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A safer/better C++?

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Peter Most

Dec 6, 2005, 1:17:34 PM12/6/05
Hello everybody,

I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

I'm assuming there are two kind of beginner:
1) A beginner who, through reading and education, will eventually become an
advanced developer and maybe even an expert developer. For this discussion
I simple call them "novice" developer.
2) A beginner who doesn't read or educate himself and simply muddles
through. I would like to call this kind of developer "ignorant" developer.

Now both kind of developers start to program and sooner or later they start
to use arrays. Both will probably at some point start to use a vector. I'm
also assuming that both developers have difficulties with the index and the
designer of vector obviously also assumed this, why else would there an

The novice developer reads more about vector and learns, that there are two
ways to access the elements. A fast but unsafe way via the operator[] and a
version which is little slower but safer way via at(). He starts to use at()
because it is a lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit of speed.

The ignorant developer also starts to use vector but doesn't learn that
there a two interface, so he still uses operator[] and still has problems
and bugs with the index access.

So my question is now, would it not have been better to reverse the semantic
of the two versions, meaning operator[] checks the index and throws an
exception and at() would allow an unchecked access? I'm assuming of course
that either beginner starts to use the vector via the operator[]. If this
assumption would be correct, then a beginner would start with the safe
version and maybe, if he needs that additional speed, later use the at()

This is of course easiest done in libraries, because then the language
doesn't have to be changed. But I wonder whether it would make sense also
in a new language design. It wouldn't be C++ anymore, because it would break
backwards compatibility, but maybe a worthy C++ successor?

To give some background on this thoughts:

I'm developing in C++ for about 15 years and in recent years I got the
feeling, that C++ is loosing ground to other languages like Java and C#. I
simply love the sheer power I have with C++ and if I shoot myself in the
foot, so to speak, I simply learn to aim better, but I also learned, that
for beginners it is often to difficult to learn. There are simply to many
mistakes a beginner can make and only trough education does he learn to
avoid those beginner mistakes. Mind you, I'm only referring to unsafe
constructs which led to crashes. I'm not talking about supposedly complex
features like operator overloading or multiple inheritance. If a beginner
doesn't understand these features he probably won't use them. But because
of the forementioned ignorant developers, the language is getting a bad
reputation for it's "unsafety" which also influences decision makers to
abandon C++ projects. I read of course Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent
posting ( where he addresses
some of the issues. But the questions remains:

Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

I'm very interested in hearing your opinions.

Kind regards


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Alf P. Steinbach

Dec 7, 2005, 9:07:48 AM12/7/05
* Peter Most:

> I read of course Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent
> posting ( where he addresses
> some of the issues.

The Internet Gods refuse to honor my request to see that page,
teleporting me instead to ...

Argh, on the third try, to copy the URL I get redirected to, they
finally let me through to that page, but, there is evidently something
that doesn't quite work as it should.

I meant to write,

"did you mean <url:>?",

but now, well, I still think that's relevant! ;-)

PS: Regarding Bjarne's comments on the statement "C++ sucks", I think he
may have misunderstood. All those who state that "C++ sucks" simply
mean that they're drawn inexorably towards C++. That's how good it is!

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?

David Abrahams

Dec 7, 2005, 9:05:56 AM12/7/05
Peter Most <> writes:

> Hello everybody,
> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?
> I'm assuming there are two kind of beginner:
> 1) A beginner who, through reading and education, will eventually become an
> advanced developer and maybe even an expert developer. For this discussion
> I simple call them "novice" developer.
> 2) A beginner who doesn't read or educate himself and simply muddles
> through. I would like to call this kind of developer "ignorant" developer.
> Now both kind of developers start to program and sooner or later they start
> to use arrays. Both will probably at some point start to use a vector. I'm
> also assuming that both developers have difficulties with the index and the
> designer of vector obviously also assumed this, why else would there an
> at()?
> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns, that there are two
> ways to access the elements. A fast but unsafe way via the operator[] and a
> version which is little slower but safer way via at(). He starts to use at()
> because it is a lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit of speed.

Safer how? It won't make an unintentional out-of-bounds access any
more correct. Incorrect code can always have unintended (i.e. unsafe)

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

Bob Hairgrove

Dec 7, 2005, 9:02:43 AM12/7/05

It's an interesting idea, but I think the way it is now is more
intuitive. Arrays do no checking when using [], so why should
vector::operator[]? The fact that at() doesn't exist for arrays
implies (to me) that it is more special and has enhanced functionality
(i.e. does checking of the index).

>This is of course easiest done in libraries, because then the language
>doesn't have to be changed. But I wonder whether it would make sense also
>in a new language design. It wouldn't be C++ anymore, because it would break
>backwards compatibility, but maybe a worthy C++ successor?
>To give some background on this thoughts:
>I'm developing in C++ for about 15 years and in recent years I got the
>feeling, that C++ is loosing ground to other languages like Java and C#. I
>simply love the sheer power I have with C++ and if I shoot myself in the
>foot, so to speak, I simply learn to aim better, but I also learned, that
>for beginners it is often to difficult to learn. There are simply to many
>mistakes a beginner can make and only trough education does he learn to
>avoid those beginner mistakes. Mind you, I'm only referring to unsafe
>constructs which led to crashes. I'm not talking about supposedly complex
>features like operator overloading or multiple inheritance. If a beginner
>doesn't understand these features he probably won't use them. But because
>of the forementioned ignorant developers, the language is getting a bad
>reputation for it's "unsafety" which also influences decision makers to
>abandon C++ projects. I read of course Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent
>posting ( where he addresses
>some of the issues. But the questions remains:
>Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

No ... isn't that why we have Java, C# and Visual Basic? ;)

One might argue that knives should be outlawed because you can cut
yourself with them.

Bob Hairgrove

Sektor van Skijlen

Dec 7, 2005, 9:10:56 AM12/7/05
Dnia 6 Dec 2005 13:17:34 -0500, Peter Most skrobie:
> Hello everybody,

> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

Regarding what you mean in the "beginner" term, I think it would, but with
your proposition it wouln't either.

The problem of safety in C++ is not only in case of indexing vector out of
bounds, but also other things, like accessing objects in freed memory. I'd
rather see the solution in making appropriate high-level environment in which
the program in C++ runs so that every invalid access will end up with an
exception. Cheching bounds in [] can be added by an implementation as well, on
a direct request.

This change in Standard terms would change also existing programs, which is
not what "non-beginners" want.

> To give some background on this thoughts:

> I'm developing in C++ for about 15 years and in recent years I got the
> feeling, that C++ is loosing ground to other languages like Java and C#. I
> simply love the sheer power I have with C++ and if I shoot myself in the
> foot, so to speak, I simply learn to aim better, but I also learned, that
> for beginners it is often to difficult to learn. There are simply to many
> mistakes a beginner can make and only trough education does he learn to
> avoid those beginner mistakes. Mind you, I'm only referring to unsafe
> constructs which led to crashes. I'm not talking about supposedly complex
> features like operator overloading or multiple inheritance. If a beginner
> doesn't understand these features he probably won't use them. But because
> of the forementioned ignorant developers, the language is getting a bad
> reputation for it's "unsafety" which also influences decision makers to
> abandon C++ projects. I read of course Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent
> posting ( where he addresses
> some of the issues. But the questions remains:

> Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

This thought is still worth taking into consideration. But still the only way
that leads to a safe usage of C++ is learning. So if a developer is assigned
to a work in a production environment, there must be someone to look at this
code and detect such problematic usages. I heard, for example, that inability
to overload operators in Java is its advantage. Why? Because it prevents
immature developers from doing stupid things. However a language, which is
suitable for beginners is rather not suitable for professionals. C++ can be
made safer, but only by cost of removing features, which professionals would
require in this language. That's why it depends, which developers the project
needs, which of them can be allocated for a project.

