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GROUNDING and Centering

2 बार देखा गया
नहीं पढ़े गए पहले मैसेज पर जाएं

Peggy Jentoft

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 12:16:43 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
GROUNDING and Centering

There are many methods for grounding Since this is a crystal workshop
we will feature methods for grounding that use crystals as well as
those that use energy work . We will also be including some
visualization and other techniques. When you are using crystals for
healing your self or others it is important to begin from a well
grounded state so that you will be able to be in the flow of the work.

What is grounding ?
Being grounded means that you are solidly anchored and connected in
the present,
secure, calm and alert .When you are not grounded you may feel nervous
or unfocused or unable to concentrate and more susceptible to being
influenced by the energy and emotions in your surroundings.
Several methods for grounding follow . Many people like to begin the day
by doing one of these . You can ground whenever you want to.
People often carry small stones with them of kinds that are known to be
grounding or have a quartz crystal programmed for grounding, which will
assist with staying grounded during the day. Black, brown and red
stones are most often used though there are many stones that are
grounding . One of my personal favorites is agate . Holding a grounding
stone and stilling your mind in order to sense the Earth's energy and
intelligence often works.

When you have time there are a number of crystal layouts specifically
for grounding.
One crystal layout is to place a small smoky quartz point downwards at
your throat and
another point down between your legs. Dark obsidian or hematite are
also popular for this use. Any clay item can also be used for a
grounding connection provided that it is not decorated or dedicated in
an ethereal way. dark tourmaline , snowflake obsidian and onyx are
other stones useful for grounding.

Any time you feel spacy or disoriented it is a good idea to ground and
center yourself. The first step in many spiritual practices is to learn
to ground, that is to connect yourself energetically to the core of the
Earth. Even when you wish to astral travel or meditate you will find
that beginning from being grounded will help you with inner focus and
with retaining information from such travel and meditation. Deep
breathing , keeping your feet on the floor and anchoring to the earth,
and eating are ways to ground. Activities like gardening and physical
movement like stamping your feet while breathing slowly and deeply.

There are many techniques for grounding and it is wise to look for
those that work best for you. Try several methods because some ways will
fit you better than others The essence of most methods is to relax and
visualize yourself sending an energy cord or light beam or roots into
the earth from your root chakra (at the tailbone) and allowing it to
reach the earth core allowing you to get energy from the Earth and
return excess energy down the cord. The energy you send down the cord
that is not your own is cleansed and used
by the earth. Your own energy is cleansed and returned to you. There are
spirit beings that thrive on clearing negative energy. A classic form
of grounding is to imagine roots growing into the Earth from your feet
and spinal column or central energy channel . Some Traditions strongly
prefer that you ground from the spinal center and not from the feet.
I do ground from the spine because I get leg cramps when grounding from
the feet but this may not apply to you at all.
I like to follow the tradition of asking the Earth for permission and
thanking her for her healing energy . Some people stop here, others also
connect with the sky or galactic core
or source UP as well as down, imagining a cord or beam of light rising
from the crown. This will make an energy connection into the
spiritual heart of the universe from your crown chakra. Do this while
intending that you become aligned with the highest soul purpose while
staying well connected to the physical plane. That is, you are
contained within your self and connected to Earth and the physical and
to spiritual source at the
same time in a harmonious balance with the universe.

When grounding with visualization I ground from my root chakra rather
than from the legs because I got bad cramps in the legs when I
grounded from the feet. When You send a cord to the earth core you
can also widen the cord into a tube as wide as your aura and
send negative energies down to be transformed to usable energy for the
Earth as well as calling up energies from Earth . It is suggested that
you ask the Earth for permission and thank her after you finish
grounding. You can reach up to galactic universal center. Some
people feel best when they call the Earth energy up and call the cosmic
energy down rather than sending up and down.
Shakti or specific energy frequencies can be used for grounding and
invoking and running the energy of a grounding stone will often work
even when you do not have a piece of the grounding stone with you . Blue
or white stones are often used for the connecting to sky part although
there are others that will work a white piece of quartzite can be used
for both grounding spiritual connection and for centering too.

Grounding is connecting with Earth and the universe around you
centering is going within and finding balance within.

Most grounding methods work best if you actually have both your feet
firmly placed on the ground or floor.

"Now and again, it is necessary to seclude yourself among deep mountains
and hidden valleys to restore your link to the source of life. Breathe
in and let yourself soar to the ends of the universe; breathe out and
bring the cosmos back inside. Next, breathe up all fecundity and
vibrancy of the earth. Finally, blend the breath of heaven and the
breath of earth with your own, becoming the Breath of Life itself."

-- Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido


It is being self contained having good boundaries and being in
control of your own energy finding physical , emotional and mental
balance within yourself. This is a way to self awareness and owning
yourself and your energy. You place your attention at your spiritual and
personal center and become aware of your inner balance. Call in your
energies and release any energy and programs that are not yours.

This is a good starting point for any spiritual exploration
knowing yourself and feeling your own integrity and wholeness . When you
are centered you will be in a calm state and better able to be aware of
your intuitive thoughts and feelings. Centering is done by focussing
your attention within your body.

To center yourself. Bring your attention and energies into yourself
and balance them within yourself, a spiritual " Pull yourself
together," as it were. You may bring your attention into the center of
your head and visualize a sphere in the center of your head. Many
people prefer to center in the Hara, a spiritual energy center about an
inch below the belly button. The Hara is found at about your physical
center of gravity. Some people center in the heart . The location you
choose is the place where you feel you are balanced and contained
wherever you are steady and firm in your awareness of self.

