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Function Pointers...

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Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 4:16:43 PMFeb 17
For a good while I've been wanting to use function pointers
& I finally found an opportunity to do so...

Currently I have:

switch(ops.export) {
case 1: outputTXT(p, nodes, c); break;
case 2: outputCSV(p, nodes, c); break;
case 3: outputSQL(p, nodes, c); break;
case 4: outputHTM(p, nodes, c); break;

But instead I could use:

void (*output[])(FILE*, BLOCK[], int) =
{ outputTXT, outputCSV, outputSQL, outputHTM };

// do stuff

output[ops.export -1](p, nodes, c);

Now here's where I'm unsure: Perhaps the overhead of an indirect call
is miniscule, even negligible. But there *IS* additional overhead when
using function pointers correct?

Mike Sanders

Scott Lurndal

Feb 17, 2024, 4:24:15 PMFeb 17
Not generally. In both cases, the function call machine instruction
needs the address of function. Loading a register with
the function pointer (if it is not already available,
for example as an offset from already loaded base register)
may or may not add to the instruction count; depending
on what relative branch size(s) the function call instruction
supports even a direct call may require the compiler to
load a function pointer into a register anyway.

In your example, it depends on how the compiler implements
the switch statement - it could indeed just index into
a four element array containing the function pointers
when compiled with the appropriate optimization flags.


Feb 17, 2024, 4:32:13 PMFeb 17
With a switch, sometimes the function call can be inlined. That can
speed up something like bytecode dispatching in an interpreter where you
might be doing 100s of millions of calls per second.

But judging from the names of your functions, each one looks to be
writing stuff out to a file. Then the function call overhead will be

Note that switch will also check that the ops.export index is in the
correct range; if less than 1 or greater than 4, nothing is called, but
the function table version will go wrong.

BTW you seem to have mixed up 1-based and 0-based here: 1 means TXT in
the switch version, but CSV in the function pointer version since arrays
are 0-based.

Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 4:49:09 PMFeb 17
Scott Lurndal <> wrote:

> Not generally. In both cases, the function call machine instruction
> needs the address of function. Loading a register with
> the function pointer (if it is not already available,
> for example as an offset from already loaded base register)
> may or may not add to the instruction count; depending
> on what relative branch size(s) the function call instruction
> supports even a direct call may require the compiler to
> load a function pointer into a register anyway.
> In your example, it depends on how the compiler implements
> the switch statement - it could indeed just index into
> a four element array containing the function pointers
> when compiled with the appropriate optimization flags.

Thanks Scott.

I keep reading otherwise (comfused about it all really):


Mike Sanders

Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 4:56:06 PMFeb 17
bart <> wrote:

> But judging from the names of your functions, each one looks to be
> writing stuff out to a file. Then the function call overhead will be
> insignificant.

Hi bart.

So Scott seems to imply as well, I'll likly use the function pointer.

> Note that switch will also check that the ops.export index is in the
> correct range; if less than 1 or greater than 4, nothing is called, but
> the function table version will go wrong.
> BTW you seem to have mixed up 1-based and 0-based here: 1 means TXT in
> the switch version, but CSV in the function pointer version since arrays
> are 0-based.

ops.export is always 1 to 4, so:

output[ops.export -1](p, nodes, c);

keeps it within bounds of zero indexing (neverteless, good catch).

Mike Sanders

Malcolm McLean

Feb 17, 2024, 4:59:45 PMFeb 17
On 17/02/2024 21:16, Mike Sanders wrote:
Compilers will often inline a direct call and perform aggressive
holistic optimsation of the resulting subroutine whilst they won't do so
with an indirect call, even if the value is passed as a constant. But of
course it depends on the compiler. Whether a direct call is in itself
faster than an indirect call or not depends on the architecture. Many
architectures don't really support direct calls and they are faked up by
loading a constant into a register, and so there is no difference in
execution speed. But sometimes the indirect call is a separate
instruction and so there can be a minuscule overhead.

Check out Basic Algorithms and my other books:

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 17, 2024, 4:59:54 PMFeb 17
On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 21:16:30 -0000 (UTC), Mike Sanders wrote:

> Now here's where I'm unsure: Perhaps the overhead of an indirect call is
> miniscule, even negligible. But there *IS* additional overhead when
> using function pointers correct?