When I started learning C++ a couple years ago, I just accepted it as it is
and I never had problems with its safety. Of course, I did mistakes many times
and there was also a lot of problems very hard to detect, but I never thought
that hardening it is a way the C++ should walk. For "ignorant" developers
maybe Java would be more suitable.

For a complicated language (that is, a language that provides a lot of
capabilities and programming paradigms) there is only one way to use it
correctly: learning. And for "ignorant" developers there's no hope. Hardening
C++ is not a help for that.

// _ ___ Michal "Sektor" Malecki <sektor(whirl)>
\\ L_ |/ `| /^\ ,() <ethourhs(O)>
// \_ |\ \/ \_/ /\ C++ bez cholesterolu:
"I am allergic to Java because programming in Java reminds me casting spells"

Walter Bright

Dec 7, 2005, 9:24:40 AM12/7/05

"Peter Most" <> wrote in message

> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

C++ has been around for over 20 years now, an eternity in the software
business. I've been working on C++ compilers since 1986 or so. It certainly
makes sense every once in a while to take a step back, and see if the
feature set is the best fit for current thinking and coding practice. For
example, C++'s notion of strings is based on past ideas about character sets
and is out of step with current UTF technology.

I, however, am less concerned with making C++ a safe language for beginners
than looking at it from the standpoint of, for professional programmers:

1) improving programmer productivity
2) improving program reliability
3) improving program portability
4) improving program performance
5) improving documentation
6) improving managability
7) reducing the effort necessary to master it
8) making internationalization of apps much easier

So what might such a reengineering look like? One example is the D
programming language, from

-Walter Bright,
Digital Mars - C, C++, D programming language compilers


Dec 7, 2005, 9:23:13 AM12/7/05
Peter Most wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for
> beginner?
> I'm assuming there are two kind of beginner:
> 1) A beginner who, through reading and education, will eventually
> become an advanced developer and maybe even an expert developer. For
> this discussion I simple call them "novice" developer.
> 2) A beginner who doesn't read or educate himself and simply muddles
> through. I would like to call this kind of developer "ignorant"
> developer.
> Now both kind of developers start to program and sooner or later they
> start to use arrays. Both will probably at some point start to use a
> vector. I'm also assuming that both developers have difficulties with
> the index and the designer of vector obviously also assumed this, why
> else would there an at()?

I'll leave that one for someone who knows something about the design
rationale of the STL. :-)

> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns, that there
> are two ways to access the elements. A fast but unsafe way via the
> operator[] and a version which is little slower but safer way via
> at(). He starts to use at() because it is a lot safer and he doesn't
> need that last bit of speed.

No. The novice developer is unlikely to pick up on existance of at(),
but will be more careful in use of operator[]. This isn't a fault of
the novice: it's because most examples (at least those that don't
involve using iterators) in introductory texts use operator[]

> The ignorant developer also starts to use vector but doesn't learn
> that there a two interface, so he still uses operator[] and still has
> problems and bugs with the index access.

In my experience, vector is a step up for the ignorant developer. They
are more likely to do this (for an array of ints);

int *array;
array[some_index] = 42;

The only way you could prevent this would be to remove pointers from
the language.

> So my question is now, would it not have been better to reverse the
> semantic of the two versions, meaning operator[] checks the index and
> throws an exception and at() would allow an unchecked access? I'm
> assuming of course that either beginner starts to use the vector via
> the operator[]. If this assumption would be correct, then a beginner
> would start with the safe version and maybe, if he needs that
> additional speed, later use the at() version.
> This is of course easiest done in libraries, because then the language
> doesn't have to be changed. But I wonder whether it would make sense
> also in a new language design. It wouldn't be C++ anymore, because it
> would break backwards compatibility, but maybe a worthy C++ successor?

What you are describing is the same sort of thinking that resulted in
Java: they removed features from the language they din't like, and
added others that they claimed were safer.

The problem with that is that such a language is offputting to someone
with any experience. With a disciplined approach, the benefits of a
"safe" language or library are relatively limited. And can actually be
limiting, by eliminating some powerful techniques.

> To give some background on this thoughts:
> I'm developing in C++ for about 15 years and in recent years I got the
> feeling, that C++ is loosing ground to other languages like Java and
> C#. I simply love the sheer power I have with C++ and if I shoot
> myself in the foot, so to speak, I simply learn to aim better, but I
> also learned, that for beginners it is often to difficult to learn.

C++ is losing ground to languages like Java and C# in problems areas
that are better suited to using Java or C#. That's the way it should
be. If you are doing a job that Java is designed to do well, you are
better off using Java than C++. But if you are doing a job that is
outside the realm of what Java does well, you will be better off
choosing another language (and C++ may well be the better choice).

> There are simply to many mistakes a beginner can make and only trough
> education does he learn to avoid those beginner mistakes. Mind you,
> I'm only referring to unsafe constructs which led to crashes. I'm not
> talking about supposedly complex features like operator overloading
> or multiple inheritance. If a beginner doesn't understand these
> features he probably won't use them. But because of the forementioned
> ignorant developers, the language is getting a bad reputation for
> it's "unsafety" which also influences decision makers to abandon C++
> projects. I read of course Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent posting
> ( where he addresses some
> of the issues. But the questions remains:
> Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

My experience with decision makers (at least the rational ones) who
abandon C++ in favour of a language like Java is that they don't do it
because of safety. They do it because they find they are doing things
that are better suited to Java. One company I know of uses Java for
initial rapid prototyping (eg convince potential users that particular
features are worthwhile) but then hand the specification over to
another team that uses C++ to implement the "production version" in
which things like runtime performance are more critical.

There is some element of Java advocacy in a lot of new recruits (in
part because universities have gotten onto the bandwagon of teaching
Java). That is actually a self-licking icecream: it is easier to find
developers who know Java, but it is just as difficult to find a *good*
developer who knows Java as it is to find a good developer in C++. So
going back to Java simply because it is "safer" has a side-effect of
encouraging mediocre development standards because it is easier to find
programmers who can program with that safety net.

That's not a fault of Java (or any other language), per se. It is a
problem with the expectations that some managers have because they are
using a "safe" language --- they lower the standards when selecting
developers. The reality is that a good developer will be a good
developer regardless of programming language (as long as they are given
time and mentoring to learn a new language effectively)


Dec 7, 2005, 9:29:22 AM12/7/05
Peter Most wrote:

> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make
> sense to change the C++ design principles, so it would become
> safer for beginner?

