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Possible to check access to current time?

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не прочитано,
7 июн. 2023 г., 02:45:3807.06.2023

This may not be a specific Ada question, but anyway:

I use Ada and consider to apply current time to label (dynamic) data so one always can access the latest corrections/versions. This could be a source or error if current (real) time is reported wrong. So is it possible automatically to check that Network time is available and correctly reported (using Ada)?


Dmitry A. Kazakov

не прочитано,
7 июн. 2023 г., 03:07:3707.06.2023
On 2023-06-07 08:45, reinert wrote:

> I use Ada and consider to apply current time to label (dynamic) data so one always can access the latest corrections/versions. This could be a source or error if current (real) time is reported wrong. So is it possible automatically to check that Network time is available and correctly reported (using Ada)?

Yes, you can query an NTP time server. E.g. see

Dmitry A. Kazakov

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