At least one of the participants including the worst actually
also uses some of the free news servers around the world, so
not 100% effective.


Arne Vajhøj

Dec 19, 2010, 4:13:16 PM12/19/10


But somebody actually chose to do so in your group.


Arne Vajhøj

Dec 19, 2010, 4:14:52 PM12/19/10

Good question.

cljp has seen him frequently.

The Lisp group as well.

I guess the OS/2 people were the unlucky ones this time.


Arne Vajhøj

Dec 19, 2010, 4:16:07 PM12/19/10
On 17-12-2010 11:11, Willy Wonka wrote:
> On 15/12/2010 6:51 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
>> On 15-12-2010 12:16, Willy Wonka wrote:
>>>> [threat deleted]
>>> I don't respond well to threats.
>> Those phrases are seen before in cljp.
>> Nobody misses them though!
> No.

They are seen before.

And I am pretty sure that nobody have missed them.


Dec 19, 2010, 4:49:57 PM12/19/10
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <> writes:

8> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

8> Sure.

Glad you agree, Arne.

8> But somebody actually chose to do so in your group.

And the question is why. Just because it can be done
doesn't explain why it was done, Arne.

9> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

9> At least one of the participants including the worst actually
9> also uses some of the free news servers around the world, so
9> not 100% effective.

What does Harrison's use of a free news server have to do with
OS/2, Arne?

10> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

10> Good question.

10> cljp has seen him frequently.

10> The Lisp group as well.

10> I guess the OS/2 people were the unlucky ones this time.

I'd rather not rely on a guess, Arne.

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 19, 2010, 5:03:52 PM12/19/10
On 19-12-2010 16:49, tho...@antispam.ham wrote:
> =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?=<> writes:
> 8> But somebody actually chose to do so in your group.
> And the question is why. Just because it can be done
> doesn't explain why it was done, Arne.


But since I did not bring it up, then I can not
explain why.

> 10> Good question.
> 10> cljp has seen him frequently.
> 10> The Lisp group as well.
> 10> I guess the OS/2 people were the unlucky ones this time.
> I'd rather not rely on a guess, Arne.

Neither would I.

But I don't know why he choose OS/2 this time.

What I do know is that when he once has been in a group he
likes to come back occasionally.


John B. Matthews

Dec 20, 2010, 12:03:21 AM12/20/10
In article <4d0e74df$0$23764$>,
Arne Vajhøj <> wrote:

> On 14-12-2010 20:08, Nym Shifter wrote:
> > "Pete" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> It's quite easy to check that your post was made from the same IP
> >> as those from 'meerkats', 'Chad' et al...
> >
> > I'm his college roommate, you idiot. Of course it was made from the
> > same IP, since there's only one ethernet port in our dorm room!
> This reminds me about the supposedly two australians 1-2 years ago.

Yes, it's very reminiscent of this thread:


and this article in particular:


John B. Matthews
trashgod at gmail dot com

Dec 20, 2010, 8:10:02 AM12/20/10
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <> writes:

12> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

12> No.

Glad you agree, Arne.

12> But since I did not bring it up, then I can not
12> explain why.

I've already taken it up with the person who did bring it up,

12> Neither would I.

Glad you agree, Arne.

12> But I don't know why he choose OS/2 this time.

Nor does he want to answer the question, apparently.

12> What I do know is that when he once has been in a group he
12> likes to come back occasionally.

Nothing unusual there. Look at dizzy.

Willy Wonka

Dec 20, 2010, 1:14:09 PM12/20/10
On 19/12/2010 4:16 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> On 17-12-2010 11:11, Willy Wonka wrote:
>> On 15/12/2010 6:51 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
>>> On 15-12-2010 12:16, Willy Wonka wrote:
>>>>> [threat deleted]
>>>> I don't respond well to threats.
>>> Those phrases are seen before in cljp.
> [misquotes me and implies an insult]

Do not misquote me again.

>> No.
> They are seen before.


> And I am pretty sure that [implied insult deleted].


