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FAQ Answers: Part 00 (FAQ overview). (V1.4:17.Apr.93)

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FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:18 PM5/2/93


Welcome to the comp.lang.forth series of Frequently Asked Questions'
Answers messages. This is Part 00, the general overview for the rest of
the FAQ messages.

This organization of the FAQ messages is by no means final. If you
have any additions, comments, complaints, corrections, suggestions,
or ..., please send them to one of the addresses at the end of this
message. These messages were created by editting the previous
version of the FAQ messages, with additional material culled from
the ForthNet. Please let me know if I have failed to attribute,
or have incorrectly used or attributted, any material.

These messages are designed to provide the answers to commonly asked
questions about Forth, and are not intended to answer general questions
about the Internet or Usenet. For those questions/answers, please
consult the messages that are periodicly posted to the newsgroups:

Below is a list of the currently posted messages, showing the subject
line and question list for each one. Please note that the part numbers
are not sequential. These messages, including this one, are posted
regularly on or near the 1st and the 15th of each month.

FAQ Message Subject Lines and Question Lists:

FAQ Answers: Part 01 (What is Forth?).
What is Forth?

FAQ Answers: Part 02 (organizations/publications).
What organizations are dedicated to Forth? (and how to contact them)
What other publications carry information, etc. about Forth?
What other Internet/UseNet Forth mailing lists are there?

FAQ Answers: Part 03 (ANS Forth Standard Info).
What is this dpANS and what happened to BASIS?
How can I send email to the ANS Forth Technical Committee?
Where can I get a copy of the dpANS?

FAQ Answers: Part 04 (Where can I find Forth for...).
Where can I find a Forth for the 8051/8031?
Where can I find a Forth for the SUN?
Where can I find a Forth for the MAC?
Where can I find a Forth for a DSP?
Where can I find a Forth for a Transputer?
Where can I find a Forth for a Tandy TRS-80?
Where can I find a Forth written in C?
Where can I find a Forth for playing with Music?
What if I want to find a PD/ShareWare Forth for the BrouHaHa-7245?

FAQ Answers: Part 05 (General Internet info).
How can I find an anonymous FTP or email server that has "foo"? (Or, just
Where can I find programs for Unix that can read .ARC, .ZOO and .ZIP files?

FAQ Answers: Part 10 (ForthNet: What and how?).
What is ForthNet?
What are the restrictions and guidelines for ForthNet messages?
How do I send email to some one who has posted a message on ForthNet?
How do I access ForthNet?

FAQ Answers: Part 11 (Libraries: Where and how?).
What Forth libraries are available, and how can I access them?
Getting Forth files directly from The Forth Interest Group:
Getting Forth files via FTP:
How do I use FTP?
Getting Forth files via EMail:
Getting Forth files via an EMail interface to FTP:
Getting Forth files via EMail to FNEAS:

FAQ Answers: Part 90 (Programmable BBS).


FAQ Answers: Part 92 (Forth In Print).
Where can I find "Threaded Interpreted Languages"?
Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++
Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing

If you have any questions about ForthNet/comp.lang.forth or any information
to add/delete or correct in this message or any suggestions on formatting or
presentation, please contact Doug Philips at one of the following addresses:
Usenet: ...!uunet!!dwp

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:33 PM5/2/93

Where can I find a Forth for the 8051/8031?

From: (Jack J. Woehr)
Subject: Re: Finding a Forth for the 8051/8031
Message-ID: <>
Date: 2 Jan 91 06:23:19 GMT (Pete Hartman) writes:

... <stuff> ...
>using the 8051 for such, since (as I understand it) it is quite flexible,
... <stuff> ...
>I'm a forth novice, but a native forth version of this chip would help

In reply, I repost:

In the years that I have been discussing Forth on USENET, one
of the most frequently-asked questions I have received is:

"Where is a PD Forth for the 8051?"

Dr. C.H. Ting's October 1990 newsletter for his "Offete
Enterprises" samizdat house (garage, actually) contains
the following two items:

2104. eForth Model and 8086 Implementation, Bill Muench and
C.H. Ting -- $25.00

>>>>> 2105. 8051 eForth, C. H. Ting -- $25.00 <<<<<
"A small ROM based Forth system ... Source code is in MASM (!! -jax)
... IBM 5.25 disk ... With 8051 eForth Implementation Note."

The address & phone is:

Offete Enterprises, Inc.
1306 South "B" Street
San Mateo, CA 94402
(415) 574-8250

Alternatively, EFORTH51.ZIP may be downloaded free of charge
from the RealTime Control and Forth Board (RCFB), ( telephone number
in the .signature below), or from the GEnie Forth Interest Group
RoundTable (page 711).
<jax@well.{UUCP,} >< Member, > /// ///\\\ \\\ ///
<well! >< X3J14 TC > /// /// \\\ \\\///
<JAX on GEnie >< for ANS > \\\ /// ///====\\\ ///\\\
<SYSOP RCFB (303) 278-0364>< Forth > \\\/// /// \\\ /// \\\

Elizabeth Rather posted to ForthNet that Forth, Inc. has an 8051
cross-development system, along with other Forth systems...
Call 1-800-55FORTH for details.

[NOTE: You can also get EFORTH51.ZIP from FIG's library, and other
places. See FAQ Part 11 for more info on how to access Forth
libraries. -dwp]

Where can I find a Forth for the SUN?

From: w...@ENG.SUN.COM
Subject: Forth for Sun
Message-ID: <910409131...@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: 9 Apr 91 01:11:31 GMT

I know of four Forth's that run on Suns, in increasing order of price:

a) Open Boot PROM - built-in to the SPARCstation PROMs. Inaccessible from
the Unix environment; you have to interrupt the boot process and
then type "n" to get to Forth.

b) TILE - shareware, $50 suggested contribution to Mikael Patel.
Written in C, runs on Suns. Available from the net, but I'm not
sure how to get to it from your site. Maybe somebody else knows.

c) C Forth 83 - $75 from Bradley Forthware. Written in C, runs on
several machines. Tape or floppy.

d) Sun Forth - $200 from Bradley Forthware. Written in metacompiled
Forth/assembler. Unix version of the Forth in the SPARCstation PROMs,
with extensions. Tape or floppy.

