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Formal wish list for PSP8

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Jan 11, 2001, 12:48:06 PM1/11/01
This looks like a good time to dig out those wish lists and start
refreshing/refining our ideas for our features requests. Just because your
perfectly lucid thoughts didn't happen to make it into PSP7 doesn't mean the
future holds no hope.

Okay, we didn't get any macros in 7 ... But then of course we did see that
much sought after & highly desirable Page Curl finally become a reality.

I'm kinda busy right now & will chime in later with some thoughts. We all
know there's plenty to say about macros (maybe we should put macros over in
their own thread) and we all know that Angela "secretly" wants that darn
text box to color string again. (me too) So, what else?

Speak up everybody, Page Curl Guy may be lurking in the corridors at Jasc
with a new yellow pad just filled with all the stuff he "thinks" you want.
If you don't clearly tell them precisely what you think & what you seek, his
list just may become your reality.

What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better


Randy Shrader

Jan 11, 2001, 1:21:28 PM1/11/01
First, the things I love about PSP: Almost everything! I've never
experienced a program this powerful *and* this user-friendly before. One or
the other, but not both. After just a couple weeks I'm very comfortable
with the basics, and starting to tinker with more advanced stuff.

What I'd like to see:

1. Macros, macros, macros! Powerful and flexible enough to automate batch
converting, resizing, sharpening, and adjusting colour depth all in one go.
2. The ability to create custom toolbars and icons, and assign plug-in
functions to a button
3. I'd like the bitmap size to be displayed in the Pattern dialog, so I
have a better idea how much to scale it to fit my image.
4. The Half Wrap filter is so basic and useful, it should be built in.

Other than that, no complaints. Runs very well on my aging system with no
lockups or crashes.

Unreal and UT Editing ---

Kris Zaklika

Jan 11, 2001, 2:23:46 PM1/11/01
Porter wrote:

> Speak up everybody, Page Curl Guy may be lurking in the corridors at Jasc
> with a new yellow pad just filled with all the stuff he "thinks" you want

Sorry, it's a personal thing, but if I see Page Curl Guy in the
hallway he won't have long to live. :)
Kris Zaklika Jasc Software, Inc.
Phone: (952) 934-8888 ext 544 e-mail:

Chunk Kiesling

Jan 11, 2001, 2:54:45 PM1/11/01
Consistant and more usable snaps. I currently cannot predict what will
happen when using it. Make it work like coreldraw's snaps.

Arrays, both rectangular and polar. A related wish is copy offset to do
multiple copies offset a selected distance/direction.

Chunk Kiesling

Rob Freundlich

Jan 11, 2001, 4:11:37 PM1/11/01
"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message

> Porter wrote:
> [snip]
> > Speak up everybody, Page Curl Guy may be lurking in the corridors at
> > with a new yellow pad just filled with all the stuff he "thinks" you
> [snip]
> Sorry, it's a personal thing, but if I see Page Curl Guy in the
> hallway he won't have long to live. :)

Sounds like an X-Files episode ...
Rob Freundlich
"Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes." - Newt Gingrich
"Some folks you don't have to satirize, you just quote em." - Tom Paxton

Kris Zaklika

Jan 11, 2001, 5:21:02 PM1/11/01
Could you explain your message a bit more please? I'm really not
following it at all.


Rick Simon

Jan 11, 2001, 5:46:38 PM1/11/01
to (Porter) wrote in

>This looks like a good time to dig out those wish lists and start
>refreshing/refining our ideas for our features requests. Just
>because your perfectly lucid thoughts didn't happen to make it into
>PSP7 doesn't mean the future holds no hope.

Lucid thoughts? I have to have lucid thoughts?? LOL!! <<Bugs Bunny
voice in the background saying "She don't know me very well, do she?">>

>We all know there's plenty to say about macros (maybe we should put
>macros over in their own thread) and we all know that Angela
>"secretly" wants that darn text box to color string again. (me too)
>So, what else?

I believe the macros issue has already been gone over in pretty good
detail, between the v7 beta testing groups and in here.

>What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than
>PSP7? Are you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and
>how the features are currently working in 7? What do you think
>would make it a better product?

If I'm not already on Joe's hit list, then this should do it.

The current interface is starting to creak at the seams a bit IMHO.
I'd love to see a new UI setup that concentrated on consistency and
streamlining of work flow. For instance, right now, when you go to use
a tool on an image, the current sequence of events is to select the
tool which is on a toolbar, then perhaps set the color/style to be used
which is on a different palette, and/or maybe set some options for the
tool on the tool options palette which is in yet another place (and
probably rolled up), and/or it's one of those tools that when you click
on the image another dialog box pops up with yet another set of
options. Am I the only one who thinks this is clumbsy and getting
clumbsier with each new version?

What I had in mind was more along the lines of getting rid of the
current color/styles and tool options palettes and creating one, large,
dockable tool palette, perhaps 2x the width of the current color/style
palette. In it, put all of the available options for whatever the
currently selected tool is. That especially includes color/styles and
text tool options. After all, the color/styles options are only used
with roughly half of the tools. Why have them using up screen real
estate all of the time? As far as the text tool, I've always thought
the image itself should be where the text is entered instead of in a
dialog box.

The work sequence then becomes, select the tool, set the options (all
of which are in one place) and apply the tool. Simple and consistent.
Once even a new user has gone through this procedure a time or two, it
all becomes very intuitive. No matter what tool they select, the
options are all in one place.

For bonus points (Joe - isn't it amazing how brave people can be when
they're not physically within your reach? <<grin>>), design two
separate tool options palettes. A large one which would contain all of
the options for each tool as it is selected (as described above), and a
slimmer one which would contain only a few options most likely to be
used for simple operations. Of course, a way to toggle between them
would be needed. You would then have the equivalent of an "Easy Mode"
and an "Advanced Mode". The Easy mode (slimmer tool options palette)
targeted more for beginners and/or those with smaller screen
resolutions (800x600 for instance) while the "Advanced Mode" (wider
tool options palette) would be targeted more for those who know what
they're doing and, coincidentally, are more likely to have at least a
1024x768 resolution.

I'd still really like an edge selection tool! I'd be happy with
something as simple as taking some existing code segments and "re-
ordering" them into a new selection tool variant. For instance, take
the existing Smart Edge lasso tool selection code so that one selects
along an edge. Modify the exit routine from that code so that, on
double-clicking, instead of automatically closing the selection area,
the line that has already been defined is treated _like_ a selected
area and an automatic Selection:Modify:Expand:1 Pixel is done with it.
In other words, you end up with a selection that extends 1 pixel out
from the selected edge in all directions. While not as full featured as
what I originally had in mind, this would be workable. I could then
further expand/feather the selection, apply filters, etc.

How about a thumbnail tool? Something that I could simply enter a max
height (or width), define a directory containing the original images
and destination directory, click a button, and a set of individual
thumbnail versions will be created in the destination directory, sized
proportionally to match the defined max height (or width). A nice touch
would be the ability to define a "standard" name id for the thumbnails.
For instance, somewhere in preferences, a space to place a short string
that would be appended (or prepended for that matter) to the original
file name. To illustrate, the default might be "-tn". If you then used
the tool to make separate thumbnails of "xyz.jpg" and "abc.jpg", the
name of the thumbnail files would be "xyz-tn.jpg" and "abc-tn.jpg".

As an additional plus, an option to create a single, new image
containing all of the thumbnails instead of creating individual
thumbnails as described above would also be nice. Of course, being able
to define # of columns and gap size between columns would be superb.
It'd be a natural complement for the image mapper tool for web pages!

Think I'll stop now. I keep hearing this odd sound of knives being
sharpened. <<smile>>

Rick Simon

Kris Zaklika

Jan 11, 2001, 6:34:57 PM1/11/01
Rick Simon wrote:
[useful suggestions snipped]

> How about a thumbnail tool? Something that I could simply enter a max
> height (or width), define a directory containing the original images
> and destination directory, click a button, and a set of individual
> thumbnail versions will be created in the destination directory, sized
> proportionally to match the defined max height (or width). A nice touch
> would be the ability to define a "standard" name id for the thumbnails.
> For instance, somewhere in preferences, a space to place a short string
> that would be appended (or prepended for that matter) to the original
> file name. To illustrate, the default might be "-tn". If you then used
> the tool to make separate thumbnails of "xyz.jpg" and "abc.jpg", the
> name of the thumbnail files would be "xyz-tn.jpg" and "abc-tn.jpg".

Would you like to emit HTML code for a table of thumbnails, perhaps,
possibly with embedded links to the full-size image?

> As an additional plus, an option to create a single, new image
> containing all of the thumbnails instead of creating individual
> thumbnails as described above would also be nice. Of course, being able
> to define # of columns and gap size between columns would be superb.
> It'd be a natural complement for the image mapper tool for web pages!
> Think I'll stop now. I keep hearing this odd sound of knives being
> sharpened. <<smile>>

It's OK, we only use chainsaws now, so it can't be us you hear :)

> --
> Rick Simon

Pixel Tickler

Jan 11, 2001, 6:57:56 PM1/11/01
| What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
| you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
| are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better
| product?

I love the ability to save presets especially like in the new brush strokes, plastic, etc, etc, so when I get an effect I really like I can save it. Open a new image apply preset, and then make whatever adjustments necessary. It would be really cool to be able to do that with some of the retouch tools (smudge and push) and the generic paint brush settings. That way when I'm actually trying to "paint" and I have settings, tool shape, size, hardness, density, step, etc. that I like, when I come back to that tool...let's say a couple of months down the road instead of trying to hunt down my notes or how I can remember how I did it...viola!


Rick Simon

Jan 11, 2001, 9:22:56 PM1/11/01
to (Kris Zaklika) wrote in

>Rick Simon wrote:
>> How about a thumbnail tool? Something that I could simply enter a
>> max
>> height (or width), define a directory containing the original
>> images and destination directory, click a button, and a set of
>> individual thumbnail versions will be created in the destination
>> directory, sized proportionally to match the defined max height

>Would you like to emit HTML code for a table of thumbnails, perhaps,
>possibly with embedded links to the full-size image?

For myself? Not really. There are simply too many ways that I might be
using them throughout a site. While I might place them all within a
table, the odds are much, much better that I'm placing them
individually within separate tables or even separate pages containing
other information. For instance, a table holding a thumbnail of the
product along with MSRP, title of the product, specs for it, etc. Add
in that the original images may, or may not be in the same directory as
the HTML file (such as /images/ directories) and the embedded links
become dicey also.

As an option though, I can see where some people might really like to
have a button/checkbox for doing what you're describing. Maybe call it
a "Gallery Page" or something and have it output the HTML as a file in
the same directory as the thumbnails. The tricky part will be the
embedded links since all of the files will be created on the users
local drive and may not correlate to the directory structure on their
web site. About the only way I can think of to manage that fairly
simply would be to put all of the files in the same directory, original
images, thumbnails and HTML, and use relative links.

Rick Simon


Jan 11, 2001, 10:22:25 PM1/11/01
I'd like to take a whole series of PSP images and be able to resize and
export to the animation shop all in one sweep.

My Personal Website: The Taskbar at:
Tubes, Blade Pro Presets and Stationery Visit "Dot Net" The Taskbar's
Little Sister
Tutorials, Graphics & Tutorial assignments completed by following
instructions from various writers. Links to each writer is provided with
my completed project.

