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Looking for good psychadelic kaliedoscope prog

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Your Real Name

Jun 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/8/95
I'm looking for a good pschadelic animated kaliedoscope prog.
I was got turned onto this when I saw a program called
Polyscope running on a 8mhz Amiga from 1986. It nearly
blew my socks off. I just _know_ if there is somthing _that_
good from 1986 that there are programs for the PC today
that would just be phenomenal with 16 million colors
and radical advanced animations.

Aaron Schuman

Jun 8, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/8/95
How about electropaint? If you installed SGI demos,
it's in /usr/demos/bin/ep
Aaron Schuman ; 415-390-1901 ; ; Silicon Graphics, Inc.

James Dale Polk

Jun 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/9/95
Hi YourName!,...a long time ago, when I was working on a program that
read in WF .rla files, modified them, displayed it on screen, then
saved, then exited. I accidently failed to initialize the SGI
framebuffer to RGBmode, and what I got was this incredible
psychodelic image,...I displayed and recorded to videotape a whole
sequence and it was a pretty cool effect,...if you can program in
GL, then it's pretty easy to do....

...though this doesn't really do the kaliedoscope effect you're
also wanting...


Jim Polk Angel Studios
Animator/TD/Programmer 5962 La Place Ct. Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA USA 92008 (619) 929-0700
Computer Animation / Video Games / Interactive Entertainment

Alan Boucek

Jun 9, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/9/95
At 9:51 AM 6/9/95, James Dale Polk wrote:
>Hi YourName!,...a long time ago, when I was working on a program that
>read in WF .rla files, modified them, displayed it on screen, then
>saved, then exited. I accidently failed to initialize the SGI
>framebuffer to RGBmode, and what I got was this incredible
>psychodelic image,...I displayed and recorded to videotape a whole
>sequence and it was a pretty cool effect,...if you can program in
>GL, then it's pretty easy to do....
>...though this doesn't really do the kaliedoscope effect you're
>also wanting...

Is there a Windows version?

Alan Boucek
New York, New York

John Berg

Jun 10, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/10/95
what you are looking for is our very own product,
MANDLEACID, freeware for the macintosh.

available all over the world........

created for your pleasure by -

the bone factory (S)(N) / john berg/adam gates/derek greenberg

Rocket Joe

Jun 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM6/15/95
Alan Boucek <abo...@PANIX.COM> wrote:
> At 9:51 AM 6/9/95, James Dale Polk wrote:
> >Hi YourName!,...a long time ago, when I was working on a program that
> >read in WF .rla files, modified them, displayed it on screen, then
> >saved, then exited. I accidently failed to initialize the SGI

OK, my hunt for the program paid off. For Webbers, check
out They've got a ton of psychadelic
graphics packages that absolutely blew me away.

BTW I've got a real name now. Netscape
sets your default name to 'Your Real Name.' I just
got the newest version and forgot to add my name to the
prefrences menu.

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