You can FTP Mosaic Netscape 0.9 Beta from the following locations: in /netscape in /pub/net/infosys/Mosaic-Comm in /Netscape in /Netscape in /packages/Netscape in /pub/misc/netscape in /pub/pc/win3/winsock/ (PC only) in /mac (Mac only)
Please make sure to read the README and LICENSE files.
An up-to-date listing of mirror sites can be obtained at any time
by sending email to
Subject to the timing and results of this beta cycle, Mosaic Communications
will release Mosaic Netscape 1.0, also available free for personal use
via the Internet. It will be subject to license terms; please review them
when and if you obtain Mosaic Netscape 1.0.
A commercial version of Mosaic Netscape 1.0, including technical support
from Mosaic Communications, will be available upon completion of the
beta cycle. Contact us at for more information.
Have fun!
Marc and the gang,
As blown away as you may have been by seeing the original Mosaic
for the first time, Netscape is even more impressive.
Besides being faster, easier to use and more rubust than Mosaic,
it elegantly handles news and mail.
It's terribly, terrible impressive.
- Transparent GIFs are nice!
- Delayed inline-image loading a-la MacMosaic.
- Scrollbars on TextAreas
- Copy to clipboard from text.
- Multiple windows a-la XMosaic.
- THREADED news!
- AND...I'm POSTING this from Netscape!
One suggestion: How about ALT text when in-line image display
turned off?
Thanks guys.
David Carmean
I'd have to agree. Very very nice job. I'd suggest, though, a rework
of the bookmark editor. Seems kinda strange. Also, a Kiosk mode
would be ideal! Can't find any other faults with it yet. Impressive
piece of work. I feel sorry for the likes of Spry and its
David Geller
I like it more as I go along -- but agree with you, the bookmark
editor is not 100% yet. The other thing it lacks are printing
(sure expected it) and the lack of a button for the history or
hotlist. Lots space on that ruler bar, guys!
I have to say I *love* the logo, especially when spinning away ...
Very nice 90s design.
Daniel A. Hartung | Democracy:
Birch Grove Software |
| It's a great software package, but the | installation program is a real bitch.
Sorry, I missed the FTP site that has this browser. Could someone please post
the site? Thanks!
Sell-it on the WWW! Selling various items ranging
from computer hardware/software to baseball cards to
gourmet coffee to publications. Use your favorite WWW
browser to go to:
>- Transparent GIFs are nice!
>- Delayed inline-image loading a-la MacMosaic.
>- Scrollbars on TextAreas
>- Copy to clipboard from text.
>- Multiple windows a-la XMosaic.
>- THREADED news!
>- AND...I'm POSTING this from Netscape!
Is it just me or does Netscape miss one critical ingredient. How can you print
anything from it ? It is better than all the other web browsers I have tried,
but without the capability to print anything, it is worthless.
Michael L. Tefft Be bold in what you stand for, and careful what you fall for. R. Boorstin
Marc Andreessen ( wrote:
: Mosaic Communications Corporation is a making a public version of Mosaic
: Netscape 0.9 Beta available for anonymous FTP. Mosaic Netscape is a
: built-from-scratch Internet navigator featuring performance optimized for
: 14.4 modems, native JPEG support, and more.
: Marc and the gang
Arnold Kling
(301) 754-0730 (w) (301) 649-4378 (h)
It is stupid to implement TCP/IP in each application that wants to use it.
Why not WordPerfect in-a-box? Or Quicken in-a-box? These transport services are
best provided either by the operating system, or by a general purpose layer
usable by all applications.
>>> > Mosaic Communications Corporation is a making a public version of Mosaic
>>> > Netscape 0.9 Beta available for anonymous FTP. Mosaic Netscape is a
>>> > built-from-scratch Internet navigator featuring performance optimized for
>>> > 14.4 modems, native JPEG support, and more.
>>> As blown away as you may have been by seeing the original Mosaic
>>> for the first time, Netscape is even more impressive.
>Sorry, I missed the FTP site that has this browser. Could someone please post
>the site? Thanks!
Try look for Pretty easy to find, if I can find
it anyone can. :)
As stated in the help-on-version (and myself many many times), printing
will be added "real-soon-now". It didn't make it into beta 0.9
of the windows version but will be in 1.0...
> [Netscape announcement -- check it out!]
