This file is intended a proof that ℙ≠ℕℙ.
ANPC::= Set of decision problems that additional information c must be
to compute the problem in P-time (including processing the
information c
Since the information c can be generated in O(2^N) time, the upper
bound of
ANPC is O(2^N) (checking c is in P-time).
Corollary: ANPC ⊆ ℕℙ (from ℕℙ definition: "... ℕℙ is the set of
problems verifiable in polynomial time by a deterministic Turing
If we try to prove or show that an ANPC problem can be solved in P-
time, we
would also be trying to prove/show that the requirement of the
information c is not necessary. Thus, such a proof will just prove
itself not a valid proof, IOW, ANPC==P is unprovable.
Conclusion: ANPC is not P-time provable/solvable (implied by ANPC
Corollary: ℕℙ!=ℙ (ANPC ⊆ ℕℙ AND ANPC!=ℙ)
QED. ------------