Making the language safer is in general a good idea, even for
non-beginners. The question is rather how, and at what price.
(Note that some languages which claim "safety" are actually less
safe than C++, at least in the hands of someone who knows what
he is doing.)

> I'm assuming there are two kind of beginner:
> 1) A beginner who, through reading and education, will
> eventually become an advanced developer and maybe even an
> expert developer. For this discussion I simple call them
> "novice" developer.

> 2) A beginner who doesn't read or educate himself and simply
> muddles through. I would like to call this kind of developer
> "ignorant" developer.

I'd hesitate to call that one a developer.

> Now both kind of developers start to program and sooner or
> later they start to use arrays. Both will probably at some
> point start to use a vector. I'm also assuming that both
> developers have difficulties with the index and the designer
> of vector obviously also assumed this, why else would there an
> at()?

Why there is a function at() is a good question? There are
probably specific cases where it is reasonable to wait for the
vector itself to verify the validity of an index, and to report
the error with an exception, but the are certainly rare.

> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns, that
> there are two ways to access the elements. A fast but unsafe
> way via the operator[] and a version which is little slower
> but safer way via at(). He starts to use at() because it is a
> lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit of speed.

What makes you say that there is any difference in speed. I
would expect that in the default mode, operator[] and at() have
about the same performance. The only difference is that at()
raises an exception, so represents an error which is, in some
way, expected (or expectable), albeit exceptional, where as
operator[] will provoke an immediate core dump -- an assertion

Like other assertions, of course, this can be turned of in
production code, if the profiler shows it necessary.
Regretfully, I fear that in most library implementations,
turning off checking is an all or nothing proposition, and some
of the other checks are expensive enough that one will have to
turn them off in production code. This is a weakness of the
current implementations, however, and not of the standard.

> The ignorant developer also starts to use vector but doesn't
> learn that there a two interface, so he still uses operator[]
> and still has problems and bugs with the index access.

A developer who has problems with indexes has problems.
Regardless of what the library does. Using operator[], and
crashing immediately, is probably the best solution. But note
that if he has problems with indexes, it won't always be
apparent -- accessing the index 2 when the data needed is at
index 1 will not cause an immediate error if the vector has a
size of 10, but will result in something worse than a program
crash -- a silently incorrect result.

> So my question is now, would it not have been better to
> reverse the semantic of the two versions, meaning operator[]
> checks the index and throws an exception and at() would allow
> an unchecked access?

That sounds like a good way of increasing the danger.

The C++ standard has no concept of "must crash" (except in the
case of the library functions assert() and abort()). Maybe this
is what is needed. And a requirement that operator[] act as if
an assertion failure had occured in the case of an illegal
index. (If this is done, of course, one should add an unsafe_at
function which could be used in cases where the profiler
indicates that bounds checking is a bottle neck.)


> To give some background on this thoughts:

> I'm developing in C++ for about 15 years and in recent years I
> got the feeling, that C++ is loosing ground to other languages
> like Java and C#.

For some things. The reasons have nothing to do with the
relative safety of the languages, however, but with the
available infrastructure -- it's possible to write server side
dynamic web pages in C++, but the available infrastructures make
it far easier in Java.

It's interesting to note that Java hasn't replaced C++ in
critical applications, because it isn't safe enough. In the
hands of an organization which knows what it is doing, C++ is in
fact far safer than Java.

> I simply love the sheer power I have with C++ and if I shoot
> myself in the foot, so to speak, I simply learn to aim better,
> but I also learned, that for beginners it is often to
> difficult to learn. There are simply to many mistakes a
> beginner can make and only trough education does he learn to
> avoid those beginner mistakes. Mind you, I'm only referring to
> unsafe constructs which led to crashes. I'm not talking about
> supposedly complex features like operator overloading or
> multiple inheritance. If a beginner doesn't understand these
> features he probably won't use them. But because of the
> forementioned ignorant developers, the language is getting a
> bad reputation for it's "unsafety" which also influences
> decision makers to abandon C++ projects. I read of course
> Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent posting
> ( where he
> addresses some of the issues. But the questions remains:

> Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

I think that there are some things that do need improvement.
Not just for beginners -- I've over fifteen years experience
with the language, and I still occasionally end up declaring a
function when I mean to define a variable. I'm not convinced
that safety, per se, is the problem, however.

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

Branimir Maksimovic

Dec 7, 2005, 9:33:23 AM12/7/05

Peter Most wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?
No. C++ is good in it's area. You can easilly write real word
that will perform as expected. No run time surprises there. You get
what you write.

> Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

If that means complex compilers then answer is no, for sure.
Those friendly languages get ugly when tryng to do some
havy duty stuff with reasonable performance and resource usage
. In that case they are not beginner friendly as all unsafe features
are there multiplied by lack of support for them in "safe"
environment. Also begginer friendly languages usually limit the number
of ways in which program architecture can be implemented.
So C++ will never be some easy language but many things can
be done more quickly and more easilly then many others once
you grasp it.
It's just a pragmatic thing. Whenever is possible to use some
other language I always prefer other, but in many cases
it's just not applicable or I'm not satisfied with performance
or behavior of other language and that I can't usually change
without waiting for patch or next version of language or.....

Greetings, Bane.


Dec 7, 2005, 9:30:06 AM12/7/05
Peter Most wrote:
> Hello everybody,

Hello Peter!

> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

> [snipped]

> The ignorant developer also starts to use vector but doesn't learn that
> there a two interface, so he still uses operator[] and still has problems
> and bugs with the index access.

Actually, I don't see how this happens. If you are accessing an element
out of range both operator[] and at() will fail. The only difference is
that operator[] almost always crash the program immediately, whereas the
at() will throw an exception. Now to handle the exception gracefully is
a much more challenging task than knowing at() and operator[] in itself.
It is very unlikely that the Ignorant will care to handle the exception
properly. Therefore the program crashes all the same.

> So my question is now, would it not have been better to reverse the semantic
> of the two versions, meaning operator[] checks the index and throws an
> exception and at() would allow an unchecked access? I'm assuming of course
> that either beginner starts to use the vector via the operator[]. If this
> assumption would be correct, then a beginner would start with the safe
> version and maybe, if he needs that additional speed, later use the at()
> version.

I am not too sure about this. Perhaps the designer decides to make the
overhead more "visible" to the user. Viz. most people feel just from the
accessing code that at() is potentially a more costly operation because
it looks like so (consider ++a and increment(a).)

Furthermore, it is not impossible for the C++ system to have a safe
operator[] optionally for debug builds.

> This is of course easiest done in libraries, because then the language
> doesn't have to be changed. But I wonder whether it would make sense also
> in a new language design. It wouldn't be C++ anymore, because it would break
> backwards compatibility, but maybe a worthy C++ successor?

In fact, if you want to make this little change to the core language
then possible many people will want their changes, too, in the core
language. You will have an inexhaustible list of demands and that alone
will make the language several times bigger and more complex than what
C++ already is.

The reason why C++ is so complex (as most people think) is, in my
opinion, that C++ tries to address to a wide range of audience. So
within the core language which everyone needs to make an agreement upon
the only viable version of accessing an array is, well, the unsafe built
in array.

