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function template partial specialization

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Ralf Stoffels

Feb 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/26/99
Why do I get the error
"template-id `f<T, 2>' in declaration of primary template" (egcs 1.1.1)
while compiling this:

template<typename T, int N> void f(T t) {}
template<typename T> void f<T,2>(T t) {}

It works fine without the first parameter:
template<int N> void f() {}
template<> void f<2>() {}


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Biju Thomas

Feb 28, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/28/99
Ralf Stoffels wrote:
> Why do I get the error
> "template-id `f<T, 2>' in declaration of primary template" (egcs 1.1.1)
> while compiling this:
> template<typename T, int N> void f(T t) {}
> template<typename T> void f<T,2>(T t) {}

There is nothing equivalent to class template partial specialization for
the case of function templates. Instead, function templates can be
overloaded. The following is legal:

template < typename T > void f ( T t ) {}

> It works fine without the first parameter:
> template<int N> void f() {}
> template<> void f<2>() {}

This is explicit specialization of the function template and is legal.

Best regards,
Biju Thomas

Alex Vinokur

Mar 3, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/3/99
In article <>,

Ralf Stoffels <> wrote:
> Why do I get the error
> "template-id `f<T, 2>' in declaration of primary template" (egcs
> while compiling this:
> template<typename T, int N> void f(T t) {}
> template<typename T> void f<T,2>(T t) {}
> It works fine without the first parameter:
> template<int N> void f() {}
> template<> void f<2>() {}
> Ralf

> [ Send an empty e-mail to for info ]
> [ about comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: do this! ]

Yes it does not work with template-function
(why? - can anybody explain the compiler behavior?).

But we can do it using template class which has static function.

Thanks in advance,

######## 1. main.C #####################################

#include <string>

template <typename T, int N>

class FOO
public :
static void foo (T t)
<< "; t = "
<< t
<< "; N = "
<< N
<< endl;
// predefined variable
// in GNU gcc/g++

template <typename T>
class FOO <T, 2>
public :
static void foo (T t)
<< "; t = "
<< t
<< " (Special Case)"
<< endl;

int main ()
FOO<int, 1>::foo (222);
FOO<int, 2>::foo (333);
FOO<int, 3>::foo (444);
FOO<char, 1>::foo ('a');
FOO<char, 2>::foo ('b');
FOO<char, 3>::foo ('c');

return 0;

######## 2. The results of the running #################

static void FOO<int,1>::foo<int, 1>(int); t = 222; N = 1
static void FOO<int,2>::foo<int>(int); t = 333 (Special Case)
static void FOO<int,3>::foo<int, 3>(int); t = 444; N = 3
static void FOO<char,1>::foo<char, 1>(char); t = a; N = 1
static void FOO<char,2>::foo<char>(char); t = b (Special Case)
static void FOO<char,3>::foo<char, 3>(char); t = c; N = 3

######## 3. Compiler & System ##########################

g++ -v : gcc version egcs-2.91.57 19980901 (egcs-1.1 release)
uname -a : SunOS tibamsun8 5.6 Generic_105181-09
sun4m sparc SUNW,SPARCstation-5

######## END of EXAMPLE ################################

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Ralf Stoffels

Mar 4, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/4/99
> > template<typename T, int N> void f(T t) {}
> > template<typename T> void f<T,2>(T t) {}

> Yes it does not work with template-function

> (why? - can anybody explain the compiler behavior?).

I assume the reason is the overloading of function templates.
It would be impossible for the compiler to distinguish between
template<typename T> void f<T,2>(T t);
template<typename T> void f(T t);
unless you use explicit template argument specialization.

> But we can do it using template class which has static function.

Yes, I did it with this approach.
BTW: I used it for a template function witch perform a fast calculation
of "pow" for integer exponents.

What do you think about this implementation ?
Does it make sense to use this template meta programming or is it
more a code bloat ?
Is it the fastest approach even for very small and very large exponents

namespace _Pow {

template<bool odd, typename T> struct isOdd;

template <typename T>
struct isOdd<false,T>
{static inline void go(T& y, T q) {}

template <typename T>
struct isOdd<true,T>
{static inline void go(T& y, T q) {y*=q;}

template<unsigned int n, typename T>
struct Pow
{static inline T go(T y, T q)
{isOdd<n%2 == 1,T>::go(y,q);
return Pow<n/2,T>::go(y,q*q);

template<typename T>
struct Pow<1,T>
{static inline T go(T y, T q) {return y*q;}

template<typename T>
struct Pow<0,T>
{static inline T go(T y, T q) {return 1;} // 0/0 ignored

template<bool neg, int n, typename T> struct isNeg;

template <int n, typename T>
struct isNeg<false,n,T>
{static inline T go(T x) {return Pow<n,T>::go(1,x);}

template <int n, typename T>
struct isNeg<true,n,T>
{static inline T go(T x) {return 1/Pow<-n,T>::go(1,x);}

} // _Pow

template<int n, typename T>
inline T Pow(T x)
{return _Pow::isNeg<(n<0),n,T>::go(x);}

Alex Vinokur

Mar 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/16/99
In article <>,
Ralf Stoffels <> wrote:

> > But we can do it using template class which has static function.
> Yes, I did it with this approach.
> BTW: I used it for a template function witch perform a fast
> of "pow" for integer exponents.
> What do you think about this implementation ?
The implementation looks very mathematical (and it is its advantage).

> Does it make sense to use this template meta programming or is it
> more a code bloat ?

Yes, it does.
The approach is convenient and natural, so it makes sense.
(Number of the code lines is important thing,
but it is not the most important in algorithm/program).
I think the programmer/researcher/analyst
is more important *thing* than computer,
so convenience (in various senses)
is more important tnan number of the code lines.
This solution *template language* is suited for the problem,
so (I think) it is good solution.

> Is it the fastest approach even for very small and very large
> ?


The computational time-complexity of the approach
needs to be evaluated and measured.

If you work on Solaris the gethrtime() and gethrvtime() functions may be
(see man gethrtime, gethrvtime - get high resolution time).

About time-comlexity measuring see also:

1.The *STL and Usual C : Average time-cost of execution* thread. The
is :

2.The *Corrected and Supplemented -> Re: STL and Usual C : Average
time-cost of execution* thread. The links are :


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