"Porter" <> wrote in message

Graham Cook

Jan 11, 2001, 11:32:49 PM1/11/01
I'd love a more powerful Image Slicer. More like Photoshop 6's Slicer,
where you can drag rectangles around the parts of the image that will be
links (rather than PSP's method of fiddling with a grid), and you have total
control over what your slices will be named once saved to JPG or GIF, where
they will be saved, etc.


"Porter" <> wrote in message

Clifton Norton

Jan 11, 2001, 11:46:02 PM1/11/01

> What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
> you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
> are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better
> product?

I would like to see a different kind of history added. Unlike the Command
History, which is really only a faster way to do multiple un/redos, it
wouldn't store the entire picture after each step. Instead, it would just
store the action taken and the settings used in the order they were
1. Square Selection, 100x100, top left corner (20,20), bottom right corner
(119,119), feather 46;
2.Gaussian Blur, radius 3.62;
3. Charcoal, Detail 71, Opacity 37.

The advantage of doing it this way is that you have a list of all actions
take on that image instead of a series of images with the actions already
done to them. If you decide that you would rather have the Charcoal effect
done to the outside you could just go back and insert an Invert Selection
between steps 2 & 3 then the program would run through the steps again with
the change. Now the center is blurred and the outside is charcoaled. You
would also be able to remove a step and run the picture without it. Or even
rearrange the steps (blur then charcoal doesn't look like charcoal then
blur). And, since it takes much less space to store the steps this way than
it does with normal undos, you can keep every step you do to an image. It
could even be made part of the .psp filetype so that it could still be there
months after you first opened the image. Of course, this method would be
too slow for just undoing a few steps back so you would need to keep the
standard Command History also, but if you want to change a step 40 steps
back and you made the image 3 months ago, it would prevent you from having
to go back and do it all again.


Kris Zaklika

Jan 11, 2001, 11:52:02 PM1/11/01

Wouldn't a macro do everything you are asking for here and then
some? Look at it another way. Suppose you had macros. Would you
still want this? And if so, why? (BTW, how would you define an
irregular selection containing holes made with the Magic Wand in
your scheme? If you define a tolerance and a pixel to click on
the result will be a different shape for every image.)

Jackie Laderoute

Jan 12, 2001, 12:22:46 AM1/12/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:48:06 GMT, "Porter" <>

>What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
>you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
>are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better

I usually save my wish lists until I have an even dozen (or uneven
Baker's Dozen) that just won't wait... I can come up with more than a
dozen now, but I haven't had enough time yet to become a devoted
advocate for some of them, some are mere flights of fancy and others are
but minor annoyances. Still...

20. Perspective shadows;
19. A way to turn .jbf files into contact sheets - with a way to add
18. Export support for dxf files;
17. Envelope function - preset and warpable;
16. Multiple/rotating hue/saturation/brightness for brushes;
15. Support for exif information;
14. A "crop to size" or "crop to aspect ratio" function - to ensure
those perfect 4x6's without the math;
13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise;
12. A button on the Text entry box that will bring up charmap or an
equivalent (save me from keeping Typograph running to see those odd
11. The ability to save templates for multiple image printing;
10. The ability to split to channels in layers (so that if you split
channels, they stay within one image, just individually editable);
9. A "wrap at edges" option for the painting tools- makes tileable
images a snap;
8. The ability to work in CMYK - for those of us brave enough to face
print shops without PS in our stable;
7. The ability to use a bump map with the lighting effects;
6. The ability to preview saved selections in the "Open" dialog (like
you can do with masks);
5. The ability to save presets with all PSP's effects - like ripple,
Kaleidoscope, etc.
4. A "randomizer" button for the effects - nothing like accidental art!
- combined with the preset saving this can be a wonderful thing;
3. A combination of the various export wizards, so we can compare size
and quality in different formats;
2. A quicker way to mask - one button that will let you paint on a mask
by replacing the sequence of "Masks", "New", "Show All" followed by
"Masks", "Edit" followed by "Masks", "View Mask".
and of course,
the number one thing I want most to see in PSP8 is:

macros. (naturally)

Before anyone thinks I've gone off the deep-end, I got sideswiped by an
idiot today. Damned taxicab-yellow Crown Victoria managed to take out
my complete passenger side , from front to back bumper. On a minivan,
that includes the large sliding door... earliest estimates are around
$5000 worth of damage. That bodywork doesn't come cheap. I'm insured,
and Ontario is supposedly no-fault, but it hasn't been my best day. This
little exercise has kept my mind off things. Thanks.


< o \"/ Don't play cat and mouse with me! (
---© ) ()-()
< o /"\ Jackie Laderoute (o o)

Randy Shrader

Jan 12, 2001, 1:00:09 AM1/12/01
"Jackie Laderoute" <> wrote in message

> 13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise;

> 12. A button on the Text entry box that will bring up charmap or an
> equivalent (save me from keeping Typograph running to see those odd
> characters);

> 9. A "wrap at edges" option for the painting tools- makes tileable
> images a snap;

> 7. The ability to use a bump map with the lighting effects;

> 6. The ability to preview saved selections in the "Open" dialog (like
> you can do with masks);

> 5. The ability to save presets with all PSP's effects - like ripple,
> Kaleidoscope, etc.

> 4. A "randomizer" button for the effects - nothing like accidental art!
> - combined with the preset saving this can be a wonderful thing;

> 3. A combination of the various export wizards, so we can compare size
> and quality in different formats;

> the number one thing I want most to see in PSP8 is:
> macros. (naturally)

> Jackie

I've left the ones I'd really like to see. Not the the others were bad, I
just don't know enough about them to say one way or the other.


Joe Cilinceon

Jan 12, 2001, 4:30:38 AM1/12/01
I would like to see bump layers added for more realistic lighting effects.


Joe Cilinceon


Jan 12, 2001, 5:40:00 AM1/12/01
I'm going to do a "me too" for a couple of Jackie's:

- ability to save presets for all PSP's effects
- randomizer button for the effects

- more convenient layout for the Retouch tool palette (as oft-mentioned
previously <g>)
- save last position for dialog boxes, another one we've discussed here

Nothing you haven't heard before.. just another vote for all of the
above ;-)

Nightingail's Gallery
Digital Artwork
Free Web Art and Graphics


Jan 12, 2001, 5:40:48 AM1/12/01
Great idea, I'll definitely vote for this one!

Nightingail's Gallery
Digital Artwork
Free Web Art and Graphics

Pixel Tickler <> wrote in message

Graham Cook

Jan 12, 2001, 6:12:06 AM1/12/01
Related to the Command History (but a much simpler request): I'd like to
see the Command History as a standard palette (like the Layer palette or
whatever) so that I don't have to keep going Edit -> Command History every
time, it'll always be there, off to the side, ready to pop up when I move my
cursor over it.
BTW I love PSP's roll-up palettes, don't ever get rid of them! :)


"Clifton Norton" <> wrote in message


Jan 12, 2001, 5:54:26 AM1/12/01

Jackie Laderoute <wrote

... lots of valuable things, but the two I'm voting for at the moment are...

1. The exif support, and
2. Crop to a given aspect ratio.


Karthik Sheka

Jan 12, 2001, 6:50:18 AM1/12/01
A way to print multiple open images to a single sheet of paper with the ability
to manipulate the location on the page of each image. Very useful to print

Karthik P. Sheka

Beth Winter

Jan 12, 2001, 7:54:56 AM1/12/01
Kris Zaklika wrote:

> Rick Simon wrote:
> >
> [useful suggestions snipped]
> > How about a thumbnail tool? Something that I could simply enter a max
> > height (or width), define a directory containing the original images
> > and destination directory, click a button, and a set of individual
> > thumbnail versions will be created in the destination directory, sized
> > proportionally to match the defined max height (or width). A nice touch
> > would be the ability to define a "standard" name id for the thumbnails.
> > For instance, somewhere in preferences, a space to place a short string
> > that would be appended (or prepended for that matter) to the original
> > file name. To illustrate, the default might be "-tn". If you then used
> > the tool to make separate thumbnails of "xyz.jpg" and "abc.jpg", the
> > name of the thumbnail files would be "xyz-tn.jpg" and "abc-tn.jpg".
> >
> Would you like to emit HTML code for a table of thumbnails, perhaps,
> possibly with embedded links to the full-size image?

I think this could be useful -- but not necessary. I'd like that tool very
much... it'd go a long way to proving PSP the best webgraphics suite ^_^ (not
that it isn't on the podium already that is!)
Beth Winter, PSP terrorist - New Millenium Division
The Discworld Compendium <>
"To absent friends, past loves, old gods and the season of mists."
-- Neil Gaiman

Beth Winter

Jan 12, 2001, 7:55:43 AM1/12/01
Pixel Tickler wrote:

Exactly! Save brush presets would be *very* appreciated ^_^

Beth Winter

Jan 12, 2001, 8:03:07 AM1/12/01
Jackie Laderoute wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:48:06 GMT, "Porter" <>
> wrote:
> >What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
> >you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
> >are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better
> >product?
> I usually save my wish lists until I have an even dozen (or uneven
> Baker's Dozen) that just won't wait... I can come up with more than a
> dozen now, but I haven't had enough time yet to become a devoted
> advocate for some of them, some are mere flights of fancy and others are
> but minor annoyances. Still...

They're all very good -- I've commented on the ones I second especially

> 13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise;

Very, very important. The technique you have to use currently (hide all layers
except the one you want noise on, new white layer, fill with noise, decolorize,
blend mode to multiply, merge visible, show the hidden layers) is just too long

> 7. The ability to use a bump map with the lighting effects;

YES!!! In other words, something like YouKnowWhichProgram's Lighting Effects.
If you want to know the usefulness, just look at the multitude of PS tutorials
using it...

> 4. A "randomizer" button for the effects - nothing like accidental art!
> - combined with the preset saving this can be a wonderful thing;

Exactly. This would be invaluable -- many times one doesn't have any idea which
setting to use; then one could just press randomizer and see if the end
result's any good

> 2. A quicker way to mask - one button that will let you paint on a mask
> by replacing the sequence of "Masks", "New", "Show All" followed by
> "Masks", "Edit" followed by "Masks", "View Mask".

You mean like a button-activated factory macro? o_0

Jan 12, 2001, 8:01:13 AM1/12/01
In article <>, wrote:
> A way to print multiple open images to a single sheet of paper with
the ability
> to manipulate the location on the page of each image. Very useful to
> photos.

Doesn't version 7 already have this? File > print multiple images?

Fine woodturned goblets and steins, and custom woodburned artwork.
Oh, and all those guild cups, too.

Sent via

Joe Cilinceon

Jan 12, 2001, 8:14:54 AM1/12/01
Here is another suggestion I forgot earlier. Monochrome Noise filter or
added option to the noise filter for this. Also a radial blur filter.

Chunk Kiesling

Jan 12, 2001, 10:06:16 AM1/12/01

Sorry Kris, communication is not my strong point.

I don't use psp for jobs where I'll be using snaps or guidelines, but
I'd like to. The problems with psp7's implementation in this area were
discussed quite thoroughly during the beta phase. I assume you guys are
going to review all those messages during the initial workup toward psp8
for problems that were deemed to late to fix for 7.

I'll try to put together some specifics for you by testing the snap
features again, but it may be a few days.

With copy offset you highlight what you want copied, use the copy offset
(maybe duplicate in coreldraw?) and the copy is placed at a specified
distance/direction from the original.

