On 19/01/24 21:42, Paul Edwards wrote:
> LM1873:
> movl $4294967295, %eax
> addq -64(%rbp), %rax
> movsbl (%rax),%esi
> movl $LC445, %edi
> movb $0, %al
> call _printf
This has now been resolved. I wasn't building my
modified gcc 3.2.3 properly, so it thought that
size_t was 32 bits instead of 64 and was making
it unsigned.
Now I am getting working code:
D:\devel\gcc\gcc>type foo.s
.file "foo.c"
.p2align 2,,3
.globl foo
movsbl -1(%rcx),%eax
(rcx is because one of my modifications is to use
Win64 function call convention)
BFN. Paul.