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Automatic timing, the Holy Grail of macro recorder playback

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John Doe

Feb 26, 2014, 8:52:09 PM2/26/14

Full of voodoo and wild goose chases, but fascinating to me.

Currently playing with Age of Empires II. Sending two keystrokes.


The period selects the townhall containing a garrisoned idle
villager. The Z key should ungarrison the villager.

As is, the game doesn't have enough time between selecting the
townhall and pressing the Z key. So, unless the townhall is already
selected, the worker remains inside. The objective is to figure out
how to make it work right, without adding Sleep() or whatever other

Looks like one possibility is using MFC's EnableWindow(). Make it
true before, and false after, sending each key input. But as always,
the joy might be temporary. The first question is whether the
function adds enough timing so that it isn't simply replacing Sleep
(). It is consistent, so it might actually be logical. But the next
test is whether it will work for other applications like when moving
around in the system or using a file manager (anything is possible).

Much testing to do.

John Doe

Feb 26, 2014, 9:46:24 PM2/26/14
Now it looks like voodoo.
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