John Kirkpatrick XVII

Dec 20, 2010, 1:16:22 PM12/20/10

Actually I don't see tholen using any other service than google groups
to post.

Curiosity killed the cat.
Satisfaction brought him back.


Dec 20, 2010, 1:21:26 PM12/20/10
On 19/12/2010 4:49 PM, tho...@antispam.ham wrote:
> =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?=<> writes:
> 9> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,
> 9> At least one of the participants including the worst actually
> 9> also uses some of the free news servers around the world, so
> 9> not 100% effective.
> What does Harrison's use of a free news server have to do with
> OS/2, Arne?

That's nasty, tholen. You imply with this that I am "the worst".

I can tell you what I am "the worst". I am the worst deep sea diver. I
am the worst ballerina. (My falsetto is particularly terrible!) I am
quite possibly the worst space shuttle pilot you have ever seen. Along
with much of the rest of the population, of course. And you wouldn't
want to come within a mile of me if you saw me enter a karaoke bar, say,
because I lost a bet.

Meanwhile I'm an okay guy and I know a thing or two about software
engineering. Funnily enough I sometimes use Java but have never posted
to until now, because of tholen's crossposting
to badmouth me there.

Dec 20, 2010, 5:39:39 PM12/20/10
John Kirkpatrick XVII <> write:

1> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

1> Actually I don't see tholen using any other service than google
1> to post.

What does your experience have to do with OS/2, Kirkpatrick?

Dec 20, 2010, 5:48:24 PM12/20/10
Tim <tharris...@h0tmail.invalid> writes:

43> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

43> That's nasty, tholen.

You've earned it, Harrison.

43> You imply with this that I am "the worst".

Can you name anybody using more aliases than you, Harrison?

43> I can tell you what I am "the worst". I am the worst deep sea
diver. I
43> am the worst ballerina. (My falsetto is particularly terrible!) I
43> quite possibly the worst space shuttle pilot you have ever seen.
43> with much of the rest of the population, of course. And you
43> want to come within a mile of me if you saw me enter a karaoke
bar, say,
43> because I lost a bet.

What do all of your deficiencies have to do with OS/2, Harrison?

43> Meanwhile I'm an okay guy and I know a thing or two about
43> engineering.

Too bad you don't know the difference between "erroneous" and
not indicating any disagreement with what was quoted, and even
refuse to acknowledge the difference after it has been pointed
out to you, Harrison.

43> Funnily enough I sometimes use Java but have never posted
43> to until now,

What about any of your other aliases, Harrison?

43> because of tholen's crossposting

Still suffering from reading comprehension problems, Harrison?
It was "Nym Shifter" who added comp.os.os2.advocacy to the
distribution of an article that included
in the distribution, in response to one of your aliases.

43> to badmouth me there.

Go deal with it there, Harrison.

Relf> People like Tim Harrison, Seamus MacRae, Tholen and "Murphy"
Relf> flood newsgroups because they insist on having the last word.

Me> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to
Me> do with OS/2, Relf?

Harrison> Moreover, you quoted it and you quoted it uncritically,
Harrison> as if it were true, rather than indicate any disagreement
Harrison> with what you were quoting.

I see that you've chosen the option to continue to look like a
"blithering idiot", Harrison, and repeatedly so. I called Relf's
remark "erroneous", as substantiated in the above quotation, yet
you failed to see any indication of disagreement in my response,
as substantiated in the above quotation. Obviously you're the liar,
Harrison, which is rather ironic, considering your accusations.

Nym Shifter

Dec 20, 2010, 11:41:26 PM12/20/10
"Ferdinand the -14th" <f...@bar.invalid> wrote in message
> On 20/12/2010 12:31 AM, Gutless Umbrella Carrying Sissy wrote:
>> Ferdinand the -14th<f...@bar.invalid> wrote in
>> news:iemfm1$hja$
>>> The worst arc of SG-1 was far, far better than the best of, say,
>>> Star Trek: Voyager or BSG or even LOST.
>> Won't argue on ST:V or Lost. BSG, well, you're [vicious insults
>> deleted]
> BSG was crap. BSG has probably moved some viewers to suicide. BSG was
> Galactica in name only.

