The four agreements pdf free download. The Book is written by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom is a self-help book by bestselling author Don Miguel Ruiz with Janet Mills. This is an amazing book for the students. Download all pdf books free without user registration easy one-click download. has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website: Our online e-newsletter asks users to give us contact information (like their name and e-mail address). This information is used to contact the visitor when necessary about special promotions, events, discounts, and messages from don Miguel Ruiz, and is never divulged to third parties. This site contains links to other sites. don Miguel Ruiz is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.
The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz Pdf Free Download
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Ruiz says that to find personal joy you have to break all those society-imposed, fear-based agreements which are currently tying you down. And he proposes four agreements that will help you doing just that:
Except we still have all those old agreements lingering around. We have to fight through and discard them. How can we dismantle these old agreements that have created needless suffering in our lives? How do we free ourselves from the old agreements?
Don Miguel Ruizs The Four Agreements is one of the most interesting books I have ever read. I felt like every thing he said had happened some time in my life and have effected me in some way. His ideas were so simple. This is the first book I have read with such interest.The first agreement is Be Impeccable with your word. If your word means nothing, then everything you do means nothing. When I was younger my parents always tried to emphasize how important it was to keep your word and follow through with your responsibilities. When I would say to my mom, I promise I will clean my room in one hour, she believed me and always expected me to get it done. I was always trying to postpone the inevitable and never followed through on my promises. Now every time I make promises to my parents they have a hard time believing I am going to do it. I takes time to gain there trust back and once Ive got it I want to keep it. It helps keep our relationship strong and that is important to me. I am like most any person, I always gossip about a close friend or something that happened to some one I dont know personally. Gossip is a part of our world and is always going to be there. I have been the recipient of gossip all my life and it is always the truth, but stretched. I dont know any one that hasnt gossiped in there life. It is a poisonous habit ane we need to try and stop it.The second agreement is Dont Take Anything Personally. This is something I dont have a problem with. I dont have much of a problem with what people say or how they think about me. Nothing anyone could say will force me to change my opinion of who I am. I have had many friends in my life who take things so seriously. I am known as kind of a joker and am always making comment that are sometimes out of line. I have made a conscious attempt of stopping that for the most part so I dont cause any one to suffer.The third agreement is Dont Make Assumptions. I always fail to make assumptions with people when I first meet them. When I make assumptions of what somebody says it can sometimes get you in trouble. When I was younger I always thought when someone I didnt know talked to me I always tried to pick out he negative so I could cause trouble. When I think of the word assume, I always thing back to the Phrase It makes an ass out of you and me. Its true, when you assume someone is going to do something for you and the task doesnt get done, it makes you look like an idiot for assuming someone else was going to do it. The safest way to avoid this is to always rely on yourself.The fourth agreement is Always Do Your Best. This agreement really interested me. I have had a lifetime of not doing my best. Whether it be homework, testing, or even doing simple chores for your parent. Always doing your best will get you further in life and is something I an trying to improve on everyday. And im getting better but I havent yet given my full 110% like John Stockton. Through trying and working on it everyday, I will be able to achieve new heights and be a much happier person.Reading this book has given me many ideas for improving my life. If I can take these agreements seriously I know they will make me a much happier person. I now only do things that will build a healthy lifestyle and these four agreements are a big step in the right direction. Success! Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
Ruiz studied everything he could find about Toltec spirituality. In 1986, after six years as a practicing surgeon, he moved to California. There, in informal settings, he began teaching courses on Toltec wisdom, joining his mother in a teaching project she had begun in the early 1970s.
Of his early days teaching those courses, Ruiz recalls: "We can say that the main challenge I had was to clean up all the Toltec knowledge from mythology and superstition and fanaticism. And when we do all that, the only thing that we have left is what I call pure common sense."
The common sense of the four agreements boils down to one theme: We needn't try so hard to be ourselves. Everyone is conditioned to live up to the images society has imposed. But this process-which Ruiz calls "domestication"-is actually holding us back. "We search for perfection outside ourselves, but that is one of the biggest wastes of time," he says. "The truth is that we are already perfect in very individual ways. Whatever you are, you are. That's it."
Ruiz curls one leg under himself on the living room couch as he sits next to his mother and son. Jose Luis clings to his grandmother's hand. It is clear that all three generations are held together by a deep, spiritual bond. Don Miguel speaks with a calming clarity, as though there is no doubt his words are true. His voice is friendly and reassuring, his smile exudes kindness.
"The most important point is to enjoy life," Ruiz says. "That can only be accomplished if people become what they really are. I have studied and taught the Toltec philosophy to students for many years, but I don't tell them, 'You should be a lawyer. You should be a doctor.' All I can do is give them the tools to find that out for themselves."
Ruiz points out that Toltec philosophy has much in common with the world's major religions: "Jesus said the truth shall set you free. The Buddha said we should see the world as it is, not as it is clouded by prejudice. In Toltec tradition we must work our way through the fog that confuses us with opinions rather than facts. We must learn to return to our own nature," observes Ruiz.
He adds, "The four agreements are a perfect mirror that lets you see yourself as you are. Not as you wish to be. Not as you pretend to be, but as you really are. We help people find themselves."
Can four simple agreements really change our lives? You decide.
Be Impeccable With Your Word. Words have great power and we should use them carefully. We should avoid using words to judge or bring shame to others. Gossip is particularly poisonous and we should never engage in it, Ruiz says.
Don't Take Anything Personally. This agreement is considered the most life-altering. Ruiz says our whole life can change if we realize the actions and opinions of others have nothing to do with us. Others are living their own reality, having their own experiences. "If someone says, 'You are a terrible person,' it does not make you so. Likewise, if someone says, 'You are wonderful,' that does not make you so, either." If words or deeds set us off emotionally, it means they have touched a wounded place within us. We should focus on healing our wounds, not on getting even.
Don't Make Assumptions. We make assumptions because we are afraid to ask questions, Ruiz says. Very often, these assumptions change the course of our lives. For example, we assume that we know what someone else, such as a spouse, thinks, believes, or desires. We should ask questions, express what we want, and communicate clearly or our lives will be filled with misunderstandings, resentment, and lost opportunities.
Always Do Your Best. Our best will change constantly, emphasizes Ruiz. We are sometimes sick or tired, but we can still do our best. If we do our best and accept the result, we will never judge ourselves against someone else's standards. We will never judge ourselves harshly if we fail, he says.
Ruiz, who suffered a major heart attack in 2002, has turned over much of his teaching work to Jose Luis and another of his sons, Miguel Jr., 28. Ruiz is now branching out into songwriting and may act in a movie this year. In every endeavor, he says he remains true to the Toltec philosophy and encourages everyone to do the same. "I do what I love to do and avoid what I don't like to do. I have faith in everything that I do because I have faith in myself," he says, with a reassuring smile.
"Life is full of choices. You need to trust yourself in order to make those choices. It doesn't matter how old you are, there is another life you can live. You can get enlightenment even at the last moment of your life."