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Manipulating std::match_results?

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Hergen Lehmann

Apr 4, 2016, 6:50:13 PM4/4/16


i am currently in the process of refactoring some old code into
c++11/14. Part of that code is a regex-like pattern matching mechanism,
which (due to compatibility reasons) should be kept in place for now.

However, in preparation of a future transition to std::regex, i would
like to go ahead, and store the results in a std::match_results object.

Unfortunately, i can't find any setter methods or constructors in this
class, except for the default and copy constructors. Is there any
(preferably portable) way to set the contents (sub-matches, prefix,
suffix) of a std::match_results object without going through


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Martin Bonner

Apr 5, 2016, 9:20:08 AM4/5/16

On Tuesday, 5 April 2016 00:50:13 UTC+2, Hergen Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> i am currently in the process of refactoring some old code into
> c++11/14. Part of that code is a regex-like pattern matching mechanism,
> which (due to compatibility reasons) should be kept in place for now.
> However, in preparation of a future transition to std::regex, i would
> like to go ahead, and store the results in a std::match_results object.
> Unfortunately, i can't find any setter methods or constructors in this
> class, except for the default and copy constructors. Is there any
> (preferably portable) way to set the contents (sub-matches, prefix,
> suffix) of a std::match_results object without going through
> std::basic_regex?

I think you will find that setter methods are regarded as implementation
details, and so are not standardized.

I think your best bet is to write a class with an interface like
std::match_results, and then make rigorous use of `auto` in the calling
code so you can just swap in the standard class later. (Alternatively, use
a typedef that can be toggled).

Apr 5, 2016, 9:20:12 AM4/5/16
{ quoted server banner redacted. -mod }

On Monday, April 4, 2016 at 11:50:13 PM UTC+1, Hergen Lehmann wrote:
> Hello,
> i am currently in the process of refactoring some old code into
> c++11/14. Part of that code is a regex-like pattern matching mechanism,
> which (due to compatibility reasons) should be kept in place for now.
> However, in preparation of a future transition to std::regex, i would
> like to go ahead, and store the results in a std::match_results object.
> Unfortunately, i can't find any setter methods or constructors in this
> class, except for the default and copy constructors. Is there any
> (preferably portable) way to set the contents (sub-matches, prefix,
> suffix) of a std::match_results object without going through
> std::basic_regex?
> TIA,
> Hergen

I don't think so. From:

This is a specialized allocator-aware container. It can only be default
created, obtained from std::regex_iterator, or modified by std::regex_search
or std::regex_match.
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