On 2024-01-10 11:37, Blady wrote:
> package Loggings is
> type Logging is tagged record
> Output : Ada.Text_IO.File_Access;
> end record;
> procedure Log (Handler : Logging; Msg : String);
> end Loggings;
> My_Handler : aliased Loggings.Logging := (Output => Ada.Text_IO.Current_Output);
> My_Generic_Handler : access Loggings.Logging'Class := My_Handler'Access;
> procedure My_Log_3 (Msg : String) renames My_Generic_Handler.Log;
My_Generic_Handler.Log is shorthand for My_Generic_Handler.all.Log. According to
AARM 8.5.4(5.e/5) (
the renaming also renames the prefixing object and passes it to calls to the
renamed subprogram: "The prefix in such a case is essentially renamed and passed
to any calls of the renamed subprogram."
So if I understand this correctly the renaming is roughly equivalent to
<anonymous> : Loggings.Logging renames My_Generic_Handler.all;
procedure My_Log_3 (Handler : Loggings.Logging := <anonymous>; Msg : String)
renames Loggings.Logging.Log;
except that My_Log_3 is called with only a String parameter even when using
positional notation.
Another way to look at it is that
My_Log_3 ("msg");
is implemented as
<anonymous>.Log (Msg => "msg");
> What is happening if My_Generic_Handler change?
> type Full_Logging is new Logging with null record;
> procedure Log (Handler : Full_Logging; Msg : String);
> ...
> My_Full_Handler : aliased Loggings.Full_Logging := (Output =>
> Ada.Text_IO.Current_Output);
> ...
> My_Generic_Handler := My_Full_Handler'Access;
> Well, logically (?), My_Log_3 follows the change and outputs with Full_Logging.
No, My_Log_3 continues to call Log with My_Handler as the object, IIUC.
> Unfortunately, GNAT claims renaming with several parameters.
> I add:
> procedure Log (Handler : Logging; Msg : String; Err : Natural);
> ...
> procedure My_Log_4 (Msg : String; Err : Natural) renames
> My_Generic_Handler.Log;
> I got:
> test_20240110_renproc.adb:47:14: error: too many arguments in call to "log"
> Is it a correct or a GNAT issue?
I'm not sure what is going on here. This looks correct to me.
Jeff Carter
"Fundamental improvements in performance
are most often made by algorithm changes,
not by tuning."
Elements of Programming Style