Mitch Bradley, w...@Eng.Sun.COM

[TILE is also posted to alt.sources and should be available through any
of the alt.sources archives. Also, see FAQ Part 11 for more info
on accessing other libraries, many of which also have TILE available.

Where can I find a Forth for the MAC?

Subject: Forth system for MacClassic
Message-ID: <>
Date: 18 Mar 91 17:14:29 GMT

I can recommend Mach2 Forth for the Macintosh.
Its strong points are:
1. inexpensive.
2. stable.
3. compiles to machine code so its quick.
4. straightforward access to the Mac toolbox.
5. menu selected templates mean windows and
menus etc. are easy to make for the beginner.
6. standard syntax machine code assembler.
7. the novice programmer does not have to worry
about implementing the Mac event loop.

Weak points are:
1. a rudimentary built in text editor.
2. the Mac event loop is handled by an IO task running
under the multitasker. This makes extensions to
the event loop conceptually difficult.
3. development has ceased but it will be
supported for later Mac System releases.

This is available mail order from:
MacTutor,1250 N. Lakeview, Suite O, Anaheim, California 92807
call (714) 777 1255 for credit cards
price $90.00

Message-Id: <910419211...@mitch.Eng.Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (version 1.2)
Date: 19 Apr 91 14:13:49 PDT (Fri)
[Not posted, but sent by email. -dwp]

Forthmacs by Bradley Forthware is also available for the Macintosh.
This is the same Forth that is the basis of Sun's Open Boot firmware.
Macintosh Forthmacs costs $50 for working disk+manual, and $50 extra for
source code.

Forthmacs is available for the following machines:
Atari ST, Macintosh (I and II), OS-9, Sun (680x0 and SPARC), NeXT.

Mitch Bradley, w...@Eng.Sun.COM

[In addition, there are several PD/Shareware MAC Forth's available on
many BBoard systems and other libraries. See FAQ Parts 10 and 11 for
more info on BBoard and library access. -dwp]

Where can I find a Forth for a DSP?

From: (clyde.w.jr.phillips)
Subject: FORTH for DSP's
Message-ID: <>
Date: 16 Apr 91 16:22:17 GMT

Being a FIG Contact for the Midwest and being asked about this quite a bit
lately here'e what I found easily:

TCOM FORTH Target Compiler by Tom Zimmer and Andrew McKewen
has been extended for the TMS320.
It also supports 808X, 80196 and SuperZ8

Computer Continunun is developing a XT/AT board for the ADSP-2101 running

eFORTH has been ported to the Transputer by Bob Barr
It also is avalable for 32b PC, 8051, 68000,
A ADSP2100 port is being contempleted.

Micro-K Systems produce complete AT&T DSP32 boards running FORTH
Include the AT&T DSP library!

There is a FORTH for most any class processor.

Enjoy, Clyde

Where can I find a Forth for a Transputer?

From: (Stephen Pelc)
Subject: Forth for Transputers
Message-ID: <>
Date: 15 Sep 91 23:41:57 GMT

CWPJR is interested in Forth for Transputers.

Yes, MPE does have a Forth system for Transputers. The package
consists of a PC-hosted (Unix if required) cross compiler (with
source code), and the target code (all source). The code will
run on all T2xx, T4xx, and T8xx CPUs. When the T9000 exists ...
MPE also has compilers for [many other machines. -dwp]

For more details MPE can be contacted on:
voice: +44 703 631441
fax: +44 703 339691

or e-mail me directly


Where can I find a Forth for a Tandy TRS-80?

From: P Knaggs Research <cmr02%SCM.TP...@SCFVM.GSFC.NASA.GOV>
Subject: Forth on the TRS-80
Message-ID: <911105135...@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: 4 Nov 91 17:21:46 GMT

James Cameron writes:

> I've got a copy of F83 for CP/M and the 8080 CPU.
> I'd like to get it running on my TRS-80's under LSDOS

Well I know this ant quite what you want. However, I do know that
MMSForth is still available for the TRS-80. Although written for
NewDos/80 I believe that it works under LS-DOS.

However, Misosys (Roy Soltoff) definitly does do a (cheap) Forth system
for the TRS-80 range (including IBM compatiables) called HartFORTH
(Pro-HartFORTH on the Model IV, HartFORTH'86 for the IBM alikes).

Dick Miller is at: dmiller @
while Roy Soltoff is at: 70140.310 @

Peter Knaggs School of Computing and Maths, Teesside Polytechnic,
pjk @ Middlesbrough, England. +44 (642) 324673

Dick Miller of Miller Microcomputer Services writes:
>Miller Microcomputer Services still offers MMSFORTH V2.4 and a wide
>variety of extension wordsets (utilities, games, word processing,
>database, expert system and more, all parallel to the MMSFORTH
>versions for IBM PC) for Radio Shack TRS-80 Models 1, 3, or 4/4P.
>...The TRS-80 versions are only nonDOS.

Contact them at:

Miller Microcomputer Services
61 Lake Shore Road, Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA
Phone: 617/653-6136, 9am-9pm Eastern TZ

Where can I find a Forth written in C?

[See some of the answers to the other questions, esp.

Where can I find a Forth for the SUN?


From: (Kevin Haddock)
Subject: Re: FORTH for NeXT/unix
Message-ID: <>
Date: 29 Sep 91 23:54:26 GMT

In article <> (Tim Rhodes) writes:
>I'm looking for a FORTH interpreter to run on my NeXT. I pulled a
>C-FORTH from comp.sources.unix, however I'm having trouble getting
>block i/o working (LIST, LOAD). I plan to continue to debug this
>version (by Allan Pratt, circa 4/85) but if someone knows of a good
>implementation that will run on my system, I would appreciate the info.