Arrays are multiple copies of an object. highlight whatever you want
copied and hit the array button. With rectangular arrays the multiple
copies are arranged in columns and rows with the number of columns and
rows (and distances between them) specified by the user. With polar
arrays the copies are arranged around a focal point with the number of
items and degrees of arc to be filled (or degrees between copies)
specified by the user. Usually there is a choice of whether the copies
are rotated as they are copied. Because this discription may not be
clear, I put some simple samples at

Please ask if you have more questions and I'll try to explain more
clearly, these are very useful tools for me and I'd like to see a good
implementation in PSP8.

Chunk Kiesling

Glenn Shaw

Jan 12, 2001, 10:12:33 AM1/12/01
Karthik Sheka wrote...

> A way to print multiple open images to a single sheet of paper with the
> to manipulate the location on the page of each image. Very useful to
> photos.

PSP7 already has this feature:

File > Print Multiple Images....

In fact, it's also useful for printing outsized images on a single page --
you can interactively rescale and reorient the image so that it prints
without being cropped (I once printed a download of a scanned large-format
magazine page this way.)

Glenn Shaw
Indianapolis, IN USA

Rob Freundlich

Jan 12, 2001, 10:12:34 AM1/12/01
"Jackie Laderoute" <> wrote in message
> 16. Multiple/rotating hue/saturation/brightness for brushes;

You used to use DeluxePaint on the Amiga, didn't you? :-)

> 14. A "crop to size" or "crop to aspect ratio" function - to ensure
> those perfect 4x6's without the math;

YES, PLEASE! Of the two, "Crop to aspect ratio" is preferable.

> 4. A "randomizer" button for the effects - nothing like accidental art!
> - combined with the preset saving this can be a wonderful thing;

Oooooh! I *like* this!

Angela M. Cable

Jan 12, 2001, 10:18:57 AM1/12/01
Porter wrote:
> I'm kinda busy right now & will chime in later with some thoughts. We all
> know there's plenty to say about macros (maybe we should put macros over in
> their own thread) and we all know that Angela "secretly" wants that darn
> text box to color string again. (me too) So, what else?

Heh, I'm still using PSP6 for most of my work because of that text box.
Just finished logo work that required changing the text color in the
middle of a string...again. I have found some use for a few of the new
filters that I initially thought were pretty useless, not many though.

Next version I'd want:
1. Macros, doesn't have to be terribly fancy, matter of fact, I really
*don't* want something that's so complex that it requires a manual of
it's own :-)

2. Wider color space support...CMYK, PMS, etc.

3. The ability to export to true .ai format, I thought that was all
ready in there, it's not though. Evidently it's exporting something
like an .eps with an .ai extension (must be something like faking an
icon by changing .bmp to .ico). I thought I'd be able to save as .ai in
PSP and use it in Flash, nope. The ability to export a real icon would
be cool too, I've been using the javascript "drawing" program at, the icon is something I throw in as a freebie for my
clients, they *love* the thing and it cuts server log errors for them.

4. I'll second Monochrome noise, it's really annoying having to open up
another app to do something so simple.

5. An offset filter, they could probably just dump the "seamless tile"
feature, I've never seen a tile done with it that didn't look incredibly
amateurish. I'd really like the offset filter to be able to work in a
layer (that is without having to merge down), I like DC Special's
filter, but you do have to flatten before you can use it.

6. How 'bout some actual artistic brushes, I mean it is called
*Paint*Shop right? I've been using PhotoPaint and Detailer (ancient
version of Painter) almost exclusively for brush work. Once you've used
one of these two apps for fine (digital) art, PSP (and PhotoShop, too)
starts looking like MS Paint in comparison. I'm involved in a little
exercise at called "Fourteen Days", the idea is
fourteen original images in fourteen days, I keep finding myself going
to those apps more and more often and using PSP only for "post
processing". OTOH, I wouldn't want to try logo work in Detailer,
there's no way I'd be able to achieve the precision that I do with PSP
or Corel Draw (plus, I can't figure out how to use the $(*$%#&
"floaters" :-). Part of what makes PP and Detailer's brushes so
intriguing is something that Jackie mentioned, the ability to choose a
numeric value for variation in HSL, for example, I can set values to the
"variance" for each component, as I "draw" the stroke there is variation
in the "media". The brushes themselves are magnitudes more realistic
than PSP's built in variants...chalk really looks like chalk instead of
paint with holes in it :-) The ability to create and save brush
variants is icing on the cake, I could probably spend an entire week
doing nothing but making and saving custom variants. I could probably
throw up a couple of sample images if anybody's interested in seeing
what the effect is.

7. I'll also second the randomize button and the ability to save
"presets" for all the filters, I was a little surprised that that wasn't
done in the first place. I do think this should be part of a patch to 7
rather than something that's saved for a new release.

I think that's it for now :-)

Angela M. Cable

PSP Tutorial Links:
5th Street Studio, free graphics, websets and more:
BladePro Visual Archive:

Chunk Kiesling

Jan 12, 2001, 10:44:08 AM1/12/01
I'd like to be able to create a vector object from a selection. This
would capture just the shape of the selection, not what's inside of it,
and create a vector with the current style settings. Is the trail that
the marching ants follow defined the same way as a vector object's

Chunk Kiesling

Don Stauffer

Jan 12, 2001, 11:13:54 AM1/12/01
Ability to print, via tiles, images larger than the printer sheet size.
That is, arrange the image on multiple sheets.

Porter wrote:
> This looks like a good time to dig out those wish lists and start
> refreshing/refining our ideas for our features requests. Just because your
> perfectly lucid thoughts didn't happen to make it into PSP7 doesn't mean the
> future holds no hope.
> Okay, we didn't get any macros in 7 ... But then of course we did see that
> much sought after & highly desirable Page Curl finally become a reality.
> <vbg>

> I'm kinda busy right now & will chime in later with some thoughts. We all
> know there's plenty to say about macros (maybe we should put macros over in
> their own thread) and we all know that Angela "secretly" wants that darn
> text box to color string again. (me too) So, what else?

> Speak up everybody, Page Curl Guy may be lurking in the corridors at Jasc
> with a new yellow pad just filled with all the stuff he "thinks" you want.
> If you don't clearly tell them precisely what you think & what you seek, his
> list just may become your reality.

> What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
> you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
> are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better
> product?

> Regards,
> Porter

Don Stauffer in Minnesota

Kris Zaklika

Jan 12, 2001, 11:21:12 AM1/12/01

This is currently available under File > Print Multiple Images.
Does it not work for you?

Kris Zaklika

Jan 12, 2001, 11:16:32 AM1/12/01
Chunk Kiesling wrote:
> I'd like to be able to create a vector object from a selection.

Duly noted.

> This
> would capture just the shape of the selection, not what's inside of it,
> and create a vector with the current style settings. Is the trail that
> the marching ants follow defined the same way as a vector object's
> outline?

No, I'm afraid not. Marching ants are not the same as vectors.

> Chunk Kiesling


Kris Zaklika

Jan 12, 2001, 1:17:01 PM1/12/01
Chunk Kiesling wrote:
> Kris Zaklika wrote:
> >
> > Could you explain your message a bit more please? I'm really not
> > following it at all.
> >
> > Chunk Kiesling wrote:
> > >
> > > Consistant and more usable snaps. I currently cannot predict what will
> > > happen when using it. Make it work like coreldraw's snaps.
> > >
> > > Arrays, both rectangular and polar. A related wish is copy offset to do
> > > multiple copies offset a selected distance/direction.
> > >
> > > Chunk Kiesling
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Kris Zaklika Jasc Software, Inc.
> > Phone: (952) 934-8888 ext 544 e-mail:
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sorry Kris, communication is not my strong point.

I don't know what possessed me when I read your message. When I
saw "snaps" all I could think of was "ginger snaps" and "snap to
grid" never crossed my mind.

> I don't use psp for jobs where I'll be using snaps or guidelines, but
> I'd like to. The problems with psp7's implementation in this area were
> discussed quite thoroughly during the beta phase. I assume you guys are
> going to review all those messages during the initial workup toward psp8
> for problems that were deemed to late to fix for 7.
> I'll try to put together some specifics for you by testing the snap
> features again, but it may be a few days.
> With copy offset you highlight what you want copied, use the copy offset
> (maybe duplicate in coreldraw?) and the copy is placed at a specified
> distance/direction from the original.
> Arrays are multiple copies of an object. highlight whatever you want
> copied and hit the array button. With rectangular arrays the multiple
> copies are arranged in columns and rows with the number of columns and
> rows (and distances between them) specified by the user. With polar
> arrays the copies are arranged around a focal point with the number of
> items and degrees of arc to be filled (or degrees between copies)
> specified by the user. Usually there is a choice of whether the copies
> are rotated as they are copied. Because this discription may not be
> clear, I put some simple samples at

OK. I see what you mean. Actually, what you describe might be
similar to an automatic picture tube generator, i.e. take all
these images an place them thus in a grid. You could use the
resulting image as is, while tubers would get a tube assembler.

> Please ask if you have more questions and I'll try to explain more
> clearly, these are very useful tools for me and I'd like to see a good
> implementation in PSP8.
> Chunk Kiesling


Rebecca Eschliman

Jan 12, 2001, 4:32:13 PM1/12/01
As a relative tyro in image manipulation, here's some reflection on a few of Jackie Laderoute's

<<17. Envelope function - preset and warpable;>>

Love this suggestion -- saw it in Coreldraw and found it to be immediately comprehensible.

<<14. A "crop to size" or "crop to aspect ratio" function - to ensure those perfect 4x6's without
the math; >>

I can see many applications for this function beyond photography.

<<13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise>>

Now this has me curious -- what does one *do* with Monochrome noise? or noise as a general rule,
for that matter?

<<12. A button on the Text entry box that will bring up charmap or an equivalent (save me from
keeping Typograph running to see those odd characters)>>

Yes, please! It would be such help in locating a desired ding font character quickly.

<<11. The ability to save templates for multiple image printing;>>

Useful especially for using PSP to do such items as gift tags or game cards. I'd also like the
ability to make text additions within the multiple image print function.

<<5. The ability to save presets with all PSP's effects - like ripple,
Kaleidoscope, etc.

4. A "randomizer" button for the effects - nothing like accidental art!
- combined with the preset saving this can be a wonderful thing;>>

A wonderful pair and one of the particular strengths of the Flaming Pear plugins.

The only thing I'd add from my limited experience is an amplified seamless tile function, where
once could select between several tiling options, such as are available with some of the filters
and the 20/20 program.


Beth Winter

Jan 12, 2001, 4:55:47 PM1/12/01
Rebecca Eschliman wrote:

> As a relative tyro in image manipulation, here's some reflection on a few of Jackie Laderoute's
> suggestions:

> <snip>

> <<13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise>>
> Now this has me curious -- what does one *do* with Monochrome noise? or noise as a general rule,
> for that matter?

It's generally used for either random input or "dirtying up" a texture or object. Examples are making
brushed metal (monochrome noise on a new layer, motion blur) or giving a touch of realism to an
obviously CG object (like a sphere done with a sunburst gradient). There's lots of other uses too --
those are the two off the top of my head

Kris Zaklika

Jan 12, 2001, 5:01:08 PM1/12/01
Beth Winter wrote:
> Rebecca Eschliman wrote:
> > As a relative tyro in image manipulation, here's some reflection on a few of Jackie Laderoute's
> > suggestions:
> > <snip>
> > <<13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise>>
> >
> > Now this has me curious -- what does one *do* with Monochrome noise? or noise as a general rule,
> > for that matter?
> It's generally used for either random input or "dirtying up" a texture or object. Examples are making
> brushed metal (monochrome noise on a new layer, motion blur) or giving a touch of realism to an
> obviously CG object (like a sphere done with a sunburst gradient).

Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
page or an explanation by
Hugo Elias.

> There's lots of other uses too --
> those are the two off the top of my head
> --
> Beth Winter, PSP terrorist - New Millenium Division
> The Discworld Compendium <>
> "To absent friends, past loves, old gods and the season of mists."
> -- Neil Gaiman


Beth Winter

Jan 12, 2001, 5:23:59 PM1/12/01
Kris Zaklika wrote:

> Beth Winter wrote:
> >
> > Rebecca Eschliman wrote:
> >
> > > As a relative tyro in image manipulation, here's some reflection on a few of Jackie Laderoute's
> > > suggestions:
> > > <snip>
> > > <<13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise>>
> > >
> > > Now this has me curious -- what does one *do* with Monochrome noise? or noise as a general rule,
> > > for that matter?
> >
> > It's generally used for either random input or "dirtying up" a texture or object. Examples are making
> > brushed metal (monochrome noise on a new layer, motion blur) or giving a touch of realism to an
> > obviously CG object (like a sphere done with a sunburst gradient).
> Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
> page or an explanation
> by
> Hugo Elias.

Maybe, but I don't see this option in PSP. However regular random/uniform noise works just fine, but
sometimes it's a pain to put on its own layer, colorize and then merge. Do you think you could persuade
interested parties to add a tickable "tint" or "color" selection to the noise dialog box? If unchecked,
it'd create regular noise, if checked noise in the given color...


Jan 12, 2001, 5:55:09 PM1/12/01
Just as you can double click on the selection tool to enter precise
coordinates, I would like this type capability extended to other
appropriate tools. More of a CAD type of input for more precise
placements of elements.

I realize you can follow the cursor placement by watching the lower
left of the window but I tend to be somewhat spastic at the time I
click, that is, my whole hand tends to move with my indes finger.

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:48:06 GMT, "Porter" <>

Kris Zaklika

Jan 12, 2001, 6:04:10 PM1/12/01
Beth Winter wrote:

> > Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
> > page or an explanation
> > by
> > Hugo Elias.
> Maybe, but I don't see this option in PSP.

Quite true, but the subject is "Formal wish list for PSP" and
here I sit in my tuxedo as formal as can be.

> However regular random/uniform noise works just fine, but
> sometimes it's a pain to put on its own layer, colorize and then merge. Do you think you could persuade
> interested parties to add a tickable "tint" or "color" selection to the noise dialog box? If unchecked,
> it'd create regular noise, if checked noise in the given color...

I formally accede to your wish.

> --
> Beth Winter, PSP terrorist - New Millenium Division
> The Discworld Compendium <>
> "To absent friends, past loves, old gods and the season of mists."
> -- Neil Gaiman


Joe Cilinceon

Jan 12, 2001, 6:23:00 PM1/12/01
I would second that for sure.


Joe Cilinceon

"Beth Winter" <> wrote in message


Jan 12, 2001, 8:53:05 PM1/12/01
Thanks Ron for the suggestion. I'll have to try this.. merge visable those
layers that I want to remain the same and duplicate, then duplicate,
alternate and merge those layers that will actually do the animations to
the original duplicated layers then merge those layer into the layers that
will create the animation itself. Sounds wordy, but I do recall several
times not merging visable psp images and seeing the whole thing scattered in
AS in separate frames.

My Personal Website: The Taskbar at:
Tubes, Blade Pro Presets and Stationery Visit "Dot Net" The Taskbar's
Little Sister
Tutorials, Graphics & Tutorial assignments completed by following
instructions from various writers. Links to each writer is provided with
my completed project.

"Ron Lacey" <> wrote in message
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 22:22:25 -0500, "Renée" <>

>I'd like to take a whole series of PSP images and be able to resize and
>export to the animation shop all in one sweep.

You can sorta do that by placing the images as layers on a single PSP
file and openning it in AS.

Ron Lacey
Murillo Ont.
ron at ronstoons dot com

Chuck Anderson

Jan 12, 2001, 11:02:29 PM1/12/01
Rebecca Eschliman wrote:

> <<12. A button on the Text entry box that will bring up charmap or an equivalent (save me from
> keeping Typograph running to see those odd characters)>>
> Yes, please! It would be such help in locating a desired ding font character quickly.

There are freeware charmaps. I just haven't found one that uses big enough characters in the grid,
and does not have some bugs in it. Does anyone know of a good charmap substitute (the supplied MS one
is too small).

Chuck Anderson • Boulder, CO CycleTourist at
Tolerance is recognizing that other people have different ideals
and needs than you. Compromise is acting on that knowledge.

Joe Cilinceon

Jan 13, 2001, 3:29:28 AM1/13/01
I've been using one called the Extended Character Map. The URL I had is no
longer good but you should find it on any of the shareware sites. Very
similar to the standard one in windows with a larger display of each
character and a large one of the selected character. It was freeware.


Joe Cilinceon

"Chuck Anderson" <> wrote in message

> Rebecca Eschliman wrote:
> > <<12. A button on the Text entry box that will bring up charmap or an
equivalent (save me from
> > keeping Typograph running to see those odd characters)>>
> >
> > Yes, please! It would be such help in locating a desired ding font
character quickly.
> There are freeware charmaps. I just haven't found one that uses big
enough characters in the grid,
> and does not have some bugs in it. Does anyone know of a good charmap
substitute (the supplied MS one
> is too small).
> --
> **********************************************

> Chuck Anderson . Boulder, CO CycleTourist at

Clifton Norton

Jan 13, 2001, 3:43:48 AM1/13/01
"Kris Zaklika"

> > I would like to see a different kind of history added. Unlike the
> > History, which is really only a faster way to do multiple un/redos, it
> > wouldn't store the entire picture after each step. Instead, it would
> > store the action taken and the settings used in the order they were
> > executed:
> > 1. Square Selection, 100x100, top left corner (20,20), bottom right
> > (119,119), feather 46;
> > 2.Gaussian Blur, radius 3.62;
> > 3. Charcoal, Detail 71, Opacity 37.
> >
> > The advantage of doing it this way is that you have a list of all
> > take on that image instead of a series of images with the actions
> > done to them. If you decide that you would rather have the Charcoal
> > done to the outside you could just go back and insert an Invert
> > between steps 2 & 3 then the program would run through the steps again
> > the change. Now the center is blurred and the outside is charcoaled.
> > would also be able to remove a step and run the picture without it. Or
> > rearrange the steps (blur then charcoal doesn't look like charcoal then
> > blur). And, since it takes much less space to store the steps this way
> > it does with normal undos, you can keep every step you do to an image.
> > could even be made part of the .psp filetype so that it could still be
> > months after you first opened the image. Of course, this method would
> > too slow for just undoing a few steps back so you would need to keep the
> > standard Command History also, but if you want to change a step 40 steps
> > back and you made the image 3 months ago, it would prevent you from
> > to go back and do it all again.
> >
> > Clif
> Wouldn't a macro do everything you are asking for here and then
> some? Look at it another way. Suppose you had macros. Would you
> still want this? And if so, why? (BTW, how would you define an
> irregular selection containing holes made with the Magic Wand in
> your scheme? If you define a tolerance and a pixel to click on
> the result will be a different shape for every image.)

Almost. I believe that much of the programming would be the same or
similar. But the ideas behind them are different. You record a macro so
that you can apply the same set of steps to more than one image. What I'm
proposing would automatically record the steps done on a given image so that
you could go back and edit them for that image. And storing this record as
part of the .psp file would allow changes to be made months later. At the
moment, when you want to change the settings of the blur you did n steps
back you lose all subsequent steps. With what I'm talking about you just go
back to the blur, change the settings then rerun it back to where you were.
Also, now when you save the file and close PSP you lose the history so
changes can't be undone. Unless you saved a large number of backups or have
a huge .psp file, you'd have to start from scratch with the original.
But, now that you mention it, why not combine this and macros? If you like
an effect you created select the steps you want and click on "Save as



Jan 13, 2001, 4:24:53 AM1/13/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:21:28 GMT, "Randy Shrader"
<> wrote:

>What I'd like to see:
>1. Macros, macros, macros! Powerful and flexible enough to automate batch
>converting, resizing, sharpening, and adjusting colour depth all in one go.

And if you see that as a danger to Image Robot make Image Robot work
as a plugin - allowing use of all PSP features.


-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----

Clifton Norton

Jan 13, 2001, 4:20:14 AM1/13/01
"Jackie Laderoute"

> 20. Perspective shadows;

This could easily be done by having the drop shadows be placed on a new
layer under the one being shadowed rather than on the same layer. Then you
just need to distort it to get the perspective you want.

> 16. Multiple/rotating hue/saturation/brightness for brushes;

How about gradient brushes? Not like now where they paint on what the
gradient would look like if you used the flood tool. But stretching across
the brush shape itself.

> 14. A "crop to size" or "crop to aspect ratio" function - to ensure
> those perfect 4x6's without the math;


> 13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise;

Hear, hear! Many effects, like brushed metal, start with mono noise. And
maybe even be able to chose the hue in the effect.

> 7. The ability to use a bump map with the lighting effects;

Different options to use for bumping: red, green, blue, luminance, hue,

> 2. A quicker way to mask - one button that will let you paint on a mask
> by replacing the sequence of "Masks", "New", "Show All" followed by
> "Masks", "Edit" followed by "Masks", "View Mask".

I believe the 'M' button is free.


Angela M. Cable

Jan 13, 2001, 9:19:30 AM1/13/01
Font Xplorer Lite is nice, it'll give you a list of all installed fonts
and let you load or install more fonts by folder. It lists the fonts in
their own typeface, double-click on one and it brings up the character
map. If you expand the character map to full screen, and hit the More
button then Additional Info->Decimal Number you can actually see each
character and it's decimal number very easily. Makes really nice proof
sheets too, I went and did them for every font I have :-)


Kris Zaklika

Jan 13, 2001, 10:09:45 AM1/13/01
Clifton Norton wrote:
> "Jackie Laderoute"
> > 20. Perspective shadows;
> This could easily be done by having the drop shadows be placed on a new
> layer under the one being shadowed rather than on the same layer. Then you
> just need to distort it to get the perspective you want.

Not quite so simple, I think. In addition to the perspective
distortion you need a progressive blur that increases with
distance from the point of attachment of the shadow to the
object. The overall amount of blur will need to be adjustable.
And then, what about multiple light sources and overlapping
shadows? What about a shadow that falls on the ground and
on a wall (i.e. with a "fold")? You are quite right that
there are easy ways to approximate shadows, but if we do
that people will complain. (Porter can tell you about Page
Curl Guy and his clipboard :)


> > 14. A "crop to size" or "crop to aspect ratio" function - to ensure
> > those perfect 4x6's without the math;
> Yes!

Is there any other place in the program where you want to
avoid mental or scribbled arithmetic?


