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Reset ML-1660 V.34.rar

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Cassy Manon

Dec 8, 2023, 8:04:05 PM12/8/23
How to Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar and Fix Your Samsung Printer

If you have a Samsung ML-1660, ML-1665, ML-1667 or ML-1668 printer, you may encounter a problem where the printer stops working and displays a red light. This means that the printer has reached its page limit and needs to be reset. One way to do this is to use a software called Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, which can reset the page counter and allow you to print again.

Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar

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What is Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar is a program that can generate a fix file for your Samsung printer. The fix file can be used to update the firmware of your printer and reset the page counter. This way, you can avoid buying a new toner cartridge or chip and save money.

How to Use Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

To use Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you need to follow these steps:

Download Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from a reliable source. You can find it on some websites or YouTube videos, but be careful of viruses and malware.
Extract the program from the rar file and run it on your computer.
Select your printer model and firmware version from the drop-down menu.
Click on "Generate Fix" and save the fix file to your desktop.
Connect your printer to your computer with a USB cable and turn it on.
Open the fix file with a program like Odin or Downloader.
Click on "Start" and wait for the process to finish.
Turn off your printer and disconnect the USB cable.
Turn on your printer and check if the red light is gone and you can print normally.

What are the Benefits of Resetting ML-1660 v.34.rar?

By resetting your Samsung printer with Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can enjoy these benefits:

You can extend the life of your toner cartridge and chip and save money.
You can print more pages without worrying about the page limit.
You can avoid wasting time and resources on buying a new printer or contacting technical support.
You can improve the performance and quality of your printer.


Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar is a useful program that can help you fix your Samsung printer and reset its page counter. It is easy to use and can save you money and hassle. However, you should be careful when downloading and using it, as it may contain viruses or malware that can harm your computer or printer. You should also backup your data before updating your firmware, as it may cause errors or damage. If you are not sure how to use Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you should consult a professional or contact Samsung customer service.

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What are the Risks of Resetting ML-1660 v.34.rar?

While Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar can be a helpful tool for fixing your Samsung printer, it also comes with some risks that you should be aware of. Some of these risks are:

You may void your warranty or violate the terms of service by updating your firmware without Samsung's authorization.
You may damage your printer or computer if you use a corrupted or incompatible fix file.
You may expose your device to viruses or malware if you download Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from an untrusted source.
You may lose your data or settings if you do not backup your printer before updating your firmware.

Therefore, you should use Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar at your own risk and discretion. You should also follow the instructions carefully and check the compatibility of your printer model and firmware version before using it.

What are the Alternatives to Resetting ML-1660 v.34.rar?

If you are not comfortable with using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar or if it does not work for you, you may consider some alternatives to reset your Samsung printer and fix its red light problem. Some of these alternatives are:

You can buy a new toner cartridge or chip that has a higher page limit and replace it with the old one.
You can contact Samsung customer service and ask for their assistance or guidance on how to reset your printer.
You can take your printer to a professional repair shop and have them reset it for you.
You can buy a new printer that has a longer lifespan and better features.

However, these alternatives may also have some drawbacks, such as higher costs, longer waiting time, or lower quality. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that suits your needs and budget best.

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How to Download Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

One of the challenges of using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar is finding a reliable source to download it from. There are many websites and YouTube videos that claim to offer the program, but some of them may be fake, outdated, or infected with viruses or malware. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing where to download Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from.

Some of the things you can do to ensure a safe and successful download are:

Check the reviews and ratings of the website or video before downloading anything.
Scan the downloaded file with an antivirus program before opening it.
Use a VPN or proxy service to hide your IP address and location.
Do not click on any suspicious links or pop-ups that may appear during or after the download.

If you are not sure where to download Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from, you can try some of these sources that have been verified by other users:

How to Troubleshoot Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

Sometimes, Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar may not work as expected or cause some errors or issues with your Samsung printer or computer. This can be due to various reasons, such as incompatible firmware version, corrupted fix file, faulty USB cable, or low battery. If you encounter any problems with using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can try some of these troubleshooting tips:

Make sure your printer model and firmware version match the ones selected in the program.
Make sure your fix file is not damaged or modified by any third-party software.
Make sure your USB cable is connected properly and securely.
Make sure your printer and computer have enough power and are not in sleep mode.
Restart your printer and computer and try again.

