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memory low

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aurora baccio

Sep 12, 2021, 6:10:40 AM9/12/21
Good morning,
since a few days in a medical record application appears the error code 11 [memory low].
description : dynamic memory low
callstack: strtrani[line 11]
folderprint_mask:buttonclick(line 385)
the line in question should print the name of the base doctor
it happens occasionally when you press the print button, but it is an error i cannot reconstruct on my pc.
can you clarify what it is ?
Aurora Baccio

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Phil McGuinness

Sep 12, 2021, 7:36:09 AM9/12/21

SetMaxDynSize(0x8000000) // Changed 22/05/2021 .. only thing worked large data converter

I would suggest you use the memory configuration. I had crazy errors ,random is a big app doing a lot of data conversion.
Would run for 5 or 6 or 10 hours and crash.

Found the above fixed it and now in every app I have.

StrTran(c, cSearch, cReplace )

I imagine using memory under a circumstance i does not have adequate memory... see above.

Phil McGuinness


Sep 13, 2021, 11:18:58 AM9/13/21
Dear aurora baccio:

On Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 3:10:40 AM UTC-7, aurora baccio wrote:
> Good morning,
> since a few days in a medical record application appears the error
> code 11 [memory low].
> description : dynamic memory low
> callstack: strtrani[line 11]
> folderprint_mask:buttonclick(line 385)

Your code has a memory leak, forces the base VO code to produce a memory leak, or a Windows update has made your printer driver obsolete. You can either track down the leak (not an easy process, might check threads here), or have your code restart "overnight", so that it wipes the stack clear. Does this program run for a long time?

You say that this started recently. Have there been source code changes? Have there been Windows updates?

It may be your printer driver, since you say this happens when you go to print...
... not saying this applies EXACTLY here, but Windoze is famous for forcing us to buy new stuff.

David A. Smith

aurora baccio

Sep 14, 2021, 8:25:38 AM9/14/21
Thank you,
I applied your suggestion and everything seems to be working fine.
Yesterday there were no hiccups of any kind despite being a 'normal' day (thirty patients) so a few hundred write prints.
I'll let you know if the problem persists.
However before this update the error would occur at least three times in a day.
I have inserted what you suggested in 'Start' as you see below:

SetMaxDynSize(0x8000000) // Changed 22/05/2021 ... only thing worked the big data converter

Before I used 'DynSize(120)' and that's it.
Aurora Baccio

aurora baccio

Sep 14, 2021, 8:33:37 AM9/14/21
Microsoft's updates, as you know, are monthly and ongoing.
I can try reinstalling the printer driver, a Canon LBP252. However, it didn't create a blue screen, but the classic VO error with the error window.
However I'm also following Phil McGuinnes' advice, and it seems to be working.
I thank you anyway for your attention and today I'll look for updated drivers for the printer. No harm done.
Aurora Baccio
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