“Premature optimization is the root of all evil.”
-- variously attributed to Tony Hoare or Donald Knuth

Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 5:08:05 PMFeb 17
Mike Sanders <> wrote:

> ops.export is always 1 to 4, so:
> output[ops.export -1](p, nodes, c);
> keeps it within bounds of zero indexing (neverteless, good catch).

void (*output[])(FILE*, BLOCK[], int) =
{ outputTXT, outputCSV, outputSQL, outputHTM };
// 0 1 2 3

Mike Sanders

Scott Lurndal

Feb 17, 2024, 5:26:28 PMFeb 17
to (Mike Sanders) writes:
>Scott Lurndal <> wrote:
>> Not generally. In both cases, the function call machine instruction
>> needs the address of function. Loading a register with
>> the function pointer (if it is not already available,
>> for example as an offset from already loaded base register)
>> may or may not add to the instruction count; depending
>> on what relative branch size(s) the function call instruction
>> supports even a direct call may require the compiler to
>> load a function pointer into a register anyway.
>> In your example, it depends on how the compiler implements
>> the switch statement - it could indeed just index into
>> a four element array containing the function pointers
>> when compiled with the appropriate optimization flags.
>Thanks Scott.
>I keep reading otherwise (comfused about it all really):

The only place where function pointers (which generalize
to functions in this context) have a performance impact
is when using indirection into a shared object via a procedure
linkage table. That overhead is independent upon weather
you use a function or a function pointer.

You example would only be affected by that performance
impact if the function being called were in a different
shared object or dynamically linked library.

Chris M. Thomasson

Feb 17, 2024, 5:31:33 PMFeb 17

Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 6:36:46 PMFeb 17
Malcolm McLean <> wrote:

> Compilers will often inline a direct call and perform aggressive
> holistic optimsation of the resulting subroutine whilst they won't do so
> with an indirect call, even if the value is passed as a constant. But of
> course it depends on the compiler. Whether a direct call is in itself
> faster than an indirect call or not depends on the architecture. Many
> architectures don't really support direct calls and they are faked up by
> loading a constant into a register, and so there is no difference in
> execution speed. But sometimes the indirect call is a separate
> instruction and so there can be a minuscule overhead.

Thanks Malcom.

Just plain ol' gcc or clang here, & I see no difference in speed.

Mike Sanders

Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 6:38:34 PMFeb 17
Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote:

> ???Premature optimization is the root of all evil.???
> -- variously attributed to Tony Hoare or Donald Knuth

Aye, that's what I want to avoid, cute/crafty code might
cause issues...

Mike Sanders

Mike Sanders

Feb 17, 2024, 6:42:12 PMFeb 17
Scott Lurndal <> wrote:

> The only place where function pointers (which generalize
> to functions in this context) have a performance impact
> is when using indirection into a shared object via a procedure
> linkage table. That overhead is independent upon weather
> you use a function or a function pointer.
> You example would only be affected by that performance
> impact if the function being called were in a different
> shared object or dynamically linked library.

Well, a couple of things in favor of using the function pointer
(in this context), its only called once per program invocation
& its not called within a loop. Must study more knuckehead that
I am.

Mike Sanders

Lawrence D'Oliveiro

Feb 17, 2024, 6:59:29 PMFeb 17
On Sat, 17 Feb 2024 23:38:20 -0000 (UTC), Mike Sanders wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro <l...@nz.invalid> wrote:
>> “Premature optimization is the root of all evil.”
>> -- variously attributed to Tony Hoare or Donald Knuth
> Aye, that's what I want to avoid, cute/crafty code might cause issues...

Write it in the straightforward, obvious way, then.

Tim Rentsch

Feb 17, 2024, 7:47:55 PMFeb 17
Let me give the conclusion first and the explanation second.

Conclusion: if you think the array-of-function-pointers approach
looks better or improves program structure then by all means use

Explanation: I got interested in this question some years ago,
in a similar scenario. Calling through a pointer-to-function can
and sometimes does incur a performance penalty compared to
calling a function directly. What I was interested in though is
a comparison like the one you are interested in: should I use
a switch() with direct calls, or indirect calls using an array of
function pointers. So I did some measurements. The results were
very nearly the same for the two different schemes. Choosing one
approach over the other was a wash, performance-wise. I didn't
do an exhaustive study or anything like that, but the results I
did get showed that, at least to first order, there is no speed
preference for either choice. So pick the one that gives a more
nicely structured program, and don't worry about which one might
be faster.

(Later on you might want to do some measurements and actually see
which approach runs faster, but the evidence suggests there is no
reason to worry about that now.)

