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awk FAQ, version 2.001

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Tim Menzies

Feb 20, 2010, 10:49:46 PM2/20/10
This is the first update the awk FAQ for several years. Thanks to
Arnold Robbins,, Michael Sanders and Ed
Morton for their contributions.

To help revise future versions of this FAQ, please see question 4.

Tim Menzies


1. Disclaimer
2. Spam
3. Can you answer my awk question?
4. How can I add a FAQ and its answer to the FAQ list?
5. What is awk?
6. What well-maintained awk-compatible languages are there?
6.1 nawk
6.2 gawk
6.3 mawk
6.4 xgawk
6.5 sqawk
6.6 jawk
6.7 runawk
6.8 older version
7. Where can I buy awk?
8. Where can I get awk for free? For what platforms?
8.1 OS/X
8.2 Windows
9. Why would anyone use awk instead of language XYZ?
10. How can I learn awk?
11. What are some other awk resources?
11.1. The awk community portal.
11.2. Short tutorials for newcomers.
11.3. Longer Tutorials.
11.4. Arnold Robbins' collection
12. How do I report a bug in gawk?
13. How can I access shell or environment variables in an awk
14. How does awk deal with multiple files?
14.1 How can awk test for the existence of a file?
14.2 How can I get awk to read multiple files?
14.3 How can I tell from which file my input is coming?
14.4 How can I get awk to open multiple files (selected at
14.5 How can I treat the first file specially?
14.6 How can I explicitly pass in a filename to treat specially?
15. How many elements were created by split()?
16. How can I split a string into characters?
17. How do I have dynamic-width printf strings, like C?
18. Why doesn't "\\$" behave like /\\$/ ? Why don't parentheses
19. What is awk's exit code?
20. How can I get awk to be case-insensitive?
20.1. use tolower()
20.2. use IGNORECASE=1
21. How can I force a numeric/non-numeric comparison?
22. Why does { FS=":"; print $1 } not split the first record?
23. Why doesn't awk 'begin {...}' work?
24. Why does awk 'BEGIN { print 6 " " -22 }' lose the space?
25. How do I take advantage of gawk's networking support?
26. How do I delete all fields up to field N, preserving input
27. How do I extract the string that matches a RE?
28. How do I substitute matched REs in *sub()?
29. How do I write changes back to the original file?
30. How do I convert a string to an array?
31. How do I convert and diff 2 date/time values?
32. How do I select a range of records?
33. How do I remove text between 2 tags?
98. Miscellaneous
99. Credits


1. Disclaimer

Read at your own risk. The current, previous, or original authors
make no claim as to fitness for any purpose or absence of any errors,
and offer no warranty. Do not eat.


2. Spam

You wouldn't believe how much spam I get to this address.


3. Can you answer my awk question?

Probably not. Please don't mail it to me.

Read the FAQ, and the materials pointed to by it, and if you can't
an answer there, by all means post to the newsgroup (see

If you need help posting, see <> among

A FAQ list is intended to reduce traffic on a newsgroup, not eliminate


4. How can I add a FAQ and its answer to the FAQ list?

Mail BOTH of them to me. Then I can add them to the FAQ and it should
help people who have that same question later, as well as everyone who
reads the group, because they won't see it asked and answered so

I do not work on this FAQ every day, but I will try to get updates
incorporated in a timely manner (say, monthly).

Of course, don't mail me my entire FAQ! I already have a copy! There
are copies available all over the web that I could use if I lost mine!
I pay for my access; don't you?


5. What is awk?

Awk is a stable cross platform computer language named for its
authors Alfred Aho, Peter Weinberger & Brian Kernighan. They write:
"Awk is a convenient and expressive programming language that can
be applied to a wide variety of computing and data-manipulation

Alfred V. Aho
Brian W. Kernighan
Peter J. Weinberger

In Classic Shell Scripting, Arnold Robbins & Nelson Beebe confess
their Awk bias: "We like it. A lot. The simplicity and power of Awk
often make it just the right tool for the job."

Besides the Bourne shell, Awk is the only other scripting language
available in the standard Unix environment. Implementations of AWK
exist as installed software for almost all other operating systems.

AWK is a superb language for testing algorithms and applications
with some complexity, especially where the problem can be broken
into chunks which can streamed as part of a pipe. It's an ideal
tool for augmenting the features of shell programming as it is
ubiquitous; found in some form on almost all Unix/Linux/BSD systems.
Many problems dealing with text, log lines or symbol tables are
handily solved or at the very least prototyped with awk along with
the other tools found on Unix/Linux systems.


6. What well-maintained awk-compatible languages are there?

6.1 nawk
"The one true awk" (the original Bell Labs AWK).