>Tim Rhodes
>Sr Systems Engineer
>Virginia Tech

There is a new figFORTH written in C that currently runs under V7 Unix,
Personal C Compiler, and Mix Power C. Porting to other platforms
should be trivial (considering the vast differences of these three
platforms!). That other "C-FORTH" looked pretty primitive by
comparison. From my recollection the author didn't know how to do
defining words, vocabularies, or indirect threaded code. The inner
interpreter is a giant CASE statement! Talk about slow! The file to
look for is HENCE4TH.ARC. It can be found on Genie and in the /pub directory (it might have been moved to
the msdos/forth area by now). Make sure to get version 1.2, not 1.1. I
can email it to usenet people upon request.


P.S. Perhaps this should be included in the comp.lang.forth FAQ sheet?

Where can I find a Forth for playing with Music?

From: (Christopher John Rolfe)
Subject: Re: Forth Music
Message-ID: <>
Date: 8 Jul 92 02:12:50 GMT (Kenneth O'Heskin) writes:

> Further to my posting of July 1, the authors of HMSL and Moxie
> may be contacted via the following snail and email addresses:

> HMSL (Hieracrchical Music Specification Language)
> David Rosenboom, Larry Polansky and Phil Burk
> c/o Centre for Contemporary Music, Mills College,
> Oakland, CA 94613 USA
> email:
> [ email addr may be out of date!]
David is actually no longer at Mills ( he's gone to Cal Arts I
think - sorry I don't have his email address ).
Anyway Phil Burk maintains HMSL, through Frog Peak Music
and would be the one to contact:

Phil Burk, Center for Contemporary Music at Mills College
Frog Peak Music, and Delta Research ( HMSL and JForth )

Orders for HMSL can be sent to:
Frog Peak Music
PO Box 151051
San Rafael, CA 94915-1051


What if I want to find a PD/ShareWare Forth for the BrouHaHa-7245?

There used to be a list of stuff here, compiled by Gary Smith.
Most of it was old, and didn't have any "how do I find it" info.
I suggest that you see FAQ Part 11 for info on how to access various
Forth libraries. Most libraries have a directory or keyword search
function available.

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:46 PM5/2/93

[This is a message that I thought deserved to be preserved.
I invite Mr. Peters or other principles to provide updates to
replace this message.

From: jpe...@wet.COM (John A. Peters)
Subject: Report on Progrmmable BBS in Forth
Message-ID: <54...@wet.UUCP>
Date: 22 Mar 93 05:48:46 GMT

Q1 How is the "Programmable BBS doing?

It is fine. It has graduated to full time operation as "It is
easier than remembering to turn it on at the right time" says
Levi. He reports that we are getting about one caller a day and
that most of them seem to be first time callers that don't call

Q2 Have there been any suggestions?

There needs to more substance there for the callers.

Q3 What can we do to help?

Help us improve the system, make suggestions, offer help, ask for
a copy of the current system, set it up on your own system and
experiment with improvements, send in the updated system.

Q4 What are you doing to help, John?

I am exploring a BBS that has been mailed to me by it's author,
B0b Lee. It is called B0badell. It is based on the Citadel group
of BBSes. It is a full system that is able to answer the phone,
take a password, record messages and all the usual stuff. The
command !BABY allows the caller to shell out to another BBS
program also provided by B0b called Baby. Baby is a simple
little BBS written in Forth. The advantage of switching to
B0badell from WildCat is that when B0badell runs an application
like Baby, access to DOS is sealed off. We have not published
the passwords that allow the caller to run F-PC based FBBS from
Boyan on the current system because of that risk.

Q5 What is the configuration of the current system?

It is a XT with 40M of hard disk. It is dedicated to the BBS
along with a dedicate phone line. It runs at 1200 and 2400 I
believe. There is a chance of it being upgraded to a 386. The
electricity and phone bills are paid by the Berkeley Fig Chapter
and the operation is handled by Levi from his home in Novato, CA.

Q6 Is it the "Programmable BBS" or is it the "Educational BBS"?

It is the "Programmable BBS", as the goal is to make the source
available to the caller so that any one can work on improving the
system. If there are several versions submitted we will have a
menu of up to about 15 or 16 (Hmmm familiar number) versions with
a method of recording how much time is spent by callers in each
version as well as the callers votes as to their preferences and
their reasons and suggestions.

This will bring up the challenge of group programming. That is,
what is the most workable way to merge several improvements in to
one project when the programmers are not located in the same city
or state? We may need version control software and a utility
that show the differences between two versions of a program.

Q7 Can I try out B0badell

Yes B0badel' home BBS is the Interface BBS at (707) 544-9661
The Programmable BBS is at (415) 892-1543 24 hrs
I am John Peters. I am at (415) 239-5393 Voice

Q8 Will the Programmable BBS carry the Forth Net?

Not right away, as it is not on the critical path between where
we are today and the goal of becoming better than some of all the
other systems. However if we are able to write a Quick packet
version in Forth then why not...

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:50 PM5/2/93

[This is a message that I thought deserved to be preserved. -dwp]

From: (Chuck Eaker)
Subject: Re: Wanted .. CASE,OF,ENDOF,ENDCASE
Message-ID: <>
Date: 25 Nov 92 16:42:55 GMT

In article <>, (Jack J. Woehr) writes:
|> In <> writes:
|> > Can anyone help with source ( masm/forth) to the CASE statement
|> > word set. I.E .... CASE OF ENDOF ENDCASE ....
|> Baden's CASE is in FORTH Dimensions VIII/5.
|> Eaker, who wrote and enduring CASE construct, checks into
|> this newsgroup once and a while. Charles?
|> =jax=
|> --
|> # jax@well.{UUCP,} # # Member # # Vice President, #
|> # du!isis!koscej!jax # # X3J14 TC # # Forth Interest Group #
|> # JAX on GEnie # # for ANS # # P.O. Box 8231 #
|> # SYSOP RCFB (303) 278-0364 # # Forth # # San Jose CA 95155 #

1. FIG-Forth
Here is the source for FIG-Forth published with the original article
(Forth Dimensions, Vol. II, No. 3, pp. 37-40.). The ?PAIRS word was
FIG-Forth's way of implementing a small amount of syntax checking.