Now, am I just ignorant, or is the source to Mosaic Communication's home
page doing some rather naughty stuff? <li> items without any surrounding
list items... <h2></h2> surrounding other format tags... <h6></h6> used as
"legalese" small-print... aren't these (well, OK, the first two) bad html?
James Kew Zookeeper, British Comedy Pages.
Imperial College, London
And yet, in the meantime, when it is not provided by the OS, perhaps it
makes sense that it should be provided.
Paul Prescod
MCom has already stated that v1.0 will also be free -- at least the
initial release --
>As stated in the help-on-version (and myself many many times), printing
>will be added "real-soon-now". It didn't make it into beta 0.9
>of the windows version but will be in 1.0...
Yes, only in the one they will charge for! :)
But by a *GENERAL PURPOSE* application layer, NOT reimplemented by each and
every tool.
>Yes, only in the one they will charge for! :)
Nope. They aren't gonna charge for 1.0 for personal use. They wanna sell
this baby to businesses.
________Paul Cohen_________...@netaxs.com________________________
Philadelphia, PA
>>As stated in the help-on-version (and myself many many times), printing
>>will be added "real-soon-now". It didn't make it into beta 0.9
>>of the windows version but will be in 1.0...
>Yes, only in the one they will charge for! :)
no, do read the release notes. there will be two version 1.0's one for free,
one for $upport.
Has anyone managed to either make the User menues work, or translate them to a
bookmark file? I can't get the perl script to download correctly.
> One thing I like about it is the way it points you to the better
> directories and search engines on the Web. Very good for newbies as well
> as veterans.
Yeah - but it would be nice to be able to customize these and the other
main buttons to point to your personal favorite search engines etc.
"What's New", for instance, is mirrored everywhere. I like to pick a
place other than MCOM's page to reduce traffic to that site....
> Arnold Kling
> (301) 754-0730 (w) (301) 649-4378 (h)
David S. April Northwestern University
(708) 467-1903 Institute for the Learning Sciences 1890 Maple Evanston, IL 60201
"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now, only much, much, better."
- Laurie Anderson
In article <>, (David S. April) writes:
|> In article <37pven$>, (Arnold
|> Kling) wrote:
|> > One thing I like about it is the way it points you to the better
|> > directories and search engines on the Web. Very good for newbies as well
|> > as veterans.
|> Yeah - but it would be nice to be able to customize these and the other
|> main buttons to point to your personal favorite search engines etc.
|> "What's New", for instance, is mirrored everywhere. I like to pick a
|> place other than MCOM's page to reduce traffic to that site....
You can, although I cannot find it in Netscape's rather superficial
documentation, and these resources aren't listed in their file.
Anyway, for running under X, each little bit of Netscape's menus is a resouce
that you can customize. For example, here is the default configuration of the
[What's New] button and Directory item:
In article <>, (Jef Poskanzer) writes:
>! whatsNew - item 2 in the Directory menu, item 2 in the Buttons bar.
>Netscape*menuBar*whatsNew.labelString: What's New!
>Netscape*menuBar*whatsNew.mnemonic: N
>Netscape*urlBar*whatsNew.labelString: What's New!
Please see the original article in c.i.w.users, "Customizing X Netscape's
"Directory Buttons"," for full information.
Mike Kelsey
[ My opinions are not endorsed by SLAC, Caltech, or the US government ]
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire
off the shoulder of Orion. I've watched C-beams glitter in the dark
near the Tannhauser Gate. All these moments will be lost in time,
like tears in rain." -- Roy Baty
Gee... I found a "Print... Alt+P" item under the file menu, and it appears
to work just fine.... This is using the SunOS 4.1.X client of Beta 0.9.
-.---.----..-.---.----..-.---.----..-.---.----..-.---.----..-.- --- ----
Brian D. Decker E-Systems,Ashburn,VA,USA (+001) 703 729 6000 x3658
>Is it just me or does Netscape miss one critical ingredient. How can you print
>anything from it ? It is better than all the other web browsers I have tried,
>but without the capability to print anything, it is worthless.
I just searched a local bookstore and printed the result from Netscape. Have
you tried "File-Print?"
Straight and narrow but still opposed to Measure 13.
Coming Soon: The World Wide Web Jack Chick Archive!
Send comments/contributions to or
>Is it just me or does Netscape miss one critical ingredient. How can you print
>anything from it ? It is better than all the other web browsers I have tried,
>but without the capability to print anything, it is worthless.
