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ML vs. Lisp

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Paul Rubin

Feb 9, 2007, 5:02:39 PM2/9/07
Besides the infix syntax and the static type system, can someone
describe the difference between ML and Lisp from a programmer's point
of view? Should a Lisp programmer be able to get accustomed to .*ML
(insert your favorite dialect prefix for ".*") without a lot of
adjustment? I can tell you that does NOT happen with Haskell ;).


Joachim Durchholz

Feb 9, 2007, 6:49:11 PM2/9/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

Lisp has a lot of introspection, and coming with that are various forms
of quoting.
*ML doesn't have or need that.

Lisp allows the construction of executable code at runtime.
ML doesn't have that (whether it would need that is something that MLers
and Lispers probably disagree).

Lisp has macros that work at the syntax tree level.
Macro processors are not available for all *MLs (and they aren't
considered obligatory).

The default data structure for Lisp is the linked list.
The default data structure for *ML is the tagged union (aka algebraic
data type); linked lists are one (important) variant of that class of types.
Also, Lisp lists are by default mutable, while ML lists are not. (This
particular difference isn't as important in practice, because most Lisp
programs don't mutate lists, and because it's possible to have mutable
lists in ML, so the two language groups meet on a middle ground of
"lists are mostly immutable".)

These are just those that come to my mind. I'm pretty sure people with
more direct experience with both systems can enumerate more differences.


Vesa Karvonen

Feb 9, 2007, 7:19:35 PM2/9/07
Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> Besides the infix syntax and the static type system, can someone
> describe the difference between ML and Lisp from a programmer's point
> of view?

From a programmer's point of view, I'd say that the big diffence
between the two kinds of language is that the kind of things that one
would do using macros (e.g. or dynamic
typing (e.g. in Lisp or Scheme one does with
combinators in ML. It takes some time to learn and master. For
learning, I'd recommend reading articles on combinator libraries.

> Should a Lisp programmer be able to get accustomed to .*ML

[intentionally cut the rest]


-Vesa Karvonen

Steve Schafer

Feb 9, 2007, 9:44:20 PM2/9/07
On 09 Feb 2007 14:02:39 -0800, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid>

>Should a Lisp programmer be able to get accustomed to .*ML (insert your
>favorite dialect prefix for ".*") without a lot of adjustment? I can
>tell you that does NOT happen with Haskell ;).

If you find that Haskell wreaks havoc on your brain, then ML probably
will, too, though perhaps to a lesser extent.

Steve Schafer
Fenestra Technologies Corp.

Tim May

Feb 9, 2007, 11:05:24 PM2/9/07
In article <>, Steve Schafer
<> wrote:

> On 09 Feb 2007 14:02:39 -0800, Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid>
> wrote:
> >Should a Lisp programmer be able to get accustomed to .*ML (insert your
> >favorite dialect prefix for ".*") without a lot of adjustment? I can
> >tell you that does NOT happen with Haskell ;).
> If you find that Haskell wreaks havoc on your brain, then ML probably
> will, too, though perhaps to a lesser extent.

ML is not too different from Scheme. Almost not worth the effort.

Haskell is really crazy, elegant, mind-blowing, pure, strange....but
enough so that it's _worth it_ to "break on through to the other side."

--Tim May

Paul Rubin

Feb 9, 2007, 11:17:36 PM2/9/07
Tim May <> writes:
> ML is not too different from Scheme. Almost not worth the effort.

From a practical standpoint (of trying to escape from godforsaken
languages like C while still writing tight code) I'm hoping that
compile-time type checking can eliminate some debugging, and
similarly, getting rid of dynamic typing makes much better runtime

> Haskell is really crazy, elegant, mind-blowing, pure, strange....but
> enough so that it's _worth it_ to "break on through to the other side."

Yeah, that's why I've been spending time on it and should try to get
back to it. Ultimately though writing real applications in it seems
dodgy, e.g. Arch is very slow, that poker guy gave up on it and
converted his server to Erlang, etc.

Steve Schafer

Feb 9, 2007, 11:21:21 PM2/9/07
On Fri, 09 Feb 2007 20:05:24 -0800, Tim May <>

>ML is not too different from Scheme.

I would think that stuff like type inference would be enough to qualify
as "different enough."

Paul Rubin

Feb 9, 2007, 11:22:39 PM2/9/07
Vesa Karvonen <> writes:
> From a programmer's point of view, I'd say that the big diffence
> between the two kinds of language is that the kind of things that one
> would do using macros (e.g. or dynamic
> typing (e.g. in Lisp or Scheme one does with
> combinators in ML. It takes some time to learn and master. For
> learning, I'd recommend reading articles on combinator libraries.

Thanks, do you recommend any particular articles? I think I
understand the gist of what you're saying, though I don't know ML
syntax enough to really grok those two examples.

Tim May

Feb 10, 2007, 1:36:50 AM2/10/07
In article <>, Paul Rubin
<http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote:

That was _his_ application. Note that nether darcs (the CVS sort of
program) nor Pugs (the language in which Perl 6 is being written) was
written in Erlang.

Popularity is rarely a good measure, in any case.

--Tim May

Paul Rubin

Feb 10, 2007, 1:56:52 AM2/10/07
Tim May <> writes:
> > dodgy, e.g. Arch is very slow, that poker guy gave up on it and
> > converted his server to Erlang, etc.
> That was _his_ application. Note that nether darcs (the CVS sort of
> program) nor Pugs (the language in which Perl 6 is being written) was
> written in Erlang.

Sorry, yeah, I meant darcs not Arch. Darcs is well known to be quite
slow and have scaling problems--I dunno whether a comparable
implementation in another language would have had similar problems.
Pugs's slowness can't be held against it since it was supposed be a
prototype, so ok. The poker guy gave up on Haskell because 1) he
spent too much time fighting the type system and decided he was more
productive with dynamic types; and 2) his application (a very highly
concurrent, high traffic internet server) kept uncovering bugs in the
GHC runtime that hadn't been subjected to that kind of stress before.

I do get the impression that doing anything serious in Haskell
requires fairly deep wizardry not needed for Lisp, Erlang, Python,
etc. However, I continue to fool around with Haskell and I still want
to write something nontrivial in it just for educational purposes,
since I don't think the very tiny things I've tried with it so far
really give the flavor.

> Popularity is rarely a good measure, in any case.

True. But the experiences of actual users count for something.

Vesa Karvonen

Feb 10, 2007, 7:05:22 AM2/10/07
Tim May <> wrote:

> ML is not too different from Scheme. Almost not worth the effort.

I disagree. While there are similarities (strict, impure), ML is
quite different (dynamic typing vs static typing with type inference;
no module system or namespaces (R5RS) vs fairly sophisticated module
system; mutable bindings, strings, cons cells, and vectors vs
immutable bindings, cons cells, strings, and vectors and (only)
mutable ref cells and arrays; no standard pattern matching, algebraic
datatypes, or records vs all of them in the standard; no specified
evaluation order vs fully specified evaluation order (SML); no
standard exception handling but call/cc vs no standard call/cc
(available in SML/NJ and MLton) but exception handling; often
interpreted (or bytecode) vs usually compiled; functions take a list
of arguments vs a function always takes a single argument; macros vs
no macros; symbols ('x) vs algebraic datatypes; prefix syntax vs
programmer definable infix operators) from (R5RS+) Scheme (list would
slightly different with Common Lisp). Programming in ML feels quite
different from programming in Scheme. I use both regularly.

-Vesa Karvonen

Paul Rubin

Feb 10, 2007, 7:14:25 AM2/10/07
Vesa Karvonen <> writes:
> Programming in ML feels quite
> different from programming in Scheme.

Well, ok, Python also feels different from Scheme, but someone used to
one can switch to the other easily. Most of the differences in your
list are comparable to Scheme-vs-Python differences. But some are
not, particularly those dealing with the type system and its
consequences, and that's the part I have no real experience with.

Mark T.B. Carroll

Feb 10, 2007, 7:56:06 AM2/10/07
Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> writes:

> Sorry, yeah, I meant darcs not Arch. Darcs is well known to be quite
> slow and have scaling problems--I dunno whether a comparable
> implementation in another language would have had similar problems.

My impression is that it would: it's partly about design decisions and
suchlike, rather than intrinsically-Haskell stuff.

> Pugs's slowness can't be held against it since it was supposed be a
> prototype, so ok.

I know nothing about Pugs.

> The poker guy gave up on Haskell because 1) he
> spent too much time fighting the type system and decided he was more
> productive with dynamic types;

That's an interesting one. I grew up with static stuff (e.g., I learned
SML before I learned Common Lisp, and always liked languages like
Modula-3) (and also untyped stuff, like assembler) and when writing in
Lisp I think in ML, and I don't feel constrained by that, so I wonder if
my mind is just bent to think of problem solutions that don't need
dynamic types. Rather like, coming from an imperative background, FP is
initially hard because you have to push the obvious imperative solution
out of your head first before you have a chance of seeing the functional
one. I may just be a bad Lisp programmer. (-:

> and 2) his application (a very highly concurrent, high traffic
> internet server) kept uncovering bugs in the GHC runtime that hadn't
> been subjected to that kind of stress before.

Mmmm, I can believe that.

FWIW Haskell people do care about performance and progress is being
made. For example, Strings used to be a common reason why applications
were slow, so just lately we have much shinier ByteString stuff instead.
(Actually, I don't know if this is an issue with darcs.) Similarly, now
we also have Sequences where, unlike lists, we can tolerably efficiently
append to the end of a long one.

> I do get the impression that doing anything serious in Haskell
> requires fairly deep wizardry not needed for Lisp, Erlang, Python,
> etc.


That's quite possible. Even from an FP background Haskell hurts my head
a lot. I still have much to learn about it. Whereas, with most
languages, after few weeks I'd usually have a good command of things
that weren't just details.

"Anything serious" is overstating it a bit, though. Once you understand
GADTs and monad transformers you can go a very long way. Much of what
I'm learning now, I don't actually /need/, but it's nice to have. It's
like mathematics, where when you understand a new field, you see how you
could have used it in the past, but in the past you did manage muddle
through some other way, you weren't actually hamstrung. Like these
people who don't initially notice when 'design patterns' like unfoldr or
Monoid apply, they just write a little function that does the same


Functional programming vacancy at

Mark T.B. Carroll

Feb 10, 2007, 8:00:24 AM2/10/07
Steve Schafer <> writes:

> On Fri, 09 Feb 2007 20:05:24 -0800, Tim May <>
> wrote:
>>ML is not too different from Scheme.
> I would think that stuff like type inference would be enough to qualify
> as "different enough."

Well, in some ways, it doesn't a lot change how you write the program,
it's more about when you learn about the error ?

Jon Harrop

Feb 10, 2007, 9:22:43 AM2/10/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Well, ok, Python also feels different from Scheme, but someone used to
> one can switch to the other easily. Most of the differences in your
> list are comparable to Scheme-vs-Python differences. But some are
> not, particularly those dealing with the type system and its
> consequences, and that's the part I have no real experience with.

Just to underline Vesa's point that Scheme/Python and ML are very different
languages, have a look at this schemer's attempt at solving the n-queens
problem in OCaml:

Compare to my attempt and some optimisations:

It is worth looking at the mistakes the schemer made in his ML:

1. He used several pointless types, e.g. type posn = Posn of int * int.
2. He misused pattern matching, e.g. as an explicit replacement for
destructing bind:

let board_ref b x y =
match b with
Board (squares, size) -> Array.get squares (index_of_coord x y size);;

3. He added superfluous parentheses.
4. He didn't understand OCaml's equality:

if c != Safe then c

5. He didn't leverage built-in higher-order functions.
6. He added lots of unnecessary boxing.

let rec placement board posn rem =
match board, posn with
None, _ -> None
| _, None -> None
| Some (Board (squares, size) as b), Some (Posn (x, y) as p) ->

7. His code wasn't factored, e.g. into his own higher-order functions.
8. Finally, he opted for a slower, array-based approach rather than using
the much simpler and faster list-based approach.

There are two main sources of bad OCaml code. The main source is people
coming from a C++ background who try to use objects for everything because
they don't know any better. Look at the Glome ray tracer, for example:

The author used objects because he didn't know how to implement mutual
recursion without them. I made exactly the same mistakes when I came to
OCaml from C++.

The other source of bad OCaml code is programmers used to dynamic typing.
They typically define many unnecessary sum types and try to box all values
in terms of these. This results in slow, unreliable code.

While I agree that a Schemer or Python programmer can sit down and knock out
some ML that might work, I can't emphasise enough that there is no point in
writing ML until you understand the trade-offs involved. ML is a superb
family of languages and it lets you solve many problems with remarkable
brevity. People won't realise that if they just try to "switch to ML

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
OCaml for Scientists

Jon Harrop

Feb 10, 2007, 9:31:40 AM2/10/07

We haven't discussed pattern matching much. IMHO, this is one of the biggest

Chris Rathman

Feb 10, 2007, 11:39:36 AM2/10/07
My long answer can be found in the translations (or lack thereof) of
the SICP examples into ML:

Chris Rathman

Jon Harrop

Feb 10, 2007, 6:02:07 PM2/10/07
Chris Rathman wrote:
> My long answer can be found in the translations (or lack thereof) of
> the SICP examples into ML:

I'm not sure that is very useful. The OCaml and F# implementations are quite
poor, they fail to leverage the languages' features and, instead, waste
much of their code reimplementing Lisp/Scheme right down to the variable
names and superfluous parentheses. I think this is fundamentally because
you're translating a book designed to teach Scheme into other languages.

Look at this excerpt, for example:

(* Due to the typeful nature of OCaml, we need to define a set of variants
that will allow us to encode the solution shown in SICP. It is a bit
than the scheme version, but sometimes that's the price you pay for type
type ('a,'b) mpair = MLeft of 'a | MRight of 'b | LSet of ('a -> unit) |
RSet of ('b -> unit)

let cons'' x y =
let x = ref x and y = ref y in
let set_x v = x := v
and set_y v = y := v
in function
| `Car -> Mleft !x
| `Cdr -> MRight !y
| `Set_car -> LSet set_x
| `Set_cdr -> RSet set_y
| _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "cons''")

Is this function ever going to be useful in OCaml? Can you find a single
OCaml program that uses a function like this?

Why car/cdr and not fst/snd?

Why dynamic dispatch rather than four separate functions?

Why the catchall pattern at the end?

Again, look at this comment:

Note also that this isn't exactly the most efficient way (or even the
intuitive way) of representing a queue in OCaml. But it's a close
translation of
the book.

To me, that says "this is not the way to implement a queue in OCaml".

From my point of view, SICP remains decades out of date and people
interested in learning something modern should look to modern examples.
Take a look at Markus Mottl's queue implementations, for example:

module BatchedQueue : QUEUE = struct
type 'a queue = 'a list * 'a list

let empty = [], []
let is_empty (f, r) = f = []

let checkf (f, r as q) = if f = [] then List.rev r, f else q

let snoc (f, r) x = checkf (f, x :: r)
let head = function [], _ -> raise Empty | x :: _, _ -> x
let tail = function [], _ -> raise Empty | _ :: f, r -> checkf (f, r)

This is the first port of call for a queue implementation in ML.

I'll take a quick look at some specifics. Ex 3.56:

(define (merge s1 s2)
(cond ((stream-null? s1) s2)
((stream-null? s2) s1)
(let ((s1car (stream-car s1))
(s2car (stream-car s2)))
(cond ((< s1car s2car)
(cons-stream s1car (merge (stream-cdr s1) s2)))
((> s1car s2car)
(cons-stream s2car (merge s1 (stream-cdr s2))))
(cons-stream s1car
(merge (stream-cdr s1)
(stream-cdr s2)))))))))

In OCaml, this is just:

# let rec merge = parser
| [<'h1; t1>] -> (parser
[<'h2; t2>] ->
if h1<h2 then [<'h1; merge t1 [<'h2; t2>]>] else
[<'h2; merge [<'h1; t1>] t2>]
| [<>] -> [<'h1; t1>])
| [<>] -> (parser [<t>] -> t);;
val merge : 'a Stream.t -> 'b Stream.t -> 'b Stream.t = <fun>

For example:

# let rec f = parser [<'h; t>] -> string_of_int h^f t | [<>] -> "";;
val f : int Stream.t -> string = <fun>
# f(merge [<'1;'3;'5;'7;'9>] [<'2;'4;'6;'8>]);;
- : string = "123456789"

There are many other example functions out there that are prohibitively
tedious or error prone to implement in Scheme, so you won't find them in

For anyone wanting to learn OCaml or F# from good code, I recommend:

and, of course, my book.

Look for any examples that leverage pattern matching, higher-order functions
and so on.

Markus E Leypold

Feb 10, 2007, 9:31:17 AM2/10/07
to (Mark T.B. Carroll) writes:

> Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> writes:
> (snip)
>> Sorry, yeah, I meant darcs not Arch. Darcs is well known to be quite
>> slow and have scaling problems--I dunno whether a comparable
>> implementation in another language would have had similar problems.
> My impression is that it would: it's partly about design decisions and
> suchlike, rather than intrinsically-Haskell stuff.

I' like to support this point of view. I've been told that the
algorithms Darcs uses are scaling badly in memory and time in certain
cases. So this would be not an implementation issue, not a Haskell
issue and unfixable until the specification would be changed (but I
think the Darcs-people would rather wait for better hardware and I'm
not so sure they would be wrong :-).

>> Pugs's slowness can't be held against it since it was supposed be a
>> prototype, so ok.
> I know nothing about Pugs.

Nor do I -- is that a typo?

>> The poker guy gave up on Haskell because 1) he
>> spent too much time fighting the type system and decided he was more
>> productive with dynamic types;
> That's an interesting one. I grew up with static stuff (e.g., I learned
> SML before I learned Common Lisp, and always liked languages like
> Modula-3) (and also untyped stuff, like assembler) and when writing in
> Lisp I think in ML, and I don't feel constrained by that, so I wonder if
> my mind is just bent to think of problem solutions that don't need
> dynamic types.

I do think that possible. There is a "cultural bias" in the choice of
programming tools -- which is the reason why "I don't have problems"
or "I know someone who never came to grasp with it" usually only have
limited significance for the general case.

> Rather like, coming from an imperative background, FP is
> initially hard because you have to push the obvious imperative solution
> out of your head first before you have a chance of seeing the functional
> one. I may just be a bad Lisp programmer. (-:
>> and 2) his application (a very highly concurrent, high traffic
>> internet server) kept uncovering bugs in the GHC runtime that hadn't
>> been subjected to that kind of stress before.
> Mmmm, I can believe that.

But I also believe that the GHC people are rather cooperative in
fixing those bugs (as compared with certain commercial vendors who
want to sell really expensive support contracts before they even
listento your description of a bug in _their_ product).

> FWIW Haskell people do care about performance and progress is being
> made. For example, Strings used to be a common reason why applications
> were slow, so just lately we have much shinier ByteString stuff instead.
> (Actually, I don't know if this is an issue with darcs.) Similarly, now
> we also have Sequences where, unlike lists, we can tolerably efficiently
> append to the end of a long one.
>> I do get the impression that doing anything serious in Haskell
>> requires fairly deep wizardry not needed for Lisp, Erlang, Python,
>> etc.
> (snip)
> That's quite possible. Even from an FP background Haskell hurts my head

Yeah. And that is, because the language emphasizes _smart_ programming
and there are such a lot of really smart people around in the Haskell
scene. But I think one doesn't have to use all that special stuff. One
is well of with 2 rules:

- The I/O Monad just works like imperative programming: Write your
main and I/O procedures in the I/O monad. Don't bothe what a
"monad" in the theoretical view is. You can just use ut.

- Everything else is pure and lazy. Write your data transformations
pure and lazy (outside the I/O monad).

