Thanks in advance.
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No. C++ is allowed to be targeted to such a wide range of platforms that it
would be impossible to make such.
> Also, where can I get a copy of the ABI for Sun C++ and GNU C++? I am
> particularly interested in the layout of structs.
Try a newsgroup for the Sun compiler or GCC. Again GCC is targeted to a
large number of platforms (and in some cases attempts compatibility with existing
platform ABI's, that again you're not going to find one unless you make it clear
which GCC target you're talking about).
No, since that would require standard Bs, but that's impossible
since that's dictated by machine, operating system, and vendor.
> Also, where can I get a copy of the ABI for Sun C++ and GNU C++? I am
> particularly interested in the layout of structs.
The new GNU C++ ABI is in <>.
Out of curiosity, does anyone know if the C ABI that is used across
the board, as far as I know, on POSIX platforms is actually part of a
particular standard?
* __stdcall, __cdecl & __fastcall. At least the vtable layout rules
are always the same!