I often use a specific shakti or subtle energy frequency for
grounding, essentially simply commanding grounding into the earth
plane and also connection with the universal Spirit core (universal
galactic center or seed, throne of God etc.)
You can run Reiki if you use it or another energy shakti with the
intention that it ground you or assist you with grounding. Some
energies work better than others for this purpose .
There are a lot of Rock and crystal shakti that are excellent grounders
There is a Grounding shakti in the attunements for the Crystal
Empowerment Energy Workshop .
( An Energy system I teach)
The visualization I most often use, when I use one, starts with
dropping a cord of light from the heart, and or solar plexus, straight
down the spinal channel to the center of the Earth. Or calling up a
cord from the Earth center, which some people find easier, and then
flowing it up to the spiritual center (sometimes going through the Sun).
then you can expand it to be a tube, encompassing your entire basic

Negative energies, that is energies that do not benefit us, are
offered to those entities who consume and transform such energies . Then
ask and intend that the Earth be healed as the energies flow upwards and
downwards. Also visualize all your chakras firmly connected to the
central channel, and working optimally, as well as all my energy
channels inside and outside my physical being, clear filled with
light, and balanced and harmonized, combining grounding with clearing
and centering and harmonizing .
One may also request grounding and centering from the Earth deva or
angels or from the spiritual Identity you work with.

You can sit quietly and simply be aware of each breath, imagine that
you are breathing in from your feet and out from your feet into the Earth.

We will focus on other ways to ground and center with stones and
identify more stones to work with when we discuss specific stone properties.

You can place your fingertips together and focus your attention on them
breathing deeply as you ground and center or hold your hands together
in the praying hands position.

Grounding stones include but are not limited to Hematite, Moonstone,
Salt, Agate , petrified wood, obsidian, smoky quartz ,onyx, jasper ,
Bloodstone, Gold tigers eye, Carnelian, Garnet, Pyrite, Copper, Amber,



नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 12:33:27 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला

Gee, at first, I thought this was one of Bob Dietz's quick, but
longwinded, PSP tutorials :-)


> Solarraven

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 1:09:38 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
is there a cliff notes version of this brain-fart?


"Peggy Jentoft" <skyg...@attbi.com> wrote in message news:3D57DF69...@attbi.com...


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 6:48:55 am12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
Uh, er, hmmm.... so how do you make crystals in PSP so we can center


Peggy Jentoft <skyg...@attbi.com> wrote in


Larry Linson

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 2:02:30 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
"Peggy Jentoft" wrote, in the
comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro newsgroup:

> GROUNDING and Centering
> There are many methods for grounding <SNIP>

Help me understand, here, please. "Grounding and centering"
are approaches to getting in touch with reality?

Beth Winter

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 2:06:45 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला

You know, taken that way it could be percieved as good advice ^_^

Personally I'll still go for plain old fire and water in my
incantations, maybe a bit of metal as a focus. I don't *trust* crystals.

Beth Winter, PSP terrorist - New Millenium Division
The Discworld Compendium <http://www.extenuation.net/disc/>
"To absent friends, lost loves, old gods and the season of mists."
-- Neil Gaiman


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 2:40:17 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला

"Larry Linson" <larry....@ntpcug.org> wrote in message

I assumed it was just a mistake and that she sent the post to the wrong
place. She's usually pretty normal. :)

But Larry, your reply back WAS the best laugh I've had all morning.



नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 8:34:53 am12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
Beth Winter <ren...@astercity.net> wrote in

> Larry Linson wrote:
>> "Peggy Jentoft" wrote, in the
>> comp.graphics.apps.paint-shop-pro newsgroup:
>> > GROUNDING and Centering
>> >
>> > There are many methods for grounding <SNIP>
>> Help me understand, here, please. "Grounding and centering"
>> are approaches to getting in touch with reality?
> You know, taken that way it could be percieved as good advice ^_^
> Personally I'll still go for plain old fire and water in my
> incantations, maybe a bit of metal as a focus. I don't *trust*
> crystals.

I understand burning a sprig of rosemary under the light of the full moon

Peggy Jentoft

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 3:54:56 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
Sorry that was supposed to go to a very different group
I was wondering why it had not shown up there.
I have canceled the message


Ronald Vick

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 5:03:36 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला

... sexual innuendo? Too easy. People would toss sticks & stones at
me for giving the obvious answer.


Jaggiemeister Ron - PSP terrorist
Questions? Answers at http://campratty.com/questions.html


नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 5:17:53 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला

Peggy, your post was the most interesting one this newsgroup has had in
a while. Drop by here more often :-)


> Peggy

UNI - que

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 5:46:31 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
Please Uni friend, send us some links for more about this. Plugins, etc. for
making stones.


Uni - que

"Uni" <plg...@usa.net> escribió en el mensaje

Larry Linson

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
12 अग॰ 2002, 11:56:11 pm12/8/02
ईमेल पाने वाला
"Porter" wrote

> But Larry, your reply back WAS
> the best laugh I've had all morning.

And it was from someone who's spending a week in Sedona, AZ
(hotbed of New Age beliefs and practices) at the end of this
month. <GRIN>

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