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Problem with art gallery type design

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Dec 1, 2015, 5:55:53 PM12/1/15
Please excuse the template that I'm using to create
the background of this page. I doubt that the CSS is
causing the problem.

I have some photos of an old Christmas scrapbook
and I'm trying to build a website for it. I have
done basic html for many years.

I'm trying to use percentages to use one image file
for a thumbnail and the exploded image where you can
actually read what's on the page.

Here is what I have so far:

Currently a problem is that the second thumbnails is
compressed in the view to only about 2% of the normal
size of the file. There is nothing in the code that would
indicate why it's doing this.

Ocassionally, the image thumbnail size of the files seems to be
changing via a logic that I can't understand.

Adrienne Boswell

Dec 2, 2015, 6:57:00 PM12/2/15
to wrote
The first thing I would go is fix all the HTML errors, then see if that
might help you a bit.

Adrienne Boswell
Arbpen Designs
The Good Plate - Gourmet Food on a Budget
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