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gawkextlib extension libraries in Fedora distributions

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Andrew Schorr

Mar 6, 2018, 3:14:50 PM3/6/18

FYI, we now have 6 gawk extension libraries in Fedora 27:

gawk-xml.x86_64 : XML support for gawk
gawk-lmdb.x86_64 : LMDB Lightning Memory-Mapped Database binding for gawk
gawk-abort.x86_64 : Abort library for gawk
gawk-pgsql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL client library for gawk
gawk-redis.x86_64 : Redis client library for gawk
gawk-nl_langinfo.x86_64 : Gawk library providing nl_langinfo access

And in Fedora 28, there will be nine (since select and json require
gawk 4.2.x):

gawk-xml.x86_64 : XML support for gawk
gawk-json.x86_64 : JSON encoder/decoder for gawk
gawk-lmdb.x86_64 : LMDB Lightning Memory-Mapped Database binding for gawk
gawk-errno.x86_64 : Errno library for gawk
gawk-pgsql.x86_64 : PostgreSQL client library for gawk
gawk-abort.x86_64 : Abort library for gawk
gawk-redis.x86_64 : Redis client library for gawk
gawk-select.x86_64 : Select I/O multiplexing library for gawk
gawk-nl_langinfo.x86_64 : Gawk library providing nl_langinfo access

So in Fedora, it is trivial to install these extensions. For example, to
get gawk XML capabilities, one can simply enter:
dnf install gawk-xml

It would be great to get these into other distributions. If anybody would like
to take on the project of package maintenance for another distribution, e.g.
Cygwin, I will be happy to help as best I can.

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