You don't have to bother about the specialities for a long time.

> a lot. I still have much to learn about it. Whereas, with most
> languages, after few weeks I'd usually have a good command of things
> that weren't just details.

> "Anything serious" is overstating it a bit, though.

Yes. You can, i.e. write a complete compiler or XML transformation
tool in Haskell w/o much wizadry.

> Once you understand GADTs and monad transformers you can go a very
> long way. Much of what I'm learning now, I don't actually /need/,
> but it's nice to have. It's like mathematics, where when you
> understand a new field, you see how you could have used it in the
> past, but in the past you did manage muddle through some other way,
> you weren't actually hamstrung.

:-) Exactly my point, though I'd set the cutoff even earlier: People
don't have GADTs in other languages, so they don't strictly need them
in Haskel to do useful things.

> Like these people who don't initially notice when 'design patterns'
> like unfoldr or Monoid apply, they just write a little function that
> does the same thing.


Regards -- Markus

Chris Rathman

Feb 11, 2007, 1:24:21 AM2/11/07

Since the O'Caml and F# hadn't translated this particular example, I'd
have to show how the Alice ML was translated:

fun lazy merge (nil, s2) = s2
| merge(s1, nil) = s1
| merge (s1, s2) =
val s1car = hd s1
val s2car = hd s2
if (s1car < s2car)
then s1car :: (merge(tl s1, s2))
if (s1car > s2car)
then s2car :: (merge(s1, tl s2))
else s1car :: (merge(tl s1, tl s2))

val result = List.take(merge([1,3,5,7,9], [2,4,6,8,10]), 10);

Not necessarily the way you'd actually want to structure the code for
Alice ML, which has some hangover Scheme terminology. I found it
instructive as it shows a nice correlation with the Scheme code.

Chris Rathman

Feb 11, 2007, 2:11:08 AM2/11/07
Not sure why this didn't go through the first time, so apologies in
advance if it ends up being a duplicate.

On Feb 10, 5:02 pm, Jon Harrop <> wrote:

> I'm not sure that is very useful. The OCaml and F# implementations are quite
> poor, they fail to leverage the languages' features and, instead, waste
> much of their code reimplementing Lisp/Scheme right down to the variable
> names and superfluous parentheses. I think this is fundamentally because
> you're translating a book designed to teach Scheme into other languages.

The translation is mostly a self-education project. Some might find
it useful in a limited context. Others will find it muddled. It is a
"translation", not a methodical attempt to teach any of the other
languages, nor optimized algorithmic design in those PLs. Being a
translation, it's only natural that a lot of Scheme-isms will permeate
the code (though I can't think of better language to mimic than

That said, I disagree with your last point. SICP is designed to teach
programming, and Scheme just happens to be the vehicle used to
accomplish that goal. Many of the topics in SICP, such as HOFs, are
realized nicely in languages with modern type systems, while others
are not. It's all well and good to say that more modern languages
have emerged in the last 20 years, but SICP is still quite an
approachable introduction to many of the fundamental concepts of FP.
It won't teach you how to program in ML. But it will teach you most
of the ideas that form the basis of modern PLs.

> Is this function ever going to be useful in OCaml? Can you find a single
> OCaml program that uses a function like this?

Perhaps it's because the specific example chosen is demonstrating a
technique that does not translate well into an ML idiom. And perhaps
because there's not an ML idiomatic way to express this particular
technique, most O'Caml code will avoid using it.

> Why car/cdr and not fst/snd?

Are you saying that fst|snd are more meaningful than car|cdr (or my
SML bias that prefers hd|tl)? For the most part, the use of terms car
and cdr in the translation are limited to those functions in SICP that
are trying to directly define car & cdr (though I'll have to recheck
the O'Caml translation). Now most Scheme programmers are not going to
waste time defining car and cdr, as they will use the builtin
primitives. The question is why the authors of SICP waste time
defining these functions in a number of different ways?

> Why dynamic dispatch rather than four separate functions?

Perhaps because dynamic dispatch was the lesson being taught in that
particular example. The original SICP example that you chose to
highlight is about how message dispatch can be used to implement car
and cdr (fst & snd if you prefer). Now the O'Caml person may counter
by saying that no one in their right mind would ever want to define
fst and snd as a dispatched closure (shades of OOP here). But then no
right minded Schemer is ever likely to define car and cdr in that
manner either. So are the authors wasting our time showing us an
implementation that will never be used? Well, if the book were a
recipe book, then yes this little foray would be a waste of time. But
it also happens to teach us a lessons about functions, closures and
dispatch. And that lesson is much more valuable than simply handing
us a recipe about the best way to do something.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that this particular example doesn't
translate well to most other statically typed languages. But then the
original question was about the differences between Lisp and ML. In
that sense, the derivation of car and cdr as a closure in ML may at
least serve as an example (of the negative variety) of what Lisp
idioms to avoid when crossing the border to a typed language.
Personally, I find dynamic dispatch to be a useful programming
technique in dynamic languages. OTOH, I find working with types to be
a much better experience in ML. But then the discussion boils down to
one of tradeoffs. There is much effort put forth by those on both
sides of the aisle to attempt to recover some of that functionality on
the other side of the fence (shades of Oleg). When I get time, I'd
probably have a second less literal translation that uses classes for
this particular example. But I still think the literal translation is
useful for showing a bridge between the two languages.

> Why the catchall pattern at the end?

Because the compiler will complain about non-exhaustive pattern
matching. And it happens to correspond to the SICP example. If you
are dispatching on messages, as the Lisp is doing in the example, then
you may get an unexpected message. Again, you chose an example that
doesn't translate well to ML. The very fact that it corresponds to
message dispatch via functions and closures, tells us that the example
is going to be rather hard to translate. In short, the example is
exactly about message dispatch - not exactly a core strength of ML.
Even though it might be foreign to ML, the question is whether there
is a way to get message dispatch in the language?

Again, I'm not particularly satisfied with the translation of message
dispatch to ML. Most ML people will say that you have to re-educate
yourself to think differently, foregoing these things you happen to be
fond of in other languages. But the question is whether it's possible
to reacquire some of the tools from our toolbox that we have become
accustomed to in other languages? Perhaps not. Of course, this is
just a long-winded way to say that ML is not as dynamic as languages
like Scheme and Smalltalk - but that particular discussion may not be
productive. There is much better material on this particular subject
that other O'Caml users have provided - I just haven't had time to
digest it.

I do however find the overall response rather dismaying in that I
infer (probably incorrectly) that because these techniques are not
available in ML, they should be summarily swept under the rug, never
to be given serious consideration - effectively labelling them as a
distraction (pariah) to the way that ML'ers should think. It makes me
cringe a little when the ML and Haskell advocates (or advocates of any
other language or paradigm for that matter) say that you have to
completely relearn how you think and program. It may well be true,
but I find that having to redefine the craft every couple of years
rather grating. Has the process of thinking about programs really
changed since the release of SICP all those years ago? It was way
ahead of it's time. In some ways, I still think it's ahead.

> Again, look at this comment:
> Note also that this isn't exactly the most efficient way (or even the
> most
> intuitive way) of representing a queue in OCaml. But it's a close
> translation of
> the book.
> To me, that says "this is not the way to implement a queue in OCaml".

Well, that happens to be the connotation of the quote. The
translation of Scheme to ML is ok in some places, torturous in
others. It could also be said that the implementation of Queues given
in SICP is likely not the actual the implemetation that resides in
most modern Scheme dialects. There's a million ways to implement a
queue. Some are useful. Some are not.

> From my point of view, SICP remains decades out of date and people
> interested in learning something modern should look to modern examples.
> Take a look at Markus Mottl's queue implementations, for example:

If you want to learn how to implement queues (and a number of other
data structures) in ML, then at least send them to the definitive
source: Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki, of which
the link you give is a translation to O'Caml. I'd note that much of
chapter #3 of SICP is concerned with state (though I still haven't
figured out why streams was located in this chapter). So, yes, many
of the algorithms and examples are best formulated without state using
a functional approach.

But as long as we're on the subject, and handing out reading
recommendations, there's some interesting material in the book
Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming by Peter van
Roy and Seif Haridi.

In the book they cover constant time queues using dataflow variables
in chapter #3 (3.4.5 to be exact). But then that book is written
using Oz, much as SICP is written using Scheme. Alice ML can get us
real close - the translation page on SICP also has a link to a
translation of many of the book's examples to CTM. But then if you
just want to live in a single language and learn under a single
paradigm and find recipes for doing things, then SICP and CTM are not
the books to read to learn programming. But I have to agree to
disagree that SICP is out of date. It teaches many things that are
relevent today. It teaches us things we are still striving for. And
it does so quite elegantly. It's not without it's faults (as the HTDP
people and Wadler have pointed out). But if I'm looking for modern
techniques, I'd recommend CTM as the best current offering - a book
that I consider being the closest thing we have to a modern SICP.

That's not to say that the SICP translations are necessarily of high
quality (I spent an entire 4 hours trying to come up to speed on
O'Caml and translating chapters #1 & #2, though I confess it was
mostly a translation of the Alice ML code which I spent much more time
on). They are merely (feable) attempts at making the ideas locked in
SICP a bit more accessible to myself. Perhaps not useful to others,
but then you get what you pay for. And being on a wiki, others more
in tune with these languages can modify it to be more idiomatic and

> # let rec merge = parser
> | [<'h1; t1>] -> (parser
> [<'h2; t2>] ->
> if h1<h2 then [<'h1; merge t1 [<'h2; t2>]>] else
> [<'h2; merge [<'h1; t1>] t2>]
> | [<>] -> [<'h1; t1>])
> | [<>] -> (parser [<t>] -> t);;
> val merge : 'a Stream.t -> 'b Stream.t -> 'b Stream.t = <fun>
> For example:
> # let rec f = parser [<'h; t>] -> string_of_int h^f t | [<>] -> "";;
> val f : int Stream.t -> string = <fun>
> # f(merge [<'1;'3;'5;'7;'9>] [<'2;'4;'6;'8>]);;
> - : string = "123456789"

Well, one of the criticisms of ML and Haskell is that they tend to
value terseness in their definitions. Yes, a programmer immersed in
ML can easily understand this code. For those that are not - well it
can look as opaque as APL.

> There are many other example functions out there that are prohibitively
> tedious or error prone to implement in Scheme, so you won't find them in

And there are examples in SICP that are tedious and error prone to
implement in ML (as you point out above). If you are interested in
programming, I'd highly recommend SICP and CTM - way above most of the
books I've read on any particular PL - whether or not you happen to be
interested in Scheme or Oz. And as long as you happen to be reading
these books (or have read them in the past), perhaps seeing the ideas
expressed in other languages (however un-idiomatic) might help (or

> For anyone wanting to learn OCaml or F# from good code, I recommend:

So the question becomes how one learns ML? The answer is not a simple
- buy this book and you will suddenly possess ML-fu. Indeed, people
learn things in many different ways with different approaches. What
works for one, may not work for another. And learning isn't always a
go-or-no-go situation. People come to ML with different backgrounds
in programming. I happen to think that some of the all time best
introductory programming texts have come from the Scheme community. I
happen to also be naive enough to think that there's got to be a way
to leverage that material to other languages. But in no way do I
think this project amounts to a substitute for a more reasoned
presentation of O'Caml or F# - it's just one more resource in a sea of
resources that's available in the ocean of the internet.

> and, of course, my book.

I've heard good things about your O'Caml book, though I haven't read
it myself. I'm actually more interested in your F# book - Any news
you can share on the delivery?

> Look for any examples that leverage pattern matching, higher-order functions
> and so on.

And I would concur if your immediate goal is to learn ML.

Dirk Thierbach

Feb 11, 2007, 2:49:00 AM2/11/07
Markus E Leypold <>

> (Mark T.B. Carroll) writes:
>> Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> writes:

>>> Pugs's slowness can't be held against it since it was supposed be a
>>> prototype, so ok.

>> I know nothing about Pugs.

> Nor do I -- is that a typo?

Pugs is a prototype implementation of the "next generation" of the
Perl language, in Haskell. Google for it for more information.

- Dirk

Tim May

Feb 11, 2007, 3:05:30 AM2/11/07

My comment about Haskell was mainly in terms of what woud be the
biggest bang for the buck, not that Haskell would be more popular than
Erlang or OCaml or Scheme, not that it would be faster than C++ or

I was a physicist for many years. I started with BASIC in the 1960s.
Boring. Then "FORTRAN IV with WATFIV" in the early 70s. Boring.

Then various forms of BASIC and Pascal on my home computers (Proc.
Tech. SOL) and work computers (HP 9825A then PDP 11/34A then VAX
11/780, our company's second such machine, installed in my lab). We
also ran an early ADA compiler in our lab's VAX.

All very boring, as a physicist. Some of the early Smalltalk-80 stuff,
just appearing, was slightly interesting.

It took until the mid-80s for Lisp Machines to make programmng truly

Later, I toyed with Squeak, a Smalltalk implementation. Not much
different from ZetaLisp, in important ways.

ML languages were a new frontier. Haskell is the most revolutionary of
all semi-mainstream languages. (I say semi-mainstream because of course
there are many other less popular languages, from Clean to Charity to
Oz to Coq which compete in various ways, but which have relatively
small communities.)

Personally, I favor lazy languages with things like list compehensions.
This is, I think, a nearly perfect match with set theory and math in
general. I cannot imagine liking a language which does allow

[ n*n | n <- [1..1000] ; n mod 2 = 1]

to succinclty, in set-theoretic terms, list the squares of odd numbers
up to a 1000. ("the set of numbers squared such that the numbers are
elements of the list from 1 to 1000 and such that n mod 2 is 1, that
is, the odd numbers")

(the vertical bar, |, matches usual mathematical notation and means
"such that" or "s.t." or "assuming that. A lot like probability
notation, by the way. the "<-" can be read as "taken from" or "element
of," where the "<-" sort of looks like the element of symbol.)

The treatment of potentially infinite sets is even more elegant.
Likewise, lazy evaluation is more elegant than kludges involving FORCE
and DELAY.

Haskell is almost pure set theory. (I never used SETL, so I can't
compare it.)

Haskell, to me, is just math made for computers.

Whether C++ or Modula-3 or whatever are 2.6 times faster is immaterial.

To me, of course.

--Tim May

Vesa Karvonen

Feb 11, 2007, 10:27:07 AM2/11/07
Chris Rathman <> wrote:

> The translation is mostly a self-education project. Some might find
> it useful in a limited context. Others will find it muddled. It is a
> "translation", not a methodical attempt to teach any of the other
> languages, nor optimized algorithmic design in those PLs. Being a
> translation, it's only natural that a lot of Scheme-isms will permeate
> the code (though I can't think of better language to mimic than
> Scheme).

> Perhaps it's because the specific example chosen is demonstrating a
> technique that does not translate well into an ML idiom. And perhaps
> because there's not an ML idiomatic way to express this particular
> technique, most O'Caml code will avoid using it.

AAAARRGH... Frankly, your translations of Scheme snippets in SICP to
Alice ML suck. I'm not sure that I would describe them as
translations ( They look
more like transliterations
( to me. Your
translations contain lots of irritating superfluous parentheses and
semicolons (see sections "Declarations and expressions" and
"Semicolons" on the page Many of
the functions are unnecessarily verbosely written and do not follow ML
idioms. I would definitely NOT RECOMMEND reading your examples if the
goal is to learn how to program in ML.

Here is a note from the pages:

(* Note: The Scheme code is demonstrating both packaging (encapsulation) and
dynamic dispatch. ML can handle encapsulation with no problem using
either functors or records. The dynamic dispatch does present a
challenge for any statically typed PL (at least any that want to be
considered as having a sound type system). *)

That just isn't true. Dynamic dispatch is easy to achieve in ML.
(Subtyping is more challenging.) For example, the below code shows a
simple way to define pairs as ecapsulated, dynamically dispatched,
mutable objects. (This relates to the specific example that you are
talking about above.) First we define an interface for our Pair
objects as a datatype:

datatype ('a, 'b) pair =
Pair of {fst : unit -> 'a,
snd : unit -> 'b,
setFst : 'a -> unit,
setSnd : 'b -> unit}

One could use values of type ('a, 'b) pair directly, but it is more
convenient to define helper functions:

fun fst (Pair c) = #fst c ()
fun snd (Pair c) = #snd c ()
fun setFst (Pair c, a) = #setFst c a
fun setSnd (Pair c, d) = #setSnd c d

A constructor function creates a value (or object) of some interface

fun simplePair (f, s) = let
val f = ref f
val s = ref s
Pair {fst = fn () => !f,
snd = fn () => !s,
setFst = fn f' => f := f',
setSnd = fn s' => s := s'}

We can, of course, have multiple constructor functions per interface
type. Here is an "verbose pair" that takes a(nother) pair as an

fun verbosePair p =
Pair {fst = fn () => (print "fst\n" ; fst p),
snd = fn () => (print "snd\n" ; snd p),
setFst = fn f' => (print "setFst\n" ; setFst (p, f')),
setSnd = fn s' => (print "setSnd\n" ; setSnd (p, s'))}

Now, let's create a pair

val aPair = simplePair (1, 2)

and verbose pair

val aVerbosePair = verbosePair aPair

and modify the verbose pair

val () = setFst (aVerbosePair, 10)

As a side-effect, the above prints:



val 10 = fst aPair

evaluates without an error.

-Vesa Karvonen

Jon Harrop

Feb 11, 2007, 11:13:05 AM2/11/07
Chris Rathman wrote:
> That said, I disagree with your last point. SICP is designed to teach
> programming, and Scheme just happens to be the vehicle used to
> accomplish that goal. Many of the topics in SICP, such as HOFs, are
> realized nicely in languages with modern type systems, while others
> are not.

I disagree with your conclusion and I already posted counter examples to
some points. There are very few approaches to problem solving presented in
SICP that cannot be implemented more succinctly and more efficiently in
languages like OCaml and F#.

> It's all well and good to say that more modern languages
> have emerged in the last 20 years, but SICP is still quite an
> approachable introduction to many of the fundamental concepts of FP.
> It won't teach you how to program in ML. But it will teach you most
> of the ideas that form the basis of modern PLs.

We'll have to agree to disagree. I found SICP to be very slim on
generally-applicable information.

>> Is this function ever going to be useful in OCaml? Can you find a single
>> OCaml program that uses a function like this?
> Perhaps it's because the specific example chosen is demonstrating a
> technique that does not translate well into an ML idiom. And perhaps
> because there's not an ML idiomatic way to express this particular
> technique, most O'Caml code will avoid using it.

Forget about "expressing techniques" and consider only solving problems. The
OCaml code that I posted solves the same problem much more succinctly and
robustly. There are many other OCaml solutions already out there that will
also be much faster.

>> Why car/cdr and not fst/snd?
> Are you saying that fst|snd are more meaningful than car|cdr (or my
> SML bias that prefers hd|tl)?

ML has no car and cdr (they were stipped to improve reliability). OCaml
nomenclature is fst and snd. There are built-in fst and snd functions.

> For the most part, the use of terms car
> and cdr in the translation are limited to those functions in SICP that
> are trying to directly define car & cdr (though I'll have to recheck
> the O'Caml translation).

Yes. Given that car and cdr can be stripped with no adverse effects and were
stripped deliberately, it doesn't make sense (to me) to try to reimplement

> Now most Scheme programmers are not going to
> waste time defining car and cdr, as they will use the builtin
> primitives. The question is why the authors of SICP waste time
> defining these functions in a number of different ways?

This is what I meant about SICP being very Lisp/Scheme specific.

>> Why dynamic dispatch rather than four separate functions?
> Perhaps because dynamic dispatch was the lesson being taught in that
> particular example.

In OCaml, you would provide both so that users can leverage static typing
when the message being dispatched is known statically. The result would be
faster and more robust but would be cumbersome or impossible to represent
in Lisp or Scheme.

