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Re: ANN: Dogelog Player 1.1.5 (HTTP Server)

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Mild Shock

Jan 23, 2024, 5:57:41 AMJan 23

Quick update. This is fun we switched the implementation
of library(util/spin) in Dogelog Player for Java from Tomcat 11
embedded to this thingy here:

Module jdk.httpserver - Package

JEP 408: Simple Web Server

Works fine so far and seems to be an itch speedier. Its
already available in our current devel version 1.1.6 of
Dogelog Player for Java via our GIT.

Mild Shock schrieb:
> Dear All,
> We are happy to announce a new edition of the
> Dogelog player:
> - Enhanced library(misc/markup):
>   The library(misc/markup) has been extended to
> include a unified DOM writer abstraction. It can
> write to the GUI DOM in the browser, and it is also
> possible to write the DOM serialized in XML to a
> file. There are a variety of use cases for the
> library, e.g. creating static HTML pages.
> - New library(misc/vector):
>   In this library we have brought together everything
> related to SVG that was previously scattered in
> the libraries library(misc/markup) and library(misc/react).
> The new advantages of the extended library (misc/markup)
> can also be used here, so the creation of static
> SVG pages is now supported.
> - New library(util/spin):
>   The library provides a unified HTTP server
> abstraction.  There are concrete implementations
> for nodeJS using node:http, for PyPy using http_server
> and for JDK 21 using Tomcat embedded.  Local browser
> GET of 50,000 bytes via Prolog atom text lines
> enumeration requires approx. 5-10 ms for all Dogelog
> Player targets.
> Have Fun!
> Jan Burse, 21.01.2024,

Mild Shock

Feb 2, 2024, 5:34:18 AMFeb 2

Dogelog Player is a Prolog system that was
conceived to run on coroutine capable targets
if a target can implement the instruction ‘$YIELD’/1.
So far this was realized for JavaScript and Python
including a notion of tasks. We enhanced the
instruction and do now provide async I/O.

We now invoke first a promise factory and then
call the ‘$YIELD’/1 instruction. We might equally
well rename it into a ‘$AWAIT’/1 instruction. We
then use our new library(spin) and demonstrate
running multiple HTTP servers in our single
threaded Dogelog Player.

See also:

Async I/O in Dogelog Player

Async I/O in Dogelog Player

Mild Shock schrieb:
> We describe the implementation of a dynamical HTML
> page in Prolog that displays the moon phase seen from
> the northern hemisphere for a given day. The code
> demonstrates a HTTP server addition to Dogelog Player,
> a Prolog system 100% written in Prolog itself available
> for the platforms JavaScript, Python and Java.
> We spent one morning to create a dynamical HTML page,
> that shows the moon phase of a day via SVG. The coding
> is similar to how one is usually dealing with a TTY,
> lowering the learning curve. The single Prolog text
> can be used to serve the HTML page unchanged via
> JavaScript, Python or Java.
> See also:
> Moon Server with Dogelog Player
> Moon Server with Dogelog Player
> Mild Shock schrieb:

Mild Shock

Feb 20, 2024, 11:10:21 AMFeb 20

Dogelog Player is a Prolog system that features a
‘$YIELD’/1 instruction. The instruction was conceived
for single threaded runtimes with an event loop. We
could now demonstrate how to realize it without
an explicit event loop in a multi threaded runtime.

The idea is that threads use a bouncer semaphore
to get a permission to execute and thus become
“coroutines”. Now that we have layed the foundation
we started asyncifying Dogelog Player for Java.
We demonstrate a HTTP server and HTTP client
interaction in the same JVM.

See also:

Surrogate Async/Await with JDK 21

Surrogate Async/Await with JDK 21
> We already reported the new capability
> that we can read async from streams. We made
> this available for the file system reads on
> nodeJS. We report here about a further progress
> extending the async approach to HTTP fetch in
> the browser and on nodeJS.
> Multiple downloads make a case for async I/O
> since RFC 2616 limits the number of connections.
> HTTP/2 allows to send off multiple requests
> which async I/O can capitalize. We demonstrate
> quasi-parallel execution in Dogelog Player for
> both the browser and nodeJS.
> See also:
> Async HTTP Client for Dogelog Player
> Async HTTP Client for Dogelog Player

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