6.2 gawk
From the GNU project.
Widely used.

6.3 mawk
Mike's Awk (from Michael Brennan).
For some code, runs very fast.

6.4 xgawk
Gawk + XML + ...

6.5 sqawk
Gawk + SQL

6.6 jawk
Awk in the JAVA virtual machine

6.7 runawk
A wrapper for the AWK interpreter, providing modules

6.8 Older versions, may not be currently supported, translates to
* awka


7. Where can I buy awk?

MKS sells their version of AWK, or at least as part of their toolkit.


8. Where can I get awk for free? For what platforms?

Most current AWK versions are open source; i.e. free.

AWK runs on many platforms and can be downloaded and installed from
many package management systems; e.g.

8.1. OS/X
From FINK:
From darwin ports:
8.2. Windows
From GnuWin32:
From Cygwin:
8.3. LINUX:
From apt-get: from e.g. the Synaptic package manager.


9. Why would anyone use awk instead of language XYZ?

Awk is a simple and elegant pattern scanning and processing language.
Awk is also the most portable scripting language in existence.
But why use it rather than Perl (or PHP or Ruby or...):

- Awk is simpler (especially important if deciding which to learn
- Awk syntax is far more regular (another advantage for the
beginner, even without considering syntax-highlighting editors);
- You may already know Awk well enough for the task at hand;
- You may have only Awk installed;
- Awk can be smaller, thus much quicker to execute for small

Tom Christiansen wrote in Message-ID: <>
> Awk is a venerable, powerful, elegant, and simple tool that
> should know. (Languages like) Perl are a superset and child of
> but has much more power that comes at expense of sacrificing some
> of that simplicity.

Carlo Strozzi writes:

(Other languages like Perl is) a good programming language for
self-contained programs, but pre-compilation and long start-up time
are worth paying only if once the program has loaded it can do
everything in one go. This contrasts sharply with the Operator-
Paradigm, where operators are chained together in pipelines of two,
three or more programs. The overhead associated with initializing
(say) Perl at every stage of the pipeline makes pipelining
inefficient. A better way of manipulating structured ASCII files is
use the AWK programming language, which is much smaller, more
specialized for this task, and is very fast at startup.


10. How can I learn awk?

English Book:

_The AWK Programming Language_, by Aho, Kernighan and
who invented the language. Published by Addison-Wesley. Lots
good material in not a lot of space. Out of date, with regard
POSIX awk.

ISBN 0-201-07981-X

Source code:

English Book:

_Effective Awk Programming_, by Arnold Robbins
published by O'Reilly and Associates.

ISBN 0-596-00070-7 (third edition)



We recommend buying the book instead of trying to print it
all out, for three reasons:

1. It's probably cheaper than using your own toner and paper.

2. Some money goes back to help further development, both to
Arnold Robbins (only if you buy from ORA) and the Free
Software Foundation (if you buy from either ORA or the

3. It helps convince publishers that we _like_ having full
documentation available on-line (e.g., for searching), but
will still pay for a compact, bound copy.

English reference card:


English Book:

second edition:

_Sed & Awk_, by Dale Dougherty & Arnold Robbins, published
by O'Reilly and Associates.

ISBN 1-56592-225-5 (second edition)

_sed & awk_ describes two text manipulation programs that are
mainstays of the UNIX programmer's toolbox. The last edition
covers the sed and awk programs as they are now mandated by
the POSIX standard and includes discussion of the GNU versions
of these programs.


An errata for the second edition of Sed & Awk is at


English Book:

_Classic Shell Scripting_ by Arnold Robbins and Nelson Beebe
published by O'Reilly and Associates.

ISBN 5-9600-595-4

Contains an (excellent) short introduction to Gawk, as well
as numerous other UNIX shell languages that can be combined
to quickly build applications.


An errata for this book is at


English Book:

_Mastering Regular Expressions_, by Jeffrey E.F. Friedl,
by O'Reilly and Associates. 3rd edition. (the `Hip Owls Book')

``... you will learn how to use regular expressions to
solve problems and get the most out of tools that provide
them. Not only that, but much more: this book is about
_mastering_ regular expressions.''


errata, additions, change log available at the author's home

ISBN 1-56592-257-3

Deutsch Book:

Friedl's _Mastering Regular Expressions_.


Japanese Book:

_Grep,Sed,Awk_ by Akihiro Miyoshi
ISBN 4-87966-794-3
June 1998 264 pages
Shuwa System Manual & Reference Series
Serves both as a tutorial and a manual. Divided quite evenly into
parts. Regular expressions explored in detail in grep section.

