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ANNOUNCE: Cool Site of the Day

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Glenn Davis

Aug 10, 1994, 3:10:09 PM8/10/94
Need a daily web fix of something new? Try The Cool Site of the Day.
Every night at midnite the Cool Site of the Day gets set to point at a
new Cool Site. You'll never know what's there until you take the link so
expect to be surprised. URL to:

Szymon Sokol

Aug 12, 1994, 4:01:53 AM8/12/94
Glenn Davis ( wrote:
: Need a daily web fix of something new? Try The Cool Site of the Day.


I hate to spoil it for you, but *I* (and everyone else who uses Mosaic for X)
know where your link points to as soon as I place the cursor over your "?"
icon. The URL is displayed at the bottom of the Mosaic window, you see...
(to prevent flames: of course, URL does not inform you exactly what to expect -
for example, today's "Cool Site" is, and
I have no idea what the "examiner" could be until I followed the link. However,
knowing the URL removes much of the surprise).
Szymon Sokol -- Network Manager
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