IBM Domino News - Notes Community Help Site...
Technical tips and tricks for Notes, Domino, iNotes, Verse, Sametime, Traveler, SmartCloud
Summary: The site will help you quickly find information about the Notes and Domino ecosystem.
About This Site...
The inspiration for this site comes largely from the desire to have a curated collection of the critical movers and shakers in the Notes/Domino community. This encompasses people, companies, and products. The people who put their precious time and energy into the blogs, forums, companies, books, products, and open source solutions can help you solve any problem you have. These are the genius inventors in the ecosystem. Some people have been left out who should be referenced in this site. This is inevitable given that:
• we do not know everyone in the industry
• we can only read English
We need your help to improve the content of this site, to add the missing people and content!
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Special thanks to the contributors who have donated their time, ideas, and connections to the site:
• Jerry Horani, CTO of VCC and CMS
• Jesse Gallagher, CTO of I Know Some Guys, LLC
• Lance I. Zakin, NotesMail Consulting & Crucial Notes tools
• Key members of the Prominic.NET, Inc. team including:
• Doug Robinson
• Triston Dixon
• Jon Schultz
• Justin Hill
#dominoforever #domino #domino10 #ibmnotes #ibmdomino #xpages #dominonews #dominohelp #ibmsametime #ibmtraveler #ibmsmartcloud #ibmverse
tags: ibm domino news, ibm notes news, lotus notes news, lotus domino news, technical, tips, tricks, blog, lotusscript, xpages, javascript, java, ibm collaboration software, lotus software, inotes, verse, sametime, notes traveler, smartcloud, lotus protector, quickplace, quickr