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Ada Scales Down!

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Hou Van Boere

May 13, 2023, 8:17:52 PM5/13/23
Hi Everyone

Just a little cross post:

I am having so much fun with Ada again. I think the foreign binding examples on the net are horrible. With little wimpy inline packages, you can bring foreign code in easily.

Everyone complains about C but a teenager can fool around with it on a weekend and end up a C programmer a few years later. Ada does not present this way but it fact it is easy to write little wimpy programs in it just for fun and even wimpy programs will often need non-Ada libraries.


Luke A. Guest

May 14, 2023, 5:53:31 AM5/14/23
It's not 1979 anymore, you can use unicode in Ada and even lowercase
letters. This is not Oberon where the language is stuck in the 70's
where there was a limited character set available on keyboards. I think
even COBOL can now accept lower case keywords now, but I'm not sure
about this.

Hou Van Boere

May 14, 2023, 9:59:27 AM5/14/23
Hi Luke

I knew someone would mention this :) Most people program in lowercase with COBOL now. It is a personal preference. I use a smaller font and have more code on the screen with uppercase and I am just kinda retro about a lot of things. Think Amish using a computer :)
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