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Coloured Cells in Tables

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Marcus Edward Hennecke

May 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/30/95
In article <3qfcdk$>,
Alex Schajer <> wrote:
>I've sussed out how to use tables but does anybody know if it possible to change the background
>colour and the text colour WITHIN a cell??

Not with the current specs. However, it will be possible using style
sheets. In fact, Arena can do it now. Basically, it works by
subclassing the table tags:

<tr><td class=somename1>This is some red text on blue</td>
<td class=somename2>This is some green text on yellow</td>

and then the style sheet might look like:

td.somename1 : font.color = #F00
td.somename1 : back.color = #00F
td.somename2 : font.color = #0F0
td.somename2 : back.color = #FF0

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Marcus E. Hennecke
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Bruce Morris

May 31, 1995, 3:00:00 AM5/31/95
>I've sussed out how to use tables but does anybody know if it possible to change the background
>colour and the text colour WITHIN a cell??

No way it can be done using known tools. Except - if you are clever and
your particular need fits the cure you could very carefully build a
background GIF and have your table match the GIF placement. I used this
technique to divide a page into a red left side and a white right side
with 2 columns of text - 1 on the left and 1 on the right. I set things up
so the text is placed carefully over the background no matter the screen
width. This may not work for you but I thought I was a pretty clever
fellow for dreaming it up:

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