English Booklet:

TCP/IP Internetworking With Gawk
ISBN 1-882114-93-0

An abridged form is included in O'Reilly's Effective Awk
Programming 3e

A short worked example of this code is at


11. What are some other awk resources?

11.1. The awk community portal: a large collection of awk tips and

11.2. Short tutorials for newcomers. Sorted by newbie-ness
(so best to start at the top):

Eric Wendelin: Awk is a beautiful tool

Tim Sherwood: AWK: The Duct Tape of Computer Science Research

Ronald Loui: Samples of Gawk

Andrew Ross: Getting started with awk

Tim Menzies: Four Keys to Gawk

Peteris Krumins: 10 Awk Tips, Tricks and Pitfalls

Paul Jakma: Awk programmers' FAQ

Ed Morton (and friends): Use (and Abuse) of Getline

11.3. Longer Tutorials

The following list is sorted by the number of times this
is tagged at (most tagged at top):

Greg Goebel: An Awk Primer

Bruce Barnett: Awk - A Tutorial and Introduction

Arnold Robbins: The GNU Awk User's Guide

Emmett Dulaney: AWK: The Linux Administrators' Wisdom Kit


12. How do I report a bug in gawk?

This is described in great detail in the gawk documentation. In

1. Make sure what you've discovered is really a bug by checking
the documentation and, if possible, comparing with nawk and

2. Cut down the program and data to as small as possible a test
case that will illustrate the bug.

3. Optionally post to comp.lang.awk; this allows others to confirm
or deny the behavior, and its incorrectness (or lack thereof).

4. Send mail to <>. This automatically
a copy to Arnold Robbins. Do not JUST post in comp.lang.awk;
Arnold's readership there is sporadic, and of course any Usenet
article can be missed, killed, or dropped.


13. How can I access shell or environment variables in an awk script?

Short answer = either of these, where "svar" is a shell variable
and "avar" is an awk variable:

awk -v avar="$svar" '... avar ...' file
awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""}... avar ...' "$svar" file

depending on your requirements for handling backslashes and
handling ARGV[] if it contains a null string (see below for

Long answer = There are several ways of passing the values of
shell variables to awk scripts depending on which version of awk
(and to a much lesser extent which OS) you're using. For this
discussion, we'll consider the following 4 awk versions:

oawk (old awk, /usr/bin/awk and /usr/bin/oawk on Solaris)
nawk (new awk, /usr/bin/nawk on Solaris)
sawk (non-standard name for /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris)
gawk (GNU awk, downloaded from

If you wanted to find all lines in a given file that match text
stored in a shell variable "svar" then you could use one of the

a) awk -v avar="$svar" '$0 == avar' file
b) awk -vavar="$svar" '$0 == avar' file
c) awk '$0 == avar' avar="$svar" file
d) awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""}$0 == avar' "$svar" file
e) awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGC--}$0 == avar' "$svar" file
f) svar="$svar" awk 'BEGIN{avar=ENVIRON["svar"]}$0 == avar' file
g) awk '$0 == '"$svar"'' file

The following list shows which version is supported by which
awk on Solaris (which should also apply to most other OSs):

oawk = c, g
nawk = a, c, d, f, g
sawk = a, c, d, f, g
gawk = a, b, c, d, f, g


1) Old awk only works with forms "c" and "g", both of which have

2) GNU awk is the only one that works with form "b" (no space
between "-v" and "var="). Since gawk also supports form "a",
as do all the other new awks, you should avoid form "b" for
portability between newer awks.

3) In form "c", ARGV[1] is still getting populated, but
because it contains an equals sign (=), awk changes it's normal
behavior of assuming that arguments are file names and now
assumes this is a variable assignment so you don't need to clear
ARGV[1] as in form "d".

4) In light of "3)" above, this raises the interesting question of
how to pass awk a file name that contains an equals sign - the
answer is to do one of the following:

i) Specify a path, e.g. for a file named "abc=def" in the
current directory, you'd use:

awk '...' ./abc=def

Note that that won't work with older versions of gawk or

ii) Redirect the input from a file so it's opend by the shell
rather than awk having to parse the file name as an argument
and then open it:

awk '...' < abc=def

Note that you will not have access to the file name in the
FILENAME variable in this case.

5) An alternative to setting ARGV[1]="" in form "d" is to delete
that array entry, e.g.:

awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];delete ARGV[1]}$0 == avar' "$svar"

This is slightly misleading, however since although ARGV[1]
does get deleted in the BEGIN section and remains deleted
for any files that preceed the deleted variable assignment,
the ARGV[] entry is recreated by awk when it gets to that
argument during file processing, so in the case above when
parsing "file", ARGV[1] would actually exist with a null
string value just like if you'd done ARGV[1]="". Given that
it's misleading and introduces inconsistency of ARGV[]
settings between files based on command-line order, it is
not recommended.