Kris Zaklika

Jan 13, 2001, 10:12:52 AM1/13/01
Xalinai wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 18:21:28 GMT, "Randy Shrader"
> <> wrote:
> >What I'd like to see:
> >
> >1. Macros, macros, macros! Powerful and flexible enough to automate batch
> >converting, resizing, sharpening, and adjusting colour depth all in one go.
> And if you see that as a danger to Image Robot make Image Robot work
> as a plugin - allowing use of all PSP features.

Not an issue at all.

> Michael
> -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
> - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
> -----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----



Jan 13, 2001, 11:02:56 AM1/13/01
I don't know if this solves the problem for the original suggester, but I'd
like an enhancement to "print multiple images". I'd like to be able to
divide the output page into multiple fixed sized windows (eg. 4 4"x5"
windows) and drag my images into each of these. This would make it simple
to put standard (or explicit) size images on the sheet.

The current way I do this is to drag the image onto the output sheet and
then resize it to the size desired by looking at the size indicator in the
lower right corner, repeat for all subsequent images.


"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message


Jan 13, 2001, 11:06:51 AM1/13/01
Why not put a page up on so that folks can vote on the
suggestions you are getting?


"Porter" <> wrote in message

Kris Zaklika

Jan 13, 2001, 11:01:01 AM1/13/01
Clifton Norton wrote:

> Almost. I believe that much of the programming would be the same or
> similar. But the ideas behind them are different. You record a macro so
> that you can apply the same set of steps to more than one image. What I'm
> proposing would automatically record the steps done on a given image so that
> you could go back and edit them for that image. And storing this record as
> part of the .psp file would allow changes to be made months later. At the
> moment, when you want to change the settings of the blur you did n steps
> back you lose all subsequent steps. With what I'm talking about you just go
> back to the blur, change the settings then rerun it back to where you were.
> Also, now when you save the file and close PSP you lose the history so
> changes can't be undone. Unless you saved a large number of backups or have
> a huge .psp file, you'd have to start from scratch with the original.
> But, now that you mention it, why not combine this and macros? If you like
> an effect you created select the steps you want and click on "Save as
> Macro".
> Clif

I think your request could be met by keeping an optional history
of operations in a .psp file along with having a macro capability.
Having a separate "history macro" different from other macros
would, I think, be confusing.

Jackie Laderoute

Jan 13, 2001, 1:02:12 PM1/13/01
On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 03:20:14 -0600, "Clifton Norton"
<> wrote:

>> 20. Perspective shadows;
>This could easily be done by having the drop shadows be placed on a new
>layer under the one being shadowed rather than on the same layer. Then you
>just need to distort it to get the perspective you want.

That's what I do now - this would just be an "ease of use" question.

>> 16. Multiple/rotating hue/saturation/brightness for brushes;
>How about gradient brushes? Not like now where they paint on what the
>gradient would look like if you used the flood tool. But stretching across
>the brush shape itself.

I have the answer to that one - I just use a tube for the brush. Make
the brush, attaching shape, colour, texture, gradient, whatever and
export as a tube. Set the step size low and paint away. Still limits
you to the set gradient, though.

>> 2. A quicker way to mask - one button that will let you paint on a mask
>> by replacing the sequence of "Masks", "New", "Show All" followed by
>> "Masks", "Edit" followed by "Masks", "View Mask".
>I believe the 'M' button is free.

Brings up the 'M'agic Wand for me.


< o \"/ Don't play cat and mouse with me! (
---© ) ()-()
< o /"\ Jackie Laderoute (o o)


Jan 13, 2001, 1:40:55 PM1/13/01
The information is already sitting right here if they should wish to mine it
& take some of it into consideration. As Jon explained earlier, (with that
ears post, but we still knew what he meant) they don't really need a bunch
of voting and "me toos". They want & need to hear the specifics of just how
we intend to employ those features if they were to actually become a


Gobeille/Yehle <>

> Why not put a page up on so that folks can vote on the
> suggestions you are getting?
> Bob
> "Porter" <> wrote in message

Kris Zaklika

Jan 13, 2001, 2:18:20 PM1/13/01
Some good ideas. They would be useful for Trajectory Pro, too
(now WebDraw).

Ron Lacey wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:48:06 GMT, "Porter" <>
> wrote:

> >What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7?

> Nobody seems to be addressing vector graphics in this thread so in no
> particular order...
> 1/ A node simplify function. Many wmf/emf files are almost impossible
> to work with on a node level so it would be nice to be able to have
> PSP delete nodes and replace them with Bezier curves especially
> considering PSP only imports vector metafiles which brings me to
> number 2.
> 2/ More import/export support for other vector formats in particular
> AI, EPS, SWF, and SVG.
> 3/ Stroke widths of less than one point.
> 4/ Illustrator style vector brushes and the ability to create such.
> 5/ Vector screen and print rendering, especially print.
> 6/ A tool that will pick up all the attributes of a vector object and
> apply them to a selected object.
> 7/ Transparency control over individual objects within a layer.
> 8/ The right click vector context menu when using the shape and draw
> tools.
> 9/ A tool to easily combine and crop vector objects.
> 10/ A vector tracing utility, perhaps the ability to convert a
> selection to a vector shape would work for this.
> 11/ The option to paste an object directly in front or in back of the
> copied object.
> 12/ Get rid of the 10 pixel offset you get when you copy and paste
> nodes.
> 13/ Make a selected item more obvious in the layers palette, you can
> go blind trying to pick out which object is selected<gr>.

> Ron
> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
> Ron Lacey
> Murillo Ont.
> ron at ronstoons dot com
> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Ronald Vick

Jan 13, 2001, 3:07:05 PM1/13/01
On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:48:06 GMT, "Porter" <>

>This looks like a good time to dig out those wish lists and start

>refreshing/refining our ideas for our features requests.

I guess it's time for my annual wish for upgraded painting tools,

I still use the paintbrush more than any other tool (although smudge
and push are subs for some of the items I'd like to see.).

I'd love to see artistic effects available in the brush section!
Effects that mimic a loaded oil brush or palette knife smears. Wet or
dry water color effects. A bristle brush or a camel hair.

I feel as if this section has been ignored far too long.

Jaggiemeister Ron- PSP Terrorist - D'Lanok de Caresk chapter, Executive Officer.
Great Beginner info at
FAQs at
Very FAQ at
My tips at

Rick Simon

Jan 13, 2001, 4:34:46 PM1/13/01
to (Porter) wrote in

>What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than

>PSP7? Are you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and

>how the features are currently working in 7? What do you think
>would make it a better product?

I really don't know why I didn't think to mention this request before,
but this has bugged me for a long time with PSP. Can we have an option
that when I close PSP, it just plain closes? I have no wish to be asked
if I want to save each individual file that happens to be open. Nor am
I overly thrilled at having to go to Window:Close All, then close PSP
if I want to avoid all of the prompts.

Dangerous? Perhaps. Might I accidently not save something that I
should have? Sure. And if it happens, I have nobody to blame but
myself. The same way I do not use the auto-save function and if
something happens, I have only myself to blame. But you know..... I
haven't lost more than one or two images ever, due to that kind of
mistake. And since I always end up doing a Close All then close PSP
anyway, if I were prone to such errors, I would have found out by now.

I wouldn't even have any heartburn if it were made an option, buried
deep within the prefs area, that a huge dialog popped open when you try
to turn it on warning of possibly evil results, requiring your first
born to be put up as collateral for holding Jasc not responsible for
any above mentioned evil results and having to check off on one of
those "I Agree" / "I Disagree" disclaimer thingies.

Or at the very least, a keyboard shortcut to Window:Close All? Then
all I'll need to do is a CTRL+whatever and an Alt+F4 and I'm done.

Rick Simon

Joe Cilinceon

Jan 13, 2001, 5:40:44 PM1/13/01
Amen on that Ronald, I'm with you on the Painting in Paint Shop Pro. g


Joe Cilinceon

"Ronald Vick" <> wrote in message

Ronald Vick

Jan 13, 2001, 6:03:37 PM1/13/01
On 13 Jan 2001 21:34:46 GMT, (Rick Simon) wrote:

> (Porter) wrote in
>>What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than
>>PSP7? Are you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and
>>how the features are currently working in 7? What do you think
>>would make it a better product?
> I really don't know why I didn't think to mention this request before,
>but this has bugged me for a long time with PSP. Can we have an option
>that when I close PSP, it just plain closes? I have no wish to be asked
>if I want to save each individual file that happens to be open. Nor am
>I overly thrilled at having to go to Window:Close All, then close PSP
>if I want to avoid all of the prompts.

Preferences>General Preferences>Warnings

Unsaved Files During Windows Close All

When you clear this check box, Paint Shop Pro does not prompt you to
save files when you choose Window > Close All. If you do not save the
files, unsaved changes to all open files are discarded.

> Dangerous? Perhaps. Might I accidently not save something that I
>should have? Sure. And if it happens, I have nobody to blame but
>myself. The same way I do not use the auto-save function and if
>something happens, I have only myself to blame. But you know..... I
>haven't lost more than one or two images ever, due to that kind of
>mistake. And since I always end up doing a Close All then close PSP
>anyway, if I were prone to such errors, I would have found out by now.
> I wouldn't even have any heartburn if it were made an option, buried
>deep within the prefs area, that a huge dialog popped open when you try
>to turn it on warning of possibly evil results, requiring your first
>born to be put up as collateral for holding Jasc not responsible for
>any above mentioned evil results and having to check off on one of
>those "I Agree" / "I Disagree" disclaimer thingies.

Incidently, you can also get rid of that question about the clipboard.


Jan 13, 2001, 6:05:19 PM1/13/01

Ron Lacey <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 17:48:06 GMT, "Porter" <>
> wrote:
> >What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7?
> Nobody seems to be addressing vector graphics in this thread so in no
> particular order...

We be waiting for you.

...thoughtful comment snipped


Jan 13, 2001, 6:27:02 PM1/13/01
I don't entirely agree that they "don't really need a bunch of voting and
"me toos"". I think they do. For example, someone had on their wish list
"support for EXIF" headers. So is this important to only that person or to
a 1000 people? If I was prioritizing development work I'd want to know how
many "me too's" there are out there.

I think you are right they it would be a pain in a newsgroup setting if
everyone who wanted a particular feature replies/posts to acknowledge


PS. I would really like to see EXIF support ;-)

"Porter" <> wrote in message


Bill Schnakenberg

Jan 13, 2001, 6:56:07 PM1/13/01

Alt - W - A - Alt - F4

> --
> Rick Simon

Bill - PSP 7, PSP 6, and Media Center Plus Private Beta Tester
PSP Terrorist - D'Lanok de Caresk chapter - Anti-Troll Unit 235
"If you're not making waves, you're not underway!"
The new PSP 7 Style Palette:
The USS Salem, CA-139. The World's only preserved Heavy Cruiser,
Visit at Quincy, MASS

Jan 13, 2001, 9:55:29 PM1/13/01
On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 21:34:46, (Rick Simon) wrote:

My wish is to have PSP ported to OS/2 Warp ...
Now wait before the flames start ...

There's an opensource project under way called Odin ... With it, OS/2
users can run native Windows applications just as if they were native
OS/2 apps ... check out: for additional
information ...

More importantly and germane to my request ... Odin allows for Windows
apps to be ported to OS2 with very minimal effort, and changes in the
code ...

There's a team of developers using it to port the latest version of
the web browser Opera over to OS/2 ...

