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Announce: AdaStudio-2024 release 10/10/2023 free edition

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Leonid Dulman

Oct 11, 2023, 2:59:41 AM10/11/23
AdaStudio-2024 based on Qt-6.6.0-everywhere opensource (expanded with modules from Qt-5.15: qtgamepad, qtx11extras,qtwinextras),VTK-9.3.0,FFMPEG-6.0.0,OpenCV-4.8.0,SDL2-2.24.0,QtAV-1.13 MDK-SDK(wang-bin)
Qt6ada version 6.6.0 open source and qt6base.dll ,qt6ext.dll (win64),, built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2023 x64 Windows, gcc amd64 in Linux.
Package tested with gnat gpl 2020 ada compiler in Windows 64bit , Linux amd64 Debian 11.2
AdaStudio-2024 includes next modules : qt6ada,vtkada,qt6mdkada,qt6cvada(face recognition, face detection,face identification,objects detectection,QRcode detector,BARcode detection and others ) and voice recognizer.
Qt6Ada is built under  GNU LGPLv3 license
Qt6Ada modules for Windows, Linux (Unix) are available from
Google drive
WebPage is
Directories tree is
AdaStudio – root
Prebuilt - Qt-6.6.0, VTK-9.3.0, FFMPEG-6.0.0,Opencv-4.8.0,SDL2-2.24.0,QtAV MDK-SDK
Win64 - prebuilt for Windows x64
qt-6.6.0win64.tar.xz - Qt-6.6.0
vtk-9.3.0win64.tar.xz - VTK-9.3.0
ffmpeg-6.0.0win64.tar.xz - FFMPEG-6.0.0
opencv-4.8.0win64.tar.xz - OpenCV-4.8.0
sdl2-2.24.0win64.tar.xz - SDL2-2.0.24
qtav1.133win64.tar.xz - QtAV 1.13(compatible with ffmpeg 5,6)
AMD64 - prebuilt binaries for Linux/Unix Desktop amd64
qt-6.6.0amd64.tar.xz - Qt-6.6.0
vtk-9.3.0amd64.tar.xz - VTK-9.3.0
ffmpeg-5.2.3amd64.tar.xz - FFMPEG-5.2.30
opencv-4.8.0amd64.tar.xz - OpenCV-4.8.0
sdl2-2.24.0amd64.tar.xz - SDL2-2.24.0
qtav1.133win64.tar.xz - QtAV 1.13(compatible with ffmpeg 5,ffmpeg 6)
Some components(Multimedia,Web) no correct works in linux root mode !
qt6ada - qt6ada components
qt6adademos.tar.xz - qt6ada demos
qt6adasrc.tar.xz - qt6ada packages
qt6adawin64.tar.xz - qt6ada win64 binaries
qt6adaamd64.tar.xz - qt6ada amd64 binaries
mdkada - qt6mdkada components - qt6mdkada package
mdkadademos.tar.bz2 - qt6mdkada demos
mdkadawin64.tar.bz2 - qt6mdkada win64 binaries
mdkadaamd64.tar.bz2 - qt6mdkada amd64 binaries
mdk-sdk-0.16.0.tar.xz - mdk-sdk binaries win64 amd64
qtavada - qt6avada components
qt6avadasrc.tar.xz - qt6avada packages
qt6avadademos.tar.xz - qt6avada demos
qt6avadawin64.tar.xz - qt6avada win64 binaries
qt6adaamd64.tar.xz - qt6avada amd64 binaries
qtopencvada - qt6opencvada components (with seta,ndnn,yolov models support)
qt6opencvadademos.tar.xz - qt6opencvada demos
qt6opencvadasrc.tar.xz - qt6opencvada packages
qt6opencvadawin64.tar.xz - qt6opencvada win64 binaries
qt6opencvadaamd64.tar.xz - qt6opencvada amd64 binaries
voicerecognizer - qt6ada voicerecognizer components
qt6speech2textwin64.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada win64 binries
qt6speech2textx86-64.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada x86-64 binries
speech2textdemo.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada demos
speech2textsrc.tar.bz2 - qt6voicerecognizerada packages
vtkada - vtk9ada componenets
vtkadademo.tar.xz - vtkada demos
vtkadasrc.tar.xz - vtkada packages
vtkadawin64.tar.xz - vtkada win64 binaries
vtkadaamd64.tar.xz - vtkada amd64 binaries

The full list of released classes is in "Qt6 classes to Qt6Ada packages relation table.pdf"
The simple manual how to build Qt6Ada application can be read in "How to use Qt6ada.pdf"  
If you have any problems or questions, tell me know.

Oct 15, 2023, 11:51:37 AM10/15/23
On Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at 07:59:41 UTC+1, Leonid Dulman wrote:
> AdaStudio-2024 based on Qt-6.6.0-everywhere opensource (expanded with modules from Qt-5.15: qtgamepad, qtx11extras,qtwinextras),VTK-9.3.0,FFMPEG-6.0.0,OpenCV-4.8.0,SDL2-2.24.0,QtAV-1.13 MDK-SDK(wang-bin)
> Leonid(

And you are still not giving proper build instructions.

Leonid Dulman

Oct 16, 2023, 1:55:32 AM10/16/23
1. install Qt,VTK,FFMPEG,OpenCV from prebuilt directory and test they work
2. from qt6ada directory unpack qt6adawin64.tar.xz - windows or qt6adaamd64.tar.xz - linux and copy files to place you want
3. unpack qt6adasrc.tar.xz and compile ada packages
That's all

Chris Sparks

Oct 17, 2023, 10:02:07 AM10/17/23
Are you dependent on using Microsoft Visual Studio? I remember long ago that maybe you were.

Manuel Gomez

Oct 20, 2023, 1:47:00 PM10/20/23
El 15/10/23 a las 17:51, escribió:
> On Wednesday, 11 October 2023 at 07:59:41 UTC+1, Leonid Dulman wrote:
>> AdaStudio-2024 based on Qt-6.6.0-everywhere opensource (expanded with modules from Qt-5.15: qtgamepad, qtx11extras,qtwinextras),VTK-9.3.0,FFMPEG-6.0.0,OpenCV-4.8.0,SDL2-2.24.0,QtAV-1.13 MDK-SDK(wang-bin)
> [...]
>> Leonid(

I noticed the original post did not pass the
filters, probably due to the link to a Google Drive and the strange
domain of the web page. Dulman, I'd recommend you to use some free
repository for open source, like, or They will be
more trusted and your bindings will have more visibility.
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