6) An alternative to setting svar="$svar" on the command line
prior to invoking awk in form "f" is to export svar first,

export svar
awk 'BEGIN{avar=ENVIRON["svar"]}$0 == avar' file

Since this forces you to export variables that you wouldn't
normally export and so risk interfering with the environment
of other commands invoked from your shell, it is not

7) When you use form "d", you end up with a null string in
ARGV[1], so if at the end of your program you want to print
out all the file names then instead of doing:

END{for (i in ARGV) print ARGV[i]}

you need to check for a null string before printing. or
store FILENAMEs in a different array during processing.
Note that the above loop as written would also print the
script name stored in ARGV[0].

8) When you use form "a", "b", or "c", the awk variable
assignment gets processed during awks lexical analaysis
stage (i.e. when the internal awk program gets built) and
any backslashes present in the shell variable may get
expanded so, for example, if svar contains "hi\there"
then avar could contain "hi<tab>there" with a literal tab
character. This behavior depends on the awk version as

oawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi\there"
sawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi<tab>here"
nawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi<tab>here"
gawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi<tab>here"

If the backslash preceeds a character that has no
special meaning to awk then the backslash may be discarded
with or without a warning, e.g. if svar contained "hi\john"
then the backslash preceeds "j" and "\j" has no special
meaning so the various new awks each would behave differently
as follows:

oawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi\john"
sawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi\john"
nawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hijohn"
gawk: prints a warning and sets avar="hijohn"

9) None of the awk versions discussed here work with form "e" but
it is included above as there are older (i.e. pre-POSIX)
of awk that will treat form "d" as if it's intended to access a
file named "" so you instead need to use form "e". If you find
yourself with that or any other version of "old awk", you need
to get a new awk to avoid future headaches and they will not be
discussed further here.

So, the forms accepted by all 3 newer awks under discussion (nawk,
sawk, and gawk) are a, c, d, f, and g. The main differences between
each of these forms is as follows:

| BEGIN | files | requires | accepts | expands | null |
| avail | set | access | backslash | backslash | ARGV[] |
a) | y | all | n | n | y | n |
c) | n | sub | n | n | y | n |
d) | y | all | n | n | n | y |
f) | y | all | y | n | n | n |
g) | y | all | n | y | n/a | n |

where the columns mean:

BEGIN avail = y: variable IS available in the BEGIN section
BEGIN avail = n: variable is NOT available in the BEGIN section

files set = all: variable is set for ALL files regardless of
command-line order.
files set = sub: variable is ONLY set for those files subsequent
to the definition of the variable on the command line

requires access = y: variable DOES need to be exported or set on
the command line
requires access = n: shell variable does NOT need to be exported
or set on the command line

accepts backslash = y: variable CAN contain a backslash without
causing awk to fail with a syntax error
accepts backslash = n: variable can NOT contain a backslash without
causing awk to fail with a syntax error

expands backslash = y: if the variable contains a backslash, it IS
expanded before execution begins
expands backslash = n: if the variable contains a backslash, it is
NOT expanded before execution begins

null ARGV[] = y: you DO end up with a null entry in the ARGV[]
null ARGV[] = n: you do NOT end up with a null entry in the ARGV[]

For most applications, form "a" and "d" provide the most intuitive
functionality. The only functional differences between the 2 are:

1) Whether or not backslashes get expanded on variable assignment.
2) Whether or not ARGV[] ends up containing a null string.

so which one you choose to use depends on your requirements for
these 2 situations.


14. How does awk deal with multiple files?

Warning: some of these techniques will require
non-ancient versions of awk.

14.1 How can awk test for the existence of a file?

the most portable way is to simply try and read from the file.

function exists(file, dummy, ret)
if ( (getline dummy < file) >=0 )
# file exists (possibly empty) and can be read
ret = 1;
return ret;

[ I've read reports that earlier versions of mawk would write to
as well as getline returning <0 -- is this still true? ]

on Unix, you can probably use the `test' utility

if (system("test -r " file) == 0)
# file is readable
# file is not readable

14.2 How can I get awk to read multiple files?

it's automatic (under Unix at least) -- use something like:

awk '/^#include/ {print $2}' *.c *.h

14.3 How can I tell from which file my input is coming?

use the built-in variable FILENAME:

awk '/^#include/ {print FILENAME,$2}' *.c *.h

14.4 How can I get awk to open multiple files (selected at runtime)?

use `getline', `close', and `print EXPR > FILENAME', like:

# assumes input file has at least 1 line, output file writeable
function double(infilename,outfilename, aline)
while ( (getline aline < infilename) >0 )
print(aline aline) > outfilename;

14.5 How can I treat the first file specially?

use FILENAME, thusly:

BEGIN { rulesfile="" }
rulesfile == "" { rulesfile = FILENAME; }
FILENAME == rulesfile { build_rule($0); }
FILENAME != rulesfile { apply_rule($0); }


Suppose you have a text-line "database" and you want to make some
batch changes to it, by replacing some old lines with new lines.