BEGIN SP@ CSP @ = 0=

1a. Here is additional source for FIG-Forth published in Forth
Dimensions, Vol. III, No. 6, pp. 187-188 in an article by Alfred J.
Monroe. He adds a primitive compiled by OF which reduces the amount
of code compiled by OF. Use the definitions of CASE, ENDOF, and
ENDCASE given above.


Mr. Monroe also gave code for some interesting variants:


1b. It is quite common to define (OF) as a CODE word and have
it combine the functions of the run-time (OF) and the compile-time
0BRANCH in the previous definitions. This reduces the amount of
compiled code even more.
CODE (OF) ( 1. Remove the top element of the stack and call it A.
2. If A equals the new top element of the stack,
remove the new top element of the stack,
skip over the branch vector, and execute
the code which follows it.
continue execution at the location indicated
by the branch vector.

2. dpANS-3
dpANS-3 contains the following definitions (p. 133) to illustrate
control structure extension. Note that it would be quite easy to
optimize OF along the lines suggested above. Note also that there is no
syntax checking. These words may appear anywhere and not necessarily
combined with each other. In fact, ENDOF may be dispensed with entirely
and replaced with ELSE. Compile-time monitoring of the syntax of
control structure words is a perennial Forth problem.

0 CONSTANT CASE IMMEDIATE ( init count of OFs )

: OF ( #of -- orig #of+1 / x -- )
1+ ( count OFs )
>R ( move off the stack in case the control-flow )
( stack is the data stack. )
POSTPONE OVER POSTPONE = ( copy and test case value )
POSTPONE IF ( add orig to control flow stack )
POSTPONE DROP ( discards case value if = )
R> ; ( we can bring count back now )

: ENDOF ( orig1 #of -- orig2 #of )
>R ( move off the stack in case the control-flow )
( stack is the data stack. )
R> ; ( we can bring count back now )

: ENDCASE ( orig 1..orign #of -- )
POSTPONE DROP ( discard case value )
0 ?DO

Chuck Eaker / P.O. Box 8, K-1 3C12 / Schenectady, NY 12301 USA ea...@crdgw1.UUCP (518) 387-5964

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:22 PM5/2/93

What is Forth?


Philip J. Koopman Jr.
United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT

This description is copyright 1993 by ACM, and was developed
for the Second History of Programming Languages Conference
(HOPL-II), Boston MA.

Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material
is granted, provided that the copies are not made or
distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM
copyright notice and the title of the publication and its
data appear, and notice is given that copying is by
permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To
copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or
specific permission.



Forth is both an extensible language and an interactive
program development methodology. Originally developed for
small embedded control mini- and micro-computers, Forth
seems to have been implemented on every major processor
manufactured. It has been used in a wide variety of
applications, including spreadsheets, expert systems, and
multi-user databases.


At the most superficial level, Forth is a directly
executable language for a stack-based abstract machine. In
its essential form, the Forth abstract machine has a program
counter, memory, ALU, data evaluation pushdown stack, and
subroutine return address pushdown stack.

Data evaluation in Forth is accomplished on the Data
Stack using Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), also called
postfix notation. For example, the following sequence typed
from the keyboard:

3 4 + 5 * . __35 ok__

interactively pushes the value 3 on the stack, pushes the
value 4 on top of the 3, destructively adds 3 and 4 to get
7, then multiplies by 5. The . operation displays the
single resultant top value on the stack, 35 (computer output
is underlined). "ok" is the Forth command prompt.
Operations such as SWAP and DUP (duplicate) reorder and
replicate the top few Data Stack elements.


At a deeper level, Forth programs use RPN not as an end
in itself, but rather as a means to achieve simple syntax
and flexible modularity. Small, simple programs to perform
complex functions are written by reusing common code
sequences through a programming practice known as factoring.

Subroutine calls and returns are an important part of
Forth programs and the factoring process. As an example,
consider the following function (called a word in Forth)
which computes the sum of squares of two integers on top of
the Data Stack and returns the result on the Data Stack:

: SUM-OF-SQUARES ( a b -- c ) DUP * SWAP DUP * + ;

The Data Stack inputs to the word at run-time are two
integers a and b. The Data Stack output is a single integer
c. The : denotes a function definition with the name SUM-
OF-SQUARES. The ; terminates the definition. Comments are
enclosed in parentheses. This example follows the Forth
convention of including a stack-effect comment showing that
a (the second stack element) and b (the top stack element)
are consumed as stack inputs, with c produced as the stack

By the process of factoring, the example program would
be re-written in Forth using a new definition (a factor)
called SQUARED to allow sharing the common function of
duplicating and multiplying a number on the Data Stack. The
separation of the Return Stack from the Data Stack in the
abstract machine allows the values on the Data Stack to be
cleanly passed down through multiple levels of subroutine
calls without run-time overhead. In this new version, Data
Stack elements are implicitly passed as parameters from SUM-

: SQUARED ( n -- n**2 ) DUP * ;

Good Forth programmers strive to write programs
containing very short (often one-line), well-named word
definitions and reused factored code segments. The ability
to pick just the right name for a word is a prized talent.
Factoring is so important that it is common for a Forth
program to have more subroutine calls than stack operations.
Factoring also simplifies speed optimization via replacing
commonly used factors with assembly language definitions.
In the preceding example, SQUARED could be re-written in
assembly language for speed while maintaining the same stack