While it's highly unlikely JASC would consider this request, I wanted
to throw it out here anyway ...
Not only Windows users think very highly of PaintShop Pro :-)


Rick Simon

Jan 14, 2001, 12:02:49 AM1/14/01
to (Ronald Vick) wrote in

>On 13 Jan 2001 21:34:46 GMT, (Rick Simon) wrote:
>>Can we have an
>>option that when I close PSP, it just plain closes? I have no wish
>>to be asked if I want to save each individual file that happens to
>>be open. Nor am I overly thrilled at having to go to Window:Close
>>All, then close PSP if I want to avoid all of the prompts.
>Preferences>General Preferences>Warnings
>Unsaved Files During Windows Close All

Yep, already set up that way. What I'd really prefer though is the
ability to set it so that if I click on the x in the upper right
corner, or do an Alt+F4, PSP would close. No prompts, no having to use
the mouse to select Window:Close All first, no having to use the
keyboard variant to maneuver through the menus (Alt W A), etc.

>Incidently, you can also get rid of that question about the

Yep, although it's under the Misc tab. Got that one turned off also,
along with a couple of others.

Rick Simon

Kris Zaklika

Jan 14, 2001, 12:10:44 AM1/14/01
Rick Simon wrote:
>Can we have an option that when I close PSP, it just plain closes?

Ctrl-Alt-Delete? <grin>


Jan 14, 2001, 3:29:02 AM1/14/01
not a flame just astonishment!
In 40 years in the computer industry with a technical architecture focus I
don't think I've ever come across a concept as bizzare as Odin - yes I went
over to the Odin site and trawled around for ages trying to find a solid
attempt to answer the question "why are these talented guys doing this
thing?" didn't find one and I sure had to dig in a lot of places before I
found any indication that this issue might even exist.
I have to admit to having called a few groups Luddites in the past but I
won't do that here because this isn't a flame ........ :-)

Sorry Greg but I guess I don't give a monkey's about having such a port for
PSP either


<> wrote in message

Clifton Norton

Jan 14, 2001, 4:42:39 AM1/14/01
"Kris Zaklika"

> I think your request could be met by keeping an optional history
> of operations in a .psp file along with having a macro capability.
> Having a separate "history macro" different from other macros
> would, I think, be confusing.

I think you're right. To get a better look at what I'm talking about check
out the Command Center in Picture Publisher.


Jan 14, 2001, 7:00:57 AM1/14/01
On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 08:29:02, "pacymon" <> wrote:

What's so bizzare about Odin ???
If anything it's a compliment to the Windows ISVs who write the
programs people want to run ...

As it is, all operating systems have different layers of "emulation"
to run legacy apps ... That's why the original Windows NT was so bad
at running DOS apps ... and Windows NT4 had problems running Windows
3.11 appplications ...

Unless your logic is that if you want to run Win32 apps then just run
Windows ...


> not a flame just astonishment!
> In 40 years in the computer industry with a technical architecture focus I
> don't think I've ever come across a concept as bizzare as Odin - yes I went
> over to the Odin site and trawled around for ages trying to find a solid
> attempt to answer the question "why are these talented guys doing this
> thing?" didn't find one and I sure had to dig in a lot of places before I
> found any indication that this issue might even exist.
> I have to admit to having called a few groups Luddites in the past but I
> won't do that here because this isn't a flame ........ :-)
> Sorry Greg but I guess I don't give a monkey's about having such a port for
> PSP either
> Mike
> <> wrote in message



Kellee C.

Jan 14, 2001, 7:38:20 AM1/14/01
Array objects in polar, rectangular, or linear arrays.

Currently, PSP is not compatible with programs I use that import .ai and .ps
files since it turns the vector object into a raster.


"Porter" <> wrote in message


> This looks like a good time to dig out those wish lists and start
> refreshing/refining our ideas for our features requests. Just because
> perfectly lucid thoughts didn't happen to make it into PSP7 doesn't mean
> future holds no hope.
> Okay, we didn't get any macros in 7 ... But then of course we did see that
> much sought after & highly desirable Page Curl finally become a reality.
> <vbg>
> I'm kinda busy right now & will chime in later with some thoughts. We all
> know there's plenty to say about macros (maybe we should put macros over
> their own thread) and we all know that Angela "secretly" wants that darn
> text box to color string again. (me too) So, what else?
> Speak up everybody, Page Curl Guy may be lurking in the corridors at Jasc
> with a new yellow pad just filled with all the stuff he "thinks" you want.
> If you don't clearly tell them precisely what you think & what you seek,
> list just may become your reality.

> What would make PSP8 more exciting and more valuable to you than PSP7? Are
> you satisfied with the friendliness of your interface and how the features
> are currently working in 7? What do you think would make it a better
> product?

> Regards,
> Porter

Kellee C.

Jan 14, 2001, 7:54:50 AM1/14/01
I third it :-P


"Beth Winter" <> wrote in message
> Kris Zaklika wrote:
> > Beth Winter wrote:
> > >
> > > Rebecca Eschliman wrote:
> > >
> > > > As a relative tyro in image manipulation, here's some reflection on
a few of Jackie Laderoute's
> > > > suggestions:
> > > > <snip>

> > > > <<13. The ability to choose Monochrome noise>>
> > > >

> > > > Now this has me curious -- what does one *do* with Monochrome noise?
or noise as a general rule,
> > > > for that matter?
> > >
> > > It's generally used for either random input or "dirtying up" a texture
or object. Examples are making
> > > brushed metal (monochrome noise on a new layer, motion blur) or giving
a touch of realism to an
> > > obviously CG object (like a sphere done with a sunburst gradient).
> >
> > Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
> > page or an explanation
> > by
> > Hugo Elias.
> Maybe, but I don't see this option in PSP. However regular random/uniform
noise works just fine, but
> sometimes it's a pain to put on its own layer, colorize and then merge. Do
you think you could persuade
> interested parties to add a tickable "tint" or "color" selection to the
noise dialog box? If unchecked,
> it'd create regular noise, if checked noise in the given color...
> --
> Beth Winter, PSP terrorist - New Millenium Division
> The Discworld Compendium <>
> "To absent friends, past loves, old gods and the season of mists."
> -- Neil Gaiman

Kellee C.

Jan 14, 2001, 2:43:39 PM1/14/01
Unfortunately, my 3D program doesn't import those formats and I don't own
Illustrator (to convert them a second time). Thanks for the tip though.


"Ron Lacey" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 12:38:20 GMT, "Kellee C." <>
> wrote:
> >Currently, PSP is not compatible with programs I use that import .ai and
> >files since it turns the vector object into a raster.

> PSP images saved as WMF or EMF will retain vector information and can
> be imported to most vector apps. Make sure you have the save vector
> information checked under the options in the save dialog box.
> I'm not disagreeing with you btw, just suggesting a workaround, I'm
> all in favour of more vector file support in PSP.

Rob Freundlich

Jan 15, 2001, 10:42:30 AM1/15/01
"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message

> Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
> page or an explanation
> by
> Hugo Elias.

That looks very interesting. If y'all put it in, could we have control over
the persistence, interpolation method, number of octaves, etc etc etc?

Rob Freundlich
"Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes." - Newt Gingrich
"Some folks you don't have to satirize, you just quote em." - Tom Paxton

Rob Freundlich

Jan 15, 2001, 10:48:43 AM1/15/01
"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message

> Is there any other place in the program where you want to
> avoid mental or scribbled arithmetic?

Yup! Sometimes I want an image to print at a certain size without actually
resizing the image. Currently, I use Resize for that, and muck around with
the pixels/inch setting until the width and height are close to what I want.
I have to do that because if I change the width and height, the image
actually gets resampled and resized. Since that's the usual use for that
dialog box, I have no problem with that happening.

However, I'd love one of the following:

a. A "Change resolution only" checkbox so that I could choose which behavior
I wanted OR

b. A popup pixels/inch calculator: small button next to the pixels/inch
field that pops up and says "what (width or height) do you want?" and tells
me the necessary pixels/inch - it could even fill it in for me.

Tim Lister

Jan 15, 2001, 7:36:08 PM1/15/01
"Rob Freundlich" <> wrote:

>"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message
>> Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
>> page or an explanation
>> by
>> Hugo Elias.
>That looks very interesting. If y'all put it in, could we have control over
>the persistence, interpolation method, number of octaves, etc etc etc?

... and if you're going to go that far, why not have the ability to
distort lines/boxes/circles using perlin noise as per hugo's example?

some of us are a bit "over" the square edged look of shiny rectangular
boxes, and i'm starting to hand-draw my buttons and then scan them, to
get a more friendly, informal look.

at least one of the modern plugin writing packages has perlin noise as
a standard feature.


[Tim Lister, EYE CANDY web spinning, NSW 2042, Australia]
[Phone: 61 2 9557 4050]
[WWW: ]
[committee member of AWPA: ]
"He walks the streets like an ordinary man"

Rob Freundlich

Jan 16, 2001, 9:48:56 AM1/16/01
"Tim Lister" <> wrote in message

> "Rob Freundlich" <> wrote:
> >"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
> >> page or an explanation
> >> by
> >> Hugo Elias.
> >
> >That looks very interesting. If y'all put it in, could we have control
> >the persistence, interpolation method, number of octaves, etc etc etc?
> ... and if you're going to go that far, why not have the ability to
> distort lines/boxes/circles using perlin noise as per hugo's example?

Oh, yes, please!

Kris Zaklika

Jan 16, 2001, 10:08:23 AM1/16/01
Tim Lister wrote:
> "Rob Freundlich" <> wrote:
> >"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Wouldn't Perlin noise be better for this? See Ken Perlin's Oscar
> >> page or an explanation
> >> by
> >> Hugo Elias.
> >
> >That looks very interesting. If y'all put it in, could we have control over
> >the persistence, interpolation method, number of octaves, etc etc etc?
> ... and if you're going to go that far, why not have the ability to
> distort lines/boxes/circles using perlin noise as per hugo's example?

Perlin noise is cool, but there is one catch. It is hard to
connect particular settings to some particular visual effect
or shape. (How, for instance, would one name the controls for
a novice in a meaningful way? What would you say in the Help
about how a control determines what you actually see?) Yes, I
know you could have presets created by some expert and you
could have the much sought after randomizer button. I'm not
saying Perlin noise is a bad thing, only that it might be a
more awkward thing to use than some people anticipate.

> some of us are a bit "over" the square edged look of shiny rectangular
> boxes, and i'm starting to hand-draw my buttons and then scan them, to
> get a more friendly, informal look.

There's a lot to be said for drawing things yourself. You get
just what you want without any indirect fiddling about. A
tablet would make life easier for you and cut out that scanner

> at least one of the modern plugin writing packages has perlin noise as
> a standard feature.

Name it please - or are you trying to tell me something
with that sig? :)

> regards,
> tal
> ===========
> [Tim Lister, EYE CANDY web spinning, NSW 2042, Australia]
> [Phone: 61 2 9557 4050]
> [mailto:]
> [WWW: ]
> [committee member of AWPA: ]
> "He walks the streets like an ordinary man"


Chunk Kiesling

Jan 16, 2001, 10:47:42 AM1/16/01
Rick Simon wrote:

> I overly thrilled at having to go to Window:Close All, then close PSP
> if I want to avoid all of the prompts.

You should be able to make a macro to do that IF they give us macros.


Chunk Kiesling

Jan 16, 2001, 11:19:46 AM1/16/01
Agree with most of your points.

Ron Lacey wrote:

> 2/ More import/export support for other vector formats in particular
> AI, EPS, SWF, and SVG.