Others who thinks the built in array facility is a bad idea can
implement their own version the suit their needs. This is the beauty of
C++ you rarely see in other languages. After all, these better versions
mostly will make use of the "unwanted" built in array facility or other
implementations which uses the built in array facility. This justifies
why the built in array is there.

> To give some background on this thoughts:
> I'm developing in C++ for about 15 years and in recent years I got the
> feeling, that C++ is loosing ground to other languages like Java and C#. I
> simply love the sheer power I have with C++ and if I shoot myself in the
> foot, so to speak, I simply learn to aim better, but I also learned, that
> for beginners it is often to difficult to learn. There are simply to many
> mistakes a beginner can make and only trough education does he learn to
> avoid those beginner mistakes. Mind you, I'm only referring to unsafe
> constructs which led to crashes. I'm not talking about supposedly complex
> features like operator overloading or multiple inheritance. If a beginner
> doesn't understand these features he probably won't use them. But because
> of the forementioned ignorant developers, the language is getting a bad
> reputation for it's "unsafety" which also influences decision makers to
> abandon C++ projects. I read of course Bjarne Stroustrup's excellent
> posting ( where he addresses
> some of the issues. But the questions remains:

Here are some points to make:

1. You simply can't expect the Igorants to become a good programer. Not
in C++, nor in any other languages (such as Java)

2. Every language have their own set of unsafe constructs. C++ does, do
do Java, C#, Ada, etc. For example, the array in Java is not 100% type
safe. These unsafe constructs are inevitable because they are essential,
or compromises to balance other potential unsafeties. The bottom line
is, unsafe construct must look obvious. Honestly, there are many
not-so-obvious dangers in C++ which you and me and many other users will
have to face, but compare to the real world programming, the lauguage
itself is usually a small chapter of a long story.

3. C++ was never an educational language, IMO, and it will be unlikely
to be so in the near future. I am under the impression that an
educational language will stay an educational language (Pascal); a RAD
language will stay a RAD language (Visual Basic.)

4. The ugliest part of C++ IMO is things like declaring a const pointer,
a pointer to const object, a const pointer to a function taking a const
reference to a const object and returns a reference to a pointer to a
const object, etc. Today, shame to say, I still don't master this area
in the language. Fortunately, I can typedef all these in templates,
which is very useful.

5. Sometimes an immediate crash is not a bad thing. This means the
problem is determinible and can mostly caught by a debugger. Exceptions
too can crash the program if not handled properly. The point is, never
let the program run with a problem unnoticed.

> Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

Yes. But probably not in a way you have described.

> I'm very interested in hearing your opinions.
> Kind regards
> Peter


John Christopher

Dec 7, 2005, 9:59:11 AM12/7/05
It is more a question of writing a tutorial that introduces as few features
as possible and still allows the novice to do things. I would not advice to
change the language; it is pretty good like that and stability is such a

Kai-Uwe Bux

Dec 7, 2005, 10:59:43 AM12/7/05
David Abrahams wrote:

> Peter Most <> writes:
>> Hello everybody,
>> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
>> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

[claim that at() is safer than operator[] in std::vector]

> Safer how? It won't make an unintentional out-of-bounds access any
> more correct.

Safer in that it avoids undefined behavior, which can (and for some classes
of mistakes -- like out of bounds access or dereferencing a deleted object
-- often does) result in behavior that covers up the bug.

> Incorrect code can always have unintended (i.e. unsafe) behaviors.

Still, there is nothing wrong with thinking about how to reduce the


Kai-Uwe Bux

Kai-Uwe Bux

Dec 7, 2005, 11:00:04 AM12/7/05
Peter Most wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

[snipped: suggestion to swap at() and operator[] in std::vector]

I do not think this is a good idea. I would rather have operator[] do
something like:

reference operator[] ( size_type pos ) {
assert( pos < this->size() );
return ...;

so that if DEBUG is defined I will have bug detection, and I do not have a
performance penalty in production code.

It might be even better to have a second incarnation of assert for like
std_assert that is used by the standard library to enforce contracts and
that kicks in whenever _STD_ENFOCRE_CONTRACTS is defined. The idea would be
to turn as much undefined behavior into defined runtime errors as feasible.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Peter Most

Dec 7, 2005, 11:03:48 AM12/7/05
David Abrahams wrote:

Safer in the way that it is not simply crashing, but throws an exception
which hopefully will be caught somewhere. At least that way you can add a
toplevel exception handler and know that this error won't crash your

Peter Most

Dec 7, 2005, 1:53:36 PM12/7/05
Sektor van Skijlen wrote:

> Dnia 6 Dec 2005 13:17:34 -0500, Peter Most skrobie:


> Regarding what you mean in the "beginner" term, I think it would, but with
> your proposition it wouln't either.
> The problem of safety in C++ is not only in case of indexing vector out of
> bounds, but also other things, like accessing objects in freed memory. I'd

Well I have to start somewhere ;-)

> rather see the solution in making appropriate high-level environment in
> which the program in C++ runs so that every invalid access will end up
> with an exception. Cheching bounds in [] can be added by an implementation
> as well, on a direct request.
> This change in Standard terms would change also existing programs, which
> is not what "non-beginners" want.

But would it change existing programs for the worse?


> This thought is still worth taking into consideration. But still the only
> way that leads to a safe usage of C++ is learning. So if a developer is
> assigned to a work in a production environment, there must be someone to
> look at this code and detect such problematic usages. I heard, for
> example, that inability to overload operators in Java is its advantage.
> Why? Because it prevents immature developers from doing stupid things.

I tried to find examples of such "stupid things" and couldn't find a good
example. The best I could find was some example where a developer overloads
the '+=' for a container but actually removes an element (or something like
that). The argument goes on to explain that with methods this doesn't
happen, completely ignoring that a developer could write an 'add' method
which also removes an element or formats your harddrive.
So if an immature developer would overload the '+=' operator in such a way,
who can say if he wouldn't write the 'add' in a similar way?

> However a language, which is suitable for beginners is rather not suitable
> for professionals. C++ can be made safer, but only by cost of removing
> features, which professionals would require in this language. That's why
> it depends, which developers the project needs, which of them can be
> allocated for a project.

The idea was to provide 2 sets of features, like the vector example. One
safe (default) feature for the beginner i.e. operator[] with range check
and a second set i.e. at() without range check.

Kind regards Peter

Peter Most

Dec 7, 2005, 1:55:22 PM12/7/05
Rob wrote:

> Peter Most wrote:

>> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns, that there
>> are two ways to access the elements. A fast but unsafe way via the
>> operator[] and a version which is little slower but safer way via
>> at(). He starts to use at() because it is a lot safer and he doesn't
>> need that last bit of speed.
> No. The novice developer is unlikely to pick up on existance of at(),
> but will be more careful in use of operator[]. This isn't a fault of
> the novice: it's because most examples (at least those that don't
> involve using iterators) in introductory texts use operator[]

That's the point I'm trying to make. If operator[] would check the index
then the novice developer would start to use the safe version.

> What you are describing is the same sort of thinking that resulted in
> Java: they removed features from the language they din't like, and
> added others that they claimed were safer.
> The problem with that is that such a language is offputting to someone
> with any experience. With a disciplined approach, the benefits of a
> "safe" language or library are relatively limited. And can actually be
> limiting, by eliminating some powerful techniques.