Writing a Forth program is equivalent to extending the
language to include all functions needed to implement an
application. Therefore, programming in Forth may be thought
of as creating an application-specific language extension.
This paradigm, when coupled with a very quick
edit/compile/test cycle, seems to significantly increase
productivity. As each Forth word is written, it can be
tested from the keyboard for immediate programmer feedback.
For example, the definitions above could be summarily tested

3 SQUARED . __9 ok__
3 4 SUM-OF-SQUARES . __25 ok__


Forth systems use two levels of interpretation: a text
interpreter and an address interpreter. When accepting
keyboard or file-based input, the text interpreter extracts
whitespace-separated character strings. In interpretation
mode it attempts to execute the corresponding words (numeric
input is trapped and converted as a special case). : is a
word like any other, but creates a new dictionary entry
containing the word name (symbol) and places the text
interpreter into compilation mode. While in compilation
mode, most words extracted from the input stream are
compiled to a pointer to the word's definition in the
dictionary instead of being executed.

A compiled Forth program is a collection of words, each
of which contains a statically allocated list of pointers to
other words. Ultimately the pointers lead to assembly
language primitives, some of which are typically user-
written. The Forth address interpreter is used to execute
compiled words, classically using threaded code techniques.
The Forth text interpreter, while not used in executing
compiled programs, is often included in applications as the
basis of a command-line user interface.

Forth systems use one-pass compilation. There is no
explicit Forth parser (and, for practical purposes, no
formal grammar). Control flow words have a special
immediate attribute, and are executed immediately even when
the text interpreter is in compilation mode. Immediate
words, when executed, typically cause compilation of special
structures. For example, IF compiles a branch conditional
upon the top runtime Data Stack value, and the matching THEN
(the "endif" word) back-patches the branch target address.
Users can readily create their own immediate words, thus
extending the compiler by adding new control flow structures
or other language features.

Data structures are created by another special class of
words: defining words. Defining words have two parts: the
CREATE clause creates the dictionary entry for the data
structure instance, while the DOES> clause is a definition
shared by all data structures created by that defining word.
For example, an array defining word creates a named array
and reserves storage with its CREATE clause, and computes an
address (given indices) in its DOES> clause. Defining words
are commonly used to hide data structure implementations and
to create families of similar words.

Forth programmers traditionally value complete
understanding and control over the machine and their
programming environment. Therefore, what Forth compilers
don't do reveals something about the language and its use.
Type checking, macro preprocessing, common subexpression
elimination, and other traditional compiler services are
feasible, but not included in production Forth compilers.
This simplicity allows Forth development systems to be small
enough to fit in the on-chip ROM of an 8-bit
microcontroller. On the other hand, Forth's extensibility
allows "full-featured" systems to consume over 100K bytes
and provide comprehensive window-based programming
environments. Forth also allows (and often encourages)
programmers to completely understand the entire compiler and
run-time system. Forth supports extremely flexible and
productive application development while making ultimate
control of both the language and hardware easily attainable.

Philip J. Koopman Jr.
United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT

This description is copyright 1993 by ACM, and was developed
for the Second History of Programming Languages Conference
(HOPL-II), Boston MA.

Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material
is granted, provided that the copies are not made or
distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM
copyright notice and the title of the publication and its
data appear, and notice is given that copying is by
permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To
copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or
specific permission.

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:29 PM5/2/93

What is this dpANS and what happened to BASIS?

dpANS is a draft proposed Ansi National Standard. The BASIS documents
were the internal working documents of the Forth Technical Committee
X3.J14. Prior to this, to my knowlege, the internal working documents
of any ANSI Technical Committees were not released to the public.
X3.J14 broke new ground by not only making those documents available,
but by making them available electronicly. X3.J14 has now made the
Forth dpANS available for public review. While the first two dpANS
documents were only available in print form, the 3rd is now available
electronicly. See below for more info on dpANS 3.

How can I send email to the ANS Forth Technical Committee?

You can also submit comments electronicly:
For those of you worried about mail getting thru to ANSI by Feb. 25,
I'm happy to report that it is possible to EMAIL public review
responses. X3 has a new CompuServ account. From whatever board you're
on, it's presumably possible to address CompuServ; having figured out
how to do that, address your mail to:
Lynn Barra, X3, c/o Dan Arnold, 75300,2354
If there's not enuf address space to list both names, just use Dan &
reference Lynn in the message. Be sure the message clearly states up
front that it is a public review response to dpANS Forth.
[Information supplied by Elizabeth Rather via ForthNet]

Their Internet address is:
Notice that the ',' changes to a '.' and that there is an
'e' at the end of compuserve.

Where can I get a copy of the dpANS?

From: (Bradley Forthware)
Subject: Third Public review for dpANS
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 21:58:46 GMT

Here is the press release for the third public review period for
dpANS Forth

Further information about the experimental electronic review procedures
will follow in a separate message.
[Note: Due to size, that other message is not going to be part of the
FAQ messages. It was merely a copy of READMEd5.txt which can
be obtained as explained below. -dwp]

Mitch Bradley, X3J14 acting Vice Chair


Accredited Standards Committee
X3, Information Processing Systems*

Doc No.: X3/93-0863-X O
Date: April 2, 1993
Project: 610-D
NEWS RELEASE Reply To: Lynn Barra
(202) 626-5738

*Operating under the procedures of the American National Standards Institute
X3 Secretariat, Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association
1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200, Washington DC 20005-3922
Telephone: (202)737-8888(Press 1 twice) FAX: (202)638-4922

X3 Announces the Third Public Review and Comment Period on
X3.215:199x, Programming Language FORTH

Washington, D.C. -- Accredited Standards Committee X3, Information
Processing Systems announces the two-month public review of
X3.215-199x, Programming Language FORTH. The comment period
extends from April 2, 1993 through June 1, 1993.