If none of these tips work, you may need to contact Samsung customer service or a professional repair shop for further assistance.

How to Verify Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

After using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar to reset your Samsung printer, you may want to verify that it has worked properly and that your printer is functioning normally. To do this, you can follow these steps:

Print a test page from your printer and check if the quality and quantity are satisfactory.
Print a configuration report from your printer and check if the firmware version and page count have been updated.
Print a document or image from your computer and check if the printing speed and accuracy are acceptable.
Check if the red light on your printer has disappeared and if there are any error messages or warnings on your printer or computer screen.

If everything looks fine, you can enjoy using your Samsung printer with Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar. If not, you may need to repeat the process or try a different method.

How to Update Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar is a program that is constantly being updated and improved by its developers and users. Therefore, you may want to update it regularly to get the latest features and fixes for your Samsung printer. To update Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can follow these steps:

Visit the official website or YouTube channel of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar and check if there are any new versions available.
Download the latest version of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from a trusted source and save it to your computer.
Delete the old version of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from your computer and extract the new one from the rar file.
Run the new version of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar on your computer and follow the instructions to generate a new fix file for your printer.
Use the new fix file to update your printer's firmware and reset its page counter as described above.

By updating Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can ensure that your Samsung printer is compatible with the latest firmware versions and that it can perform optimally.

How to Get Support for Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

If you have any questions or issues with using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you may want to get some support from the developers or other users of the program. There are several ways to do this, such as:

You can visit the official website or YouTube channel of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar and leave a comment or message with your query or feedback.
You can join a forum or community of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar users and share your experience or ask for help.
You can contact the developer of Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar directly via email or social media and request for assistance or guidance.

However, you should be respectful and polite when seeking support for Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar. You should also provide as much information as possible about your printer model, firmware version, fix file, and problem. This way, you can get a faster and more accurate response.

How to Review Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar?

If you have used Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar to reset your Samsung printer and fix its red light problem, you may want to leave a review for the program and share your opinion with other potential users. This can help them decide whether to use Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar or not and what to expect from it.

To leave a review for Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can follow these steps:

Visit the website or YouTube video where you downloaded Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar from and find the comment section.
Write a brief summary of your experience with using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, including the pros and cons, the results, and any tips or suggestions.
Rate the program on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, depending on how satisfied you are with it.
Submit your review and wait for it to be approved and published.

By leaving a review for Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can help other users make an informed decision and also provide valuable feedback to the developers of the program.


Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar is a program that can help you reset your Samsung printer and fix its red light problem. It can save you money and hassle by extending the life of your toner cartridge and chip and allowing you to print more pages without worrying about the page limit. It is easy to use and can improve the performance and quality of your printer.

However, Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar also comes with some risks and challenges, such as voiding your warranty, damaging your printer or computer, exposing your device to viruses or malware, or losing your data or settings. Therefore, you should use Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar at your own risk and discretion. You should also follow the instructions carefully and check the compatibility of your printer model and firmware version before using it.

If you are not comfortable with using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar or if it does not work for you, you may consider some alternatives to reset your Samsung printer and fix its red light problem, such as buying a new toner cartridge or chip, contacting Samsung customer service, taking your printer to a professional repair shop, or buying a new printer. However, these alternatives may also have some drawbacks, such as higher costs, longer waiting time, or lower quality. Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that suits your needs and budget best.

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or issues with using Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar, you can get some support from the developers or other users of the program by visiting their website or YouTube channel, joining a forum or community, or contacting them directly via email or social media. You can also leave a review for Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar and share your opinion with other potential users by visiting the website or YouTube video where you downloaded it from and writing a brief summary of your experience with using it.

Thank you for reading this article and good luck with resetting your Samsung printer with Reset ML-1660 v.34.rar.


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