> The original SICP example that you chose to
> highlight is about how message dispatch can be used to implement car
> and cdr (fst & snd if you prefer). Now the O'Caml person may counter
> by saying that no one in their right mind would ever want to define
> fst and snd as a dispatched closure (shades of OOP here).

Indeed. They would use OOP.

> But then no
> right minded Schemer is ever likely to define car and cdr in that
> manner either. So are the authors wasting our time showing us an
> implementation that will never be used? Well, if the book were a
> recipe book, then yes this little foray would be a waste of time. But
> it also happens to teach us a lessons about functions, closures and
> dispatch. And that lesson is much more valuable than simply handing
> us a recipe about the best way to do something.

The result is little more instructive than a Scheme interpreter written in

> Now, I'll be the first to admit that this particular example doesn't
> translate well to most other statically typed languages. But then the
> original question was about the differences between Lisp and ML. In
> that sense, the derivation of car and cdr as a closure in ML may at
> least serve as an example (of the negative variety) of what Lisp
> idioms to avoid when crossing the border to a typed language.

Those Lisp constructs have been superceded and people should use the modern
variants in modern languages. Unfortunately, SICP spends most of its code
reimplementing them in slightly different ways...

> Personally, I find dynamic dispatch to be a useful programming
> technique in dynamic languages. OTOH, I find working with types to be
> a much better experience in ML. But then the discussion boils down to
> one of tradeoffs. There is much effort put forth by those on both
> sides of the aisle to attempt to recover some of that functionality on
> the other side of the fence (shades of Oleg). When I get time, I'd
> probably have a second less literal translation that uses classes for
> this particular example. But I still think the literal translation is
> useful for showing a bridge between the two languages.

I think a translation from OCaml to Scheme would close the circle.

>> Why the catchall pattern at the end?
> Because the compiler will complain about non-exhaustive pattern
> matching. And it happens to correspond to the SICP example. If you
> are dispatching on messages, as the Lisp is doing in the example, then
> you may get an unexpected message. Again, you chose an example that
> doesn't translate well to ML.

I chose an example that has not been translated well, not one that cannot be
translated well. Dynamic dispatch is easy to achieve in OCaml, as you have

> The very fact that it corresponds to
> message dispatch via functions and closures, tells us that the example
> is going to be rather hard to translate.

No. This is my point: you found it hard does not imply that it is hard. I
think it would be worth holding off on such comments until the code is peer
reviewed by some expert OCaml programmers.

> the question is whether there is a way to get message dispatch in the
> language?

Message dispatch can be useful, e.g. when writing an XMLRPC interface.
However, imposing message dispatch all the time is insane. This is why it
was deliberately removed from ML when it evolved from Lisp.

> Again, I'm not particularly satisfied with the translation of message
> dispatch to ML. Most ML people will say that you have to re-educate
> yourself to think differently, foregoing these things you happen to be
> fond of in other languages.

If you want to learn new language features (e.g. pattern matching, static
typing, polymorphic variants, OOP) then you have to get educated. There is
no way around it.

What would you say to a C programmer struggling to learn Scheme?

> But the question is whether it's possible
> to reacquire some of the tools from our toolbox that we have become
> accustomed to in other languages?

F# does that without sacrificing reliability. However, it appears to come at
a grave cost in terms of performance for allocation-intensive programs.

> I do however find the overall response rather dismaying in that I
> infer (probably incorrectly) that because these techniques are not
> available in ML, they should be summarily swept under the rug, never
> to be given serious consideration - effectively labelling them as a
> distraction (pariah) to the way that ML'ers should think.

MLers don't sweep those features under the rug. They hold those features up
and shout "hey guys, look at this awful style that used to be taught before
static typing made better approaches easier".

> It makes me
> cringe a little when the ML and Haskell advocates (or advocates of any
> other language or paradigm for that matter) say that you have to
> completely relearn how you think and program.

What would you say to a C programmer struggling to learn Scheme?

This is a pretty accurate parallel actually: Let's say a C programmer writes
Scheme code and cites it. The code uses only a handful of Scheme's
features. He always turns off safety. He starts every program by
reimplementing unsafe pointers and pointer arithmetic. He has difficulty
translating the Sieve of Erasthones into Scheme using only pointers and
concludes, therefore, that the Sieve of Erasthones is an example of
something made much more difficult to write by Scheme's so-called "safety

If you were polite, you'd surely tell him that he must relearn how he thinks
about programs before he can master Scheme?

> It may well be true,
> but I find that having to redefine the craft every couple of years
> rather grating.

ML is over 30 years old. OCaml adds lots of sexy new features but even that
is over 10 years old.

> Has the process of thinking about programs really
> changed since the release of SICP all those years ago?

Beyond the first few pages? Yes, of course.

>> Again, look at this comment:
>> Note also that this isn't exactly the most efficient way (or even the
>> most
>> intuitive way) of representing a queue in OCaml. But it's a close
>> translation of
>> the book.
>> To me, that says "this is not the way to implement a queue in OCaml".
> Well, that happens to be the connotation of the quote. The
> translation of Scheme to ML is ok in some places, torturous in
> others. It could also be said that the implementation of Queues given
> in SICP is likely not the actual the implemetation that resides in
> most modern Scheme dialects. There's a million ways to implement a
> queue. Some are useful. Some are not.

I'd have thought that anyone new to OCaml and wanting to implement a queue
might look at the mutable Queue implementation in the OCaml stdlib first,
and find Markus Mottl's purely functional implementation second.

>> From my point of view, SICP remains decades out of date and people
>> interested in learning something modern should look to modern examples.
>> Take a look at Markus Mottl's queue implementations, for example:
> If you want to learn how to implement queues (and a number of other
> data structures) in ML, then at least send them to the definitive
> source: Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki, of which
> the link you give is a translation to O'Caml.

Yes. That is an excellent book.

> But as long as we're on the subject, and handing out reading
> recommendations, there's some interesting material in the book
> Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming by Peter van
> Roy and Seif Haridi.
> In the book they cover constant time queues using dataflow variables
> in chapter #3 (3.4.5 to be exact). But then that book is written
> using Oz, much as SICP is written using Scheme.

For anyone wanting to implement any data structures in any statically typed
languages, I would not recommend any books written entirely in dynamically
typed languages. Data structures are one of the areas most affected by
static typing. In ML, we want to leverage inference whilst having
well-defined and machine-verified interfaces.

> Alice ML can get us
> real close - the translation page on SICP also has a link to a
> translation of many of the book's examples to CTM. But then if you
> just want to live in a single language and learn under a single
> paradigm and find recipes for doing things, then SICP and CTM are not
> the books to read to learn programming.

But those books presumably omit all discussion of static typing, pattern
matching and many other features that are fundamental to many new FPLs?

> But I have to agree to
> disagree that SICP is out of date. It teaches many things that are
> relevent today. It teaches us things we are still striving for. And
> it does so quite elegantly.

SICP cannot leverage any of the many improvements invented or adopted over
the intervening 20 years. Pattern matching, type inference and static
typing are now widely supported.

> That's not to say that the SICP translations are necessarily of high
> quality (I spent an entire 4 hours trying to come up to speed on
> O'Caml and translating chapters #1 & #2, though I confess it was
> mostly a translation of the Alice ML code which I spent much more time
> on). They are merely (feable) attempts at making the ideas locked in
> SICP a bit more accessible to myself. Perhaps not useful to others,
> but then you get what you pay for. And being on a wiki, others more
> in tune with these languages can modify it to be more idiomatic and
> elegant.

Do you mind if I have a go? I think I would start by replacing some of the
data structure examples wholesale.

>> For anyone wanting to learn OCaml or F# from good code, I recommend:
> So the question becomes how one learns ML? The answer is not a simple
> - buy this book and you will suddenly possess ML-fu.

If you want a good book on ML then check out Larry Paulson's "ML for the
Working Programmer".

> Indeed, people
> learn things in many different ways with different approaches. What
> works for one, may not work for another. And learning isn't always a
> go-or-no-go situation. People come to ML with different backgrounds
> in programming. I happen to think that some of the all time best
> introductory programming texts have come from the Scheme community.

There are certainly very few books on ML. There are several on Haskell
though. I bought some recently and am ploughing through them.

> I
> happen to also be naive enough to think that there's got to be a way
> to leverage that material to other languages. But in no way do I
> think this project amounts to a substitute for a more reasoned
> presentation of O'Caml or F# - it's just one more resource in a sea of
> resources that's available in the ocean of the internet.

I'm not convinced. I believe that many people complain about Joshua B.
Smith's book "Practical OCaml" because it stuck too closely to "Practical
Lisp", in that the examples were good for Lisp but not for OCaml.

>> and, of course, my book.
> I've heard good things about your O'Caml book, though I haven't read
> it myself. I'm actually more interested in your F# book - Any news
> you can share on the delivery?

Yes, I was going to publish F# for Scientists this month but Microsoft just
agreed to commission me to write 2 extra chapters and have the book
published by a mainstream publisher (e.g. Wiley).

Robert Pickering is publishing Foundations of F# through APress next month,
I believe.

Paul Rubin

Feb 11, 2007, 12:30:34 PM2/11/07
Jon Harrop <> writes:
> For anyone wanting to implement any data structures in any statically typed
> languages, I would not recommend any books written entirely in dynamically
> typed languages. Data structures are one of the areas most affected by
> static typing.

I may be missing something here--I thought the classic book on data
structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
assembly language. Data structures seem to me much more pervasively
affected by functional programming (think of graphs) than by static typing.

> SICP cannot leverage any of the many improvements invented or adopted over
> the intervening 20 years. Pattern matching, type inference and static
> typing are now widely supported.

Er, pattern matching has been done in Lisp programs (including
destructuring-bind in CL) since the dawn of time; SICP itself has
examples. Static typing per se is familiar from the whole
Algol/Fortran family, and dispatch based on static types is implicit
in how most compilers translate arithmetic and explicit in C++ and
Java. What's new and different in ML is its much more extensive type
system with inference. However, extensive reliance on type inference
appears to get hopelessly confusing, thus the customary Haskell
practice of declaring the types of most functions. But even after
that, it's still confusing and reportedly gets in the way (cf. Joel
Reymont's Haskell vs. Erlang posts). I'm trying to keep an open mind.

> Do you mind if I have a go? I think I would start by replacing some
> of the data structure examples wholesale.

That would be cool; it would also be interesting to see Haskell versions.

> If you want a good book on ML then check out Larry Paulson's "ML for the
> Working Programmer".

I have a borrowed copy of this book but found it pretty unhelpful. It
discussed the language's abstract qualities reasonably (though
concentrated a bit much on theorem proving), however it didn't say
much about what working programmers actually concern themselves with,
such as how to do I/O, concurrency, etc.

> There are certainly very few books on ML. There are several on Haskell
> though. I bought some recently and am ploughing through them.

I have "The Haskell School of Expression" which is pretty readable but
IMO too superficial and too limited to get anything done with. I'd be
interested to know what else you find.

Chris Rathman

Feb 11, 2007, 1:06:41 PM2/11/07
On Feb 11, 9:27 am, Vesa Karvonen <>

> Here is a note from the pages:
> (* Note: The Scheme code is demonstrating both packaging (encapsulation) and
> dynamic dispatch. ML can handle encapsulation with no problem using
> either functors or records. The dynamic dispatch does present a
> challenge for any statically typed PL (at least any that want to be
> considered as having a sound type system). *)

Perhaps not my most lucid comment, but it has to do with apply and
generic selectors in section 2.4.3, not the derivation of car and cdr
in chapter 3.3.1.

> That just isn't true. Dynamic dispatch is easy to achieve in ML.
> (Subtyping is more challenging.) For example, the below code shows a
> simple way to define pairs as ecapsulated, dynamically dispatched,
> mutable objects. (This relates to the specific example that you are
> talking about above.) First we define an interface for our Pair
> objects as a datatype:

Thanks for pointing out a proper method of translating the code in
question. I don't know that this quite captures the dynamic dispatch
that is being referred to in the comments above. It does do
polymorphic dispatch which is what should be emphasized in the code in
3.3.1, but it's not exactly what I'd term as dynamic dispatch that the
comment refers to in 2.4.3.

Paul Rubin

Feb 11, 2007, 1:23:27 PM2/11/07
Markus E Leypold <> writes:
> I' like to support this point of view. I've been told that the
> algorithms Darcs uses are scaling badly in memory and time in certain
> cases. So this would be not an implementation issue, not a Haskell
> issue and unfixable until the specification would be changed (but I
> think the Darcs-people would rather wait for better hardware and I'm
> not so sure they would be wrong :-).

But could be that coding in Haskell naturally leads one to use
badly-scaling algorithms?

> >> he spent too much time fighting the type system and decided he
> >> was more productive with dynamic types;

> > That's an interesting one. ... I wonder if my mind is just bent

> > to think of problem solutions that don't need dynamic types.

Well, his application involved sending a lot of serialized data over
network sockets and he had a lot of object types, so I guess he found
it more straightforward on the receiving end to deserialize the
packets into objects of the appropriate type and dispatch them
dynamically, than to have static selection logic all over the place.
I guess in OCaml one would use OOP, but I always saw OOP as a
workaround to static types.

> - The I/O Monad just works like imperative programming: Write your
> main and I/O procedures in the I/O monad. Don't bothe what a
> "monad" in the theoretical view is. You can just use ut.

Well, what about functions like liftM2? I understood once what that
did but it escapes me now.

> - Everything else is pure and lazy. Write your data transformations
> pure and lazy (outside the I/O monad).
> You don't have to bother about the specialities for a long time.

But I think I have to use other monads for arrays, concurrency, etc.

> > "Anything serious" is overstating it a bit, though.
> Yes. You can, i.e. write a complete compiler or XML transformation
> tool in Haskell w/o much wizadry.

OK, but I think of "serious" as meaning concurrent network
applications, programs that do transactions and therefore need to know
exactly when their I/O completes, programs that use complex OS
interfaces, etc. SPJ's article "Tackling the awkward squad" describes
some of the issues.

> :-) Exactly my point, though I'd set the cutoff even earlier: People
> don't have GADTs in other languages, so they don't strictly need them
> in Haskel to do useful things.

I don't understand what precisely what a GADT is, but in dynamically
typed languages doesn't the whole question go away?

Joachim Durchholz

Feb 11, 2007, 1:51:29 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

> I thought the classic book on data
> structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
> assembly language.

If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly on
topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.
In all, it reflects the topics and choices that were controversial and
important in the fifties. (Similar to reading a book on geometry written
by the old Greek philosophical mathematicians. Even if they contributed
substantially to the state of the art, neither their problems nor much
of their results are very relevant today anymore.)

> Data structures seem to me much more pervasively
> affected by functional programming (think of graphs) than by static typing.

Graphs are even more affected than the usual data structure.
It's easy to model vertices using pointers if the pointers can mutate
and nearly impossible for the cyclic case if they can't mutate.

In comparison to that, most other data structures are only mildly affected.

> Er, pattern matching has been done in Lisp programs (including
> destructuring-bind in CL) since the dawn of time; SICP itself has
> examples.

I think it's the combination of sum types (tagged unions) and pattern
Lisp doesn't use sum types (if it has them at all); instead, new
primitive data types proliferated, making its type system unnecessarily
complex (from the viewpoint of an ML or Haskell programmer).

> Static typing per se is familiar from the whole
> Algol/Fortran family,

Now that's doing injustice to entire generations of programming languages.

Algol had a type algebra, while Fortran did not. (I'm not sure if it has
today. If so, it's not Fortran anymore *g*)

Then, *ML and Haskell have tagged unions and pattern matching (actually
structure matching), something that none of the Algol language have.

In addition, *ML and Haskell have type inference.

That's very, very far ahead of what Fortran does. For some metrics,
Fortran is farther from the *ML family than the Lisp family!

> and dispatch based on static types is implicit
> in how most compilers translate arithmetic and explicit in C++ and
> Java.

Again, that's dismissing vital differences.
The combination of tagged types and pattern matching is more than its parts.

> What's new and different in ML is its much more extensive type
> system with inference. However, extensive reliance on type inference
> appears to get hopelessly confusing, thus the customary Haskell
> practice of declaring the types of most functions. But even after
> that, it's still confusing and reportedly gets in the way (cf. Joel
> Reymont's Haskell vs. Erlang posts). I'm trying to keep an open mind.

I think Joel tried to do something for which you need to know your tools
well, and exercize them to their limits (I'm assuming we're both talking
about the poker server guy - my recollection of names it generally bad).
He didn't know Haskell well enough, and almost certainly was unable to
exercize it to its limits.

He said he was confused by the type errors, but then that seems to be
the norm for the first few months in Haskell. He never got beyond that
stage AFAIR.

In other words, I'd say that type inference can be confusing, but it
seems to be a vast net win after a few months.


Dirk Thierbach

Feb 11, 2007, 2:48:34 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin <http://phr...@nospam.invalid> wrote:
> Markus E Leypold
> <> writes:

>> - The I/O Monad just works like imperative programming: Write your

>> main and I/O procedures in the I/O monad. Don't bother what a
>> "monad" in the theoretical view is. You can just use it.

I'd like to second this point of view very strongly.

> Well, what about functions like liftM2? I understood once what that
> did but it escapes me now.

It lifts a pure function to a function that works in a monad. Just
have a look at the type (that's what types are good for, among other
things they *document* what a function is doing):

liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> (m a -> m b -> m c)

So you have a function f :: a -> b -> c, i.e., with two arguments,
and you transform this into a function that takes two monadic
values as arguments and return a third monadic value. And there just
one obvious way to do that :-)

But if cannot remember these functions, you don't have to use them -- just
"think imperatively" and start coding. In the same way, if you have a
function that could be elegantly expressed using, say, fold and map,
you can still implement this function with basic pattern matching,
without the HOFs (but of course it's better style of you do).

- Dirk

Paul Rubin

Feb 11, 2007, 4:45:13 PM2/11/07
Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
> If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly
> on topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.

Well, it says nothing at all about abstract data types, since it
treats all of computing as bit-smashing operations; but I hadn't
thought of it as outdated regarding data structures. Maybe I'm behind
the times myself.

> I think it's the combination of sum types (tagged unions) and pattern
> matching.

You mean objects with tags in the runtime representation? Is that
different from dynamic types with some annotation? I knew ML and
Haskell support (e.g.) numeric types like "Float | Int" but I thought
that eventually the static type system had to resolve what every
instance actually was at compile time.

> Then, *ML and Haskell have tagged unions and pattern matching
> (actually structure matching), something that none of the Algol
> language have.

Am I missing something? I think of pattern/structure matching as
separate from the static type system, since it can be done naturally
in Lisp. I agree that ML and Haskell's type system is richer than
(Algol*)'s and that would include union types.

> The combination of tagged types and pattern matching is more than its parts.

OK, again I'm missing something, is there a simple example?

> I think Joel tried to do something for which you need to know your
> tools well, and exercize them to their limits (I'm assuming we're both
> talking about the poker server guy - my recollection of names it
> generally bad).

Yes, I didn't remember his name either but re-read his post and found
his name there.

> He said he was confused by the type errors, but then that seems to be
> the norm for the first few months in Haskell. He never got beyond that
> stage AFAIR.

Well, he goes much further, he says the type system actually gets in
the way, giving examples like deserializing packet layouts which can
result in differing record types depending on the packet contents.

Have you seen his post? This is what got me discouraged about
Haskell, though I haven't given up on it, I haven't messed with it as
much since then.

> In other words, I'd say that type inference can be confusing, but it
> seems to be a vast net win after a few months.

I keep hearing this and I do know that I spend a lot of time finding
Lisp and Python bugs at runtime that a static type system could have
caught at compile time.