BEGIN { rulesfile="" }
rulesfile == "" { rulesfile = FILENAME; }
rulesfile == FILENAME { replace[$1] = $0; }
rulesfile != FILENAME \
if ($1 in replace)
print replace[$1];

another way, using ARGV:

(FILENAME == ARGV[1]) { replace[$1] = $0; next }
($1 in replace) { print replace[$1]; next }
{ print }

14.6 How can I explicitly pass in a filename to treat specially?

use `-v rulesfile=filename' like you would any other variable,
and then use a `getline' loop (and `close') in your BEGIN

if (rulesfile=="")
print "must use -v rulesfile=filename";
while ( (getline < rulesfile) >0 )

if ($1 in replace)
print replace[$1];


15. How many elements were created by split()?

when I do a split on a field, e.g.,


how can i find out how many elements x has (I mean other than
testing for null string or doing a `for (n in x)' test)?

split() is a function; use its return value:

n = split($1, x, "string")


16. How can I split a string into characters?

In portable POSIX awk, the only way to do this is to use substr to
out each character, one by one. This is painful. However, gawk,
and the newest version of the Bell Labs awk all allow you to set
FS = "" and use "" as the third argument of split.

So, split("chars",anarray,"") results in the array anarray
5 elements -- "c", "h", "a", "r", "s".

If you don't have any ^As in your string, you could try:

gsub(".", "&\001", string)
n=split(string, anarray, "\001")
for (i=1;i<=n;i++)
print "character " i "is '" anarray[i] "'";


17. How do I have dynamic-width printf strings, like C?

With modern awks, you can just do it like you would in C (though the
justification is less clear; C doesn't have the trivial in-line
concatenation that awk does), like so:


for (i in arr)
if (maxlen<length(arr[i]))

for (i in arr)
printf("%-*s %s\n",maxlen,arr[i],i)

With old awks, just do it like you would do if you didn't know about
(this would be much more painful to do in C), like so:


for (i in arr)
if (maxlen<length(arr[i]))

printfstring="%-" maxlen "s %s\n";
for (i in arr)


18. Why doesn't "\\$" behave like /\\$/ ? Why don't parentheses

Because "\\$" is a string and /\\$/ is not; in strings, some of the
escape characters get eaten up (like \" to escape a double-quote
the string).

/\\$/ => regular expression: literal backslash at end-of-expression

"\\$" => string: \$ => regular expression: literal dollar sign

to get behavior like the first case in a string, use "\\\\$" .

there are other, less obvious characters which need the same
under-quoting or over-quoting should be avoided:

parentheses are special for alternation:

/\(test\)/ => 6 characters `(test)'
"\(test\)" => /(test)/ => 4 characters `test' (with unused grouping)

an example of trying to match some diagonal compass directions:

/(N|S)(E|W)/ => `NE' or `NW' or `SE' or `SW' (correct)
"(N|S)(E|W)" => /(N|S)(E|W)/ (correct)
"\(N|S\)\(E|W\)" => /(N|S)(E|W)/ (correct) (NOTE: all \ had no
"\(N\|S\)\(E\|W\)" => /(N|S)(E|W)/ (correct) (NOTE: all \ had no

expressions that look similar but behave totally differently:

/\(N|S\)\(E|W\)/ => `(N' or `S)(E' or `W)'
/\(N\|S\)\(E\|W\)/ => `(N|S)(E|W)' only

There is also confusion regarding different forms of special
POSIX requires that `\052' be treated as any other `*', even though
is written with 4 bytes instead of 1. In compatibility mode, gawk
treat it as though it were escaped , namely `\*'.


19. What is awk's exit code?

With no exit command, awk exits with a zero value, unless there
were problems closing input/output files.

You can supply an optional numeric value to the `exit' command to
make it exit with a value:

if (whatever)
exit 12;

If you have an END block, control first transfers there. Within
the END block, an `exit' command exits immediately; if you had
previously supplied a value, that value is used. But, if you
give a new value to `exit' within the END block, the new value is
used. This is documented in the GNU Awk User's Guide (gawk.texi).

