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K12> Prof. Dev: This Week at Tapped In (May 16-22)

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May 13, 2004, 11:44:49 AM5/13/04
From: NetHappenings Moderator
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 10:38:43 -0500
Subject: K12> Prof. Dev: This Week at Tapped In (May 16-22)

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Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 21:52:05 -0400
From: EDTECH Editor-Jones <edad...@MAIL.H-NET.MSU.EDU>
Subject: Prof. Dev: This Week at Tapped In (May 16-22)

From: BJ Berquist <>

Join the Webheads TESOL/ESL/EFL/ELL community on Saturday for Writing
for Webheads (students) and Sunday for Webheads in Action (teachers).
Bernie Dodge leads another of his energizing WebQuest discussions on
Monday. Tuesday's busy schedule includes a special presentation on
language learning in the classroom by French teacher Gina Souto, Jen
Wagner's TechLeaders Roundtable, Fred Steinbroner's Group Learning
Methods, and Ferdi Serim's The Big6: Moving Every Child Ahead. Wednesday
is Donna Hendry's Language Arts Forum and Leslie Farmer will discuss
digital storytelling during Targeting Librarians! Thursday, Nancy
Willard will lead a discussion on Internet Access and Safety, the
Library of Congress Learning Page chat is about War and Peace, and
special guest Rachel Williams will discuss Narrative Art and
Incarcerated Abused Women during the Alternative/Correctional Ed Forum.
Tours of the many features of Tapped In are scheduled for a variety of
time zones on most Tuesdays and Saturdays.
After School Online (ASO) is a forum for educators. The scheduled
events, designed for professional development, are open to everyone in
the Tapped In community and all guests. All Calendar events will be
held in the ASO room unless otherwise noted in the description. Featured
Passageways in TI Reception has a link to the ASO and most other
conference rooms. As always, please login to Tapped In <> 10 minutes before the ASO
event is scheduled to begin to allow us to help you get where you need
to be. Click on the event on the web calendar at to read the complete
descriptions of the individual topics. If you are logged in to Tapped
In, the calendar description has a passageway that allows you to go
directly to the room where the event will be held
View the Tapped In calendar of ASO events at: You can set the calendar
to your time zone to see events in your times.
Saturday, May 15
* Writing for Webheads
9:00-10:00am PST
The Writing for Webheads focus is on students interacting online. Join
Maggi Doty every Saturday in Tapped In Reception at 16:00 GMT.

* Tapped In Tips and Tricks
4:00-5:00pm PST
Join one of the Tapped In HelpDesk volunteers to learn about the
fabulous features of TI. Tips and Tricks, a field trip of the features
of Tapped In and how educators can use the Tapped In environment, will
start in the Reception room of the Tapped In system.
Sunday, May 16
* Webheads in Action
5:00-7:00am PDT
The focus of Webheads in Action is on teacher professional development
and forming communities of practice with CMC tools.
Join Vance Stevens every Sunday in Tapped In Reception at noon GMT (for
two hours).
Monday, May 17
Evaluating Webquests
4:00pm PDT
What makes a WebQuest great? How can you pinpoint the changes needed to
make a beginner's WebQuest better? Join Bernie Dodge in the ASO for a
diagnostic tour of imperfect WebQuests and the rubrics that tell us what
to fix.
Tuesday, May 18
* Oz-Time Tours and Tips/Campfire Meeting
2am -3am PDT
Join Dianne Allen for Oz time-friendly Tours and Tips and Campfire
Meetings, an "Australian" (and NZ and Western Rim Asia) meeting place
for informal chatting about professional development issues and
arranging for more focused meetings of special issue discussions. This
discussion will be held in Reception.

* Tapped In Tips and Tricks
2:30-3:30pm PDT

* Kidzlearn Lugares & Aprendizagens
3:00-4:00pm PDT
Gina Souto, a Tapped In member in Portugal, will do a presentation on
May 18 in the ASO in Tapped In about her learning ITC project in French
as a foreign language, Kidzlearn Lugares & Aprendizagens, in September
2003. This is not a new method for learning French but a different way
to learn it with ICT as a support in classroom or after school, at home
as a free way for kids.

* TechLeaders Round Table
4:00-5:00pm PST
Jen Wagner invites you to join with other Tech Leaders each month in the
On Tap Cafe to brainstorm together on different classroom technology

* Group Learning Methods
5:00-6:00pm PDT
Join Fred Steinbroner in the ASO for a discussion about his 'work in
progress.' Fred has begun to develop a website that will include
additional resources for group and cooperative learning. See Fred's new
site at

* The Big6 - Moving Every Child Ahead
6:00-7:00pm PDT
Moving Every Child Ahead - an alternative approach to the goals of No
Child Left Behind. Improved student achievement requires improved
classroom practice, but where is the research to guide us? Can we build
a community of "studied interventions" where groups of educators share
the evidence they generate through their daily actions with kids? Ferdi
Serim leads a discussion shaped by the Big6 process on how we might take
an active, creative role in meeting the challenges. The Big6 meets in
the Arcade Conference Room.
Wednesday, May 19
* Targeting Librarians! - Digital Storytelling
4:30-6:00pm PDT
Dr. Lesley Farmer, facilitator of this discussion, coordinates the
Library Media Teacher Services Credential Program at California State
University. Join Lesley in the Hot Tub Conference Room as we talk about
Digital Storytelling, how to construct your stories and how to connect
them with digital images.

* Language Arts Forum
5:00-6:00pm PDT
Join Donna Hendry in the ASO for her always fun and interesting Language
Arts Forum.
Thursday, May 20
* Internet Access and School Safety
4:00-5:00pm PDT
In most districts, there is an educational technology committee that
addresses AUP issues and a school safety planning committee. The
Internet can be used to engage in many of the activities that relate to
school safety -- access to dangerous information, drug dealing,
harassment, and bullying. Nancy Willard will facilitate a discussion on
the need for a coordinated approach to address Internet access and
school safety in the ASO.

* Library of Congress Learning Page Chat - War and Peace
5:00-6:00pm PDT
What loaded topics War and Peace are...and how critical it is that we
educate our students to become citizens who understand cause, effect,
implications, ramifications, cultural issues, economic issues, political
issues, and geographic factors involved in war and peace. Please join
Library of Congress staff members in the ASO for the Learning Page chat
on "War and Peace." We will share primary source materials from the
Library of Congress to help teach about American wars of the past.
Participate in a discussion about ways we can help our students develop
an understanding of the state of the world today, and their
responsibility as citizens to shape a lasting global peace.

* Alt/Correctional Ed Forum: Narrative Art and Incarcerated Abused Women
6:00-7:00pm PDT
Guest Rachel Williams will join this forum in the ASO to discuss the
study she did with Janette Taylor during an 8 week pilot program at the
Iowa Correctional Institution for Women. Rachel is an Assistant
Professor in the College of Art Education and Janette is an Assistant
Professor in the College of Nursing at the University of Iowa.
Saturday, May 22
* Writing for Webheads
9:00-10:00am PST

* Tapped In Tips and Tricks
4:00-5:00pm PST
Sunday, May 23
* Webheads in Action
5:00-7:00am PDT
Respectfully submitted,
BJ Berquist
Associate Educator, TAPPED IN

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