I think the next book I look at should be Pierce's TAPL. There was an
interview with Autrijus (now Audrey) Tang which recommended it highly
and basically said it was the reason Pugs got written. Any thoughts?

Joachim Durchholz

Feb 11, 2007, 5:48:56 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

> Markus E Leypold <> writes:
>> I' like to support this point of view. I've been told that the
>> algorithms Darcs uses are scaling badly in memory and time in certain
>> cases. So this would be not an implementation issue, not a Haskell
>> issue and unfixable until the specification would be changed (but I
>> think the Darcs-people would rather wait for better hardware and I'm
>> not so sure they would be wrong :-).
> But could be that coding in Haskell naturally leads one to use
> badly-scaling algorithms?

I wouldn't draw that conclusion from the alleged scaling problems of Darcs.

First, making revision control systems scale well is a generally hard
problem. CVS doesn't scale well with the number of branches, for
example. I'm not sure about Subversion (it's generally slow for my
current setup, but I suspect it's not the server that's slow).

Second, Darcs seems to be in the late "we optimize the hell out of it"
phase. At least that's what I gather from

Third, it seems that the scalability problems are either being addressed
or due to some basic design decisions.

None of these things are particularly Haskell-related, I'd say.

In general, I'd say that it's easy to write inefficient software in
Haskell, particularly if you don't (yet) know what lazy evaluation
actually is.
I think that this effect will diminish over time, and it may even
reverse because the programmer has more time to do algorithmic
optimization (compared to the usual imperative languages anyway).
I'm not sure how well an average programmer will be able to work with
Haskell. (Haskell seems to be particularly attractive to people with a
more mathematical inclination, which is definitely not what the average
programmer is. So it's difficult to draw conclusions from experience.)


Joachim Durchholz

Feb 11, 2007, 6:22:27 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

> Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
>> If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly
>> on topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.
> Well, it says nothing at all about abstract data types, since it
> treats all of computing as bit-smashing operations;

I wasn't sure whether he was entirely blank about ADTs.

> but I hadn't
> thought of it as outdated regarding data structures. Maybe I'm behind
> the times myself.

Well, it's trees and hash tables and queues IIRC.
I don't recall B* trees, tough that may be a lapse of memory. (He dwells
a lot on the problem of sorting when you have too little RAM and several
tape decks. Interesting, but not a serious problem on a modern computer.)
Geographical applications of data structures: blank.
No lazy data structures.
No treatment of immutable data structures.
Garbage collection is severely under-represented.

>> I think it's the combination of sum types (tagged unions) and pattern
>> matching.
> You mean objects with tags in the runtime representation?

No. Some people name them "discriminated union".

At the C level, these are unions of structs, with a mandatory common
"type" field that discriminates which kind of object this is.

> Is that
> different from dynamic types with some annotation?


> I knew ML and
> Haskell support (e.g.) numeric types like "Float | Int"

Float | Int is not a numeric type. It's a type that may *contain* either
a Float or an Int, but you have to deconstruct it via pattern matching
to get at the numeric value inside it.

> but I thought
> that eventually the static type system had to resolve what every
> instance actually was at compile time.

Yes, but in FPLs, the notion of a "static type" is often broader than
what you usually have. E.g.
a -> b -> a
is a function that takes something of types a and b, and returns
something of type a - where a and b can be any types.
The types are ultimately static, but a lot of source code can be very
agnostic of the types that are actually passed through.

>> Then, *ML and Haskell have tagged unions and pattern matching
>> (actually structure matching), something that none of the Algol
>> language have.
> Am I missing something? I think of pattern/structure matching as
> separate from the static type system, since it can be done naturally
> in Lisp.

In your typical statically-typed FPL, it's extremely helpful because it
unifies case discrimination, union-of-structs deconstruction and
assigning the struct elements to local variables in a single,
easy-to-grasp operation.

It is also helpful because tagged unions are actually ubiquitous.
E.g. you return a data structure with an error flag? In an FPL, that's a
tagged union of an Error type and the normal return type.
Got several variants of a record, with different fields reinterpreted
depending on circumstances? Tagged unions can handle this kind of
situation just fine, and with none of the "uncleanness" associated with
this kind of structure.

When I last did Lisp (which is several years ago), it didn't use these
idioms at all, so while pattern matching is possible in Lisp, it's not
as useful.

> Well, he goes much further, he says the type system actually gets in
> the way, giving examples like deserializing packet layouts which can
> result in differing record types depending on the packet contents.

From what he wrote, it was a bit unclear to me what his actual problems
were (well, those with the type system at least). I was under the
impression that he simply didn't understand what Haskell's type system
is good for, but it's hard to tell whether that's even remotely true
without taking a look at his actual source code.

> Have you seen his post?



Paul Rubin

Feb 11, 2007, 7:20:23 PM2/11/07
Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
> No. Some people name them "discriminated union".
> At the C level, these are unions of structs, with a mandatory common
> "type" field that discriminates which kind of object this is.

Oh, ok, this is basically how Lisp works.

> The types are ultimately static, but a lot of source code can be very
> agnostic of the types that are actually passed through.

Right, that's different from something with a type field that's
dispatched on at runtime.

> It is also helpful because tagged unions are actually ubiquitous.
> E.g. you return a data structure with an error flag? In an FPL, that's
> a tagged union of an Error type and the normal return type.
> Got several variants of a record, with different fields reinterpreted
> depending on circumstances? Tagged unions can handle this kind of
> situation just fine, and with none of the "uncleanness" associated
> with this kind of structure.

Aha, this sounds like exactly what the poker guy had trouble with, and
it wasn't clear to me that it was possible to do in Haskell cleanly.
I think I understand what you're getting at now, though I don't know
the Haskell syntax to express it right now, I should be able to figure
it out from the docs. The idea is to select a different pattern match
based on the type field, and use the matched stuff as function args,
so the matched args and the function itself are statically typed and
are type-checked straightforwardly. Thanks!

> When I last did Lisp (which is several years ago), it didn't use these
> idioms at all,

Well of course it's straightforward to write in that style (using
destructuring-bind, for example), but maybe it's more common to use
structure types directly.

> From what he wrote, it was a bit unclear to me what his actual
> problems were (well, those with the type system at least).

Well, he gave some concrete examples where it took much more code to
do something in Haskell than in Erlang, and much more cutting and
pasting using his method. Maybe there's a better way but I'm not
familiar enough with Haskell to know this at the moment.

Jon Harrop

Feb 11, 2007, 8:07:39 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jon Harrop <> writes:
>> For anyone wanting to implement any data structures in any statically
>> typed languages, I would not recommend any books written entirely in
>> dynamically typed languages. Data structures are one of the areas most
>> affected by static typing.
> I may be missing something here--I thought the classic book on data
> structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
> assembly language. Data structures seem to me much more pervasively
> affected by functional programming (think of graphs) than by static
> typing.

Does it cover concurrent, lazy or immutable data structures?

>> SICP cannot leverage any of the many improvements invented or adopted
>> over the intervening 20 years. Pattern matching, type inference and
>> static typing are now widely supported.
> Er, pattern matching has been done in Lisp programs (including
> destructuring-bind in CL) since the dawn of time; SICP itself has
> examples.

Turing argument and Greenspun.

> Static typing per se is familiar from the whole
> Algol/Fortran family, and dispatch based on static types is implicit
> in how most compilers translate arithmetic and explicit in C++ and
> Java.

Numeric towers are rare outside CASs.

> What's new and different in ML is its much more extensive type
> system with inference. However, extensive reliance on type inference
> appears to get hopelessly confusing,

It works well for me.

> thus the customary Haskell
> practice of declaring the types of most functions. But even after
> that, it's still confusing and reportedly gets in the way (cf. Joel
> Reymont's Haskell vs. Erlang posts). I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Don't extrapolate something Joel said about Haskell to the whole of type
inference. ML's type system is fundamentally different from Haskell's, for
a start.

>> Do you mind if I have a go? I think I would start by replacing some
>> of the data structure examples wholesale.
> That would be cool; it would also be interesting to see Haskell versions.

I've made some minor alterations already, removing some superfluous

>> If you want a good book on ML then check out Larry Paulson's "ML for the
>> Working Programmer".
> I have a borrowed copy of this book but found it pretty unhelpful. It
> discussed the language's abstract qualities reasonably (though
> concentrated a bit much on theorem proving), however it didn't say
> much about what working programmers actually concern themselves with,
> such as how to do I/O, concurrency, etc.

IO is different for each member of the ML family of languages. You'll need
to turn to language specific books or manuals if you want that kind of

Many MLs don't support concurrency. F# does.

>> There are certainly very few books on ML. There are several on Haskell
>> though. I bought some recently and am ploughing through them.
> I have "The Haskell School of Expression" which is pretty readable but
> IMO too superficial and too limited to get anything done with. I'd be
> interested to know what else you find.

I got that and:

Vesa Karvonen

Feb 11, 2007, 8:31:07 PM2/11/07
Chris Rathman <> wrote:
> On Feb 11, 9:27 am, Vesa Karvonen <>
> wrote:
> > Here is a note from the pages:
> >
> > (* Note: The Scheme code is demonstrating both packaging (encapsulation) and
> > dynamic dispatch. ML can handle encapsulation with no problem using
> > either functors or records. The dynamic dispatch does present a
> > challenge for any statically typed PL (at least any that want to be
> > considered as having a sound type system). *)

> Perhaps not my most lucid comment, but it has to do with apply and
> generic selectors in section 2.4.3, not the derivation of car and cdr
> in chapter 3.3.1.

Like I said, dynamic dispatch isn't hard to achieve in ML. Below is a
bit ad-hoc and simplistic implementation of generic operations similar
in spirit to the SICP technique. It could be improved significantly
(e.g. O(1) lookup of operations and coercions can be achieved), but I
leave further improvements to the reader.

(* Some general purpose utilities *)
fun pass x f = f x

structure List = struct
open List
fun push rxs x = rxs := x :: !rxs
fun findSome f =
fn [] => NONE
| x::xs =>
case f x of
NONE => findSome f xs
| result => result

(* Signature for arithmetic modules *)
signature ARITHMETIC = sig
type t
val + : t * t -> t
val - : t * t -> t
val * : t * t -> t
val div : t * t -> t

(* Two "specific" arithmetic modules *)
structure FixedArith : ARITHMETIC = struct open FixedInt type t = int end
structure LargeArith : ARITHMETIC = struct open LargeInt type t = int end

(* Helper *)
functor GenBop (type t) = struct
val cases : (t * t -> t option) list ref = ref []
val add = List.push cases

(* Generic arithmetic module - sealed later *)
structure Arithmetic = struct
datatype t = In of {from : t -> t option, value : exn}
fun out (In t) = t

structure Add = GenBop (type t = t)
structure Sub = GenBop (type t = t)
structure Mul = GenBop (type t = t)
structure Div = GenBop (type t = t)

fun none () = NONE

fun tryCases args cases =
List.findSome (pass args) (!cases)

fun tryCoerce (l, r) =
case #from (out r) l of
SOME l => SOME (l, r)
| NONE =>
case #from (out l) r of
SOME r => SOME (l, r)

fun mk cases args =
case tryCases args cases of
SOME v => v
| NONE =>
case tryCoerce args of
SOME args => mk cases args
| NONE => raise Domain
val op + = mk Add.cases
val op - = mk Sub.cases
val op * = mk Mul.cases
val op div = mk Div.cases

(* Signature for a "generic" arithmetic module *)
signature GEN = sig
type t
val addCoercion : {unwrap : Arithmetic.t -> 'a option,
coerce : 'a -> t} -> unit
val wrap : t -> Arithmetic.t
val unwrap : Arithmetic.t -> t option

(* Installs a specific arithmetic module to the generic arithmetic module *)
functor InstallBops (A : ARITHMETIC) : GEN = struct
open Arithmetic
type t = A.t
exception T of A.t
val coercions : (Arithmetic.t -> t option) list ref = ref []
fun addCoercion {unwrap, coerce} =
List.push coercions
(fn x => case unwrap x of
| SOME x => SOME (coerce x))
fun from x =
case List.findSome (pass x) (!coercions) of
| SOME x => SOME (wrap x)
and wrap x = In {from = from, value = T x}
val unwrap = fn In {value = T x, ...} => SOME x | _ => NONE
val () = let
fun add adder oper =
adder (fn (In {value = T l, ...}, In {value = T r, ...}) =>
SOME (wrap (oper (l, r)))
| _ => NONE)
add Add.add A.+
; add Sub.add A.-
; add Mul.add A.*
; add Div.add A.div

(* Here we seal the generic arithmetic module *)
structure Arithmetic : ARITHMETIC = Arithmetic

(* Here we install a couple of specific arithmetic modules *)
structure GenFixedArith = InstallBops (FixedArith)
structure GenLargeArith = InstallBops (LargeArith)

(* Here we install a coercion *)
val () = GenLargeArith.addCoercion
{unwrap = GenFixedArith.unwrap,
coerce = FixedInt.toLarge}

(* Here is a simple example of arithmetic *)
val SOME (11 : =
(Arithmetic.+ (GenFixedArith.wrap 10,
GenLargeArith.wrap 1))

Paul Rubin

Feb 11, 2007, 8:31:32 PM2/11/07
Jon Harrop <> writes:
> > I may be missing something here--I thought the classic book on data
> > structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
> Does it cover concurrent, lazy or immutable data structures?

I'd say not all that much; however, "classic" != "latest and most modern".

> > Er, pattern matching has been done in Lisp programs (including
> > destructuring-bind in CL) since the dawn of time; SICP itself has examples.
> Turing argument and Greenspun.

Eh? Wasn't Mathematica the other example of pattern matching that
you like to cite? It's dynamically typed just like Lisp.

> Numeric towers are rare outside CASs.

Not sure what you're getting at there.

> Don't extrapolate something Joel said about Haskell to the whole of
> type inference.

Well it's still standard practice in Haskell to declare most or all
functions, even though the compiler can infer the types, because the
declarations make things easier on humans and make it easier to locate
errors once the compiler reports them. I don't know whether those
issues apply to ML.

> Many MLs don't support concurrency. F# does.

Ocaml and AliceML (I'm not sure about SML) do support concurrency, but
the implementations aren't parallel.

> > I have "The Haskell School of Expression" which is pretty readable but

Thanks, that looks interesting too. I have to say though, that most
real-world programming problems I deal with don't have serious
algorithmic issues (in the CS theory sense); they're mostly about
program organization and about OS interfaces and about choosing good

Jon Harrop

Feb 11, 2007, 8:31:47 PM2/11/07
Chris Rathman wrote:
> The translation is mostly a self-education project.

This one was quite funny:

let newton_transform g =
fun x -> x -. ((g x) /. ((deriv g) x))

All of those parentheses are superfluous!

Chris Rathman

Feb 11, 2007, 8:59:57 PM2/11/07
On Feb 11, 7:31 pm, Jon Harrop <> wrote:
> Chris Rathman wrote:
> > The translation is mostly a self-education project.
> This one was quite funny:
> let newton_transform g =
> fun x -> x -. ((g x) /. ((deriv g) x))
> All of those parentheses are superfluous!

Thanks. My pride takes a hit, but since I'm getting a little help
from those who know ML infinitely better than myself, that's to be
expected. :-)


Jon Harrop

Feb 11, 2007, 10:07:05 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jon Harrop <> writes:
>> > I may be missing something here--I thought the classic book on data
>> > structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
>> Does it cover concurrent, lazy or immutable data structures?
> I'd say not all that much; however, "classic" != "latest and most modern".

You said that you were interested in learning modern FPLs like ML. You won't
find any information about that in books that predate modern FPLs, whether
they are classic or not.

>> > Er, pattern matching has been done in Lisp programs (including
>> > destructuring-bind in CL) since the dawn of time; SICP itself has
>> > examples.
>> Turing argument and Greenspun.
> Eh?

Turing: you can reimplement anything in Lisp, including pattern matching.

Greenspun: you'll end up with a poor implementation of part of a modern FPL.

> Wasn't Mathematica the other example of pattern matching that
> you like to cite?

Yes. Mathematica's pattern matching is great for symbolic manipulation
whereas ML's pattern matching is great for manipulating general-purpose
data structures.

I was referring specifically to ML's pattern matching though, which offers
static checking and is intimately tied to the type system (it is the only
way to deconstruct sum types).

> It's dynamically typed just like Lisp.

Mathematica isn't statically typed but I'm not sure it is dynamically typed
either. Regardless, like ML, Mathematica comes with pattern matching. Lisp
does not. ML-style pattern matching makes many things easier and you won't
find any of them described in SICP, or any other book on Scheme.

>> Numeric towers are rare outside CASs.
> Not sure what you're getting at there.

You said "dispatch based on static types is implicit in how most compilers
translate arithmetic". What did you mean?

>> Don't extrapolate something Joel said about Haskell to the whole of
>> type inference.
> Well it's still standard practice in Haskell to declare most or all
> functions, even though the compiler can infer the types, because the
> declarations make things easier on humans and make it easier to locate
> errors once the compiler reports them. I don't know whether those
> issues apply to ML.

MLers add little or no type information beyond definitions (particularly for
sum types). Look at the OCaml stdlib, for example.

One feature that makes a huge difference to usability here is the ability to
get the type inferred for any subexpression. Both OCaml/emacs and F#/VS
support this.

> Thanks, that looks interesting too. I have to say though, that most
> real-world programming problems I deal with don't have serious
> algorithmic issues (in the CS theory sense); they're mostly about
> program organization and about OS interfaces and about choosing good
> abstractions.

I have a lot of data structure related problems and am interested in the
trade-offs involved, e.g. between robustness and performance.

Jon Harrop

Feb 11, 2007, 10:14:30 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Aha, this sounds like exactly what the poker guy had trouble with, and
> it wasn't clear to me that it was possible to do in Haskell cleanly.
> I think I understand what you're getting at now, though I don't know
> the Haskell syntax to express it right now, I should be able to figure
> it out from the docs. The idea is to select a different pattern match
> based on the type field, and use the matched stuff as function args,
> so the matched args and the function itself are statically typed and
> are type-checked straightforwardly. Thanks!

Exactly. For example, you can extract the first or second member of a pair
dynamically using pattern matching:

# let get n t = match n, t with
| `Fst, (x, _) | `Snd, (_, x) -> x;;
val get : [< `Fst | `Snd ] -> 'a * 'a -> 'a = <fun>

For example:

# get `Fst (2, 3);;
- : int = 2
# get `Snd (2, 3);;
- : int = 3

The choice of `Fst and `Snd has been deferred until run-time. This is how
you regain dynamic typing (run-time dispatch) when necessary in ML.
However, you should not write in this style more than is necessary because
it undermines reliability (you're circumventing static typing and forgoing
static checking). Whenever possible, you should use static functions (like
the built-in fst and snd):

# fst (2, 3);;
- : int = 2
# snd (2, 3);;
- : int = 3

Paul Rubin

Feb 11, 2007, 10:37:28 PM2/11/07
Jon Harrop <> writes:
> However, you should not write in this style more than is necessary because
> it undermines reliability (you're circumventing static typing and forgoing
> static checking).

Well, sure, it's the essence of dynamic typing. But I expected that
the matched args themselves would be statically checked. Can I ask for
another example, the equivalent of

struct {
int type;
union { int ival; float fval; } u;
} x;

if (x.type == 0) /* use the int part of the union */
printf ("%d\n", x.u.ival * 3);
else if (x.type == 1) /* use the float part */
print("%f\n", sqrt(x.u.fval));
print ("invalid type tag\n");

I thought the above was the kind of thing we were talking about, where
the matched arg really has a completely different type depending on
the tag field.