Whoops, I forgot--I saved the results as text and printed them from Notepad.
Oops--sorry. You're right, this is an incredibly lame thing to leave out...
I wouldn't go THAT far.
>Gee... I found a "Print... Alt+P" item under the file menu, and it appears
>to work just fine.... This is using the SunOS 4.1.X client of Beta 0.9.
But those of us with the Windows version are without.
Daniel A. Hartung | Support the new Arts/Humanities hierarchy! | "I believe we can fly | on the wings that we create"
Dan@home. | -- Melissa Etheridge
You're correct. I missed that. Thanks for the info! It's nice they are
going to have that version made publicly available also. The graphics are
MUCH faster to come up, but did anyone else notice (in the Windows version at
least) that the graphics are a bit grainy?
Printing didn't make the 0.9 BETA version (as stated in the online
documentation). It will be in the 1.0 version....we aren't
"incredibly lame" just human and it didn't make the first public beta...
I must admit and agree with all the others..... very good job.
Everything and more I wanted in Mosaic. Still needs a print option
though.... but I'm sure it will evolve somehow....
Keep it up guys!!
I didn't call you lame, and your browser's the best I've seen yet for
Windows. The choice not to include printing was lame, though. It's as
if you'd left off the "Edit" menu or bookmarks didn't save.
Touchy, touchy...
>Touchy, touchy...
I was chided by e-mail by one of the Web Gods at Teleport for being so
critical of NetScape, so apparently I needed to gush more in my praise.
Your browser is a beautiful thing, and an answer to prayer. I'm new to the
Web, and I've suffered through one stupid thing after another with every
browser I've used 'til now--NCSA Mos., Cello, and WinWeb. I fell in love with
Netscape the minute I opened it and could read the text on your home page
while the image was loading. I married it when I stopped a page in mid-load
and NOTHING EXPLODED. We had our first child after I tremulously tried using
forms and mail-to links and found they were supported. I love NetScape
Mosaic. I use it to read newsgroups as often as I do my "official" news
reader now. It is a delight, a dream, a trip through the infobahn on gossamer
wings. Every day I find something wonderful and new about it--the fact that
it recognizes URLs in posts...siiiighhhh...being able to turn graphics on
and off with a push of a button...bliss...
Although the above is idiotically flowery, it's not far from the truth. I
really do love your product, I look forward to the full product, I've deleted
every other reader from my drive, and if you keep making them like this you'll
have a customer for life.
No kidding.
(Dang, man--I didn't even start the stupid "no printing" thing--I got into it
because I jumped in and said "Yes it does have printing, I'm sure it does!"
and then realized I was wrong...)
You are going to produce a version specifically geared to the special needs of
African Americans, right?
Has anyone else using NetScape under windows noticed
this peculiar little quirk?
When NetScape accesses a page with more than a couple of
in-line images only the first two or three appear... the rest
are never loaded, and come up as 'cutsie' symbols... I haven't
figured out any rhyme or reason for which inline images are
loaded, except that it starts at the first one and loads a 'few'
then stops.
Very quirky...
Gil Kasparek
I have been experiencing something similar. Netscape for Windows will hang
after loading 839-843 bytes of any page from my server
( even if it has no graphics. Apparently this only
happens to machines on my subnet; more remote users report no problems. I've
had no problems in this regard with the Mac version.
Bennet George (
Which platform/browser are you using?
What is the URL(s)?
Actually, what seems to be causing most of these problems is
that the number of simultaneous connections Netscape thinks
its allowed to make is larger than the number the winsock is
configured to allow.
The best solution is to lower the number Netscape is allowed
(Network and Images pane of the Preferences box) or increase
the number of connections your winsock allows.
Hello all!
I solved the problem using a combination of the above suggestion and
my own idea.
Since I am running the server that I have trouble loading by NetScape
I changed the maximum number of connections that my server could
handle to a higher number. At the same time I reduced the max-number
in the NetScape .ini file, and everything is hunky dorey!
Great program!!
> terminal flowcontrol hardware
> terminal databits 8
> terminal telnet-transparent
> -John
I am confused. I, too, have a unix box (an SGI Indy) and my box
has no such command as terminal. Where do you set these
parameters? Is it part of the tia setup?
Lynn Ziegler