A little further down my post I explain, that I don't want to remove
anything from the language ;-) but rather "change" or "tweak" it a little.
Although one could argue, that it is time to remove unsafe functions like
strcat(), strcpy() etc.

Kind regards Peter

Robert Kindred

Dec 7, 2005, 2:10:20 PM12/7/05

"Peter Most" <> wrote in message
> Hello everybody,
> I would like to get some opinions about whether it would make sense to
> change the C++ design principles, so it would become safer for beginner?

> Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?
> I'm very interested in hearing your opinions.
> Kind regards
> Peter

When I was in school, I was very impressed by what was called the Fortran
Checkout Compiler. It was used by students on a mainframe, and there was
nothing that they could do to break the system, or affect other students on
the mainframe. It ran quite slow, with all of its checking, but there was
no need to change the Fortran programs for this extra safety. These same
programs, once they were fully debugged and tested, could be recompiled, if
desired, on a "normal" Fortran compiler to run full speed.

C++ Builder by Borland has a similer feature called CodeGuard (which I
am going to miss, because we are leaving Builder for Visual Studio), which
operates in much the same way as the Fortran Checkout Compiler. There is
another tool I hope to become acquainted with called BoundsChecker. These
tools add much checking to programs, which slow them down considerably, but
make them safe. The big plus for me, is it is a make option to turn it on
or off. This is the way I would recommend beginners use C++, in addition to
maximizing the warning level.

Another thought that has occurred to me is that if the above tools work
well enough, they could make C++ safe enough to be run in a browser. There
is a difference, however, between program correctness and good program
behavior. Still, I wouldn't mind at all seeing a tool to make it possible
that a browser would be willing to run my C++ application, provided it was
identified to be compiled in "good behavior mode".

my 0.02,

Robert Kindred

Walter Bright

Dec 7, 2005, 6:25:35 PM12/7/05

"Sektor van Skijlen" <etho...@pl.wp.spamu.lubie.nie.invalid> wrote in
message news:dn4o7b$s62$

> For a complicated language (that is, a language that provides a lot of
> capabilities and programming paradigms) there is only one way to use it
> correctly: learning. And for "ignorant" developers there's no hope.
> C++ is not a help for that.

I must say I disagree with this somewhat fatalistic viewpoint. Complexity
doesn't necessarilly come from power. It often comes from:

1) inconsistency
2) a poor match of language design with the paradigm used
3) attempts to retain backwards compatibility with obsolete features
4) poor understanding of what the problem is
5) adherance to ideas that are conventionally assumed to be true, but are
6) features that are inconsistent with intuition

Anyone can design something complicated. Genius is in discovering the
underlying simplicity and designing to that. A good test of genius in design
is when, after it is introduced, everyone else slaps their head and thinks
"of course that's the way it should be, it's obvious."

For example, consider the evolution of the design of guns. They've gotten
far more capable, reliable, flexible, etc., but are much simpler and safer
to use. The revolutionary improvements made are so obvious to us now, we
wonder why nobody thought of it before the genius that did, and we find it
difficult to imagine making a gun any other way.

Back to C++, and for an example of an inconsistency, consider this example
from C++ 98 13.4-5:
struct X {
int f(int);

int (X::*p1)(int) = &X::f; // OK
int (X::*p5)(int) = &(X::f); // error: wrong syntax for pointer to member
This is the only place in C++ where parenthesizing an expression changes its
semantic meaning other than operator precedence. It's inconsistent, it's
buried in the spec, and it requires a special kludge in the compiler
implementation to make it work. I've never found an explanation for it.

Sure, this is very obscure, and even the C++ experts don't know it's there.
But there are some that do trip people up:

1) the well-known template > angle bracket tokenizing problems
2) inconsistent behavior between std::string's and quoted string literals
3) inconsistent behavior between core arrays, and std::vector
4) inconsistent and counterintuitive name lookup rules for dependent and
non-dependent names
5) two level name lookup

Are these inconsistencies necessary to get the power? I don't believe so.

Walter Bright C, C++, D programming language compilers

Peter Most

Dec 8, 2005, 6:52:43 AM12/8/05
kanze wrote:

>> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns, that
>> there are two ways to access the elements. A fast but unsafe
>> way via the operator[] and a version which is little slower
>> but safer way via at(). He starts to use at() because it is a
>> lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit of speed.
> What makes you say that there is any difference in speed. I
> would expect that in the default mode, operator[] and at() have
> about the same performance. The only difference is that at()
> raises an exception, so represents an error which is, in some
> way, expected (or expectable), albeit exceptional, where as
> operator[] will provoke an immediate core dump -- an assertion
> failure.

It's probably very small if it can be measured at all, but the range check
in at() isn't free. But the question remains, why are there two versions to
access the elements?

>> The ignorant developer also starts to use vector but doesn't
>> learn that there a two interface, so he still uses operator[]
>> and still has problems and bugs with the index access.
> A developer who has problems with indexes has problems.
> Regardless of what the library does. Using operator[], and
> crashing immediately, is probably the best solution. But note
> that if he has problems with indexes, it won't always be
> apparent -- accessing the index 2 when the data needed is at
> index 1 will not cause an immediate error if the vector has a
> size of 10, but will result in something worse than a program
> crash -- a silently incorrect result.

I have to disagree. Crashing is never a good solution. If the program stops
because the exception wasn't handled, then it's probably OK.

>> So my question is now, would it not have been better to
>> reverse the semantic of the two versions, meaning operator[]
>> checks the index and throws an exception and at() would allow
>> an unchecked access?
> That sounds like a good way of increasing the danger.

What danger would it increase?

> The C++ standard has no concept of "must crash" (except in the
> case of the library functions assert() and abort()). Maybe this

If an exception isn't handled, then basically it "crashes" but in a less
dramatic way.

> For some things. The reasons have nothing to do with the
> relative safety of the languages, however, but with the
> available infrastructure -- it's possible to write server side
> dynamic web pages in C++, but the available infrastructures make
> it far easier in Java.

That's probably another reason why I have the feeling C++ is loosing ground,
because of the lack of standard libraries. The Boost library is making
excellent progress to remedy this, but the huge companies behind Java and
C# make it very hard to catch up.

> It's interesting to note that Java hasn't replaced C++ in
> critical applications, because it isn't safe enough. In the
> hands of an organization which knows what it is doing, C++ is in
> fact far safer than Java.

But that's exactly my point, that those developers who don't know what they
are doing, are giving C++ a bad reputation.


Dec 8, 2005, 6:51:34 AM12/8/05
> Another thought that has occurred to me is that if the above tools work
> well enough, they could make C++ safe enough to be run in a browser. There
> is a difference, however, between program correctness and good program
> behavior. Still, I wouldn't mind at all seeing a tool to make it possible
> that a browser would be willing to run my C++ application, provided it was
> identified to be compiled in "good behavior mode".