You are Roy Schestowitz, notorious Linux advocacy troll.

Every day you continue to troll usenet I will make another post like this
one, outing your latest sock and crossposting to one or two other newsgroups
you have posted to recently.

Attempting to sow confusion by forging my own posts, or by posing as
"Pete", or "glyph" to try to deflect the blame onto another real-world
will avail you of nothing, Roy.

Eventually you will learn your lesson.

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 21, 2010, 7:14:17 PM12/21/10
On 20-12-2010 00:03, John B. Matthews wrote:
> In article<4d0e74df$0$23764$>,
> Arne Vajhøj<> wrote:
>> On 14-12-2010 20:08, Nym Shifter wrote:
>>> "Pete"<> wrote in message
>>>> It's quite easy to check that your post was made from the same IP
>>>> as those from 'meerkats', 'Chad' et al...
>>> I'm his college roommate, you idiot. Of course it was made from the
>>> same IP, since there's only one ethernet port in our dorm room!
>> This reminds me about the supposedly two australians 1-2 years ago.
> Yes, it's very reminiscent of this thread:
> <>
> and this article in particular:
> <>

Those two gentlemen or should I say one non-gentleman.

The actual thread I was thinking about was:

I was thinking about.


Ferdinand the -14th

Dec 23, 2010, 9:14:55 PM12/23/10
On 20/12/2010 11:41 PM, Nym Shifter wrote:
> "Ferdinand the -14th" <f...@bar.invalid> wrote in message
> news:ieof8h$8mr$
>> On 20/12/2010 12:31 AM, Gutless Umbrella Carrying Sissy wrote:
>>> Ferdinand the -14th<f...@bar.invalid> wrote in
>>> news:iemfm1$hja$
>>>> The worst arc of SG-1 was far, far better than the best of, say,
>>>> Star Trek: Voyager or BSG or even LOST.
>>> Won't argue on ST:V or Lost. BSG, well, you're [vicious insults
>>> deleted]
>> BSG was crap. BSG has probably moved some viewers to suicide. BSG was
>> Galactica in name only.
> You are Roy Schestowitz, notorious Linux advocacy [insult deleted].

Don't be absurd. I am Ferdinand the Minus Fourteenth, Crown Prince of

> Every day you continue to [false accusation deleted] I will [threat
> deleted]

I don't respond well to threats.

> Attempting to [false accusation deleted] by [false accusation
> deleted] will avail you of nothing, Roy.

My name is Ferdinand, not Roy.

Heike Svensson

Dec 23, 2010, 10:20:01 PM12/23/10
Tim <tharris...@h0tmail.invalid> writes:
> On 20/12/2010 5:48 PM, tho...@antispam.ham wrote:

>> Tim <tharris...@h0tmail.invalid> writes:
>> 43> That's nasty, tholen.
>> [insult deleted], Harrison.
> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?

>> 43> You imply with this that I am "the worst".
>> Can you name anybody using more aliases than you, Harrison?
> Superman. He uses two, "Clark Kent" and "Superman".
>> What do all of your [insult deleted] have to do with OS/2, Harrison?
> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?

>> 43> Meanwhile I'm an okay guy and I know a thing or two about
>> 43> software engineering.
>> Too bad you [numerous insults deleted], Harrison.
> What do these classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claims have to do with OS/2, Tholen?

>> 43> Funnily enough I sometimes use Java but have never posted
>> 43> to until now,
>> What about any of your other aliases, Harrison?
> Since I have none, obviously none have posted to

>> 43> because of tholen's crossposting
>> [insults deleted]
> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?

>> 43> to badmouth me there.
>> Go deal with it there, Harrison.
> I'll deal with it in every newsgroup where the insult was posted, so as to ensure my rebuttal is seen by the same audience, Tholen.