If you have an END block you want to be able to skip sometimes,
you may have to do something like this:


# normal rules processing...
if (fatal)

if (exitcode!=0)


20. How can I get awk to be case-insensitive?

20.1. use tolower() or tolower()
- portable
- must be explicitly used for each comparison

instead of:
if (avar=="a" || avar=="A") { ... }
if (tolower(avar)=="a") { ... }

or at the beginning of your code, add a line like
{ for (i=0;i<=NF;i++) $i=tolower($i) }
{ $0=tolower($0); } # modern awks will rebuild $1..$NF also

20.2. use IGNORECASE=1;
- gawk only
- used for all comparisons, regex comparisons, index() function
- not used for array indexing


21. How can I force a numeric/non-numeric comparison?

These are the canonical, work-in-all-versions snippets. there are
many others, most longer, some shorter (but possibly less portable).

To compare two variables as numbers ONLY, use
if (0+var1 == 0+var2)

To compare two variables as non-numeric strings ONLY, use
if ("" var1 == "" var2)


22. Why does { FS=":"; print $1 } not split the first record?

Basically, you should set FS before it may be called upon to split
into fields. Once awk encounters a `{', it is probably too late.

Some awk implementations set the fields at the beginning of the
block, and don't re-parse just because you changed FS. To get
the desired behavior, you must set FS _before_ reading in a line.

BEGIN { FS=":" }
{ print $1 }

awk -F: '{ print $1 }'

If you run code like this
{ FS=":"; print $1 }

On this data:
first:second:third but not last:fourth
First:Second:Third But Not Last:Fourth

You may get either
this: or this:
---- -------
first first:second:third
First First

Perhaps more surprisingly, code like
{ FS=":"; }
{ print $1; }

will also behave in the same way.


23. Why doesn't awk 'begin {...}' work?

It needs to be `BEGIN' (i.e., it's case-sensitive).


24. Why does awk 'BEGIN { print 6 " " -22 }' lose the space?

You'd expect `6 -22', but you get `6-22'. It's because the `" "
is grouped first, as a subtraction instead of a concatenation,
in the numeric value `-22'; then it is concatenated with `6', giving
string `6-22'. Gentle application of parentheses will avoid this.


25. How do I take advantage of gawk's networking support?

(Contribution from Michael Sanders: see

This code creates an html menu of local applications which you can
season to taste. The usage requires two steps...

1) run: 'gawk -f server.awk'
2) open browser at: http://localhost:8080

This code is based on the examples located at the TCP/IP
With `gawk' manual and is licensed under GPL 3.0. For updates to
this code, see

x = 1 # script exits if x < 1
port = 8080 # port number
host = "/inet/tcp/" port "/0/0" # host string
url = "http://localhost:" port # server url
RS = ORS = "\r\n" # header line terminators
doc = Setup() # html document
while (x) {
if ($1 == "GET") RunApp(substr($2, 2))
if (! x) break
host |& getline # wait for new client request
Message(Bye()) # server terminated...

#Server Message
function Message(txt) {
status = 200 # 200 == OK
reason = "OK" # server response
len = length(txt) + length(ORS) # length of document
print "HTTP/1.0", status, reason |& host
print "Connection: Close" |& host
print "Pragma: no-cache" |& host
print "Content-length:", len |& host
print ORS txt |& host

#HTML Menu
function Setup() {
tmp = "<html>\
<head><title>Simple gawk server</title></head>\
<p><a href=" url "/xterm>xterm</a>\
<p><a href=" url "/xcalc>xcalc</a>\
<p><a href=" url "/xload>xload</a>\
<p><a href=" url "/exit>terminate script</a>\
return tmp

#Saying Good-bye
function Bye() {
tmp = "<html>\
<head><title>Simple gawk server</title></head>\
<body><p>Script Terminated...</body>\
return tmp

#Running Applications
function RunApp(app) {
if (app == "exit") {x = 0}
else if (app == "xterm") {system("xterm&")}
else if (app == "xcalc") {system("xcalc&")}
else if (app == "xload") {system("xload&")}


26. How do I delete all fields up to field N, preserving input

With a POSIX awk:
awk 'sub(/^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]]*[[:space:]]*){N}/,"")'

With GNU awk:
gawk --re-interval 'sub(/^[[:space:]]*([^[:space:]]*[[:space:]]*)

The number "N" within the "{...}" is the number of initial fields to

Note that "gensub()" is not available with "--posix" but it is
with "--re-interval" so if you need to use an interval expression
{1,} or {8} or {2,4}) with gensub() then you must use --re-interval
rather than --posix so --re-interval is generally the preferred