Jon Harrop

Feb 11, 2007, 10:50:29 PM2/11/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jon Harrop <> writes:
>> However, you should not write in this style more than is necessary
>> because it undermines reliability (you're circumventing static typing and
>> forgoing static checking).
> Well, sure, it's the essence of dynamic typing. But I expected that
> the matched args themselves would be statically checked.

Right. They were in my previous example because they were separated from the
variant type [`Fst|`Snd].

> Can I ask for
> another example, the equivalent of
> struct {
> int type;
> union { int ival; float fval; } u;
> } x;
> if (x.type == 0) /* use the int part of the union */
> printf ("%d\n", x.u.ival * 3);
> else if (x.type == 1) /* use the float part */
> print("%f\n", sqrt(x.u.fval));
> else
> print ("invalid type tag\n");
> I thought the above was the kind of thing we were talking about, where
> the matched arg really has a completely different type depending on
> the tag field.

You bundle the matched args into the variant type constructors.

You can have a closed sum type, which is inextensible but more thoroughly
checked at compile time:

# let print_num = function
| `Int n -> sprintf "%d" n
| `Float x -> sprintf "%f" x;;
val print_num : [< `Float of float | `Int of int ] -> string = <fun>

or an open sum type, which is more error-prone:

# let print_num = function
| `Int n -> sprintf "%d" n
| `Float x -> sprintf "%f" x
| _ -> invalid_arg "print_num";;
val print_num : [> `Float of float | `Int of int ] -> string = <fun>

or an inheritance:

# let print_num print = function
| `Int n -> sprintf "%d" n
| `Float x -> sprintf "%f" x
| z -> print z;;
val print_num :
(([> `Float of float | `Int of int ] as 'a) -> string) -> 'a -> string =

However, this dynamic style is very rare in ML code. It only arises when
absolutely necessary because it is verbose, slow and error-prone.
Specifically, it is useful when interfacing, e.g. printing, remote
procedure calls, marshalling and so on.

ML usually optimises away static type information but some languages (e.g.
F#) keep it and can use it to implement generic print functions, equality
and so on.

Joachim Durchholz

Feb 12, 2007, 5:24:07 AM2/12/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

> Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
>> No. Some people name them "discriminated union".
>> At the C level, these are unions of structs, with a mandatory common
>> "type" field that discriminates which kind of object this is.
> Oh, ok, this is basically how Lisp works.

In Lisp, every data object must have a globally unique type identifier.
(This makes it more difficult to transplant a data structure from one
machine to another, for example.)
In a language with structural pattern matching, it's enough if the
identifier discriminates between the variants of the union.

>> The types are ultimately static, but a lot of source code can be very
>> agnostic of the types that are actually passed through.
> Right, that's different from something with a type field that's
> dispatched on at runtime.

The main difference here is that the set of variants to dispatch upon is
closed (i.e. cannot be extended by adding code, you have to modify
existing code).
That's sometimes a disadvantage, but I think this issue isn't central to
what we're discussing right now.

>> It is also helpful because tagged unions are actually ubiquitous.
>> E.g. you return a data structure with an error flag? In an FPL, that's
>> a tagged union of an Error type and the normal return type.
>> Got several variants of a record, with different fields reinterpreted
>> depending on circumstances? Tagged unions can handle this kind of
>> situation just fine, and with none of the "uncleanness" associated
>> with this kind of structure.
> Aha, this sounds like exactly what the poker guy had trouble with,

Then I have been unclear.
The Poker guy had trouble acessing C structures from Haskell.

> and
> it wasn't clear to me that it was possible to do in Haskell cleanly.

I don't know about that part of Haskell, but I can well imagine that
accessing data at the byte level sucks in Haskell (it sucks in most
higher-level languages, since that's exactly the kind of activity they
try to abstract away).

> I think I understand what you're getting at now, though I don't know
> the Haskell syntax to express it right now, I should be able to figure
> it out from the docs. The idea is to select a different pattern match
> based on the type field, and use the matched stuff as function args,
> so the matched args and the function itself are statically typed and
> are type-checked straightforwardly. Thanks!

Well, actually I wasn't getting at this. In practice, one could define
e.g. homogenous lists with elements of type a as
data List a = Nil | (a, List a)
and do pattern matching to discriminate between the degenerate case (an
empty list, indicated by the object Nil) and the normal case (we have a
first element, plus a - possibly degenerate - list as rest):
case foo of
Nil -> <return what's appropriate for an empty list>
(head, rest) -> <return what's appropriate for a nonempty list;
'head' has the first element, 'rest' the rest>
Now that's slightly more complicated than what Lisp does for linked
lists, but you can model all union-of-struct data types with that approach.

Note that the discriminator (what you called "type field") is entirely
implicit. It doesn't have a name at the Haskell level; the only way to
access it is by doing a pattern match (and you don't get a value, you
get a decision).

>> When I last did Lisp (which is several years ago), it didn't use these
>> idioms at all,
> Well of course it's straightforward to write in that style (using
> destructuring-bind, for example), but maybe it's more common to use
> structure types directly.

I don't know what destructuring-bind is, but from the terminology, I'd
guess it is indeed pattern matching (which decomposes a structure and
binds the structural elements to local names).
Is that guess correct?

>> From what he wrote, it was a bit unclear to me what his actual
>> problems were (well, those with the type system at least).
> Well, he gave some concrete examples where it took much more code to
> do something in Haskell than in Erlang, and much more cutting and
> pasting using his method. Maybe there's a better way but I'm not
> familiar enough with Haskell to know this at the moment.

Neither am I.

My guess is that he hit some real problems, but couldn't reasonably get
around them because he was held up by the learning curve at the same time.
I do hope that his experience report are helping the Haskell guys to
improve the system.


Joachim Durchholz

Feb 12, 2007, 5:33:02 AM2/12/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

> Can I ask for another example, the equivalent of
> struct {
> int type;
> union { int ival; float fval; } u;
> } x;
> if (x.type == 0) /* use the int part of the union */
> printf ("%d\n", x.u.ival * 3);
> else if (x.type == 1) /* use the float part */
> print("%f\n", sqrt(x.u.fval));
> else
> print ("invalid type tag\n");

Let me rephrase this slightly to make the translation more straightforward:

> enum type_t {ival_t, fval_t }; # syntax probably wrong
> struct {
> type_t type;

> union { int ival; float fval; } u;
> } x;

> if (x.type == ival_t) /* use the int part of the union */

> printf ("%d\n", x.u.ival * 3);

> else if (x.type == fval_t) /* use the float part */

> print("%f\n", sqrt(x.u.fval));
> else
> print ("invalid type tag\n");

That would be

data type_t = Ival int | Fval float
case foo of
Ival i -> print_int i
Fval f -> print_float f
_ -> print_error "invalid type tag"

Note that the last case is superfluous in most FPLs. Since the compiler
already knows what cases are allowed, and since it's impossible to
access the type field and write invalid values into it, the compiler can
infer that the last case will never be run. (For the reverse case, when
you forget a variant in the case expression, most compilers will give
you a warning that the pattern match is non-exhaustive.)


Joachim Durchholz

Feb 12, 2007, 5:35:34 AM2/12/07
Jon Harrop schrieb:

> ML's type system is fundamentally different from Haskell's, for
> a start.

I'd have said they are fundamentally similar because both are based on
Hindley-Milner type inference.
They do have fundamental differences in other areas; would you say that
these differences would have made a difference for Joel's project?


Andreas Rossberg

Feb 12, 2007, 8:01:03 AM2/12/07
Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> data type_t = Ival int | Fval float
> ...
> case foo of
> Ival i -> print_int i
> Fval f -> print_float f
> _ -> print_error "invalid type tag"
> Note that the last case is superfluous in most FPLs.

Actually, it's even an error in most FPLs, or at least a warning.

- Andreas

Andreas Rossberg

Feb 12, 2007, 8:15:47 AM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
>> No. Some people name them "discriminated union".
>> At the C level, these are unions of structs, with a mandatory common
>> "type" field that discriminates which kind of object this is.
> Oh, ok, this is basically how Lisp works.

I'd say it is a misconception that the tag in a discriminated union
value is a "type" field. Just consider the following trivial example:

datatype t = Left of int | Right of int

Both variants have type int.

Datatype tags are just that, tags, nothing else. As such they have a
status comparable to record labels (in type theory these are in fact
dual concepts). You wouldn't say that a record label - or a method name,
or a struct member name - is a "type selector" either.

[Now, from the POV of type theory, the dynamic tags in Lisp aren't types
either, but that is another story which has seen enough battles in this

- Andreas

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 9:45:14 AM2/12/07

I don't know about Joel's project but, in this context, Haskell's type
system is undecidable so it can require type annotations whereas ML's is
decidable and does not require annotations.

The fact that Haskellers write more type annotations should be not taken as
evidence that type inference doesn't work well. Especially given the fact
that MLers rarely annotate any types.

Andreas Rossberg

Feb 12, 2007, 10:06:44 AM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:
> I don't know about Joel's project but, in this context, Haskell's type
> system is undecidable so it can require type annotations whereas ML's is
> decidable and does not require annotations.

Not sure what you mean by "in this context", but just to get this
straight: Haskell's type system is not undecidable. GHC allows you to
step into the realm of undecidable type checking by explicitly
requesting it via a compiler flag, but the average user should hardly
ever need that.

OCaml's module type system, on the other hand, *is* undecidable. That's
due to the presence of nested abstract signatures. Nobody ever uses them

- Andreas

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 12:21:59 PM2/12/07
Andreas Rossberg wrote:
> Jon Harrop wrote:
>> I don't know about Joel's project but, in this context, Haskell's type
>> system is undecidable so it can require type annotations whereas ML's is
>> decidable and does not require annotations.
> Not sure what you mean by "in this context", but just to get this
> straight: Haskell's type system is not undecidable. GHC allows you to
> step into the realm of undecidable type checking by explicitly
> requesting it via a compiler flag, but the average user should hardly
> ever need that.

My mistaken then. I thought that was the default in Haskell.

Tony Finch

Feb 12, 2007, 12:50:00 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> wrote:
>I may be missing something here--I thought the classic book on data
>structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
>assembly language.

TAOCP, even the updated editions, is horribly old-fashioned. Knuth's
arguments for using a made-up assembly language instead of a made-up
programming language are entirely bogus. You're much better off with
Corment, Leiserson & Rivest, plus Okasaki if you want to get into
hard-core FP.

f.a.n.finch <>

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 12:54:01 PM2/12/07

I've altered a lot of code now and have reached ex 3.16-3.19:

Chris Rathman wrote:
>> Why dynamic dispatch rather than four separate functions?
> Perhaps because dynamic dispatch was the lesson being taught in that
> particular example.
> ...
>> Why the catchall pattern at the end?
> Because the compiler will complain about non-exhaustive pattern
> matching. And it happens to correspond to the SICP example. If you
> are dispatching on messages, as the Lisp is doing in the example, then
> you may get an unexpected message.
> Again, you chose an example that doesn't translate well to ML.

I believe they are demonstrating how a cons cell can be replaced with a set
of closures that implement the functions that could have acted on the cons
cell (car, cdr, set_car and set_cdr), i.e. an object instead of a value.

This does not require dynamic dispatch. Although "you may get an unexpected
message" in Lisp or Scheme, you can statically define the allowed messages
in the type and have your code checked for correctness at compile time in
ML. So this example is actually more concise, more robust and clearer in
OCaml than in Scheme:

type ('a, 'b) cell =
{car: unit -> 'a; cdr: unit -> 'b;
set_car: 'a -> unit; set_cdr: 'b -> unit};;

let cons x y =
let x = ref x and y = ref y in
{car = (fun () -> !x); cdr = (fun () -> !y);
set_car = (fun x' -> x:=x'); set_cdr = (fun y' -> y:=y')};;

let x = cons 1 2;;
let z = cons x x;;
(z.cdr()).set_car 17;;;;

Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 1:22:54 PM2/12/07
Tony Finch <> writes:
> TAOCP, even the updated editions, is horribly old-fashioned. Knuth's
> arguments for using a made-up assembly language instead of a made-up
> programming language are entirely bogus. You're much better off with
> Corment, Leiserson & Rivest, plus Okasaki if you want to get into
> hard-core FP.

Ehh, ok, maybe I'm a fuddy duddy then. I do know about CL&R and have
thought I might splurge for a copy sometime, since it has a lot more
about graph algorithms than Knuth vols 1-3 (the forthcoming Knuth
vol. 4 will cover them). I just googled and found a blurb for
Okasaki's book (hadn't heard of it before) but am not sure what to
think--should I care about that stuff (for example to support
parallelism) or just use imperative constructions (e.g. with the array
monads in Haskell)?

Feb 12, 2007, 3:13:47 PM2/12/07
On Feb 11, 12:51 pm, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
> Paul Rubin schrieb:

> > I thought the classic book on data
> > structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
> > assembly language.
> If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly on
> topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.
> In all, it reflects the topics and choices that were controversial and
> important in the fifties. (Similar to reading a book on geometry written
> by the old Greek philosophical mathematicians. Even if they contributed
> substantially to the state of the art, neither their problems nor much
> of their results are very relevant today anymore.)

Wrong. It just works at a much lower-level than most people these
days (especially functional programmers) are working at. It's
completely relevant to people working on low-level things that YOU are
not working on, and it doesn't have any bias towards functional
programming or any other. That's why they use MIX or MIX2.

Markus E Leypold

Feb 11, 2007, 3:21:18 PM2/11/07

Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> writes:

> Markus E Leypold <> writes:
>> I' like to support this point of view. I've been told that the
>> algorithms Darcs uses are scaling badly in memory and time in certain
>> cases. So this would be not an implementation issue, not a Haskell
>> issue and unfixable until the specification would be changed (but I
>> think the Darcs-people would rather wait for better hardware and I'm
>> not so sure they would be wrong :-).
> But could be that coding in Haskell naturally leads one to use
> badly-scaling algorithms?

No. What nonsense.

Regards -- Markus

Markus E Leypold

Feb 11, 2007, 3:20:06 PM2/11/07

Joachim Durchholz <> writes:

> Paul Rubin schrieb:
>> I thought the classic book on data
>> structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
>> assembly language.
> If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly
> on topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.

Knuth TAOCP is not about data structures, abstraction or software
engineering. It's about algorithms and in that area it is not outdated
at all.

> In all, it reflects the topics and choices that were controversial and
> important in the fifties. (Similar to reading a book on geometry
> written by the old Greek philosophical mathematicians. Even if they
> contributed substantially to the state of the art, neither their
> problems nor much of their results are very relevant today anymore.)

I wish the people implementing e.g. pseudo random number generators
today had read Knuth's 2nd volume. Just recently I had a case of
abolutely pathological test data (but not recognizable as such at the
first glance) because someone messed up with random number generation.

So I don't agree. TAOCP is not outdated and should be required reading
at universities.

BTW: Which other texts would you recommend as a substitute? (Serious:
I'm always collecting bibliographic references).

Regards -- Markus

Markus E Leypold

Feb 11, 2007, 3:30:56 PM2/11/07

Hi Paul,

Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> writes:

>> - The I/O Monad just works like imperative programming: Write your
>> main and I/O procedures in the I/O monad. Don't bother what a
>> "monad" in the theoretical view is. You can just use it.
> Well, what about functions like liftM2? I understood once what that
> did but it escapes me now.

Do you need it to program on the same level of abstraction as
i.e. with C / C++ / Ada / OCaml? No. So liftM2 is optional in a sense
(OK, as I'm not a hard core Haskeller I might miss a subtle point, but
the point I'd like to make, is, that people worry about _additional_
features when deciding to migrate from languages which don't have that
features at all).

>> - Everything else is pure and lazy. Write your data transformations
>> pure and lazy (outside the I/O monad).
>> You don't have to bother about the specialities for a long time.

> But I think I have to use other monads for arrays, concurrency, etc.

You don't have to use array: Many things can be done purely functional
with lists and maps. Concurrency is hardly what one would need in an
application that needs to do simple things, so certainly (in my eyes)
not necessary for the beginner. And, Paul: Concurrency is also hard in
imperative languages :-).

>> > "Anything serious" is overstating it a bit, though.
>> Yes. You can, i.e. write a complete compiler or XML transformation
>> tool in Haskell w/o much wizardry.

> OK, but I think of "serious" as meaning concurrent network
> applications, programs that do transactions and therefore need to know
> exactly when their I/O completes, programs that use complex OS
> interfaces, etc. SPJ's article "Tackling the awkward squad" describes
> some of the issues.

Yes, there are such programs. But those are not the only serious
programs, but "systems programming" or whatever. Also serious in my
opinion (and much more frequent) is "data processing", that is, read
your data, derive other data from it and output that. E.g. creating a
report from a database, massaging XML documents (deleting sections,
extract meta data etc). Programming servers is only a tiny part of
information processing.

>> :-) Exactly my point, though I'd set the cutoff even earlier: People
>> don't have GADTs in other languages, so they don't strictly need them
>> in Haskell to do useful things.

> I don't understand what precisely what a GADT is, but in dynamically
> typed languages doesn't the whole question go away?

Yes. At the expense of less checking. I wouldn't want that: Less
static typing makes things slow, because to ensure type safety and
exclude execution errors, dynamic checks would have to be introduced.

Regards -- Markus

Markus E Leypold

Feb 11, 2007, 5:03:26 PM2/11/07

Paul Rubin <http://phr...@NOSPAM.invalid> writes:

> Have you seen his post? This is what got me discouraged about
> Haskell, though I haven't given up on it, I haven't messed with it as
> much since then.

What I see here, is a (badly quoted) piece from presumably a mail or
news group post which cannot be found elsewhere. Badly quoted, because
I assume that the first paragraph is written by someone else (Joey?) ,
not by SPJ. After that I stopped reading.

Regards -- Markus

Chris Rathman

Feb 12, 2007, 3:21:00 PM2/12/07
On Feb 12, 11:54 am, Jon Harrop <> wrote:
> I believe they are demonstrating how a cons cell can be replaced with a set
> of closures that implement the functions that could have acted on the cons
> cell (car, cdr, set_car and set_cdr), i.e. an object instead of a value.

Now that I'm out of *reflexive mode*, and into a more humble state of
mind, I would agree with that description and solution. Having
backtracked my breadcrumbs (which is what the wiki represents for me),
I see that I was trying to approximate something along those lines in
Alice (though my given solution there was convoluted).

> ...So this example is actually more concise, more robust and clearer in
> OCaml than in Scheme:

Well, I'm trying to understand Scheme as well, so I'm less inclined at
the current time to express an opinion on the matter, one way or the
other. :-)

With respect to some of the other changes, I can't say that I
understand the ML styles that frowns on excessive usage of
parenthesis. That is, I'm not aware of any semantic differences
between, say, something like:

let sum_of_squares x y = (square x) + (square y);;


let sum_of_squares x y = square x + square y;;

Certainly it would help if I'd actually immerse myself in the culture
and mores of the various languages that I have chosen to explore, as
I've violated the styles and idioms of each and every one of them (the
Haskell code being perhaps the worse offender). But I'm somewhat
perplexed by how much that grates on these communities. I'd venture a
guess that it arises from an effort to keep people from bringing their
imperative accents in play while they are writing ML code.

My own inclination is to say that the first is slightly more readible
to someone, such as myself, coming from a variety of other languages.
Though I acknowledge that some of this comes from a mistrust of
compilers in other languages, so I'm probably overspecifying the
solution and should place more trust in the language.


Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 4:01:06 PM2/12/07
Markus E Leypold <> writes:
> Do you need it to program on the same level of abstraction as
> i.e. with C / C++ / Ada / OCaml? No. So liftM2 is optional in a sense
> (OK, as I'm not a hard core Haskeller I might miss a subtle point, but
> the point I'd like to make, is, that people worry about _additional_
> features when deciding to migrate from languages which don't have that
> features at all).

Well, if I wanted to code in C, I wouldn't be looking into Haskell ;-).