>> Relf> People like Tim Harrison, Seamus MacRae, Tholen and "Murphy"
>> Relf> [false accusation deleted]
> What does Relf's classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?
>> I see that you [insult deleted]
> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?
>> you [insult deleted]
> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?
>> [calls me a liar]
> What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous claim have to do with OS/2, Tholen?

Yeah, Tim, you tell him! Send him packing! Tell that nasty tholenbot
what to go do with itself!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Send him packing!

Dec 23, 2010, 10:27:31 PM12/23/10
Ferdinand the -14th <f...@bar.invalid> writes:

3> Newsgroups:,,comp.os.os2.advocacy,,

3> Don't be absurd. I am Ferdinand the Minus Fourteenth, Crown Prince
3> Pefkakia.

What does your fantasy have to do with OS/2, Ferdinand?

3> I don't respond well to threats.

What does your emulation of Tim Harrison have to do with
OS/2, Ferdinand?

3> My name is Ferdinand, not Roy.

What does your emulation of Tim Harrison have to do with
OS/2, Ferdinand?

3> I don't respond well to threats.

What does your emulation of Tim Harrison have to do with
OS/2, Ferdinand?

4> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy

4> Am not!

What does your emulation of Tim Harrison have to do with
OS/2, Ferdinand?

4> That's telling him, copeab!

What does your emulation of Tim Harrison have to do with
OS/2, Ferdinand?

Ferdinand the -14th

Dec 23, 2010, 10:30:36 PM12/23/10
On 23/12/2010 10:27 PM, tho...@antispam.ham wrote:
> Ferdinand the -14th<f...@bar.invalid> writes:
> 3> Newsgroups:
> 3> Don't be absurd. I am Ferdinand the Minus Fourteenth, Crown Prince
> of
> 3> Pefkakia.
> What does your [insult deleted] have to do with OS/2, Ferdinand?

What does your classic unsubstantiated and erroneous liese majeste have
to do with OS/2, Tholen?

Dec 23, 2010, 10:38:04 PM12/23/10
Heike Svensson <> writes:

4> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

4> Yeah, Tim, you tell him! Send him packing! Tell that nasty
4> what to go do with itself!

Who is "tholenbot", Svensson? There is nobody in this newsgroup
using that alias.

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

4> Send him packing!

What does your redundancy have to do with OS/2, Svensson?

Heike Svensson

Dec 23, 2010, 11:18:34 PM12/23/10

It's not redundancy, it's cheerleading. Haven't you ever watched football?


Dec 24, 2010, 12:29:53 AM12/24/10

That thread doesn't remind me much of this one. On clicking through and
reading the first 20 or so posts, it looks like that thread is a debate
about the relative merits of changing /* ... */ comments so they nest,
making commenting out blocks of code less fraught with peril. It's mostly
technical and though there are strong opinions on both sides it is an on
topic and mostly productive discussion.

This, on the other hand, is a flame thread, whose very name is an
accusation. The whole thing is quite obviously off-topic in pretty much
every newsgroup it was crossposted into and started by a flame baiter who
has the remarkable audacity to actually call himself "Nym Shifter".

Far from being a technical debate that maybe got a little spirited, this
is a thread started by a troll and used as a platform for character
assassination and that was never on topic much of anywhere.

Dec 24, 2010, 12:57:23 PM12/24/10
Heike Svensson <> writes:

10> Newsgroups: comp.os.os2.advocacy,

10> It's not redundancy, it's cheerleading.

What does your cheerleading have to do with OS/2, Svensson?

10> Haven't you ever watched football?

What does your question have to do with OS/2, Svensson?

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 24, 2010, 6:06:02 PM12/24/10

As it should be clear from what was quoted, then the similarity
is about the supposedly two persons and the one IP address.



Dec 26, 2010, 10:10:34 PM12/26/10

Anyone posting to a programmers' newsgroup ought to know that IPs and
human identities are nowhere near in 1:1 correspondence, so it simply
makes no sense to me that the sole salient similarity between two threads
would be that they involved people sharing one internet connection at
school. So, I assumed there was also some behavioral similarity you'd
noted that caused the two instances to seem related, but when I examined
the thread you linked to I didn't find one.

