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Mr. Anderson

Dec 18, 2013, 10:12:04 PM12/18/13
Mr. Doe,

If at any time in the near future it seems oddly as if I'm avoiding
the job at hand, just know that I don't plan on abandoning the
project. If I disappear, it's likely because something unforeseen
happened to me, such as I was abducted by aliens.

It's just that at the moment I'm feeling very exhausted, as I tend to
overwork myself, so I may tend to just do off-topic chit-chat or
possibly not communicate for a while. Just know that my batteries are
on recharge.

Mr. Anderson (a/k/a G)

John Doe

Dec 18, 2013, 10:35:14 PM12/18/13
I recommend Wi-Fi with Netflix and YouTube. There is no shortage
of entertainment nowadays.

John Doe

Dec 18, 2013, 10:37:07 PM12/18/13
And of course exercise. Good physical health feeds the brain.

John Doe

Dec 21, 2013, 10:57:56 PM12/21/13
I hope you do continue at some point, but your temporary absence is
no problem at all. I've got more than enough to catch up on. Doing
mouse positioning relative to the window is much more complex than I
thought, thanks mostly to a major oversight. And I haven't even
gotten to the details of window switching by window title. And I can
hack around in your code with respect to the icon and the stuff I
broke, later. Nope, no problem at all.
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