27. How do I extract the string that matches a RE?

awk -v re='a|b' '

function extract(str,regexp) {
RMATCH = (match(str,regexp) ? substr(str,RSTART,RLENGTH) : "")
return RSTART

extract($0,re) { print RMATCH }


28. How do I substitute matched REs in *sub().

$ echo "abcbd" | awk 'sub(/b/,"|&|")'
$ echo "abcbd" | awk 'gsub(/b/,"|&|")'
$ echo "abcbd" | gawk '$0=gensub(/b/,"|&|","")'
$ echo "abcbd" | gawk '$0=gensub(/b/,"|&|","g")'
$ echo "abcbd" | gawk '$0=gensub(/(b)/,"|\\1|","")'
$ echo "abcbd" | gawk '$0=gensub(/(b)/,"|\\1|","g")'
$ echo "abcbd" | gawk '$0=gensub(/(b)(c)/,"|\\2\\1|","g")'


29. How do I write changes back to the original file?

awk '
function saveRec(rec) { _File[++_Fnr] = rec }

function printFile( fnr) {
if (_PrevFilename != "") {
close(_PrevFilename) # just in case this is called in
printf "" > _PrevFilename # make sure later close() succeeds
for (fnr=1; fnr<=_Fnr; fnr++)
print _File[fnr] > _PrevFilename
_Fnr = 0
_PrevFilename = FILENAME

FNR==1 { printFile() }
{ ... do stuff with $0...; saveRec( $0 ) }
END { printFile() }
' file1 file2 ...


30. How do I convert a string to an array?

To convert a string to an array indexed by each word's position
in the string:

awk 'BEGIN{str="abc def";c=split(str,arr);
for (i=1;i<=c;i++)
print arr[i]}'

To convert a string to an array indexed by each word:

awk 'BEGIN{str="abc def";c=split(str,tmp);
for (i=1;i<=c;i++)
delete tmp;
for (w in arr)
print w}'


31. How do I convert and diff 2 date/time values?

This will print the number of seconds between 2 date/time values
given in some non-standard format: gawk-only solution:

function cvttime(t, a) {
a[2] = sprintf("%02d",(RSTART+2)/3)
return( mktime(a[3]" "a[2]" "a[1]" "a[4]" "a[5]" "a[6]) )
print cvttime(t2) - cvttime(t1)


32. How do I select a range of records?

The following idioms describe how to select a range of records given
a specific pattern to match:

a) Print all records from some pattern:

awk '/pattern/{f=1}f' file

b) Print all records after some pattern:

awk 'f;/pattern/{f=1}' file

c) Print the Nth record after some pattern:

awk 'c&&!--c;/pattern/{c=N}' file

d) Print every record except the Nth record after some pattern:

awk 'c&&!--c{next}/pattern/{c=N}1' file

e) Print the N records after some pattern:

awk 'c&&c--;/pattern/{c=N}' file

f) Print every record except the N records after some pattern:

awk 'c&&c--{next}/pattern/{c=N}1' file

g) Print the N records from some pattern:

awk '/pattern/{c=N}c&&c--' file

I changed the variable name from "f" for "found" to "c" for "count"
where appropriate as that's more expressive of what the variable
actually IS.


33. How do I remove text between 2 tags?

POSIX: a 2-pass approach to turn all the searched-for patterns
into a single char (control-B in this case for no particular
reason) first and then use that as the RS (since an RS that's an
RE is gawk-only):

awk '{$1=$1}1' FS='(begin|end)' OFS=^B file | awk 'NR%2' RS=^B

where the opening and closing tags are "begin" and "end"

The gawk equivalent is to directly uses an RE for the RS:

gawk -v RS='(begin|end)' -v ORS= 'NR%2'


98. Miscellaneous


99. Credits

I most of the information in this FAQ has been be supplied by people
other than myself -- it just works better that way. The newsgroup
readers have a LOT more awk experience than I ever will (unless I
multiply myself by a few thousand, which is not legal with today's
tax laws).

The following people have contributed to the well-being of the FAQ:

New testament (from 2010):
tim [at] (Tim Menzies) <== maintainer

arnold [at] (Arnold Robbins)
g_r_a_n_t_ [at]
mike [at] (Michael Sanders)
mortonspam [at] (Ed Morton)

Old testament (up until 2002):
awkfaq at locutus.ofB.ORG (Russell Schulz) <== maintainer