The purpose of this standard is to promote portability of Forth
programs for use on a variety of computing systems, to facilitate
communication of programs, programming techniques, and ideas among
Forth programmers, and to serve as a basis for future evolution of
the Forth language. The standard specifies the forms that a
program written in the Forth language may take and the rules for
interpreting the meaning of a program and its data.

This third public review is being issued due to technical changes
in the draft standard as a result of comments received during the
second pubic review.

On an experimental basis, an electronic public review of
X3.215:199x is also being conducted using Internet and CompuServe.
The dpANS is accessible in each environment, and the review is
supported by an Internet mail group. In addition, for the first
time X3 is permitting the electronic submission of public review
comments as a part of this experiment.

To obtain the dpANS using CompuServe you must first be a member of
OASIS which can be done by contacting Dan Arnold at (202) 626-5738
to receive a sign-up kit. Once you are a member, you should type
GO XCB. The file is located in the X3 Bulletin Board in the X3J14
dpANS Library.

On Internet, use anonymous FTP with host to
obtain the file/pub/incoming/READMEd5.txt which defines procedures
that must be used during this review period. If you are unable to
get this file, send an e-mail to,
notifying the TC of your problem. The ReadMe file will be sent to

Please note the electronic public review and the corresponding
procedures are experimental. Comments on this process are also

The comment period ends on June 1, 1993. Please send all comments
to: X3 Secretariat,
Attn.: Lynn Barra,
1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 200,
Washington, DC 20005-3922.
Send a copy to: American National Standards Institute,
Attn.: BSR Center,
11 West 42nd St. 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10036.

Purchase this standard in hardcopy format from:

Global Engineering Documents, Inc.
15 Inverness Way
East Englewood, CA 80112-5704
1-800-854-7179 (within USA)
303-792-2181 (outside USA)

Single Copy Price: $50.00 International Price: $65.00

# # # # #


-- Bradley Forthware <>

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:53 PM5/2/93

[Note, there are many other entries that could be added here. I don't
have the time to type in a bibliography. Please send me materials that
you consider worthy of mention. I would also like to be able to include
your comments about why a particular selection is worthy. Remember:
Some of the readers of this message do not know the "big names", either
as regards book titles or authors.

Where can I find "Threaded Interpreted Languages"?

General consensus seems to be that this book is out of print, but
sometimes available from booksellers or used book places.

G.LEFAVE [Gene] (on GEnie) provides this bibliographic info:

Threaded Interpretive Languages
R.G. Loeliger

BYTE BOOKS, 1981, ISBN:0-07-038360-X

Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++

Norman E. Smith, CDP --
provides this info:

"Write Your Own Programming Language Using C++", by Norman Smith,
ISBN 1-55622-264-5,
published by Wordware Publishing, Plano, Texas,
1-800-229-4949, $15.

This book presents a minimal Forth implementation called Until, for
UNconventional Threaded Interpretive Language. Until is designed
to be used as a macro language embedded in other applications. It
can both call and be called by other C functions.

Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific computing

Julian V. Noble -- j...@fermi.clas.Virginia.EDU
provides this info:

The book "Scientific FORTH: a modern language for scientific
computing" by Julian V. Noble (ISBN 0-9632775-0-2) is
available from FIG in the USA, as well as directly from the

Mechum Banks Publishing
P.O. Box 335
Ivy, Virginia 22945

for $49.95 + $3.00 s/h (continental USA).

In Europe it may be purchased from

MicroProcessor Engineering, Ltd
133 Hill Lane
Shirley, Southampton SO1 5AF
United Kingdom
fax 44 703 339691

While not intended for the Forth novice, Scientific FORTH
contains a good many serious examples of Forth programming
style, useful programs, as well as innovations intended to
simplify number crunching in Forth. It can now be found in
the libraries of several major universities (Yale, U. of Chi-
cago, Rockefeller U., e.g.) and government and industrial
laboratories ( Fermilab, Motorola, e.g.). It comes with a
disk containing all the pro- grams discussed in the book. An
update file has recently been posted to GEnie/FIG.

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:37 PM5/2/93

How can I find an anonymous FTP or email server that has "foo"? (Or, just

what is "archie" anyway?)

From: Mitch....@ENG.SUN.COM
Subject: How to find FTP sites
Message-ID: <910529172...@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
Date: 28 May 91 20:44:55 GMT

The question often arises: where can I get "foo" via anonymous FTP (FTP
is the Internet File Transfer Protocol)?

There is a nice database listing Internet archives; you can access it via
Telnet. Here's how:


login% archie
(Lots of introductory messages; use "help" to learn more)
archie> prog forth

The "prog forth" query lists over 100 Forth things available on various
FTP sites. I searched the listing for "atari", and found 2 places where
Forthmacs is available: /micro/atari-st/forthmac.arc /atari/languages/forth.arc

Obviously, you can look for other things besides Forth; I have used archie
to find all sorts of things.

(Thanks to John Gilmore for telling me about archie)

From: ( Bruce Oneel )
Subject: Re: How to find FTP sites
Message-ID: <>
Date: 30 May 91 12:26:11 GMT
Organization: STX/GSFC Nasa

Another way to do the search is to send mail to
with the word help in the message body or the request prog <what you
want to look for> in the message body.

Bruce O'Neel

Where can I find programs for Unix that can read .ARC, .ZOO and .ZIP files?

In article <> (robert.switzer) writes:
>Does unzip and unarc src for unix exist anywhere?
>or can I get the definitions to write my own?

You can find them on SIMTEL20 (WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL) and in the
SIMTEL20 mirror on Because the exact file names
often contain version numbers, I'm not including the file names
here, only the directory names. Check out 00-index.txt in the
directories for specific info and what file is what. On SIMTEL-20,
look in directories:
PD6:<UNIX-C.ARC-PROGS> (.arc and .zoo)
On wuarchive, look in directories:

If you have email only access, please see the other regularly
posted message for how to access FTP archives via email.