This point is VERY important, I would add .dxf files for import/export
support. I guess there are flavors of dxf out there, I'd like to see
current autodesk compatability, even dwg, if possible.

I also would like a more streamlined method of getting into and out of
node editing. I find it cumbersome working with multiple objects and
having to click through the right button menus getting in and out of
node editing.

When I'm done node editing an object I'd like to click on another object
and go directly into node editing it instead of having to go right
button-quit node editing-click on next object-rightbutton-node edit.

Clicking somewhere off of object while in node editing should take you
out of node editing.

I'd also like to see the node edit at or near the top of the rightclik
menu. Would it be possible to customise placement of the commands on the
menus. Do other programs allow this? (Autocad does allow customization
of it's menus, but that's quite another can of worms.)

Hope this makes sense, please ask if it doesn't.

Chunk Kiesling

Bill Schnakenberg

Jan 16, 2001, 11:25:13 AM1/16/01

Not a vector guy here but perhaps some keyboard shortcuts would help.
Ctrl-E Alternate between Edit mode and drawing Mode
Ctrl-Q Quit Node Editing

Others listed in Help file.

Rick Simon

Jan 16, 2001, 2:03:39 PM1/16/01
to (Chunk Kiesling) wrote in

Granted, but depending on how macros are implemented, I might still
prefer a simple option in prefs, or another menu option that
incorporates both a Window Close All and Exit into one.

Let's assume macros _are_ added into v8. How are they to be initiated?
There are a variety of ways, each with it's strong points and weak
points. For instance:

1. Keyboard shortcuts? Might get a little tricky as there are already a
number of shortcuts in use. Limitations on how many are available at

2. Assignable toolbar buttons? Interesting possibilities, but again,
limitations on how many are available at once? Of course, a work-around
might be to include the specific macros assigned to the buttons in the
.wsp files. At least that way, one could swap "sets" in and out, but I
have a feeling that would get really old, really fast.

3. Menu items? Similar to the way filters are added in? A relatively
simple option, but it requires "drilling down" through a menu structure
each time you wish to apply a macro. Not an ideal solution IMHO - ref
the number of requests for being able to put filters on buttons to get
away from just such a set up.

4. New toolbar tool? Perhaps with a drop-down box in the options
palette to select the macro desired from a list generated by reading
the contents of a /Jasc Software Inc/Paint Shop Pro 8/Macros directory?
Then a left click on any image (while the macro tool is selected) would
apply the selected macro? Might even toss an "Edit" button in there to
call up an internal editor.

There are probably another half dozen ways that I haven't even thought
of off the top of my head. Unfortunately, I suspect they will all (as
the above possibilities) suffer from one of two drawbacks. Either I
will have to use multiple clicks/keypresses to "drill down" to the
macro which saves me absolutely nothing over the current method of
closing PSP, or the number of macros that can be accessed at any given
point in tme will be limited in number, in which case I have to decide
which is more important, closing PSP with one click/keypress or
including some other, presumably useful macro.

There are a lot of things that macros can do, but I learned a long
time ago that because a thing can be done with macros, does not
necessarily mean it should be done with macros. <<smile>>

Rick Simon

Tim Lister

Jan 16, 2001, 2:41:41 PM1/16/01
Kris Zaklika <> wrote:

>Tim Lister wrote:
>> at least one of the modern plugin writing packages has perlin noise as
>> a standard feature.
>Name it please -

Filter Formula @

>or are you trying to tell me something
>with that sig? :)

nah, i registered my business name _before_ Alien Skin did their Eye
Candy thing.

Chuck Anderson

Jan 16, 2001, 3:47:15 PM1/16/01
Rick Simon wrote:

I don't see how it could be made any simpler than this? Macros menu -
dropdown list contains - Start Recording, Clear, Save Macro, Run Macro,
Delete Macro. Editing would be done in a text editor. It would be nice if
the Undo button cleared the entry(ies) from the macro buffer (where steps
are being recorded).

Chuck Anderson • Boulder, CO CycleTourist at
Tolerance is recognizing that other people have different ideals
and needs than you. Compromise is acting on that knowledge.

Rick Simon

Jan 16, 2001, 6:57:30 PM1/16/01
to (Chuck Anderson) wrote in

>Rick Simon wrote:
>> 3. Menu items? Similar to the way filters are added in? A
>> relatively simple option, but it requires "drilling down" through
>> a menu structure each time you wish to apply a macro. Not an ideal
>> solution IMHO - ref the number of requests for being able to put
>> filters on buttons to get away from just such a set up.
>I don't see how it could be made any simpler than this? Macros menu
>- dropdown list contains - Start Recording, Clear, Save Macro, Run
>Macro, Delete Macro. Editing would be done in a text editor. It
>would be nice if the Undo button cleared the entry(ies) from the
>macro buffer (where steps are being recorded).

I agree with you up to a point. I see no problem with having the
"maintenance" functions that support macros (Record, Save, Delete,
Edit, etc) in the menu structure. As far as how to actually run a
macro, I'm not so sure. From the perspective of Jasc, this would
probably be the easiest way to integrate macro access into the current
UI. It also has the appeal of consistency if one views macros as
similar to filters in that the access to them would be consistent with
the way filters are accessed.

From the perspective of the user however, "drilling down" through a
menu structure may not be the simplest way to access them. For
instance, lets say I open up half a dozen different images that I want
to add to a site and I want to run a pair of macros on each of them.
One for resizing to a standard height, rounding the corners and
softening the edges. A second macro to make a copy of the original,
resize downwards to thumbnail size and save as a .jpg with high

Now let's look at the sequence to "get the job done" with macros in
the menu structure. I would have to select each image, then go through
the menu system twice for each image in order to locate and actuate the
appropriate macros. Not too bad if there's room for macros to have a
menu of their own and you don't have to "drill down" into a nested menu
to actually reach the macros themselves. If there isn't room though (I
seem to recall some discussion about this when the Capture Menu got
moved to make room for Effects) the macro menu may well have to be
nested under another menu (quite possibly Effects). In which case,
we're probably looking at at least one nested menu deep, if not two.

All in all, still not too bad. Just like applying two separate filters
to each image with v7's interface. The only drawback here is that there
are already requests from people to have the ability to put filters on
buttons, specifically because they are easier to access that way and
one doesn't have to work through the menu system in order to get to

Now lets try a different UI approach. Like placing assignable buttons
on a toolbar. If the two particular macros we want to run, happen to be
two of those buttons, now all we have to do is select an image, click
on two buttons, then move to the next image. Simpler for the user then
having to work their way through the menu structures. On the other
hand, there are other problems. Constraints on how many buttons can be
set up, or toolbar space available on the screen, etc.

Or here's a third approach. Let's say you think of macros as a tool,
instead of a filter. Place a macro tool button on the tool bar along
with a drop down box (ala the font selection drop down menu in the text
tool) that contains all of the available macros. To use macros, you
select the macro tool (perhaps the drop down menu is grayed out when
the macro "tool" is not selected), select the desired macro in the drop
down, and click on the image you want to apply the macro to. Relatively
quick and simple for the user. Of course, the "room on the toolbar"
question arises again.

Or perhaps an entirely different approach might be taken. The last two
versions have made use of auto-opening approaches to solving UI
problems (rollups and fly-outs). Perhaps an approach using something
along those lines will be taken. Lots of different ways of looking at
it, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Needless to say, I'll be
looking forward to seeing what the solutions will be. <<smile>>

Rick Simon

Chuck Anderson

Jan 16, 2001, 7:48:36 PM1/16/01
Rick Simon wrote:

Not even necessary. There are two simpler solutions, and one already
1. Edit - Repeat macro — a one click solution.
2. Make macro(s?) useable in Batch conversion.

> All in all, still not too bad. Just like applying two separate filters
> to each image with v7's interface. The only drawback here is that there
> are already requests from people to have the ability to put filters on
> buttons, specifically because they are easier to access that way and
> one doesn't have to work through the menu system in order to get to
> them.

Which macro is assigned to the button?

> Now lets try a different UI approach. Like placing assignable buttons
> on a toolbar. If the two particular macros we want to run, happen to be
> two of those buttons, now all we have to do is select an image, click
> on two buttons, then move to the next image. Simpler for the user then
> having to work their way through the menu structures. On the other
> hand, there are other problems. Constraints on how many buttons can be
> set up, or toolbar space available on the screen, etc.

Agreed. What happens if I have 50 macros? The button approach seems

> Or here's a third approach. Let's say you think of macros as a tool,
> instead of a filter. Place a macro tool button on the tool bar along
> with a drop down box (ala the font selection drop down menu in the text
> tool) that contains all of the available macros. To use macros, you
> select the macro tool (perhaps the drop down menu is grayed out when
> the macro "tool" is not selected), select the desired macro in the drop
> down, and click on the image you want to apply the macro to. Relatively
> quick and simple for the user. Of course, the "room on the toolbar"
> question arises again.
> Or perhaps an entirely different approach might be taken. The last two
> versions have made use of auto-opening approaches to solving UI
> problems (rollups and fly-outs). Perhaps an approach using something
> along those lines will be taken. Lots of different ways of looking at
> it, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Needless to say, I'll be
> looking forward to seeing what the solutions will be. <<smile>>

I still say that the Menu interface, and remembering that you always have
Edit - Repeat "function," is simpler than these other suggestions. Add the
ability to run macros from batch conversion and you've got a simple, yet
versatile interface.

Kris Zaklika

Jan 17, 2001, 1:16:01 AM1/17/01
Rick Simon wrote:

> From the perspective of the user however, "drilling down" through a
> menu structure may not be the simplest way to access them. For
> instance, lets say I open up half a dozen different images that I want
> to add to a site and I want to run a pair of macros on each of them.
> One for resizing to a standard height, rounding the corners and
> softening the edges. A second macro to make a copy of the original,
> resize downwards to thumbnail size and save as a .jpg with high
> compression.

For one key operation, write a macro to call the other two
macros in a loop for all open images and bind it to a keyboard
key of your choice? Opinion in this newsgroup is that this
would be pretty trivial. <<a twin smile to your smile>>


Rick Simon

Jan 17, 2001, 6:37:45 AM1/17/01
to (Chuck Anderson) wrote in

>Rick Simon wrote:
>Not even necessary. There are two simpler solutions, and one
>already exists.
>1. Edit - Repeat macro — a one click solution.

Good point!

>2. Make macro(s?) useable in Batch conversion.

Possible, but I suspect this would not be so trivial. After all, if
you're going to add in the ability to use macros in Batch Conversion,
you may as well also add in Resize, apply various filters, etc. Batch
Conversion then becomes more of a Batch Process instead. Not that I'd
mind seeing something like that, just that it becomes more ambitious
than just adding macros IMHO.

>> to each image with v7's interface. The only drawback here is that
>> there are already requests from people to have the ability to put
>> filters on buttons, specifically because they are easier to access
>> that way and one doesn't have to work through the menu system in
>> order to get to them.
>Which macro is assigned to the button?

I was speaking of assignable buttons where one could assign macro X to
this button and macro Y to that button, then place the buttons on a
toolbar. A function within the toolbar customization routines.

>> Constraints on how many buttons can be set up, or toolbar space
>> available on the screen, etc.
>Agreed. What happens if I have 50 macros? The button approach
>seems flawed.

It is. Actually, virtually all of them are flawed in one way or
another. The sheer number of options available in all of the various
configurations that different users want, makes it almost impossible to
please everyone.

