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IBM Notes group explore tool: Export nested group members to Excel

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Oct 27, 2016, 12:49:35 PM10/27/16
Cyber-attack, hacking and information warfare seems more than relevant in the news lately. i.e. WikiLeaks

Domino administrators are often at a loss when dealing with nested groups in the IBM DD (NAB) which can be a real security concern.

Nested groups seem to be difficult to troubleshoot in regards to ACL access and mailing lists.

Download: ACL Dominator for IBM Notes

Prevent security breaches and secure your IBM Notes mailboxes and databases (DBs)! ACL Dominator 7.1 allows you to generate ACL reports, then export them to Excel. The nested groups are expanded during the export process and all nested group members are displayed in the Excel report. It allows you to easily see explicit member access to all mailboxes and apps.

tags: nested group, expand, expander, explore, explorer, acl, nab, ibm dd, export, excel

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