You can divide (split) Notes mailbox / DB NSF files using the Archive Mailbox Reverter (AMR) tool for IBM Notes. It allows you to specify date ranges to split the nsf archive file. Here are some basic steps to trick the AMR tool to split it since by default it focuses on reverting mailbox back to a primary server or local mail replica.
1. Create a new local mailbox (archive 2) using a mail template. i.e. Click File - Application - New - Mail (R8.5) Template, and enter a title and filename archive\a_jsmith2010.nsf, then click OK.
NOTE: You might want to first click the Encryption button to disable encryption before clicking OK.
2. Open the new local mailbox (archive 2), then configure the archive profile to point to the original archive (archive 1). i.e. archive\a_jsmith.nsf
2. Edit your IBM Notes location and change the mail location to local. i.e. Mail file location: Local
3. Edit your IBM Notes location and change the mail file to the new local mailbox filename (archive 2). i.e. Mail file: archive\a_jsmith2010.nsf
4. Open AMR tool and generate archive report using "AMR Lite mode".
5. Edit the report document (profile) displayed and add the original archive mailbox (archive 1) filename to the "Archive Files(s)" field. i.e. archive\a_jsmith.nsf
NOTE: This step is not required if you copy/paste 1 email message to the new local mailbox (archive 2) and test archiving it. i.e. archive\a_jsmith2010.nsf
6. Click "revert archives" button and specify a date range. i.e. Jan 1, 2010 - Jan 1, 2011
7. When you are done don't forget to change your IBM Notes Location back to the original primary mailbox settings.
tags: nsf, merge, merging, split, splitter, splitting, archive, archived, IBM, Lotus, Notes, Domino
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