You might also try using the archie server to find other sites
that have these programs. (See previous question).

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:25 PM5/2/93

What organizations are dedicated to Forth? (and how to contact them)

Forth Interest Group
P.O Box 2154
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 89FORTH
(510) 535-1295 FAX
[Information supplied by John Hall on 4 Sept 92]

Association for Computing Machinery
Special Interest Group on Forth (SIGForth)
11 West 42nd St.
New York, NY 10036 USA
ISSN #1047-4544
[ACM info supplied by Alan T. Furman]

The Journal of Forth Application and Research [JFAR]
The Institute for Applied Forth Research, Inc.
70 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14611 USA
ISSN #0738-2022
[JFAR info is from 1989, please correct me if it has
changed. -dwp]

What other publications carry information, etc. about Forth?

The Computer Journal
P. O. Box 12
S. Plainfield, NJ 07080-0012
- U. S. A. -
Phone: (US access) 908-755-6186
ISSN # ????

Mountain View Press
Box 429 Route 2
La Honda, CA 94020 USA
voice/fax/modem (via menu) (415) 747-0760
[ MVP info curtesy of Phil Koopman]

Dr. Dobb's Journal has the occasional article or two.
PO Box 56188
Boulder, CO 80322-6188 USA
800-456-1215 (USA and Canada)
303-447-9330 (All other countries)
ISSN #1044-789X

Embedded Systems Programming has the occasional article.
Miller Freeman Publications
600 Harrison St.
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 905-2200
ISSN #1040-3272
controlled distribution, but available @ $45 for 12 issues
[E.S.P. info courtesy of Jack Woehr and Paul Zander]

Midnight Engineering has the occasional article.
111 E. Drake Road, Suite 7041
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Voice: 303-225-1410
Fax: 303-225-1075
ISSN #1050-0324

What other Internet/UseNet Forth mailing lists are there?

From: (Nick Solntseff)
Subject: Forth Education List
Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1991 20:12:59 GMT

<<< >>>
<<< F T H E D D U U >>>
<<< FFFF O O RR T H H == EEEE D D U U >>>
<<< F O O R T H H == E D D U U >>>
<<< F O O R T H H E D D U U >>>
<<< >>>
<<< Forth Education Working Group List Vol. 1 No. 1 July 1991 >>>
<<< >>>

The annual Working Group on Forth Education was held at the 1991 Rochester
Forth Conference. As chairman of the group, I pointed out that apart from
some activity resulting from the 1990 Working Group, notably on the part
of Jack Brown of BCIT, there was very little carry over from one year to
the next. So, I volunteered to start and administer a Forth Education List
on Internet. I have now decided to publish an electronic newsletter--more
or less regularly--and this is it!

This issue is being sent to some of the people who attended the 1991 FEWG,
namely, those who gave me their electronic addresses. You can subscribe to
the list by sending an e-mail request to

Contributions to the newsletter can be sent (for editing) to

Submissions to the list can be sent to

Topics for both types of submissions that have been suggested at the WG

* Forth textbooks
* Educational Forth boards
* Forth teaching resources
* Teaching the ANSI Standard Version of Forth
* How to increase programming productivity through education
* Boot Prom educational materials
* anything else impinging on education and Forth

Nicholas Solntseff
Department of Computer Science and Systems
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
L8S 4K1
1-416-525-9140 xtn 3443

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:43 PM5/2/93

What Forth libraries are available, and how can I access them?

There are several repositories of Forth programs, sources, executables,
and so on. These various repositories are NOT indentical copies of the
same things. Material is available on an AS-IS basis due to the charity
of the people involved in maintaining the libraries. In addition to the
sources listed below, many of the ForthNet branches also have libraries
available. See FAQ Part 10 for information on accessing ForthNet.

Getting Forth files directly from The Forth Interest Group:

The Forth Interest Group maintains a library of Forth files available on
disk. You can write them for an order form, their address is in
FAQ Part 02. They also have a very extensive library on line on GEnie.
For GEnie access information, see FAQ Part 10.

Getting Forth files via FTP:

There is an FTP site in Portugal devoted to Forth, which contains a
mirror of the FIG library on GEnie, plus whatever anyone has donated.
The archive is run by Paulo A. D. Ferreira who has donated the resources
for it. The archive machine name/address is:
and the files are in the directory:

Please note: There are several other FTP sites on the network that
have Forth directories. However, this is the only FTP site
that has a respository specificly for Forth files of any
and all kinds. SIMTEL20 has some MSDOS only files, but
those are very old. A few other sites are the primary
distribution points for particular Forth systems. If you
are the maintainer of such a site, please email me some text
that I can add to the FAQ messages.

Here is a copy of the pub/forth/README file.
*Especially note the time restriction for accessing the archive.*
Thanks to Mr. Ferreira for providing this information and this service.

--- Start of README ---
This archive contains a copy of the FIG archives on GENIE.

To get the list of files avaliable get ls-lR.Z

To get the list of files from Genie, with descriptions get the file

To get unarchivers see the pub/PC/archivers/directory

As this archive is physically in Portugal ( GMT timezone ) please
use this archive by night if you are in Europe, or in the afternoon if
you are in America.

For complaints, suggestions, flames send email to:

Thanks to the Forth Interest Group's library on GEnie, these files exist
to be distributed. Thanks to the Forth Interest Group for allowing these
files to be distributed from other than their GEnie library. The files in
this archive that originated in FIG's library on GEnie were sent to this
archive via Doug Philips' FNEAS server. If you find that any of the files
are damaged, please send mail to the above address so that the damaged
files can be replaced.

--- End of README ---

How do I use FTP?