Don't you think C++ is a bit too powerful for browsers? Letting the C++
program to use pointers means it can access anything within its memory
space, which may include the browser itself if the code is dynamically



Dec 8, 2005, 11:16:23 AM12/8/05
Robert Kindred wrote:

> Another thought that has occurred to me is that if the
> above tools work well enough, they could make C++ safe
> enough to be run in a browser.

I run C++ all the time in my browser. The browser itself
(Firefox on my Linux box, Netscape under Solaris) is written in
C++, as are, I imagine, a number of plug-ins.

> There is a difference, however, between program correctness
> and good program behavior.

A good program can still be a bad neighbor. Some of the viruses
are very well written programs, and "correct" by all classical
measures. When running unknown code, you run it as a user with
no rights, and the OS protects you (or should).

> Still, I wouldn't mind at all seeing a tool to make it
> possible that a browser would be willing to run my C++
> application, provided it was identified to be compiled in
> "good behavior mode".

Part of the problem is that C++ is designed to be statically
compiled. It should be possible to define a portable "byte
code" with an interpreter for it, but to my knowledge, no one
has done so. It would be very difficult for a browser to run
code compled for Windows on a PC on my Sparc under Solaris. THe
current state of affairs is that to run C++ directly, my browser
would have to download the sources, and compile and link them.

So my browsers limit themselves to running C++ which has already
been compiled for my platform.

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34


Dec 8, 2005, 11:21:28 AM12/8/05

> > Peter Most <> writes:

But that makes it more dangerous. The only "good" thing that
wrong code can do is crash, so that you know it's wrong. And
the sooner it crashes, the better. The unsafe behavior of
operator[] is that it might not crash. That you might not even
notice the error, and the program will simply give bad results.

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34


Dec 8, 2005, 11:21:50 AM12/8/05
Peter Most wrote:
> Rob wrote:

> > Peter Most wrote:

> [snip]
> >> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns,
> >> that there are two ways to access the elements. A fast but
> >> unsafe way via the operator[] and a version which is little
> >> slower but safer way via at(). He starts to use at()
> >> because it is a lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit
> >> of speed.

> > No. The novice developer is unlikely to pick up on
> > existance of at(), but will be more careful in use of
> > operator[]. This isn't a fault of the novice: it's
> > because most examples (at least those that don't involve
> > using iterators) in introductory texts use operator[]

> That's the point I'm trying to make. If operator[] would check
> the index then the novice developer would start to use the
> safe version.

You don't seem to be too familiar with C++ to begin with.
Calling operator[] with an out of bounds index is undefined
behavior precisely so that an implementation *can* check the
index, and do whatever is appropriate *on* *that* *platform* for
a programming error. On Unix, I expect a core dump, but from
what I understand, this is not the usual case under Windows.

Most serious implementations of the standard library today come
with debugging versions, which check not only the index, but a
lot of other things. I would expect that to be the version a
beginner is using -- there is probably some work to be done
concerning compiler options and defaults, for this to be the
case, but compiler options and defaults are not a subject of

> > What you are describing is the same sort of thinking that
> > resulted in Java: they removed features from the language
> > they din't like, and added others that they claimed were
> > safer.

I view the situation a little different. Java's designers
decided that one specific level of safety is appropriate for
all. It's implemented in the language, and you can't change it.
C++ leaves a lot more up to the implementation and the
programmer. It can be as dangerous OR as safe as you want.

IMHO, the built in level of safety in Java is too low for
serious applications, and since you cannot increase it, Java as
largely unusable for large classes of applications, where
reliability is a must. And while I sometimes wish that the
default level of safety of C++ was a little higher, it's not
that difficult to make it as safe as is needed, and I have no
qualms about using it in critical software.

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34


Dec 8, 2005, 11:20:45 AM12/8/05
David Abrahams wrote:
> Peter Most <> writes:

Well, if an out of bounds access in operator[] were required to
abort, it would be safer in the sense that bad programs won't
run as wrong, and no one will accidentally interpret bad results
as good. (I know that wasn't what he was proposing, but it's
the only "improvement" which makes sense.)

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34


Dec 8, 2005, 11:22:12 AM12/8/05
Peter Most wrote:
> kanze wrote:

> >> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns,
> >> that there are two ways to access the elements. A fast but
> >> unsafe way via the operator[] and a version which is little
> >> slower but safer way via at(). He starts to use at()
> >> because it is a lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit
> >> of speed.

> > What makes you say that there is any difference in speed. I
> > would expect that in the default mode, operator[] and at()
> > have about the same performance. The only difference is
> > that at() raises an exception, so represents an error which
> > is, in some way, expected (or expectable), albeit
> > exceptional, where as operator[] will provoke an immediate
> > core dump -- an assertion failure.

> It's probably very small if it can be measured at all, but the
> range check in at() isn't free. But the question remains, why
> are there two versions to access the elements?

Because there are cases when accessing with an index out of
bounds isn't an error, but simply an exceptional condition from
which you want to recover. Such cases aren't all that frequent,
but when they occur, at() is there. (One could argue that such
cases are rare enough not to require support in the standard
library -- it is, after all, easy enough to write the indexing
with an if.)

> >> The ignorant developer also starts to use vector but
> >> doesn't learn that there a two interface, so he still uses
> >> operator[] and still has problems and bugs with the index
> >> access.

> > A developer who has problems with indexes has problems.
> > Regardless of what the library does. Using operator[], and
> > crashing immediately, is probably the best solution. But
> > note that if he has problems with indexes, it won't always
> > be apparent -- accessing the index 2 when the data needed is
> > at index 1 will not cause an immediate error if the vector
> > has a size of 10, but will result in something worse than a
> > program crash -- a silently incorrect result.

> I have to disagree. Crashing is never a good solution. If the
> program stops because the exception wasn't handled, then it's
> probably OK.

And if the program doesn't stop? Crashing is the accepted way
of handling programming errors. It's required in critical
systems, but it is also generally a good idea in most
non-critical systems, at least those which handle real data, and
whose results are used. Masking errors may give the user a
warm, fuzzy fealing, but it also gives him wrong results.

> >> So my question is now, would it not have been better to
> >> reverse the semantic of the two versions, meaning
> >> operator[] checks the index and throws an exception and
> >> at() would allow an unchecked access?

> > That sounds like a good way of increasing the danger.

> What danger would it increase?

The programmers will continue to use operator[], and get an
exception (which in newbie code may end up being caught and
ignored). The real danger, of course, is that a program with an
error continues to run, and that a user counts on its results,
and treats them as correct. This is a danger which must be
avoided at all costs.

> > The C++ standard has no concept of "must crash" (except in
> > the case of the library functions assert() and abort()).
> > Maybe this

> If an exception isn't handled, then basically it "crashes" but
> in a less dramatic way.

If an exception isn't handled, abort() is called. The only
difference between this and an assertion failure is that you
don't get an error message, and the stack has been unwound. The
first is a pain, since you don't know why or where the program
went wrong, and the second is a real disaster -- you have an
inconsistent program state, and you want to run around executing
who knows what additional code.

> > For some things. The reasons have nothing to do with the
> > relative safety of the languages, however, but with the
> > available infrastructure -- it's possible to write server
> > side dynamic web pages in C++, but the available
> > infrastructures make it far easier in Java.

