DXforth is a typical troll.
He routinely twists a person's words to seem as if he said something
that he did not say (usually the exact opposite of what he did say).
DXforth does to get a response from the person, then he twists this response
again to something else --- he continues doing this so long as he continues
to get responses --- this is the "troll game" that we see so often on comp.lang.forth
(and a big part of why I have lost interest in comp.lang.forth).
DXforth has his Z80 Forth that is most likely copied out of Loelliger's book:
"Threaded Interpretive Languages" (I read the book when I was still in high-school).
DXforth provides comp.lang.forth with an endless stream of drivel in which he
claims that his awesome creativity must never be put in a box by any Forth standard
or code-library, because he can write super-efficient programs that are "exactly right"
due to him writing them entirely from scratch (Elizabeth Rather says the same thing).
DXforth is a clown --- I want him to stop pestering me --- I want him to just go away.
Elizabeth Rather has gone away --- good riddance!
On Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 8:54:10 PM UTC-7, dxforth wrote:
> On 8/02/2023 12:01 pm, Hugh Aguilar wrote:
> >
> > I don't think that anybody on comp.lang.forth is smart enough to learn Forth.
> > None of them are actually programming in Forth --- this is why none of them noticed
> > that VFX has serious bugs in POSTPONE LITERAL (and possibly any use of POSTPONE).
> Your complaint is nobody has recently used the Novice Pack else they would have
> noticed. That's very likely correct.
This is obviously not what I said. DXforth is a liar trying to put words in my mouth.
I said that nobody is doing any programming in VFX or they would have noticed
the bug in the new version VFX as soon as it came out (of, if they are programming
in VFX, they aren't using POSTPONE most likely because it is too advanced for them).
The point of this thread is that the new version of VFX has serious bugs.
The silence from Stephen Pelc is deafening!
Stephen Pelc obviously put these bugs in VFX to prevent my novice-package from working.
The bugs are in POSTPONE which is a crucial part of my early-binding MACRO: that
depends upon the disambiguifiers to be ANS-Forth compliant.
Stephen Pelc totally lied when he said that the disambiguifiers don't work.
The disambiguifiers fix the bug in ANS-Forth that makes FIND and tick ambiguous
and unusable on all of the words in ANS-Forth (51 of them) whose definition includes
the statement: "Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined."
> > Getting code to actually work is the difficult part of programming, so many "programmers"
> > avoid ever being put in a position where they have to do this --- this is why comp.lang.forth
> > is full of super-duper programming experts who never do any programming.
> That's why the Novice Pack was created - to eliminate the difficulties. In telling
> programmers they have neither the time nor need to re-invent the wheel, one is
> creating the "super-duper programming experts" who have no experience they can rely
> on or call their own because everything has come second-hand.
This is obviously not what I have ever said.
The novice-package was created to provide building blocks for writing programs,
so the programmer can concentrate on writing his program, rather than dinking around
with implementing data-structures that were invented decades ago.
I'm not writing people's programs for them.
The novice-package is not for script kiddies who want their program already written
for them, and who will then write simple scripts on top of the program.
People have to be able to write their own programs or the novice-package won't help them.
The novice package speeds up writing programs (certainly for me, as I don't have time
to reimplement basic data-structures over and over again). For example, I wrote my
<SWITCH with FAST-SWITCH> and SLOW-SWITCH> quickly using the novice-package.
Later on, for the sake of efficiency, I did go back and rewrite the code for doing a
binary-search to be "exactly right for the application.' Note however, that I did this
*after* I had the program working --- if I had to do this on my first attempt at writing
the program I would have likely become bogged down in writing the binary-search
which would have been a huge distraction from writing the SLOW-SWITCH> code.
Note also that Gerry Jackson has failed to write anything comparable to SLOW-SWITCH>
because he copied Michael Gassenenko's code that only had something comparable
to my FAST-SWITCH> and was not robust so it couldn't be upgraded to support
a sparse array, which is what SLOW-SWITCH> does. There is a big difference between
using a code-library (what I do) and copying somebody else's code (what Gerry Jackson
does, and what Elizabeth Rather described as: Having a lot of old programs in one's
back pocket, then reworking these old programs as slightly different new programs.)
As another example, I wrote HJA430 (my MSP-430 assembler) quickly because the
novice-package provided adequate data-structures (the bit-field struct helped a lot
in constructing the opcode). The code is straightforward and simple.
I was able to focus my mind on new ideas, such as implementing code blocks
(similar to C's code blocks but better). The assembler would have been much more
complicated if I had had to write everything from scratch without the novice-package.
The novice-package also makes these programs more efficient. Elizabeth Rather believes
that data-structures that are "exactly right for the application" will be super-efficient compared
to general-purpose data-structures that work for any application. She is wrong.
I put effort into making my novice-package efficient.
This is more effort than any application programmer is going to put in when writing
an application under deadline --- he can't tell the boss: "I will get started on my
assigned task as soon as I finish writing an array-definer and array-sort that is exactly right for
this application. I will start on the assigned task next week, unless something else comes up."
To keep his job he has to tell the boss that the task is finished at the end of the day:
"I have already finished the assigned task. I used a bubble-sort on the array of structs,
so it is slow as molasses, but Forth code is expected to be inefficient, so who cares?
"I have already finished the assigned task using an array definer provided
in the book: 'Starting Forth.' I also used Wil Baden's array-sort code, both of which
require the array element to be one-cell in size. An array of cells is really the wrong
data-structure for holding sorted structs and supporting insertion or removal of elements.
I finished my task quickly enough, but it will need to be rewritten from scratch by somebody
who knows more about Forth than what was described in: 'Starting Forth.'"
"I have already finished the assigned task. I used the novice-package so it is efficient."