> > But I think I have to use other monads for arrays, concurrency, etc.
> You don't have to use array: Many things can be done purely functional
> with lists and maps.

Someone mentioned Chris Okasaki's book on functional data structures
but I think that's fairly esoteric even for here. Yes, obviously you
can use lists and maps straightforwardly for a lot of things, but that
can lead to horrendous performance impairment compared with using
mutable structures (think of almost any graph algorithm). Even
something like a simple character string like "hello" in Haskell is
represented with five cons nodes instead of a linear vector, so that
you can pattern match x:xs against it, and "x !! n" is an O(n)
operation instead of O(1). This was one reason I asked if Haskell
naturally led to selecting poorly scaling algorithms.

> Concurrency is hardly what one would need in an application that
> needs to do simple things, so certainly (in my eyes) not necessary
> for the beginner. And, Paul: Concurrency is also hard in imperative
> languages :-).

Well true, but I'm interested in FP to escape from the hazards of
C-like (or Lisp-like) languages for complex applications. I'm
therefore trying to get a sense of what it's like on the other side of
the learning curve, not the beginner's side where I am now. That
means dealing with systems interfaces, performance issues, etc.

> Yes, there are such programs. But those are not the only serious
> programs, but "systems programming" or whatever. Also serious in my
> opinion (and much more frequent) is "data processing", that is, read
> your data, derive other data from it and output that. E.g. creating a
> report from a database, massaging XML documents (deleting sections,
> extract meta data etc). Programming servers is only a tiny part of
> information processing.

Sure, that's reasonable, though there's plenty of "systems
programming" on the client side too (think of a writing a word
processor or web browser). Even stuff like massaging XML documents
leads to systems programming, if you want to do stuff like follow
links from the documents (multi-threaded web crawler), or edit them
graphically (communicate with window system etc).

Joachim Durchholz

Feb 12, 2007, 4:04:06 PM2/12/07
to schrieb:

> On Feb 11, 12:51 pm, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
>> Paul Rubin schrieb:
>>> I thought the classic book on data
>>> structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
>>> assembly language.
>> If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly on
>> topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.
>> In all, it reflects the topics and choices that were controversial and
>> important in the fifties. (Similar to reading a book on geometry written
>> by the old Greek philosophical mathematicians. Even if they contributed
>> substantially to the state of the art, neither their problems nor much
>> of their results are very relevant today anymore.)
> Wrong. It just works at a much lower-level than most people these
> days (especially functional programmers) are working at.

Hmm... I have to partially agree.

TAOCP was (and, in some respects, still is) a great work, but it also
has some horrible flaws.
One excellent example here is the spectral test.
First, the algorithm is worded as two overlapping loops. There's not a
single assertion in the code, so it's entirely unclear what invariants
this code is establishing at all.
Second, he's quite handwavy about "the algorithm may overflow but that's
not usually the case", without any useful way to detect the overflow
case, and no discussion about potential improvements or anything.
Knuth lost a lot of credit with me for that piece of shoddy work.

Of course, his discussion of random-number generators is excellent - but
Mersenne Twister wasn't invented when he wrote about random numbers, so
he sticks with recommending linear congruential PRNGs (and devotes a
*lot* of space to the selection of "good" parameters).
Instructive to know that a mere number can influence the quality of an
algorithm, but hardly worth an entire chapter today.

Etc. etc. etc.

There is also a conspicuous lack of important topics.
Nothing about abstract data types.
Nothing about immutability (though there's quite a lot to be said about
the algorithms).
Nothing about amortized complexity, or methods to compute it.
Nothing about programming paradigms.
Nothing about networking.
Nothing about security.
Nothing about usability.
Nothing about (semi-)automatic reasoning about source code (static
typing, type inference, etc.)
Of course, each of these topics is enough for a book of its own.
But I suspect that Knuth would be unable to contribute to these.

It's been quite a long time since I stopped hoping for Knuth's next book.

TAOCP is excellent, and partly brilliant. It may still be the prime
source for the very low-level stuff (though I doubt that - the details
of MIX don't reflect modern architectures anymore, and MIX II may be an
improvement, but it's not *that* much of an improvement).
Anyway. TAOCP is rather outdated, and I'd recommend other sources to
novices in the field.


Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 4:03:14 PM2/12/07
Markus E Leypold <> writes:
> >
> What I see here, is a (badly quoted) piece from presumably a mail or
> news group post which cannot be found elsewhere. Badly quoted, because
> I assume that the first paragraph is written by someone else (Joey?) ,
> not by SPJ. After that I stopped reading.

It was written by Joel Reymont, the guy who wrote a poker server and
then tried writing a test framework for it in Haskell. It's one of a
series of messages exchanged with SPJ and others, so at the beginning
he quotes a paragraph from an earlier SPJ message. Basically it's
part of a thread about why he gave up on Haskell. SPJ asked Joel to
describe his problems more explicitly, so Joel did so in that message.

Joachim Durchholz

Feb 12, 2007, 4:30:15 PM2/12/07
Markus E Leypold schrieb:

> Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
>> Paul Rubin schrieb:
>>> I thought the classic book on data
>>> structures was still TAOCP whose examples are all in (untyped)
>>> assembly language.
>> If you mean Don Knuth's series: it's seriously outdated, particularly
>> on topics like abstract data types, data structures, etc.
> Knuth TAOCP is not about data structures, abstraction or software
> engineering. It's about algorithms and in that area it is not outdated
> at all.

Limited selection of graph algorithm.
A lot of space for tape sorting - interesting but hardly relevant.
No lazy data structures.
Old set of algorithms for PRNGs.
No cryptography.
I don't remember having read about 3D graphics.
Heck, not even 2D graphics. I learned about that from Smalltalk books.

Of course, there *is* a wealth of algorithms in TAOCP. But the selection
of algorithms is tailored towards the needs of the sixties or seventies,
not towards today's needs.

> I wish the people implementing e.g. pseudo random number generators
> today had read Knuth's 2nd volume.

Absolutely no!
TAOCP recommends linear congruential PRNGs. These have comparatively
short periods and hyperplane anomalies.
Today, I'd start with a Mersenne Twister, which AFAIK doesn't have any
known anomalies yet.

> Just recently I had a case of
> abolutely pathological test data (but not recognizable as such at the
> first glance) because someone messed up with random number generation.

Yes, but incompetence is independent of available literature.

> So I don't agree. TAOCP is not outdated and should be required reading
> at universities.

There are better books.

> BTW: Which other texts would you recommend as a substitute? (Serious:
> I'm always collecting bibliographic references).

Today, I'd recommend googling around.
The field of algorithms has diversified so much that it's quite hopeless
to find a single reference.

I do have a fixed list of recommendations, though each fills just a
specific need, in no particular order:

For data structures in FPLs: Chris Okasaki, Purely Functional Data
Structures. It leaves room for improvement, but it's still
groundbreaking work.

For OOP: Bertrand Meyer, Object-Oriented Software Construction.
Instructive even in its (sometimes grave) mistakes, because he explains
his choices so if you disagree about a conclusion, you have a chance to
find out where his assumptions diverge from yours (and you get a chance
to reconsider your assumptions, which can help a lot to shed mental
ballast and acquire new confidence in those assumptions that remain).

For programming paradigms in general: Peter van Roy, Seif Haridi,
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming. Gives an
excellent bird's eye overview of most of the programming paradigms that
are around. (It's missing Prolog, which I personally consider a failure
though it seems to have sparked some interesting other languages.)

Sorting, basic graph & geometry stuff: Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in
C. Not brilliant, just a solid reference of many well-known algorithms.

Cryptography: Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography. *The* standard in
its field. Though I suspect that my copy is quite outdated by now -
cryptography is a fast-moving field.

I probably forgot to mention a few, but I don't have my bookshelf handy.
I guess that if I remember these all by heart, these are among the most
outstanding books anyway :-)
There are also a few odd works that were outstanding in their own right,
but dwell too much on algorithms for which better algorithms exist
today. This includes Adele Goldberg's books about Smalltalk's design and
implementation, Niklas Wirth's Algorithms and Data Structures, the
famous "Dragon Book" by Aho/Hopcroft/Ullman, and probably a few others.
Oh, and the above list doesn't have a good reference work for parsing.
The only work in that area that I read was Kannapinn's thesis, which is
fascinating but essentially a one-trick pony.
To be a reasonably competent programmer, one would have to master at
least one large library, but that's something that's best acquired by
osmosis and programming, not by reading books :-)



Chris F Clark

Feb 12, 2007, 4:30:23 PM2/12/07
"Chris Rathman" <> writes:

I think the argument is whether one should trust one's readers. I
trust the compiler perfectly well. However, I find that the next
maintainer of any program I write is likely to be confused if I don't
over parenthesize. Now, perhaps these are just the confessions of an
"imperative programmer". Perhaps, I would feel differently if I wrote
a lot of FP and had other FP programmers as my readers. However, in
my normal world, I find that one can rarely make things too simple and
too explicit.

I, myself, found the superfluous parenthesis made reading the line in
question simpler. However, I am neither a native nor a fluent ML
speaker. I'm not even a native lisp speaker either, and I didn't find
the lisp-like placement of the parenthesis distracting.

Just one reader's opinion,
-Chris (Clark)

Joachim Durchholz

Feb 12, 2007, 4:38:57 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin schrieb:

> Someone mentioned Chris Okasaki's book on functional data structures
> but I think that's fairly esoteric even for here.

No, not at all. Okasaki's algorithms made it into several data structure
(Of course, only data structure library programmers will really read
every line in that book.)

> Yes, obviously you
> can use lists and maps straightforwardly for a lot of things, but that
> can lead to horrendous performance impairment compared with using
> mutable structures (think of almost any graph algorithm). Even
> something like a simple character string like "hello" in Haskell is
> represented with five cons nodes instead of a linear vector, so that
> you can pattern match x:xs against it, and "x !! n" is an O(n)
> operation instead of O(1). This was one reason I asked if Haskell
> naturally led to selecting poorly scaling algorithms.

This kind of problem will hurt at the micro level, but not so much when
programming in the large.
Of course, you have to do your homework and replace those naive O(N)
algorithms with O(log N) ones. But I've seen needless O(N^2) algorithms
in imperative software far too often to be overly worried about that issue.


Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 4:44:49 PM2/12/07
Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
> Limited selection of graph algorithm.

That's volume 4, in preparation. Some parts of it have been published.

> A lot of space for tape sorting - interesting but hardly relevant.

Very relevant way back when. Current edition says no longer relevant,
but left in because theory still beautiful and might come back into
relevance; however, he says he might take that tsuff out of the next

> No lazy data structures.

Not sure what this means: I've heard of lazy evaluation in
higher-level languages, but lazy data structures? He does discuss
coroutines a fair amount.

> Old set of algorithms for PRNGs.
> No cryptography.

True. Cryptography is kind of a specialized subtopic but it's vastly
affected how we think of PRNG's, so maybe a forthcoming edition better
treat this. He does talk about integer factorization a lot, and
mentions RSA cryptography in conjunction with this.

> I don't remember having read about 3D graphics.
> Heck, not even 2D graphics. I learned about that from Smalltalk books.

Ehh again, specialized subtopic, though maybe my definition of
"specialized subtopic" is colored by what's in TAOCP ;) (as a teenager
I more or less lived inside those books).

> Today, I'd start with a Mersenne Twister, which AFAIK doesn't have any
> known anomalies yet.

There are known distinguishers for MT. If you're really trying to be
careful, you have to use RNG's designed against adversaries, which
means cryptographic RNG's.

> For data structures in FPLs: Chris Okasaki, Purely Functional Data
> Structures. It leaves room for improvement, but it's still
> groundbreaking work.

Sounds interesting.

> For OOP: Bertrand Meyer, Object-Oriented Software

Well, TAOCP is an algorithms book, not really a software development

> For programming paradigms in general: Peter van Roy, Seif Haridi,
> Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming.

Give up on SICP?

> Sorting, basic graph & geometry stuff: Robert Sedgewick, Algorithms in
> C. Not brilliant, just a solid reference of many well-known algorithms.

I like Knuth better for sorting. For other stuff, maybe CL&R.

> Cryptography: Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography. *The* standard in
> its field. Though I suspect that my copy is quite outdated by now -
> cryptography is a fast-moving field.

Nah, no offense to Bruce but that's just a cookbook for programmers.
For the mathematical theory, I'd start with Bellare & Rogaway,
"Introduction to Modern Cryptography". This book (maybe not yet in
print yet, but online) is wonderful. It completely demystifies a
subject that most people (including professionals) still often treat
as black magic:

More hardcore is Goldreich, "Foundations of Cryptography", two printed
vols (I don't have them); fragments of it are online:

> Oh, and the above list doesn't have a good reference work for
> parsing.

Yeah, that's what Knuth vol 7 was supposed to be, but he may have
changed this plan.

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 4:55:51 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> But could be that coding in Haskell naturally leads one to use
> badly-scaling algorithms?

Purely functional data structures certainly tend to be slower for the worst
case in the absence of concurrency. A map represented by a balanced binary
tree can be 10x slower than a hash table.

However, purely functional data structures can also be faster:

Many GCs (e.g. OCaml's) treat arrays of pointers as atoms, traversing the
whole array in one go. So the array of pointers in a big hash table causes
the GC to stall the system, drastically worsening worst-case performance
and rendering the program less suitable for soft real-time work.

Inserting in a hash table is O(n) whereas inserting in a map is only O(log
n) so, again, maps can be preferable when you want fast worst-case

In the presence of concurrency, the need for expensive locks is minimal if
you use purely functional data structures. This vastly simplifies
concurrent code, which can be much more valuable than a factor of 2 in

If the language supports it, the compiler and run-time can leverage
knowledge about immutability to improve performance.

One gem of information that I gleaned from Okasaki's work is that you can
recover much of the performance lost when using purely functional data
structures by amortising costs. However, this often also loses you thread

>> >> he spent too much time fighting the type system and decided he
>> >> was more productive with dynamic types;
>> > That's an interesting one. ... I wonder if my mind is just bent
>> > to think of problem solutions that don't need dynamic types.
> Well, his application involved sending a lot of serialized data over
> network sockets and he had a lot of object types, so I guess he found
> it more straightforward on the receiving end to deserialize the
> packets into objects of the appropriate type and dispatch them
> dynamically, than to have static selection logic all over the place.
> I guess in OCaml one would use OOP, but I always saw OOP as a
> workaround to static types.

I wrote an XMLRPC implementation in OCaml in only 30 LOC by leveraging
pattern matching, higher-order functions and currying.

If you're talking about having hundreds of different types then you should
write a compiler to generate the OCaml bindings for you. That is also easy
in OCaml.

I wouldn't use OOP for that in OCaml. Also, any application that uses
marshalling extensively is better suited to a language with type safe
marshalling, e.g. HashCaml, MetaOCaml or F#.

> I don't understand what precisely what a GADT is, but in dynamically
> typed languages doesn't the whole question go away?

No. The best example of GADTs that I've seen is the tagless interpreter.

In a dynamically typed language you get the worst of all worlds. You have
one of three choices:

1. Put up with no static assurances and maximal boxing and unboxing.

2. Split your interpreter for the most common cases, add lots of type
declarations and hope that your compiler optimises away some of the boxing
and unboxing.

3. Sacrifice safety.

Your typical implementation will look like this OCaml:

let int = function `Int n -> n | _ -> invalid_arg "int";;
let bool = function `Bool b -> b | _ -> invalid_arg "bool";;
let pair = function `Pair(a, b) -> a, b | _ -> invalid_arg "pair";;

let rec eval = function
| `Lit i -> `Int i
| `Inc f -> `Int(int(eval f) + 1)
| `IsZ f -> `Bool(int(eval f) = 0)
| `If(p, t, f) -> eval(if bool(eval p) then t else f)
| `Pair(a, b) -> `Pair(eval a, eval b)
| `Fst f -> fst(pair(eval f))
| `Snd f -> snd(pair(eval f));;

In the absence of GADTs you can split your interpreter into specialised
versions designed to return unboxed values for expressions known to
evaluate to certain types:

let rec eval = function
| `Lit i -> `Int i
| `Inc f -> `Int(eval_int f + 1)
| `IsZ f -> `Bool(eval_int f = 0)
| `If(p, t, f) -> eval(if eval_bool p then t else f)
| `Pair(a, b) -> `Pair(eval a, eval b)
| `Fst f -> fst(eval_pair f)
| `Snd f -> snd(eval_pair f)
and eval_int = function
| `Lit i -> i
| `Inc f -> eval_int f + 1
| `If(p, t, f) -> eval_int(if eval_bool p then t else f)
| `Fst f -> int(fst(eval_pair f))
| `Snd f -> int(snd(eval_pair f))
and eval_bool = function
| `IsZ f -> eval_int f = 0
| `If(p, t, f) -> eval_bool(if eval_bool p then t else f)
| `Fst f -> bool(fst(eval_pair f))
| `Snd f -> bool(snd(eval_pair f))
and eval_pair = function
| `If(p, t, f) -> eval_pair(if eval_bool p then t else f)
| `Pair(a, b) -> eval a, eval b
| `Fst f -> pair(fst(eval_pair f))
| `Snd f -> pair(snd(eval_pair f));;

This removes some of the boxing and unboxing and provides some extra static

With GADTs, you can remove all superfluous boxing to get maximum performance
and maximum static checking:

data Term a where
Lit :: Int -> Term Int
Inc :: Term Int -> Term Int
IsZ :: Term Int -> Term Bool
If :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
Pair :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)
Fst :: Term (a,b) -> Term a
Snd :: Term (a,b) -> Term b

eval :: Term a -> a
eval (Lit i) = i
eval (Inc t) = eval t + 1
eval (IsZ t) = eval t == 0
eval (If b t e) = if eval b then eval t else eval e
eval (Pair a b) = (eval a, eval b)
eval (Fst t) = fst (eval t)
eval (Snd t) = snd (eval t)

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 5:01:11 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Markus E Leypold
> <> writes:
>> >
>> What I see here, is a (badly quoted) piece from presumably a mail or
>> news group post which cannot be found elsewhere. Badly quoted, because
>> I assume that the first paragraph is written by someone else (Joey?) ,
>> not by SPJ. After that I stopped reading.
> It was written by Joel Reymont

That's the guy who bought my book and read it while his house burned down,
whilst sitting on a corpse. Or something:

Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 5:15:44 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop <> writes:
> That's the guy who bought my book and read it while his house burned down,
> whilst sitting on a corpse.

Heh, quite a recommendation ;-)

Feb 12, 2007, 5:29:27 PM2/12/07
On Feb 12, 3:04 pm, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
> There is also a conspicuous lack of important topics.
> Nothing about abstract data types.
> Nothing about immutability (though there's quite a lot to be said about
> the algorithms).
> Nothing about amortized complexity, or methods to compute it.
> Nothing about programming paradigms.
> Nothing about networking.
> Nothing about security.
> Nothing about usability.
> Nothing about (semi-)automatic reasoning about source code (static
> typing, type inference, etc.)
> Of course, each of these topics is enough for a book of its own.
> But I suspect that Knuth would be unable to contribute to these.

The compiler volume isn't out yet as well as some other volumes. But
Knuth nor any other individual can hope to cover all the topics in
computer science/software engineering/usability.... The topics he
does present though are still as relevant as they were back when they
were first published.

> It's been quite a long time since I stopped hoping for Knuth's next book.

I'm not sure what volume is next - maybe the compiler one, but I'm
sure it'll be relevant and not out-dated.

> TAOCP is excellent, and partly brilliant. It may still be the prime
> source for the very low-level stuff (though I doubt that - the details
> of MIX don't reflect modern architectures anymore, and MIX II may be an
> improvement, but it's not *that* much of an improvement).