Alex.Schoenmakers [at]
David.Billinghurst [at] (David Billinghurst)
Ferran.Jorba [at] (Ferran Jorba)
Juergen.Kahrs [at]
Kalle.Tuulos [at] (Kalle Tuulos)
SimonN [at] (Nicole Simon)
afu [at]
allen [at] (John L. Allen)
amnonc [at] (Amnon Cohen)
andrew_sumner [at] (Andrew Sumner)
arnold [at] (Arnold D. Robbins)
art [at] (Art Povelones)
bmarcum [at] (Bill Marcum)
boffi [at] (giacomo boffi)
bps03z [at] (Peter Saffrey)
brennan [at] (Michael D. Brennan)
churchyh [at] (Henry Churchyard)
db21 [at] (David Beyerl)
dmckeon [at] (Denis McKeon)
dmeier.esperanto [at] (Detlef Meier)
dzubera [at] CS.ColoState.EDU (Zube)
edgar.j.ramirez [at] (Edgar J. Ramirez)
eia018 [at] (Dr Andrew Wilson)
epement [at] (Eric Pement)
gavin [at] (Gavin Wraith)
hankedr [at] (Darrel Hankerson)
hastinga [at] (Austin Hastings)
heiner.steven [at] (Heiner Steven)
hstein [at] (Harry Stein)
j-korsv [at] (Jon-Egil Korsvold)
jari.aalto [at] (Jari Aalto)
jblaine [at] (Jeff Blaine)
jerabek [at] (Martin Jerabek)
jesusmc [at] (Jesus M. Castagnetto)
jidanni [at] (Dan Jacobson)
jlaiho [at] (Juha Laiho)
jland [at] (Jim Land)
jmccann [at] (James McCann)
joe [at]
johnd [at] (John DeHaven)
kahrs [at] (Juergen Kahrs)
konrad [at] (Konrad Hambrick)
lehalle [at] (Charles-Albert Lehalle)
lothar [at] (Lothar M. Schmitt)
mark [at] (Mark Katz)
markus [at] (Markus B. Biewer)
monty [at] (Jim Monty)
morrisl [at] (Larry D. Morris)
neel [at]
neil_mahoney [at] (Neil Mahoney)
neitzel [at] (Martin Neitzel)
peter.tillier [at] (Peter S Tillier)
pez68 [at] (Peter Stromberg)
phil [at] (Philip Brown)
pholzleitner [at] (Peter HOLZLEITNER)
pierre [at] (Gianni Rondinini)
pjf [at] (Peter Jaspers-Fayer)
pjfarley [at] (Peter J. Farley III)
ptjm [at] (Patrick TJ McPhee)
rms [at] (Rafal Sulejman)
robin.moffatt [at] (Robin Moffatt)
rwab1 [at] (Ralph Becket)
saguyami [at] (Shay)
thobe [at] (Glenn Thobe)
thull [at] (Tom Hull)
tim [at] (Tim Maher/CONSULTIX)
vincent [at] (Vincent de Lau)
vjpnreddy [at] (Jaya Reddy)
walkerj [at] (James G. Walker)
walter [at] (Walter Briscoe)
yuli.barcohen [at] (Yuli Barcohen)



thus endeth the awk FAQ.

Trifle Menot

Feb 21, 2010, 3:49:39 PM2/21/10
On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 19:49:46 -0800 (PST), Tim Menzies
<> wrote:

> awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];delete ARGV[1]}$0 == avar' "$svar"

Looks like your word wrap is set too short.

Web mail, POP3, and SMTP

Tim Menzies

Feb 22, 2010, 12:03:19 AM2/22/10
On Feb 21, 3:49 pm, Trifle Menot <> wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 19:49:46 -0800 (PST), Tim Menzies
> <> wrote:
> >        awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];delete ARGV[1]}$0 == avar' "$svar"
> >file
> Looks like your word wrap is set too short.

darn- you are right. it is tooooo wide.

i'll fix that in the next update.

thanks for picking that up


Trifle Menot

Feb 22, 2010, 11:41:55 AM2/22/10
On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 21:03:19 -0800 (PST), Tim Menzies
<> wrote:

>> Looks like your word wrap is set too short.

>darn- you are right. it is tooooo wide.

In my text editor, I didn't notice any lines longer than 76 characters,
which is OK for most users. I don't think the text is too wide, but it
looks like your news client needs adjustment of its line wrap length.

I see you're posting thru google. I don't use them, so I can't tell you
how to adjust it. But I do know some free nntp servers if you ever want
to try another news service.

I also noticed a few stray tabs here and there.

Message has been deleted

Aleksey Cheusov

Mar 3, 2010, 6:24:09 AM3/3/10

> 6.7 runawk
> A wrapper for the AWK interpreter, providing modules
> See

Is it possible for you to add a note "Dozens of modules written in
AWK are also provided" or something like this.

Also an official page of runawk is

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

Tim Menzies

Mar 12, 2010, 9:13:26 AM3/12/10
On Mar 3, 6:24 am, Aleksey Cheusov <> wrote:
> >   6.7 runawk
> >     A wrapper for the AWK interpreter, providing modules
> >    See

> Is it possible for you to add a note "Dozens of modules written in
> AWK are also provided" or something like this.
> Also an official page of runawk is

> --
> Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

will do!


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