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LISA NT 2000 -- A Call for Papers

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Moun Chau

Jan 4, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/4/00
3rd Large Installation System Administration of Windows NT/2000
July 30 - August 2, 2000
Seattle, Washington, USA
Conference URL:

SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORS: The 3rd Large Installation System Administration
of Windows NT/2000 (LISA NT 2000) conference is the chance to connect
with peers and experts on the issues and solutions surrounding the
maintenance of Windows NT and migration to NT 2000.

We are currently seeking submissions for Technical White Papers,
Works-In-Progress Reports, Talks/Panel Session proposals, and Tutorial
presentation proposals for this event. Suggested topics include, but are
not limited to: Windows NT network management, maintenance and
integration solutions; migration into Windows NT 2000; system
administration methodologies, configuration, backup and restores;
integration of UNIX and other platforms within a Windows NT environment.
Please see the detailed author guidelines, which include a sample
abstract, for more information.

*Submission proposals due: February 16, 2000
*Notification to authors: March 13, 2000
*Final papers due: June 1, 2000
*Registration materials available: May 2000

LISA NT is co-located with the Windows Systems Symposium, a conference
about the various techniques and innovations utilized in working Windows
environments. The Windows Systems Symposium will be held at the Madison
Renaissance Hotel in Seattle, WA, on August 3-4, 2000. For more
information, please see our website:

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