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Frameless video - high speed without the bandwidth?

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Feb 2, 2004, 3:59:27 AM2/2/04
I was setting up a surveillance camera (trying to figure out how
the dog was getting out of the yard) when I started thinking about
high speed camera systems (watching bullets in flight and all that)
and the amount of redundant data involved (successive frames contain a
lot of identical data).

Current TV systems use frames to approximate motion, probably because
celluloid cinema uses frames, but it doesn't have to be that way. The
human eye doesn't use frames.

Video compression algorithms such as MPEG rely (AFAIK) to some extent on
transmitting only changes, but still use frames to compute differences between, and to restore in order to display.

I wondered if it was possible to construct a camera (CCD chip) which natively
generated only differential information. Instead of a raster output, the data
would consist of pixel events - location and time information.
To handle situations where the camera is panned or zoomed, it might be
possible to create pan or zoom events - a message that the whole image
has moved 2 pixels to the right, say.

I see from a quick search that "frameless rendering" has been explored
in raytracing and animation, but I didn't see any discussion of its use
in cameras or video.

Andrew Daviel

Rankorth al' Darr

Feb 3, 2004, 2:43:41 AM2/3/04
Ermm, I am not an expert in this field, so correct me if i'm wrong.

But won't the idea of no-frames cause some problems when going back
and forth in the video? Meaning that if I were to be playing some
portion of video, then skip to another portion of video, say 1/2 hr
away, how is the system able to efficiently calculate the difference
between the video?

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