> That's probably another reason why I have the feeling C++ is
> loosing ground, because of the lack of standard libraries. The
> Boost library is making excellent progress to remedy this, but
> the huge companies behind Java and C# make it very hard to
> catch up.

It's more than just libraries -- it's a complete infrastructure.
But it's true that the lack of libraries does hurt in some
cases; if I had to write a GUI front-end today, I'd do it in
Java, because Swing is fairly good, it's portable, and it's
standard. There are some portable GUI libraries for C++, of
course, but you don't automatically expect the next C++
programmer on the project to know them -- he may have used a
different library on his last project.

On the other hand, the fact that Java raises an exception in
case of a bounds check error, instead of aborting, means that
I'm not about to use it in any program which handles important

> > It's interesting to note that Java hasn't replaced C++ in
> > critical applications, because it isn't safe enough. In the
> > hands of an organization which knows what it is doing, C++
> > is in fact far safer than Java.

> But that's exactly my point, that those developers who don't
> know what they are doing, are giving C++ a bad reputation.

Developers who don't know what they are doing did give C++ a bad
reputation in the past. But developers who don't know what they
are doing tend to go to the trendiest language -- they've since
given Java a worse reputation than it deserves, and today,
they're all working in C#, so C++ doesn't have to worry. Unless
it becomes the latest trend again:-).

Seriously, a developer who doesn't know what he is doing will
write incorrect code in any language. Which is worse: for the
program to crash, or for it to give the user a warm fuzzy
feeling and wrong answers?

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34


Dec 8, 2005, 11:21:07 AM12/8/05
Bob Hairgrove wrote:
> On 6 Dec 2005 13:17:34 -0500, Peter Most <>
> wrote:


> >Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?

> No ... isn't that why we have Java, C# and Visual Basic? ;)

I don't know about C# or Visual Basic, but I certainly wouldn't
consider Java more beginner friendly than C++. Except, perhaps,
in the sense that its syntax has less "traps". (But that's a
good thing even for experts.) It's far harder to write a robust
and correct application in Java than it is in C++.

James Kanze GABI Software
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

Peter Most

Dec 8, 2005, 3:14:22 PM12/8/05
kanze wrote:

> Peter Most wrote:
>> Rob wrote:
>> > Peter Most wrote:
>> [snip]
>> >> The novice developer reads more about vector and learns,
>> >> that there are two ways to access the elements. A fast but
>> >> unsafe way via the operator[] and a version which is little
>> >> slower but safer way via at(). He starts to use at()
>> >> because it is a lot safer and he doesn't need that last bit
>> >> of speed.
>> > No. The novice developer is unlikely to pick up on
>> > existance of at(), but will be more careful in use of
>> > operator[]. This isn't a fault of the novice: it's
>> > because most examples (at least those that don't involve
>> > using iterators) in introductory texts use operator[]
>> That's the point I'm trying to make. If operator[] would check
>> the index then the novice developer would start to use the
>> safe version.
> You don't seem to be too familiar with C++ to begin with.

Please be careful with such statements!

> Calling operator[] with an out of bounds index is undefined
> behavior precisely so that an implementation *can* check the
> index, and do whatever is appropriate *on* *that* *platform* for
> a programming error. On Unix, I expect a core dump, but from
> what I understand, this is not the usual case under Windows.

Wouldn't it be easier to simply define that operator[] has to check the
index, then it would be one less undefined behavior?

Bob Hairgrove

Dec 8, 2005, 3:14:00 PM12/8/05
On 8 Dec 2005 11:22:12 -0500, "kanze" <> wrote:

>Developers who don't know what they are doing did give C++ a bad
>reputation in the past. But developers who don't know what they
>are doing tend to go to the trendiest language -- they've since
>given Java a worse reputation than it deserves, and today,
>they're all working in C#, so C++ doesn't have to worry.

LOL ... good one!

>Unless it becomes the latest trend again:-).

Actually, I think this would actually improve the situation. More
developers (even bad ones) == more compilers sold == better support
for the C++ standard.

My reasoning?

(a) It costs lots of time/effort/money to develop a truly
standards-conforming implementation;

(b) The important compiler vendors/implementers nowadays all realize
how important it is to be standards-conforming, even if 100% remains
an unreachable goal for some;

(c) Developers will pay more attention to writing standards-conforming
code if the implementation they use enforces this;

(d) The C++ standard itself will improve when more developers use it
and provide feedback and suggestions to the standards committee.

The worst thing that could happen to C++ is to become a little-used,
"niche" or elitist language. But I see no danger of that today.

Bob Hairgrove

Peter Most

Dec 8, 2005, 3:16:07 PM12/8/05
kanze wrote:

If crashing would be such a good thing, then why check for errors at all? I
think only small, short running programs can "live" with a crash. But all
other programs simply can not accept a crash.

Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)

Dec 8, 2005, 3:19:30 PM12/8/05
kanze wrote:
> IMHO, the built in level of safety in Java is too low for
> serious applications,

Specifically what?

> and since you cannot increase it, Java as
> largely unusable for large classes of applications, where
> reliability is a must. And while I sometimes wish that the
> default level of safety of C++ was a little higher, it's not
> that difficult to make it as safe as is needed, and I have no
> qualms about using it in critical software.

I'd say "poppycock!" if it weren't for two reasons: (1) it's you, and
(2) I don't know exactly what "poppycock" means.

How can you make C++ "as safe as is needed"? Let's say, I need to make
C++ such that there are no soft memory errors, just like Java. (I
understand that's a pretty low bar, in wake of what you wrote above.)
How do I do that?


Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)

Dec 8, 2005, 3:20:08 PM12/8/05
kanze wrote:
> You don't seem to be too familiar with C++ to begin with.
> Calling operator[] with an out of bounds index is undefined
> behavior precisely so that an implementation *can* check the
> index, and do whatever is appropriate *on* *that* *platform* for
> a programming error.

Huh? Could you substantiate that statement, particularly since you used
"precisely"? I thought the behavior of operator[] undefined for the sake
of speed. Otherwise it would have been very easy to define illegal
invocations of operator[] to stop execution in a way specified by the

As far as I've known for the longest time, "undefined" often stands for
"for the sake of generating the fastest code possible when the program
has no error."


Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)

Dec 8, 2005, 3:20:30 PM12/8/05
kanze wrote:
> Bob Hairgrove wrote:
>>On 6 Dec 2005 13:17:34 -0500, Peter Most <>
> [...]
>>>Should C++ changed to be a more beginner friendly language?
>>No ... isn't that why we have Java, C# and Visual Basic? ;)
> I don't know about C# or Visual Basic, but I certainly wouldn't
> consider Java more beginner friendly than C++. Except, perhaps,
> in the sense that its syntax has less "traps". (But that's a
> good thing even for experts.) It's far harder to write a robust
> and correct application in Java than it is in C++.

I don't have hard data, but my intuition goes the exact opposite way.
IMHO the learning curve of C++ quite resembles a wall, and the multitude
of soft errors make it very tough for a beginner to make sure they wrote
a robust and correct application. Java doesn't have soft errors, and
intuitively that should make it easier for a beginner to make a program
work by other means than pure chance.

Bus since your statement above is this resolute, perhaps you do have
some evidence. Could you please share?