>I still say that the Menu interface, and remembering that you always
>have Edit - Repeat "function," is simpler than these other
>suggestions. Add the ability to run macros from batch conversion
>and you've got a simple, yet versatile interface.

Without a doubt, all of the macro functions _should_ be included in
the menu structure somewhere! Just as with almost all of the other
functions. The real question is whether that will be the _only_ way to
access them. If so, why the change from the other tools available as
buttons and/or keyboard shortcuts? Currently, the only functions that
are "orphaned" in that manner are plug-ins.

As far as the batch conversion angle, as I mentioned, while certainly
a viable option, it too has it's drawbacks.

Rick Simon

Rick Simon

Jan 17, 2001, 6:59:42 AM1/17/01
to (Kris Zaklika) wrote in

>Rick Simon wrote:
>> From the perspective of the user however, "drilling down" through
>> a
>> menu structure may not be the simplest way to access them. For
>> instance, lets say I open up half a dozen different images that I
>> want to add to a site and I want to run a pair of macros on each
>> of them. One for resizing to a standard height, rounding the
>> corners and softening the edges. A second macro to make a copy of
>> the original, resize downwards to thumbnail size and save as a
>> .jpg with high compression.
>For one key operation, write a macro to call the other two
>macros in a loop for all open images and bind it to a keyboard
>key of your choice? Opinion in this newsgroup is that this
>would be pretty trivial. <<a twin smile to your smile>>

No thanks! Been there, done that, never did get a T-shirt though.

For me, the whole object of macros is to make repetitive tasks quicker
and easier to perform. To stop what I'm doing (working on the images)
and build a macro "on the fly" to apply to half a dozen images,
wouldn't really be conducive to saving me any time or effort.

I might however, make an exception to this rule in one particular
area. When building a web site, I may create a couple of macros "on the
fly", depending on how they're implemented. I can see where recording a
macro of certain things for saving with the web site files might come
in handy. For instance, a macro that included the font, size, style and
effects applied to some text would be handy to have later on down the
line should one ever wish to modify the page. Not so much as a tool to
automatically create new text, as a readable record of the settings
used to create the original. Sort of like an auto-notes writer for the
settings used.

Rick Simon

Rob Freundlich

Jan 17, 2001, 9:25:48 AM1/17/01
"Rick Simon" <> wrote in message

> Now lets try a different UI approach. Like placing assignable buttons
> on a toolbar.
> [snip]

> Constraints on how many buttons can be
> set up, or toolbar space available on the screen, etc.

User-creatable toolbars would help with this - I'd create a "Rob's Macros"
toolbar and make it visible when I wanted it and hide it when I didn't.

Another solution is custom keybaord shortcuts. I'd like this in general in
PSP (I'm constantly hitting "W" for Magic *W*and). I know all of the simple
shrotcuts are taken, but there are three modifier keys available (Ctrl,
Shift, Alt) in several combinations, and most of those are unused (are there
*any* Ctrl-Alt-Foo shortcuts in use?). I'd put my macros on some consistent
combination, like Ctrl-Alt-MeaningfulLetter, and that'd solve the problem
for me.

> Or perhaps an entirely different approach might be taken. The last two
> versions have made use of auto-opening approaches to solving UI
> problems (rollups and fly-outs).

Rollups I know (and don't particularly like). But where are fly-outs used
in PSP?

Rob Freundlich

Jan 17, 2001, 9:28:57 AM1/17/01
"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message

> For one key operation, write a macro to call the other two
> macros in a loop for all open images and bind it to a keyboard
> key of your choice? Opinion in this newsgroup is that this
> would be pretty trivial.

I don't know about trivial (although I suppose once a macro is created, it's
available like any other PSP command), but it'd definitely be useful to be
able to use a macro in another macro. Even if there's no looping (which is
definitely more complex than simple macros), writing a macro to call the
other two would solve Rick's problem (even if, as he says in his reply, he
doesn't like the solution, I know *I* would like it!). Having a keyboard
shortcut bound to the new macro would make it even better.

Bill Schnakenberg

Jan 17, 2001, 9:52:41 AM1/17/01
Rob Freundlich wrote:
> "Rick Simon" <> wrote in message
> news:902BCA6BErs...@
> > Now lets try a different UI approach. Like placing assignable buttons
> > on a toolbar.
> > [snip]
> > Constraints on how many buttons can be
> > set up, or toolbar space available on the screen, etc.
> User-creatable toolbars would help with this - I'd create a "Rob's Macros"
> toolbar and make it visible when I wanted it and hide it when I didn't.
> Another solution is custom keybaord shortcuts. I'd like this in general in
> PSP (I'm constantly hitting "W" for Magic *W*and). I know all of the simple
> shrotcuts are taken, but there are three modifier keys available (Ctrl,
> Shift, Alt) in several combinations, and most of those are unused (are there
> *any* Ctrl-Alt-Foo shortcuts in use?). I'd put my macros on some consistent
> combination, like Ctrl-Alt-MeaningfulLetter, and that'd solve the problem
> for me.

The following are taken:

Ctrl-Alt-N View - Normal viewing
Ctrl-Alt-R Rulers
Ctrl-Alt-G Grid
Ctrl-Alt-Z Edit Redo
Ctrl-Alt-V View mask

There may be others, but I don't want to experiment, lest my computer
blows up.

> > Or perhaps an entirely different approach might be taken. The last two
> > versions have made use of auto-opening approaches to solving UI
> > problems (rollups and fly-outs).
> Rollups I know (and don't particularly like). But where are fly-outs used
> in PSP?
> --
> Rob Freundlich
> "Males are biologically driven to go out and hunt giraffes." - Newt Gingrich
> "Some folks you don't have to satirize, you just quote em." - Tom Paxton


Angela M. Cable

Jan 17, 2001, 10:05:48 AM1/17/01
Kris Zaklika wrote:
> Tim Lister wrote:

> > at least one of the modern plugin writing packages has perlin noise as
> > a standard feature.
> Name it please - or are you trying to tell me something
> with that sig? :)

KPT5 ShapeShifter lists "Perlin Noise" as an option on one of the menus.

Angela M. Cable

PSP Tutorial Links:
5th Street Studio, free graphics, websets and more:
BladePro Visual Archive:

Chunk Kiesling

Jan 17, 2001, 10:23:28 AM1/17/01
Bill Schnakenberg wrote:

> Ctrl-E Alternate between Edit mode and drawing Mode

This doesn't work for me. I go into node edit, hit ctrl-E, no
change-still in node edit.

Ctrl-Q does work. I'd still like to be able to click away from the
object to quit the node edit.

Thanks Bill,


Chunk Kiesling

Jan 17, 2001, 10:30:37 AM1/17/01
Has anyone in this thread mentioned having toolbars broken down into
smaller toolbars grouped by similar functions? Also customized toolbars?

Chunk Kiesling

Rick Simon

Jan 17, 2001, 10:43:30 AM1/17/01
to (Rob Freundlich) wrote in

>"Rick Simon" <> wrote in message

>> Constraints on how many buttons can be
>> set up, or toolbar space available on the screen, etc.
>User-creatable toolbars would help with this - I'd create a "Rob's
>Macros" toolbar and make it visible when I wanted it and hide it
>when I didn't.

That would work, unless you want to hold 30+ macros on it. Then you
end up with a toolbar that is so large you start running out of screen
real estate, especially for those running at 800x600 resolution. Or, I
suppose one could create multiple toolbars, each with their own set of
macros, but then you'd have to remember just which toolbar you put a
particular macro on. And then there's always the problems associated
with naming the buttons on the toolbars legibly and in a manner that
will take into account large font setups. While I have no doubt Jasc
could easily design an optimum layout for me, or for you, or for any of
us individually, their real task is to design something that is
acceptable to all of their users, running lots of different setups, at
different resolutions and with differing levels of

>Another solution is custom keybaord shortcuts. I'd like this in
>general in PSP (I'm constantly hitting "W" for Magic *W*and). I
>know all of the simple shrotcuts are taken, but there are three
>modifier keys available (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) in several combinations,
>and most of those are unused (are there *any* Ctrl-Alt-Foo shortcuts
>in use?). I'd put my macros on some consistent combination, like
>Ctrl-Alt-MeaningfulLetter, and that'd solve the problem for me.

Again though, what happens if you have 30+ macros? You have that many
keys available? And can you remember which key calls up which macro?

>Rollups I know (and don't particularly like). But where are
>fly-outs used in PSP?

I was thinking of the fly-outs on the styles palette.

Rick Simon

Rick Simon

Jan 17, 2001, 11:00:04 AM1/17/01
to (Rob Freundlich) wrote in

>"Kris Zaklika" <> wrote in message
>> For one key operation, write a macro to call the other two
>> macros in a loop for all open images and bind it to a keyboard
>> key of your choice? Opinion in this newsgroup is that this
>> would be pretty trivial.
>I don't know about trivial (although I suppose once a macro is
>created, it's available like any other PSP command), but it'd
>definitely be useful to be able to use a macro in another macro.
>Even if there's no looping (which is definitely more complex than
>simple macros), writing a macro to call the other two would solve
>Rick's problem (even if, as he says in his reply, he doesn't like
>the solution, I know *I* would like it!). Having a keyboard
>shortcut bound to the new macro would make it even better.

Evidently I didn't make my point clear. My apologies for that. The
point that I didn't like was the thought of writing a new macro that
simply combined two other macros and was only to be used on six images
I had open at that particular point in time. A bit of overkill in my
opinion. Writing a macro to do a simple and one time only job, then in
essence throw it away? Would it not be simpler and faster to simply
apply the original two macros to each image? Rather than call up the
macro editor, create the new (albeit short) macro, assumably save it so
that it is available to PSP, then call up that macro, apply it to the
six images, then go back and delete that macro to keep from acquiring
hundreds of one-time-only macros over time and the housekeeping
problems that can entail?

Or were you more envisioning a way to call up a macro editor, create a
macro and temporarily store it in memory for use without saving it as a
regular macro? That would save some steps, but I'm still not sure it
would save anything over simply using the two separate macros to begin

Obviously, if macros are within the command structure of PSP, then
they should be callable from within another macro, just like any other

Rick Simon

Kris Zaklika

Jan 17, 2001, 11:52:50 AM1/17/01
Rick Simon wrote:

> Rather than call up the
> macro editor, create the new (albeit short) macro, assumably save it so
> that it is available to PSP, then call up that macro, apply it to the
> six images, then go back and delete that macro to keep from acquiring
> hundreds of one-time-only macros over time and the housekeeping
> problems that can entail?

<tongue in cheek>
But you could collect macros just like tubes, shapes and plugins
are collected, and share them with your friends. If you lost
track of what macro was what, it would only be another variant
of the randomizer that people are requesting.
</tongue in cheek>

Kris Zaklika

Jan 17, 2001, 11:55:18 AM1/17/01
to Rob Freundlich
Rob Freundlich wrote:
> I know all of the simple
> shrotcuts are taken, but there are three modifier keys available (Ctrl,
> Shift, Alt) in several combinations, and most of those are unused (are there
> *any* Ctrl-Alt-Foo shortcuts in use?). I'd put my macros on some consistent
> combination, like Ctrl-Alt-MeaningfulLetter, and that'd solve the problem
> for me.

You could also consider, for instance, Left-shift having a
different meaning from Right-Shift, which would give you many
more combinations. I doubt my brain could handle it though. :)

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