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 27, 2010, 10:46:53 AM12/27/10

Often the simplest explanation is the correct one.

When something is quoted, then it usually is because that is
what is considered relevant.

Trivial. No subtle tricks about people having to read
references to get the context.



Dec 27, 2010, 5:20:48 PM12/27/10

At this point, the simplest explanation seems to be you saw a spurious
resemblance between random events that took place years apart and
inexplicably made a big fuss about it. :-)

> When something is quoted, then it usually is because that is what is
> considered relevant.

Then why post the link, if what's at it is NOT relevant?

Arne Vajhøj

Dec 27, 2010, 6:48:02 PM12/27/10

But it is.

Not the technical part, but the "explanation" about
the two posters backing each other having the same
IP address.


Arne Vajhøj

Dec 27, 2010, 6:51:16 PM12/27/10

I could have given a little reading guidance to what
in the thread I was referring to.

But I assumed that people would find it.

Well - assumptions is the mother of most fuckups. :-)



Dec 28, 2010, 4:15:59 PM12/28/10

That's another DISsimilarity. The two posters were backing each other up
in that other thread. Here they seem to be flaming one another.

Arne Vajhøj

Jan 8, 2011, 9:09:37 PM1/8/11


But multiple identities sometimes back each other and sometimes
disagree violently.

I guess it depends on whether the point is the topic or trolling.



Jan 8, 2011, 10:01:48 PM1/8/11

That is illogical. You cannot use the fact that two pseudonymous users
agree as evidence that they are one and the same person, and
simultaneously use the fact that two pseudonymous users do not agree as
evidence that they are one and the same person. It is an elementary
result of Bayes's Theorem that if P is evidence in favor of Q, then ~P
must be evidence in favor of ~Q, and thus against Q.

For example, if P is a likely result of Q, and improbable in the absence
of Q, then P is strong evidence for Q, but ~P is also strong evidence
for ~Q. If P is highly improbable in the absence of Q, but not
especially likely in the presence of Q, then P is strong evidence for Q
but ~P is only weak evidence against Q. However, it is never the case
that both P and ~P are evidence for Q, or that both are evidence against Q.

For further information I refer you to:

Arne Vajhøj

Jan 8, 2011, 10:26:08 PM1/8/11

Well - I did not.

I argued that two pseudonymous users posting with the same IP address
is most likely the same person.

And I argued that whether they agree or argues does not change that.

I don't think that is a theorem - it is often called "common sense".



Jan 8, 2011, 11:06:16 PM1/8/11
On 08/01/2011 10:26 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> I argued that two pseudonymous users posting with the same IP address
> is most likely the same person.
> And I argued that whether they agree or argues does not change that.

And therein lay your mistake. I would think that the hypothesis becomes
somewhat more probable if they agree, and significantly less probable if
they disagree.

Arne Vajhøj

Jan 9, 2011, 10:54:54 AM1/9/11

You may think so.

But the disagreeing is also a well known phenomenon.




Jan 9, 2011, 5:21:37 PM1/9/11
On 09/01/2011 10:54 AM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
> On 08-01-2011 23:06, Spock wrote:
>> On 08/01/2011 10:26 PM, Arne Vajhøj wrote:
>>> I argued that two pseudonymous users posting with the same IP address
>>> is most likely the same person.
>>> And I argued that whether they agree or argues does not change that.
>> And therein lay your mistake. I would think that the hypothesis becomes
>> somewhat more probable if they agree, and significantly less probable if
>> they disagree.
> You may think so.

I don't just think so; I know so. The disagreeing may not rule your
hypothesis out but it surely makes it less probable, and as per Bayes's
theorem, exactly one of the agreeing and the disagreeing must make it
less probable. So unless you're saying *agreeing* makes it less probable
that two 'nyms are socks, my conclusion stands.

0 new messages