Bob Bell

Dec 8, 2005, 4:59:40 PM12/8/05
Peter Most wrote:
> kanze wrote:
> > Calling operator[] with an out of bounds index is undefined
> > behavior precisely so that an implementation *can* check the
> > index, and do whatever is appropriate *on* *that* *platform* for
> > a programming error. On Unix, I expect a core dump, but from
> > what I understand, this is not the usual case under Windows.
> >
> Wouldn't it be easier to simply define that operator[] has to check the
> index, then it would be one less undefined behavior?

If you want it to throw an exception like at() does, then no, I don't
think that would be easier. I think that would in many cases mask bugs
-- most of the time, calling operator[] with an out-of-bounds index is
a bug; throwing an exception when a bug occurs simply allows the
program to continue running with a bug.

I much prefer the debugging checks described by James above.


Peter Most

Dec 8, 2005, 4:58:04 PM12/8/05
kanze wrote:

> Peter Most wrote:
>> kanze wrote:
>> I have to disagree. Crashing is never a good solution. If the
>> program stops because the exception wasn't handled, then it's
>> probably OK.
> And if the program doesn't stop? Crashing is the accepted way
> of handling programming errors. It's required in critical
> systems, but it is also generally a good idea in most
> non-critical systems, at least those which handle real data, and
> whose results are used. Masking errors may give the user a
> warm, fuzzy fealing, but it also gives him wrong results.

Since when is crashing an accepted way of handling errors? It's the worst
Are you considering exception handling as masking errors?

>> >> So my question is now, would it not have been better to
>> >> reverse the semantic of the two versions, meaning
>> >> operator[] checks the index and throws an exception and
>> >> at() would allow an unchecked access?
>> > That sounds like a good way of increasing the danger.
>> What danger would it increase?
> The programmers will continue to use operator[], and get an
> exception (which in newbie code may end up being caught and
> ignored). The real danger, of course, is that a program with an
> error continues to run, and that a user counts on its results,
> and treats them as correct. This is a danger which must be
> avoided at all costs.

I agree, if a developer would actually catch and ignore the exception then
there is a huge problem and then and only then would a crash actually be
acceptable. But are there really such irresponsible developers?

>> > The C++ standard has no concept of "must crash" (except in
>> > the case of the library functions assert() and abort()).
>> > Maybe this
>> If an exception isn't handled, then basically it "crashes" but
>> in a less dramatic way.
> If an exception isn't handled, abort() is called. The only
> difference between this and an assertion failure is that you
> don't get an error message, and the stack has been unwound. The
> first is a pain, since you don't know why or where the program
> went wrong, and the second is a real disaster -- you have an
> inconsistent program state, and you want to run around executing
> who knows what additional code.

But it would be quite easy to add a toplevel exception handler and log the
error message. In the case of a crash you can only hope that you either are
getting some kind of core/memory dump which you can analyse with a debugger
or the program is already running in the debugger to get the call stack.

Kind regards Peter

Bob Bell

Dec 8, 2005, 6:47:56 PM12/8/05
Peter Most wrote:
> kanze wrote:
> > Peter Most wrote:
> >> Safer in the way that it is not simply crashing, but throws an
> >> exception which hopefully will be caught somewhere. At least
> >> that way you can add a toplevel exception handler and know
> >> that this error won't crash your program.
> >
> > But that makes it more dangerous. The only "good" thing that
> > wrong code can do is crash, so that you know it's wrong. And
> > the sooner it crashes, the better. The unsafe behavior of
> > operator[] is that it might not crash. That you might not even
> > notice the error, and the program will simply give bad results.
> >
> If crashing would be such a good thing, then why check for errors at all?

To *make sure* it crashes, so that we can debug the program.

> I
> think only small, short running programs can "live" with a crash. But all
> other programs simply can not accept a crash.

But they can accept producing incorrect results? You seem to be saying
that incorrect results are preferred over crashes.

"Continue running at all costs, even when bugs are detected," simply
makes it more difficult to find and fix bugs, decreasing (not
increasing) the reliability of the program and the correctness of its

(Controlled) crashing (i.e., from an assertion or other debugging
check), on the other hand, frequently makes it easier to find and fix
bugs, increasing reliability.


Branimir Maksimovic

Dec 8, 2005, 6:54:44 PM12/8/05
Peter Most wrote:
> Wouldn't it be easier to simply define that operator[] has to check the
> index, then it would be one less undefined behavior?

Main reason I'm not using 'at' is that it throws exception.
What to do with that exception? what action to perform?
try ' ing around vectors 'at' is just silly.
if I can reliably get file and line then ok but it is much easier to
place assertion and get core dump which will trace to assertion that
and one can also examine variables with debugger.
Much more usable.

Greetings, Bane.

Walter Bright

Dec 8, 2005, 6:54:21 PM12/8/05

"Peter Most" <> wrote in message

> kanze wrote:
> > But that makes it more dangerous. The only "good" thing that
> > wrong code can do is crash, so that you know it's wrong. And
> > the sooner it crashes, the better. The unsafe behavior of
> > operator[] is that it might not crash. That you might not even
> > notice the error, and the program will simply give bad results.
> >
> If crashing would be such a good thing, then why check for errors at all?
> think only small, short running programs can "live" with a crash. But all
> other programs simply can not accept a crash.

James is right.The alternative to a failed program crashing in an obvious
manner is having it fail in an undetectable way, like for example generating
subtly corrupted results. Would you care to use, say, a bridge design
program, that generated corrupt stress numbers? Would you even know anything
was wrong with the numbers? How about a bank's financial processing program?

A crash, as early and as obvious as possible, is the only way. Then, the
user of the program *knows* it's broken and will not mistakenly rely on its
output. The developer of the program *knows* there's a bug, which is the
first step towards fixing it. And the airliner autopilot *knows* its
crashed, and the backup system can wake up the pilot before it augers into a

Solid, professional programs should have as much Contract Programming and
sanity tests on its internal workings as practical considering the
performance requirements. If a fault is detected, the program should
promptly inform the user and shut itself down (crash, if you will).

-Walter Bright C, C++, D programming language compilers

[ See for info about ]

David Abrahams

Dec 8, 2005, 7:01:23 PM12/8/05
"Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email)" <> writes:

> kanze wrote:
>> You don't seem to be too familiar with C++ to begin with.
>> Calling operator[] with an out of bounds index is undefined
>> behavior precisely so that an implementation *can* check the
>> index, and do whatever is appropriate *on* *that* *platform* for
>> a programming error.
> Huh? Could you substantiate that statement, particularly since you used
> "precisely"? I thought the behavior of operator[] undefined for the sake
> of speed.

Exactly. On some platforms the appropriate behavior in case of such a
programming error is... hope that it never occurs, because we can't
afford the cost of checking.

> Otherwise it would have been very easy to define illegal
> invocations of operator[] to stop execution in a way specified by the
> implementation.
> As far as I've known for the longest time, "undefined" often stands for
> "for the sake of generating the fastest code possible when the program
> has no error."

In this case it means, "on some implementations it may be important
not to pay for the check, and on some others we don't want to restrict
the implementation's choice of behavior in case a check fails"

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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