I'd argue that many of the code examples would be better served by
proving examples in straight C, but I understand the reasoning behind

> Anyway. TAOCP is rather outdated, and I'd recommend other sources to
> novices in the field.

TAOCP is not outdated, but I consider TAOCP as reference volumes and
not teaching texts - at least at the undergraduate level.

> Regards,
> Jo

Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 5:33:04 PM2/12/07
Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
> data type_t = Ival int | Fval float
> ...
> case foo of
> Ival i -> print_int i
> Fval f -> print_float f
> _ -> print_error "invalid type tag"
> Note that the last case is superfluous in most FPLs. Since the
> compiler already knows what cases are allowed, and since it's
> impossible to access the type field and write invalid values into it,

Um, ok, but in this case how do you cons up the object in the first

For example, say you want to read 5 bytes from a network socket. If
the first byte is a 0, the next 4 bytes are an integer (don't worry
about byte order); if the first byte is a 1, the next 4 bytes are a
float. How would you make one of those type_t's out of the 5 bytes?

Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 5:36:26 PM2/12/07
"" <> writes:
> TAOCP is not outdated, but I consider TAOCP as reference volumes and
> not teaching texts - at least at the undergraduate level.

I read them in high school and they were revelatory. I'm just
incapable today of experiencing the level of amazement that they
brought me back then (also Aho & Ullman's dragon book at about the
same time).

Feb 12, 2007, 5:36:56 PM2/12/07
On Feb 12, 3:30 pm, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
> Limited selection of graph algorithm.
> A lot of space for tape sorting - interesting but hardly relevant.
> No lazy data structures.
> Old set of algorithms for PRNGs.
> No cryptography.
> I don't remember having read about 3D graphics.
> Heck, not even 2D graphics. I learned about that from Smalltalk books.

3d graphics!? 2D graphics!? Get a grip man. Knuth can't write a
volume on every subject under the sun.

> Of course, there *is* a wealth of algorithms in TAOCP. But the selection
> of algorithms is tailored towards the needs of the sixties or seventies,
> not towards today's needs.

No it's not. We've already been through this. It's just at a
different level. W

And you still don't get it. You say that TAOCP is outdated and
irrelevant and then bring up a book on Smalltalk's design and how
Knuth's books don't cover 2d/3d graphics. That's all irrelevant
compared to the fundamentals which Knuth is expressing in his volumes.

> Regards,
> Jo

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 5:52:13 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:
> One gem of information that I gleaned from Okasaki's work is that you can
> recover much of the performance lost when using purely functional data
> structures by amortising costs. However, this often also loses you thread
> safety.

Just curious: How can a purely functional data structure have any probems
with thread safety?


Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 6:08:18 PM2/12/07
Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> I do have a fixed list of recommendations, though each fills just a
> specific need, in no particular order:
> For data structures in FPLs: Chris Okasaki, Purely Functional Data
> Structures. It leaves room for improvement, but it's still
> groundbreaking work.

I agree that this is a fantastically good book. Unfortunately it misses one
of the best purely functional data structures that were ever invented: Ralf
Hinze and Ross Paterson's 2-3 finger trees
( Not Okasaki's
fault, of course, 2-3 finger trees didn't exist at the time he wrote his


Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 6:05:04 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:

> Joachim Durchholz <> writes:
>> No lazy data structures.
> Not sure what this means: I've heard of lazy evaluation in
> higher-level languages, but lazy data structures?

Yes. Data structures that are evaluated only when needed. For example, the
stream of natural numbers:

# let rec succ n () = n, succ(n+1);;
val succ : int -> (unit -> int * 'a as 'a) = <fun>
# let nats = succ 0;;
val nats : unit -> int * 'a as 'a = <fun>
# let zero, rest = nats();;
val zero : int = 0
val rest : unit -> int * 'a as 'a = <fun>
# let one, rest = rest();;
val one : int = 1
val rest : unit -> int * 'a as 'a = <fun>

Lazy data structures are widely used in both pure and impure FPLs,
particularly in the context of parsing. OCaml even has a camlp4 syntax
extension to support lazy stream parsing, which is perfect for writing
simple LR parsers:

Lazy data structures are ideal for incremental algorithms that handle large
data structures.

>> I don't remember having read about 3D graphics.
>> Heck, not even 2D graphics. I learned about that from Smalltalk books.
> Ehh again, specialized subtopic, though maybe my definition of
> "specialized subtopic" is colored by what's in TAOCP ;) (as a teenager
> I more or less lived inside those books).

Many data structures and algorithms are best explained in the context of
graphics. Any book on data structures or algorithms should at least touch
on graphics, not least because graphics is the single most effective way to
teach this stuff.

Multiresolution representations (e.g. wavelets) are ideally suited to
functional programming and are fundamental in many disciplines, including
important parts of graphics (e.g. MRI).

Octrees, BSPs and k-D trees underpin LOD algorithms and are used in many
applications that deal with heterogeneous distributions of objects in space
(even databases).

We have already reached the point where consumer GPUs are faster than CPUs.
So leveraging the GPU for general-purpose computation will become
increasingly important.

Implementing GUIs elegantly is one of the major headaches in software
engineering, as I understand it.

So I think graphics is a core topic.

>> For data structures in FPLs: Chris Okasaki, Purely Functional Data
>> Structures. It leaves room for improvement, but it's still
>> groundbreaking work.
> Sounds interesting.

It was a PhD thesis and is quite hardcore. I wish there was a thorough book
on algorithms in SML/OCaml/F#. OCaml for Scientists has a chapter
discussing the most important of OCaml's built-in data structures (arrays,
lists, sets, hash tables, maps and trees) and some extra stuff on
scientific computing (e.g. unbalanced trees). F# for Scientists extends
this with a discussion of ASTs for symbolic manipulation.

But I still want a book that discusses all of the basic data structures
(strings, lists, lazy lists, arrays, sets, maps, hash tables, queues,
stacks, graphs, grab-bags and heaps) with both immutable and mutable
implementations as well as more sophisticated data structures (e.g. skip
lists, functional arrays, deques, tries, vertex/index arrays).

I could do this. Would anyone be interested? I'm erring on the side of a new
book on visualisation instead...

Has anyone read a book on data structures that explained how writing in
continuating passing style lets you convert from hashtables to maps and
back transparently? I find that quite useful...

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 6:09:55 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> For example, say you want to read 5 bytes from a network socket. If
> the first byte is a 0, the next 4 bytes are an integer (don't worry
> about byte order); if the first byte is a 1, the next 4 bytes are a
> float. How would you make one of those type_t's out of the 5 bytes?

Use pattern matching to dispatch over the first byte, collect the next four,
pass it to the appropriate conversion function and box the result in Ival
or Fval:

let int_of_bytes a b c d = a + (b<<8) + (c<<16) + (d<<24)
let ival a b c d = Ival(int_of_bytes a b c d)
let fval a b c d = Fval(float_of_bits(ival a b c d))

let read = function
| 0 :: a::b::c::d :: t -> ival a b c d :: read t
| 1 :: a::b::c::d :: t -> fval a b c d :: read t
| ...

This is exactly the kind of application where you'd probably use a lazy list
for the byte stream.

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 6:21:59 PM2/12/07
Joachim Durchholz wrote:
> >    enum type_t {ival_t, fval_t }; # syntax probably wrong

Nicely self-referencing comment... ;-))


Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 6:52:35 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop <> writes:
> Purely functional data structures certainly tend to be slower for
> the worst case in the absence of concurrency. A map represented by a
> balanced binary tree can be 10x slower than a hash table.

It seems to me that in real-world computing there is always mutable
data at the bottom, i.e. any FP implementation is going to have a
runtime garbage collector busily trying to re-use memory cells in the

Maybe these functional data structures are often putting the
abstraction at the wrong place, and instead the abstractions should be
offered as language primitives like lists are, so the compiler can use
mutable structures in the very common cases where it can tell that the
object won't be shared.

> Many GCs (e.g. OCaml's) treat arrays of pointers as atoms, traversing the
> whole array in one go. So the array of pointers in a big hash table causes
> the GC to stall the system, drastically worsening worst-case performance
> and rendering the program less suitable for soft real-time work.

That's just a matter of how the GC is implemented, and how arrays are

> In the presence of concurrency, the need for expensive locks is
> minimal if you use purely functional data structures.

It pushes the requirements for locking down to the GC.

> This vastly simplifies concurrent code, which can be much more
> valuable than a factor of 2 in performance.

I think the Haskell STM stuff gets rid of the need for visible locks,
even for mutable structures.

> If the language supports it, the compiler and run-time can leverage
> knowledge about immutability to improve performance.

Certainly, any FPL compiler that didn't do that would be awful.

> I wrote an XMLRPC implementation in OCaml in only 30 LOC by leveraging
> pattern matching, higher-order functions and currying.
> If you're talking about having hundreds of different types then you should
> write a compiler to generate the OCaml bindings for you. That is also easy
> in OCaml.

Maybe the poker guy should have done that.

> I wouldn't use OOP for that in OCaml. Also, any application that uses
> marshalling extensively is better suited to a language with type safe
> marshalling, e.g. HashCaml, MetaOCaml or F#.

Yes, that's precisely what the poker guy was trying to do in Haskell.

> [GADT's] Your typical implementation will look like this OCaml:

> let int = function `Int n -> n | _ -> invalid_arg "int";;
> let bool = function `Bool b -> b | _ -> invalid_arg "bool";;
> let pair = function `Pair(a, b) -> a, b | _ -> invalid_arg "pair";;
> let rec eval = function
> | `Lit i -> `Int i
> | `Inc f -> `Int(int(eval f) + 1)
> | `IsZ f -> `Bool(int(eval f) = 0)
> | `If(p, t, f) -> eval(if bool(eval p) then t else f)
> | `Pair(a, b) -> `Pair(eval a, eval b)
> | `Fst f -> fst(pair(eval f))
> | `Snd f -> snd(pair(eval f));;

I'm confused by this; eval makes a tagged and boxed value, so the
Lisp equivalent would be (the int (eval f)) for Inc f, and so
forth. "the" is a runtime type assertion that in some cases can
be optimized away by the compiler.

> In the absence of GADTs you can split your interpreter into specialised
> versions designed to return unboxed values for expressions

Right, this is pretty messy and is maybe what the poker guy got
frustrated with. So GADT's are the workaround that let you do things
more like dynamically typed languages, but maybe with less looseness
so I guess it's nicer.

Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 7:14:45 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop <> writes:
> let int_of_bytes a b c d = a + (b<<8) + (c<<16) + (d<<24)
> let ival a b c d = Ival(int_of_bytes a b c d)
> let fval a b c d = Fval(float_of_bits(ival a b c d))

OK, thanks, this helps. I'm not sure how the syntax indicates that
what's coming out is a type_t but I think I understand the example, so
this is pretty good. I'll see if I can apply the concept to the poker
guy's Haskell/Erlang example.

Now I have to wonder how it is that the Haskell guys omitted this
feature for so long, if it's been in ML the whole time.

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 7:22:01 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Don't extrapolate something Joel said about Haskell to the whole of
>> type inference.
> Well it's still standard practice in Haskell to declare most or all
> functions, even though the compiler can infer the types, because the
> declarations make things easier on humans and make it easier to locate
> errors once the compiler reports them.  I don't know whether those
> issues apply to ML.

First, Joel's problems had nothing to do with type /inference/ AFAIR. They
had something to do with static typing, as such, though. I think for what
he wanted to do, an untyped language such as Erlang is simply more

Second, it may be true that "declarations [type signatures] ... make it
easier to locate errors once the compiler reports them." However, they can
also make refactoring harder. There are also situations where the code is
relatively simple but the most general type signature is quite complex
(because of many type class constraints). It's a trade-off. One commonly
used practice is to give type signatures only on module boundaries
(especially for libraries) which has the aditional advantage that they make
life easier for auto-documentation tools like haddock. Sometimes a type
signature is necessary because of limitations of the inference algorithm
(polymorphic recursion comes to mind, as well as the monomorphism


Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 7:19:48 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jon Harrop <> writes:
>> let int_of_bytes a b c d = a + (b<<8) + (c<<16) + (d<<24)
>> let ival a b c d = Ival(int_of_bytes a b c d)
>> let fval a b c d = Fval(float_of_bits(ival a b c d))
> OK, thanks, this helps. I'm not sure how the syntax indicates that
> what's coming out is a type_t but I think I understand the example, so
> this is pretty good.

That is a very important point. In this case, we explicitly defined Ival and
Fval so the compiler knows the instant that it sees these constructors that
the result is of type type_t. Thanks to this unambiguous knowledge about
the sum type, static type checking buys you a lot in terms of robustness.
If you make the slightest mistake it is caught.

However, our sum type is not extensible. We could make it extensible by
switching to polymorphic variants:

let ival a b c d = `Ival(int_of_bytes a b c d)
let fval a b c d = `Fval(float_of_bits(ival a b c d))

Note the `.

Now the compiler infers the sum type and leaves it "open", meaning
extensible. However, inferring sum types quickly leads to obfuscated error
messages so you end up adding type annotations. Consequently, non-trivial
polymorphic variants are rare in real OCaml code. However, polymorphic
variants are widely used to implement overlapping sum types (e.g. the GL_
namespace in OpenGL) and simple sum types (as I did in my previous

For example, you could easily misspell a constructor `IVal instead of `Ival
and this might slip through type checking to give you a run-time error or
even incorrect semantics.

> I'll see if I can apply the concept to the poker guy's Haskell/Erlang
> example.

Judicious use of currying can help a lot.

> Now I have to wonder how it is that the Haskell guys omitted this
> feature for so long, if it's been in ML the whole time.

I'm sure this is in Haskell. It is just a question of recognising this
pattern for what it is (dynamic typing).

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 7:30:55 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:
> Andreas Rossberg wrote:
>> Jon Harrop wrote:
>>> I don't know about Joel's project but, in this context, Haskell's type
>>> system is undecidable so it can require type annotations whereas ML's is
>>> decidable and does not require annotations.
>> Not sure what you mean by "in this context", but just to get this
>> straight: Haskell's type system is not undecidable. GHC allows you to
>> step into the realm of undecidable type checking by explicitly
>> requesting it via a compiler flag, but the average user should hardly
>> ever need that.
> My mistaken then. I thought that was the default in Haskell.

I think you two are talking about different things. Yes, Haskell's type
system is decidable by default. However, Haskell (by default, too) allows
things like polymorphic recursion which will give you a type error if you
forget the type signature. That is, Haskell's type inference is incomplete
(which is because type inference for polymorphic recursion is undecidable).

I hope I've got this right... ;-)


Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 7:25:10 PM2/12/07
to wrote:
> On Feb 12, 3:30 pm, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
>> Limited selection of graph algorithm.
>> A lot of space for tape sorting - interesting but hardly relevant.
>> No lazy data structures.
>> Old set of algorithms for PRNGs.
>> No cryptography.
>> I don't remember having read about 3D graphics.
>> Heck, not even 2D graphics. I learned about that from Smalltalk books.
> 3d graphics!? 2D graphics!? Get a grip man. Knuth can't write a
> volume on every subject under the sun.

Look at this quote from TAOCP:

"High-level languages are inadequate for discussing important low-level
details such as coroutine linkage, random number generation,
multi-precision arithmetic and many problems involving efficient usage of

Note that the information in TAOCP on every one of those topics in now
almost entirely redundant in the context of modern FPLs. Coroutines are
worthless without discussing tail recursion, exceptions, closures and
higher-order functions. His description of RNGs is apparently out of date.
MP remains of little relevance. Memory usage is quite different in FPLs and
is closely tied to the run-time and its representation.

As one of the few book authors on functional programming, I can tell you
that I have done by homework with regard to market research and my readers
don't give two hoots about tape drives but they love anything on graphics.

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 7:40:21 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jon Harrop <> writes:
>> Purely functional data structures certainly tend to be slower for
>> the worst case in the absence of concurrency. A map represented by a
>> balanced binary tree can be 10x slower than a hash table.
> It seems to me that in real-world computing there is always mutable
> data at the bottom, i.e. any FP implementation is going to have a
> runtime garbage collector busily trying to re-use memory cells in the
> computer.

Absolutely. The FPL compiler takes care of producing correct, mutable data

> Maybe these functional data structures are often putting the
> abstraction at the wrong place, and instead the abstractions should be
> offered as language primitives like lists are, so the compiler can use
> mutable structures in the very common cases where it can tell that the
> object won't be shared.

That is exactly what modern FPL compilers do and that is why OCaml can be as
fast as C++.

>> Many GCs (e.g. OCaml's) treat arrays of pointers as atoms, traversing the
>> whole array in one go. So the array of pointers in a big hash table
>> causes the GC to stall the system, drastically worsening worst-case
>> performance and rendering the program less suitable for soft real-time
>> work.
> That's just a matter of how the GC is implemented, and how arrays are
> implemented.

Yes, but there are important trade-offs involved that drastically affect
performance. This is a hugely complicated subject and, for high-performance
programming, you must be aware of the caveats of your chosen

>> In the presence of concurrency, the need for expensive locks is
>> minimal if you use purely functional data structures.
> It pushes the requirements for locking down to the GC.

Exactly. Writing the GC is then the hard part, which is exactly the way we
want it!

>> This vastly simplifies concurrent code, which can be much more
>> valuable than a factor of 2 in performance.
> I think the Haskell STM stuff gets rid of the need for visible locks,
> even for mutable structures.


>> I wouldn't use OOP for that in OCaml. Also, any application that uses
>> marshalling extensively is better suited to a language with type safe
>> marshalling, e.g. HashCaml, MetaOCaml or F#.
> Yes, that's precisely what the poker guy was trying to do in Haskell.

In OCaml, you should really write custom string_of_foo functions for every
type that passes through your interface. You can factor them into HOFs, of
course, so it generally isn't too much work.

>> [GADT's] Your typical implementation will look like this OCaml:
>> let int = function `Int n -> n | _ -> invalid_arg "int";;
>> let bool = function `Bool b -> b | _ -> invalid_arg "bool";;
>> let pair = function `Pair(a, b) -> a, b | _ -> invalid_arg "pair";;
>> let rec eval = function
>> | `Lit i -> `Int i
>> | `Inc f -> `Int(int(eval f) + 1)
>> | `IsZ f -> `Bool(int(eval f) = 0)
>> | `If(p, t, f) -> eval(if bool(eval p) then t else f)
>> | `Pair(a, b) -> `Pair(eval a, eval b)
>> | `Fst f -> fst(pair(eval f))
>> | `Snd f -> snd(pair(eval f));;
> I'm confused by this; eval makes a tagged and boxed value, so the
> Lisp equivalent would be (the int (eval f)) for Inc f, and so
> forth. "the" is a runtime type assertion that in some cases can
> be optimized away by the compiler.

Exactly. That is no good. It can always be optimised away in this case but
neither Lisp nor OCaml are expressive enough to convey that information to
the compiler, so they end up boxing/unboxing every single subexpression

>> In the absence of GADTs you can split your interpreter into specialised
>> versions designed to return unboxed values for expressions
> Right, this is pretty messy and is maybe what the poker guy got
> frustrated with. So GADT's are the workaround that let you do things
> more like dynamically typed languages, but maybe with less looseness
> so I guess it's nicer.

No, you can't even begin to do that in a dynamically typed language - it
will just box/unbox everything.

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 7:42:49 PM2/12/07
Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> I think you two are talking about different things. Yes, Haskell's type
> system is decidable by default. However, Haskell (by default, too) allows
> things like polymorphic recursion which will give you a type error if you
> forget the type signature. That is, Haskell's type inference is incomplete
> (which is because type inference for polymorphic recursion is
> undecidable).
> I hope I've got this right... ;-)

That's exactly what I thought. So you can use polymorphic recursion in your
program but Haskell can't decide the type so you are forced to annotate.
Then in what sense is Haskell's typing decidable?