That depends on the type of computer you are using. There are too many
answers to list here. See your system administrator for help in using
FTP. You can also read where you can find a
regulary posted article with the subject:
Beginner's Guide to FTP

Getting Forth files via EMail:

There are two options for getting Forth files via EMail. First, you
can use an EMail interface to an FTP server. Second, you can use
FNEAS. Details on how to use each of those follow.

Please NOTE: Email is the most resource intensive way to get files.
If you have access to other methods, please use those instead.

Getting Forth files via an EMail interface to FTP:

Date: Tue, 2 Apr 91 09:13:41 CST
From: pitt!sifvs9.SINet.SLB.COM!fisher
Message-Id: <910402151...@SLCS.SLB.COM>
Subject: Re: F.O.R/T.H. Letter

[...] all FTP sites are accessable from Internet using a
program at Princeton Uni. called BITFTP. This allows you to send
whatis basically an FTP batch job to BIT...@PUCC.BITNET, which
will execute the job and mail any files back to you in UUENCODED

Mail a message containing 'help' in the body of the message to :-


Craig Fisher |**** ****
Schlumberger Technologies |
Instruments Division | Disclamer: These views are mine,
Farnborough, Hants. UK | my boss thinks I'm working. ;-)

Getting Forth files via EMail to FNEAS:

FNEAS -- ForthNet Email Archive Server.

FNEAS is a service that allows people without FTP or other methods to
accesss Forth libraries via email. (Note that you may also be able to
use the EMail interface to FTP.) To access FNEAS, send email to:
and in the body of your message, put the lines:
path X
where X is your Internet relative EMail address. Despite
appearances, neither: us...@host.uucp NOR us...@host.bitnet are
Internet relative addresses. If you need help determining how to
construct an Internet relative EMail address, please consult your
system administrator.

FAQ account for comp.lang.forth

May 2, 1993, 9:18:40 PM5/2/93

What is ForthNet?

ForthNet is a virtual Forth network that links designated message bases
of several Bulletin Boards and Information Services in an attempt to
provide greater distribution of Forth related information.

ForthNet is provided through the courtesy of the SysOps of its various
links who shunt appropriate messages in a manual or semi-manual manner.
An incomplete list of the branches of ForthNet includes:

UseNet's comp.lang.forth
BitNet's FIGI-L
the BBoard systems RCFB, ACFB, LMI BBS, Interface BBS, Grapevine
FIG's RoundTable on GEnie.

What are the restrictions and guidelines for ForthNet messages?

The various branches of ForthNet do not have the same rules of
appropriate postings or ettiquette. Many BBoard posts are very chatty
and contain some personal information, and some also contain blatant
commercial advertising. Most comp.lang.forth posts are not like that.

Because ForthNet messages are routed beyound the system from which they
originate, we, the manual and semi-manual linkers of ForthNet, ask that
you try to keep the lines in your messages to under 77 characters in
length. You do not have to do that. If you do use long lines, be aware
that your message will end up formatted differently on the various
branches of ForthNet.

How do I send email to some one who has posted a message on ForthNet?

There is NO e-mail link between the various branches of ForthNet. If you
need to get a message through to someone on another branch, please either
make your message general enough to be of interest to the whole net, or
contact said person by phone, USMail, or some other means. Thoughtful
message authors place *a few* lines at the end of their messages
describing how to contact them (electronicly or otherwise).

How do I access ForthNet?

From UseNet: comp.lang.forth

ForthNet messages that are ported into comp.lang.forth from the rest of
the ForthNet all originate on GEnie. All such messages are ported into
comp.lang.forth with a from line of the form:

From: ...

Most messages ported to comp.lang.forth also contain some trailer
information as to where they actually originated, if it was not on


For those who have access to BITNET/CSNet, but not Usenet
comp.lang.forth is echoed in FIGI-L. The maintainer of the
Internet/BITNET gateway since 1st quarter 1992 is as follows:

Pedro Luis Prospero Sanchez internet: (PREFERRED)
University of Sao Paulo uunet: uunet!vme131!pl
Dept. of Electronic Engineering hepnet: psan...@uspif1.hepnet
phone: (055)(11)211-4574 home: (055)(11)914-9756 fax: (055)(11)815-4272

From a modem:

RCFB (Real-Time Control Forth Board) 303-278-0364
SysOp: Jack Woehr
Location: Golden, Colorado -USA-

ACFB (Australia Connection Forth Board) 03-809-1787 in Australia
61-3-809-1787 International
SysOp: Lance Collins
Location: Melbourne, Victoria -AUSTRALIA-

LMI BBS (Laboratory Microsystems, Inc.) 310-306-3530
SysOp: Ray Duncan
Location: Marina del Ray, California -USA-

Interface BBS 707-544-9661
Sysop: b0b (Bob Lee)
Location: Santa Rosa, California -USA-

Grapevine (Grapevine RIME hub) 501-753-8121 to register
501-753-6859 thereafter
SysOp: Jim Wenzel
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas -USA-

GEnie 800-638-9636 for information
(General Electric Network for Information Service)
SysOps: Dennis Ruffer(D.RUFFER)
Leonard Morgenstern(NMORGENSTER)
Elliott Chapin(ELLIOTT.C)
b0b (Bob Lee)
Location: Forth RoundTable - type M710 or FORTH

Ray Duncan

May 4, 1993, 6:01:06 AM5/4/93
In article <> (FAQ account for comp.lang.forth) writes:
>Where can I find a Forth for the 8051/8031?
> Elizabeth Rather posted to ForthNet that Forth, Inc. has an 8051
> cross-development system, along with other Forth systems...

Laboratory Microsystems (LMI) also sells Forth cross-development
systems for a wide range of microprocessors and microcontrollers,
including 80x86, 680x0, 8080, Z-80/HD64180, 8051/31, 6303, 68HC11,
and 80x96/97. Call 310-306-7412 or FAX 310-301-0761 for a catalog.

0 new messages