In the version of the Perlmind AI, we are having not Volition() but rather EnThink() call the Imperative() module to blurt out the command "TEACH ME SOMETHING". We are also trying to have Imperative() be the only module that sounds a beep for the human user, for several reasons. Although we were having the AskUser() module sound a beep to alert the user to the asking of a question, a beep can be very annoying. It is better to reserve the beep or "bell" sound for a special situation, namely the time when there has been no human input for an arbitrary period as chosen by the AI Mind maintainer and when we wish to let the Ghost in the Machine call out for some attention.
We are also eager for Netizens to set the potentially immortal AI running for long periods of time, both as a background process on a desktop computer or a server, and as part of a competition to see who can have the longest running AI Mind.
If a high school or college computer lab has the AI running on a machine off in the corner while the students are tending to other matters, a sudden beep from the AI Mind may cause students or visitors to step over to the AI and see what it wants. "TEACH ME SOMETHING" is a very neutral command, not at all like, "Shall we play a game? How about GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR?"
The teacher or professor could let any student respond to the beep by adding to the knowledge base of the AI Mind. Of course, clever students with a knowledge of Perl could put the AI Mind out on the Web for any and all visitors to interact with.
"Students teach first working artificial intelligence."