Mike Sanders

Feb 18, 2024, 6:26:59 AMFeb 18
Tim Rentsch <> wrote:

> Let me give the conclusion first and the explanation second.
> Conclusion: if you think the array-of-function-pointers approach
> looks better or improves program structure then by all means use
> it.
> Explanation: I got interested in this question some years ago,
> in a similar scenario. Calling through a pointer-to-function can
> and sometimes does incur a performance penalty compared to
> calling a function directly. What I was interested in though is
> a comparison like the one you are interested in: should I use
> a switch() with direct calls, or indirect calls using an array of
> function pointers. So I did some measurements. The results were
> very nearly the same for the two different schemes. Choosing one
> approach over the other was a wash, performance-wise. I didn't
> do an exhaustive study or anything like that, but the results I
> did get showed that, at least to first order, there is no speed
> preference for either choice. So pick the one that gives a more
> nicely structured program, and don't worry about which one might
> be faster.
> (Later on you might want to do some measurements and actually see
> which approach runs faster, but the evidence suggests there is no
> reason to worry about that now.)

Excellent reply Tim, its right where I'm at. And my love/hate
relationship with C continues =)

Mike Sanders

Malcolm McLean

Feb 18, 2024, 6:52:23 AMFeb 18
If you are writing a bytecode interpeter often there is a big switch in
the innermost loop, and so it is very important to optimise it.


Feb 18, 2024, 7:59:50 AMFeb 18
In my main interpreter, bytecode dispatch is usually done with a simple
loop invoking a function from a table of function pointers.

But there is also a now unused module where it is done with a big switch
(where each case just calls the corresponding function).

I dusted off that module, transpiled the program to C, compiled with gcc
-O3, and got these results on the first 3 programs I tried:

With two of them, using the switch-based method was 8% faster. With the
third, it was 20% faster.

It would probably be faster still if, instead of function calls, I
manually inlined some of the switch cases.

(However I don't normally bother with that dispatch method, since for
speed, I use another method (involving inline assembly and threaded
code) that can give me speedups of 2-3x even over gcc-O3 using switch,
and that's not even using C or optimisation.)

David Brown

Feb 18, 2024, 8:41:19 AMFeb 18
First off, only concern yourself about the overhead if the overhead is
relevant - not all code has to be at top efficiency. But all code
benefits from being written in a clear and maintainable manner, with
minimal risk of errors. So keep that in mind when making such design

I personally would not use function pointers here. You can have
different balances and opinions, and the rest of your code can influence
things, but I will list my justifications here.

1. You can get function pointers wrong. You can, of course, get all
kinds of things wrong - but when a function pointer goes wrong, it can
be extremely difficult to figure out what is happening and debug the code.

2. Switches have range-checking built in, array lookups here do not.

3. Switches can work directly with enumerated types which are almost
certainly a much better choice here for the type of "ops.export". Drop
the "magic numbers" and use names from an enumerated type. This makes
the switch clearer, and easier to maintain. It lets you use
"-Wswitch-enums" in gcc/clang to warn if the switch does not handle all
the cases.

4. Your ordering in the switch can be whatever suits your preferences
and for maintenance, not the numerical ordering needed for array

5. Now that you have an order free from numbers, there are no
complications or risks if you want to remove one of the actions.

6. The actions are run from within the switch, not via pointers. That
means the compiler can optimise far better, and - often more importantly
- can do more static analysis to find potential problems at compile
time. It also means you don't have to squeeze everything into one set
of parameters - different actions can have different parameters.

7. Tools that deal with call tracing work much better with the switch
version. That includes tools to check stack depth (rarely important on
PC's, but useful in small embedded systems), code coverage,
documentation, etc., can do a better job. If you are debugging and need
to work backwards to find how you got to a particular point in the
program, it is vastly easier if there are no function pointers in the way.

There are certainly situations where function pointers make code better
- in particular, using callbacks avoids dependencies between different
parts of the code. But for my own use, I rarely find them the best choice.


Feb 18, 2024, 9:29:26 AMFeb 18
In the example posted, there is a clear pattern where you have four
near-identical lines; only the function name changes. Making it more
table-driven makes sense.

But with only four cases, there is little to choose from between those
two options.

The actual performance of function pointers vs. switch is irrelevant
here. (I think the OP said this is only ever executed once, but even a
million times per second wouldn't matter.)
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