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3D building database needed

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Greg Corson

Dec 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/30/98

I'm doing a presentation at the Computer Games Developers Conference on
dealing with large 3D databases. For one of the demos I'm doing I
desperately need a large archetectural walkthrough database. What I need is
a database & textures designed for rendering in realtime rather than
something that would be rendered offline using something like 3d Studio MAX.

Ideally, I want a building interior which contains furnished offices,
hallways...etc. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000 polygons per room
with a total database size in the neighborhood of 500k polygons. A single
floor of an office building would be ideal but anything with a lot of
interconnecting rooms would be fine, even a moderate sized house. An
exterior view of a downtown city-center might also work reasonablly well.

Texture maps would preferably be designed for use on hardware, keeping the
size 1024x1024 or smaller.

If anyone has anything like this they would be willing to let me use, please
contact me as soon as possible. The database will not be distributed unless
you authorize it in advance.

Greg Corson

Matt Pharr

Dec 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM12/30/98

"Greg Corson" <> writes:
> I'm doing a presentation at the Computer Games Developers Conference on
> dealing with large 3D databases. For one of the demos I'm doing I
> desperately need a large archetectural walkthrough database. What I need is
> a database & textures designed for rendering in realtime rather than
> something that would be rendered offline using something like 3d Studio MAX.

I'm not sure if it includes texture maps, but the entire model for UC
Berkeley's CS Building, Soda Hall, is available in a variety of formats
from <URL:>; this
is the model that was used for developing some well known algorithms for
architectural walkthroughs a few years ago.

I'm not sure what you mean by "designed for rendering in realtime"; isn't
the key part the algorithms your software uses to cull hidden geometry,
rather than something intrinsic in the scene database?

Matt Pharr

Dave Eberly

Jan 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM1/1/99

Greg Corson wrote in message <>...

>I'm doing a presentation at the Computer Games Developers Conference on
>dealing with large 3D databases. For one of the demos I'm doing I
>desperately need a large archetectural walkthrough database. What I need
>a database & textures designed for rendering in realtime rather than
>something that would be rendered offline using something like 3d Studio

If you are giving a presentation on real-time rendering of large 3D
at CGDC, doesn't that presume that you are an expert on such a topic and
already have large databases that you have experimented with? Just curious.

I think you will have problems even if someone just hands you the data
set. Your scene graph manager (SGM) is going to have to be really smart to
optimize the kind of data folks generally tend to build with Max. Last
data set I dealt with was built for a "virtual department store" where you
get to wander around looking at items that you might want to purchase.
Unfortunately, each item of clothing (shirt, dress) was modeled as a
rectangle with a texture map, then stacked N-deep (N of order 10). Killed
the frame rate because of the depth complexity.

You also will need to deal with the fact that not all the scene graph data
can fit into memory at once. So that means your SGM requires streaming
capabilities to do asynchronous loading (to avoid a spike in the frame
rate), perhaps based on predicting which portions of the world the camera
might wander to in the near future.

>Texture maps would preferably be designed for use on hardware, keeping the
>size 1024x1024 or smaller.

Too large for a 3dfx chip set. Shouldn't your graphics engine have
implemented to automatically handle this?

Dave Eberly

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