Note that I'm a physicist and not a type theorist!

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 8:12:08 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Jon Harrop <> writes:
>> Purely functional data structures certainly tend to be slower for
>> the worst case in the absence of concurrency. A map represented by a
>> balanced binary tree can be 10x slower than a hash table.
> It seems to me that in real-world computing there is always mutable
> data at the bottom, i.e. any FP implementation is going to have a
> runtime garbage collector busily trying to re-use memory cells in the
> computer.
> Maybe these functional data structures are often putting the
> abstraction at the wrong place, and instead the abstractions should be
> offered as language primitives like lists are, so the compiler can use
> mutable structures in the very common cases where it can tell that the
> object won't be shared.

It may be a common case that an object isn't shared, although I'd guess this
is rather /because/ most languages aren't purely functional.

It is something completely different to say that such a case can easily be
told by the compiler (I doubt it).

Purely functional data structures have many advantages, one of them being
persistence, i.e. you can quite easily store a complete 'history' of a data
structure -- think undo/redo in an interactive editor -- /without/ making a
complete copy every time it 'changes'.

>> In the presence of concurrency, the need for expensive locks is
>> minimal if you use purely functional data structures.
> It pushes the requirements for locking down to the GC.

No, this has nothing to do with GC. In a purely functional language
you /cannot/ 'accidentally' (in the sense of: not understanding that you
violate an invariant) modify something. Thus, data structures can be shared
quite liberally, even between threads; it is just that you don't notice it
because the sharing is never observable in the form of differing values.

>> This vastly simplifies concurrent code, which can be much more
>> valuable than a factor of 2 in performance.
> I think the Haskell STM stuff gets rid of the need for visible locks,
> even for mutable structures.

And STM works so well in Haskell thanks to immutability of all values.

>> If the language supports it, the compiler and run-time can leverage
>> knowledge about immutability to improve performance.
> Certainly, any FPL compiler that didn't do that would be awful.

I think this is quite hard in the presence of side effects if the latter are
not clearly identifiable via a type distinction.

>> I wrote an XMLRPC implementation in OCaml in only 30 LOC by leveraging
>> pattern matching, higher-order functions and currying.
>> If you're talking about having hundreds of different types then you
>> should write a compiler to generate the OCaml bindings for you. That is
>> also easy in OCaml.
> Maybe the poker guy should have done that.

It is indeed a possibility. Note however that static typing was only one of
Joels problems.

>> I wouldn't use OOP for that in OCaml. Also, any application that uses
>> marshalling extensively is better suited to a language with type safe
>> marshalling, e.g. HashCaml, MetaOCaml or F#.
> Yes, that's precisely what the poker guy was trying to do in Haskell.

And nowadays we have Data.Binary and Data.ByteString, which would have been
a tremendous help, had it existed then.

>> [GADT's] Your typical implementation will look like this OCaml:
>> let int = function `Int n -> n | _ -> invalid_arg "int";;
>> let bool = function `Bool b -> b | _ -> invalid_arg "bool";;
>> let pair = function `Pair(a, b) -> a, b | _ -> invalid_arg "pair";;
>> let rec eval = function
>> | `Lit i -> `Int i
>> | `Inc f -> `Int(int(eval f) + 1)
>> | `IsZ f -> `Bool(int(eval f) = 0)
>> | `If(p, t, f) -> eval(if bool(eval p) then t else f)
>> | `Pair(a, b) -> `Pair(eval a, eval b)
>> | `Fst f -> fst(pair(eval f))
>> | `Snd f -> snd(pair(eval f));;
> I'm confused by this; eval makes a tagged and boxed value, so the
> Lisp equivalent would be (the int (eval f)) for Inc f, and so
> forth. "the" is a runtime type assertion that in some cases can
> be optimized away by the compiler.

I doubt there is any lisp dialect which can distinguish (and propagate)
function types at runtime -- you'd need a (potentially) infinite number of
tags to do this...

>> In the absence of GADTs you can split your interpreter into specialised
>> versions designed to return unboxed values for expressions
> Right, this is pretty messy and is maybe what the poker guy got
> frustrated with. So GADT's are the workaround that let you do things
> more like dynamically typed languages, but maybe with less looseness
> so I guess it's nicer.

No, no, a GADT ensures /more/ static restrictions than a regular ADT, not
less. It says that certain constructors of the data type must
deliver /specialised/ versions of the general type scheme of the data type.
It is these extra restrictions that allow the definition of the 'eval'
function to rest assured that e.g. the result of the 'Inc' constructor is
a 'Term Int' and not just any old 'Term a'. With a ordinary data type this
would have to be checked at runtime.


Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 8:17:42 PM2/12/07

Good question!

If the API makes the data structure appear purely functional by not
providing mutation but the underlying implementation uses mutation then it
can break thread safety. Splay trees are the obvious example. They reorder
themselves transparently and in-place when you use "find".

It is normally the allocation/GC that kills performance. Amortising
operations can greatly reduce this cost but often requires a mini mutable
stack or equivalent internal data structure to remember the operations
being amortised. To avoid allocation when superceding, these are often

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 8:27:58 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:

> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Now I have to wonder how it is that the Haskell guys omitted this
>> feature for so long, if it's been in ML the whole time.
> I'm sure this is in Haskell. It is just a question of recognising this
> pattern for what it is (dynamic typing).

Hm, I don't think polymorphic variants are supported directly in Haskell. I
remember reading some papers that proposed extensions to that effect. You
could probably make up something using advanced type class hackery, but it
wouldn't be very intuitive or idiomatic.

GHC (at least) has a type Dynamic, though, which may be what you meant; it
lets you pack data into a generic container and later dispatch on the
actual type of teh data contained. However, this is involves tagging, of
course (though nicely hidden under the surface) and also excludes


Feb 12, 2007, 8:30:43 PM2/12/07
On Feb 12, 6:25 pm, Jon Harrop <> wrote:

> wrote:
> > On Feb 12, 3:30 pm, Joachim Durchholz <> wrote:
> >> Limited selection of graph algorithm.
> >> A lot of space for tape sorting - interesting but hardly relevant.
> >> No lazy data structures.
> >> Old set of algorithms for PRNGs.
> >> No cryptography.
> >> I don't remember having read about 3D graphics.
> >> Heck, not even 2D graphics. I learned about that from Smalltalk books.
> > 3d graphics!? 2D graphics!? Get a grip man. Knuth can't write a
> > volume on every subject under the sun.
> Look at this quote from TAOCP:
> "High-level languages are inadequate for discussing important low-level
> details such as coroutine linkage, random number generation,
> multi-precision arithmetic and many problems involving efficient usage of
> memory."
> Note that the information in TAOCP on every one of those topics in now
> almost entirely redundant in the context of modern FPLs.

TAOCP transcends functional programming and are not supposed to be
functional programming books.

Coroutines are
> worthless without discussing tail recursion, exceptions, closures and
> higher-order functions. His description of RNGs is apparently out of date.
> MP remains of little relevance. Memory usage is quite different in FPLs and
> is closely tied to the run-time and its representation.
> As one of the few book authors on functional programming,

Few authors? I don't think so.

> I can tell you
> that I have done by homework with regard to market research and my readers
> don't give two hoots about tape drives but they love anything on graphics.

Haha, I guess Knuth should do a poll and write a book on underwater
basket weaving if the responders want it. Foley, Van Damn, and others
can handle graphics just fine.

> --
> Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy

> OCaml for Scientists

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 8:46:08 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:
> Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>> I think you two are talking about different things. Yes, Haskell's type
>> system is decidable by default. However, Haskell (by default, too) allows
>> things like polymorphic recursion which will give you a type error if you
>> forget the type signature. That is, Haskell's type inference is
>> incomplete (which is because type inference for polymorphic recursion is
>> undecidable).
>> I hope I've got this right... ;-)
> That's exactly what I thought. So you can use polymorphic recursion in
> your program but Haskell can't decide the type so you are forced to
> annotate. Then in what sense is Haskell's typing decidable?
> Note that I'm a physicist and not a type theorist!

I'm not a type theorist either, but from what I've read so far, a type
system is usually called 'decidable' resp. 'undecidable' according to
whether type /checking/ is (i.e. assuming everything is annotated with a
signature). You could say this terminology is merely a convention (and it

In Haskell98 type checking is decidable, i.e. the type checker always
terminates. Type checking can become undecidable if the type system is so
strong that it becomes turing complete. Dependent type systems have a
tendency to become undecidable, if they allow general recursion. See, e.g.
Qi, or Cayenne, or even C++. Haskell's type system gets undecidable if you
lift certain restrictions for class instance declaration; the ghc compiler
switch is named (guess what) -fallow-undecidable-instances ;-)


Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 9:00:28 PM2/12/07
Paul Rubin wrote:
> Tony Finch <> writes:
>> TAOCP, even the updated editions, is horribly old-fashioned. Knuth's
>> arguments for using a made-up assembly language instead of a made-up
>> programming language are entirely bogus. You're much better off with
>> Corment, Leiserson & Rivest, plus Okasaki if you want to get into
>> hard-core FP.
> Ehh, ok, maybe I'm a fuddy duddy then. I do know about CL&R and have
> thought I might splurge for a copy sometime, since it has a lot more
> about graph algorithms than Knuth vols 1-3 (the forthcoming Knuth
> vol. 4 will cover them). I just googled and found a blurb for
> Okasaki's book (hadn't heard of it before) but am not sure what to
> think--should I care about that stuff (for example to support
> parallelism) or just use imperative constructions (e.g. with the array
> monads in Haskell)?

I think the best would be to postpone reading about purely functional data
structures and simply use the ones in the standard libraries. Well, at
least until you feel a bit more familiar with statically typed fucntional
programming. Okasaki's book is very much concerned with proving amortized
bounds for certain operations, in fact he invented the first practical
method to do so for persistent functional data structures. In practice this
is often (but not always) not the most relevant issue; for instance,
constant factors may -- if large enough -- be more relevant in practice
than asymptotic bounds.

Writing 'imperative' code in Haskell is possible using monads, but I'd limit
it to where necessary. For instance, Data.Sequence (new in ghc6.6) is a
really good sequence implementation; of course it doesn't give constant
time random access (random access is logarithmic in the distance to one of
the end points), but this is not very often necessary. And arrays are bad
for appending or merging operations.


Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 8:59:11 PM2/12/07
Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>>> In the presence of concurrency, the need for expensive locks is
>>> minimal if you use purely functional data structures.
>> It pushes the requirements for locking down to the GC.
> No, this has nothing to do with GC. In a purely functional language
> you /cannot/ 'accidentally' (in the sense of: not understanding that you
> violate an invariant) modify something. Thus, data structures can be
> shared quite liberally, even between threads; it is just that you don't
> notice it because the sharing is never observable in the form of differing
> values.

So the application programmer doesn't have to take out locks but the GC
programmer must, if the GC is to be concurrent. I think that is what Paul

>> Right, this is pretty messy and is maybe what the poker guy got
>> frustrated with. So GADT's are the workaround that let you do things
>> more like dynamically typed languages, but maybe with less looseness
>> so I guess it's nicer.
> No, no, a GADT ensures /more/ static restrictions than a regular ADT, not
> less. It says that certain constructors of the data type must
> deliver /specialised/ versions of the general type scheme of the data
> type. It is these extra restrictions that allow the definition of the
> 'eval' function to rest assured that e.g. the result of the 'Inc'
> constructor is a 'Term Int' and not just any old 'Term a'. With a ordinary
> data type this would have to be checked at runtime.

Exactly. I think Paul's confusion arises from the fact that you don't
explicitly box in dynamically typed languages, it is forced upon you behind
your back. This is why succinct ML code is often fast ML code...

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
OCaml for Scientists

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 9:11:36 PM2/12/07
Chris F Clark wrote:
> I think the argument is whether one should trust one's readers. I
> trust the compiler perfectly well. However, I find that the next
> maintainer of any program I write is likely to be confused if I don't
> over parenthesize. Now, perhaps these are just the confessions of an
> "imperative programmer". Perhaps, I would feel differently if I wrote
> a lot of FP and had other FP programmers as my readers. However, in
> my normal world, I find that one can rarely make things too simple and
> too explicit.
> I, myself, found the superfluous parenthesis made reading the line in
> question simpler. However, I am neither a native nor a fluent ML
> speaker. I'm not even a native lisp speaker either, and I didn't find
> the lisp-like placement of the parenthesis distracting.

In *ML and Haskell, there is a very simple rule: (prefix) function
application ("fun arg1 arg2") binds most tightly and associates to the
left. This is quite easy to get used to and I have never seen Haskell code
that uses extra parentheses as in given the example.

I agree, however, that the whole issue is superficial; and that it often
makes sense to be a bit more explicit than would be necessary, if only for
the benefit of the reader. This is epecially true for Haskell, where
operator binding precedence can be defined (almost) ad libitum.


Paul Rubin

Feb 12, 2007, 9:23:54 PM2/12/07
Benjamin Franksen <> writes:
> It may be a common case that an object isn't shared, although I'd guess this
> is rather /because/ most languages aren't purely functional.

Think of the obvious "f(g(x))" in your favorite language; the
intermediate result g(x) is not shared, and this is a very common

> Purely functional data structures have many advantages, one of them
> being persistence, i.e. you can quite easily store a complete
> 'history' of a data structure -- think undo/redo in an interactive
> editor -- /without/ making a complete copy every time it 'changes'.

This is sometimes useful, sometimes not, and (maybe) sometimes imposes
too much cost.

> > It pushes the requirements for locking down to the GC.

> No, this has nothing to do with GC. ... data structures can be shared

> quite liberally, even between threads

What I mean is that underneath, the GC is frantically relocating data
in the computer's memory, and might be multi-threaded itself, so
there's still mutation and locking going on. It's just concealed from
the high-level abstract layer, maybe at the cost of a lot of low level
locking and thrashing instead of a much smaller amount of high level
data mutation. Presumably Okasaki's work analyzes some of these cost

> I doubt there is any lisp dialect which can distinguish (and
> propagate) function types at runtime -- you'd need a (potentially)
> infinite number of tags to do this...

Right. You'd just manually assign tags to the types you cared about.

> No, no, a GADT ensures /more/ static restrictions than a regular ADT, not
> less. It says that certain constructors of the data type must
> deliver /specialised/ versions of the general type scheme of the data type.

Now I'm confused again--it's not making a boxed object with a type tag
interpreted by special hair in the runtime?

Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 9:28:13 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:
> Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>> Jon Harrop wrote:
>>> One gem of information that I gleaned from Okasaki's work is that you
>>> can recover much of the performance lost when using purely functional
>>> data structures by amortising costs. However, this often also loses you
>>> thread safety.
>> Just curious: How can a purely functional data structure have any probems
>> with thread safety?
> Good question!
> If the API makes the data structure appear purely functional by not
> providing mutation but the underlying implementation uses mutation then it
> can break thread safety. Splay trees are the obvious example. They reorder
> themselves transparently and in-place when you use "find".

Hmm, yes. The internal implementation using mutable structures would have to
be thread-safe, too. And now I think I understand your (and Paul's)
comments w.r.t. GC. Yes, the GC would have to be aware of multiple threads
and do some (hopefully small) amount of locking... at least if the
(internally used) mutable state /can be/ shared between threads. /If/ the
code internally uses the mutable state only in a single threaded way (which
can be statically guaranteed by using the ST monad in Haskell) then this
wouldn't be a problem, right?

> It is normally the allocation/GC that kills performance. Amortising
> operations can greatly reduce this cost but often requires a mini mutable
> stack or equivalent internal data structure to remember the operations
> being amortised. To avoid allocation when superceding, these are often
> mutable.

But what Okasaki shows in his book is that you can use laziness instead of
mutability. Laziness (if used in the right way) allows the (purely
functional) implementation to postpone costly operations and to perform
them incrementally 'on demand'. You need a special sort of cost analysis to
show the amortized time bounds even in case of persistent use, but
developing and applying such an analysis is exactly the point of the book
(as I understood it).

Of course it may be that a lazy evaluation strategy places additional
demands on the GC...


Benjamin Franksen

Feb 12, 2007, 9:30:40 PM2/12/07
Jon Harrop wrote:
> Benjamin Franksen wrote:
>>>> In the presence of concurrency, the need for expensive locks is
>>>> minimal if you use purely functional data structures.
>>> It pushes the requirements for locking down to the GC.
>> No, this has nothing to do with GC. In a purely functional language
>> you /cannot/ 'accidentally' (in the sense of: not understanding that you
>> violate an invariant) modify something. Thus, data structures can be
>> shared quite liberally, even between threads; it is just that you don't
>> notice it because the sharing is never observable in the form of
>> differing values.
> So the application programmer doesn't have to take out locks but the GC
> programmer must, if the GC is to be concurrent. I think that is what Paul
> meant.

Yes, right. I didn't understand this at first.


Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 9:29:59 PM2/12/07
to wrote:
>> Note that the information in TAOCP on every one of those topics is now

>> almost entirely redundant in the context of modern FPLs.
> TAOCP transcends functional programming

No more than a book on how to use an abacus "transcends" FP.

> and are not supposed to be functional programming books.

This forum and thread are about FP. TAOCP might still be relevant for
embedded assembly language programmers but that discussion is for another

>> I can tell you
>> that I have done by homework with regard to market research and my
>> readers don't give two hoots about tape drives but they love anything on
>> graphics.
> Haha, I guess Knuth should do a poll and write a book on underwater
> basket weaving if the responders want it. Foley, Van Damn, and others
> can handle graphics just fine.

You claimed that TAOCP is still relevant, yet people no longer value its

Dr Jon D Harrop, Flying Frog Consultancy
OCaml for Scientists

Jon Harrop

Feb 12, 2007, 9:39:26 PM2/12/07
Benjamin Franksen wrote:
> Hmm, yes. The internal implementation using mutable structures would have
> to be thread-safe, too. And now I think I understand your (and Paul's)
> comments w.r.t. GC. Yes, the GC would have to be aware of multiple threads
> and do some (hopefully small) amount of locking... at least if the
> (internally used) mutable state /can be/ shared between threads. /If/ the
> code internally uses the mutable state only in a single threaded way
> (which can be statically guaranteed by using the ST monad in Haskell) then
> this wouldn't be a problem, right?

In theory, I believe so. In practice, concurrent GC still cripples
performance in real implementations. Look at Java and C#.

I've been benchmarking F# recently and it is much slower than OCaml on
allocation-intensive code because the .NET GC is very slow for this usage
compared to the OCaml GC. Now, this is partly because the .NET GC does not
optimise for rapid recycling (a value-lifetime distribution typical of
FPLs) so it isn't a fair comparison in that sense. But F# can use 1.5 CPUs
(thanks to concurrent GC) and yet it is still 3x slower in real time for
many programs.

I should also note that F# can be faster than OCaml on C#-like code, e.g.
float array operations. These play to the advantages of a run-time that has
been heavily tuned for typical C# code. In OCaml, mutation forces minor GC
collection, IIRC.

>> It is normally the allocation/GC that kills performance. Amortising
>> operations can greatly reduce this cost but often requires a mini mutable
>> stack or equivalent internal data structure to remember the operations
>> being amortised. To avoid allocation when superceding, these are often
>> mutable.
> But what Okasaki shows in his book is that you can use laziness instead of
> mutability. Laziness (if used in the right way) allows the (purely
> functional) implementation to postpone costly operations and to perform
> them incrementally 'on demand'. You need a special sort of cost analysis
> to show the amortized time bounds even in case of persistent use, but
> developing and applying such an analysis is exactly the point of the book
> (as I understood it).


> Of course it may be that a lazy evaluation strategy places additional
> demands on the GC...

If it is purely functional then I think it must add to the GCs burden. How
can it accumulate information without allocating or mutating?

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