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Making new friends ? Robin Lovelock from 8th April 1997. 150 countries. e.g. Covid19 and Global Warming ( and GIS/Information Systems ? )

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Jun 6, 2020, 1:19:39 PM6/6/20
Hi Guys. I stumbled on this group, looking for my own, set up just yesterday, and linked from near the bottom of my "covid19" page on

The page should both amuse and educate. I'll paste in an extract from the middle below. But start from the top, which has an introduction and amusing pictures. After the extract below is the important part: "one-liners" from guys in countries around the World, then what went up only yesterday: the link to a Google Group.

After visiting the page above, then my linked "Home" page ( with no lack of information about me, including working in Defence Systems since the 1960s ),
then the Google Group, perhaps they can email me and tell me a little about themselves. The best way is by one or more links, to information that is public.

Maybe there are ways my network of friends, including new ones like you, can help each other and those around them. That'll do for now :-)

Robin Lovelock

p.s. Mmmmm - the pasted extract did not work ( no pictures or video ) so I'll delete most of it. Please not that this is NOT just about stuff in UK. See the input from my many overseas friends. Also, the linked Google Group is for any subject at all, for members who share some interest or another. Obviously, a few share the interests of this group. I got into digital mapping and the Internet while working as a NATO Scientist in Holland 1971 - 1980. Yes, there is an amusing page about those days too :-)

extract from >>>>>

UK Government adopts monitoring of total deaths on 14th April 2020
Tuesday 14 April 2020: Nick Stripe of UK ONS appears on BBC TV News. He said that there were 16,387 deaths registered in England and Wales during the week ending April 3, which "is the highest weekly total" since the authority started compiling data in 2005. From Robin's sister, Sally : "It's saying 60% increase in weekly death toll... Extra 6000 deaths only 3.5k reported as corona... So 2.5k extra need to know..... ". This was the main lead on the UK BBC TV 6pm and ITV 6:30pm TV News broadcasts. You can play the 2 minute video, giving extracts from the 10pm BBC TV News, on the right.

Thursday 16th April 2020 from Robin Lovelock: Good to see the UK Government adopt this approach of monitoring total deaths, even if the graph is only for England and Wales, and compared to the average for previous 5 years. The latest graph can be reached from here .

Some other countries, not already monitoring total deaths, may find it useful, but graphs of individual years may be needed, to compare with deaths affected by things like natural disasters, famine, war ceasefires, etc.

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