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Third time I asked: Lee Harvey Oswald font

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Gibson Vendettuoli

Feb 26, 2005, 8:42:01 PM2/26/05
I'm asking yet again for a font that types in the handwriting of Lee
Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President John F. Kennedy. I already
went to the Killer Fonts place and it's not on the order form. If no
one has it, can someone make a .ttf one and e-mail it to me as a zip


Feb 26, 2005, 9:11:08 PM2/26/05
Gibson Vendettuoli wrote:

The name of the font is
Oswald Consipiracy

BTW - This is a text-only group, so no attachments can be posted here.
It's also very unlikely (but not impossible) that anyone would send an
e-mail. Fonts can be posted in alt.binaries.fonts.

- Character

Gibson Vendettuoli

Feb 26, 2005, 10:07:37 PM2/26/05
A) I said I already went there.
B) It's not on the order form.
C) I said you could e-mail it to me. Nothing about a newsgroup.

Dick Margulis

Feb 27, 2005, 6:43:51 AM2/27/05

Gibson Vendettuoli wrote:

Why the sense of entitlement, GV? Do you think people hang out here just
to serve your desires? Learn something about the mores of this
subculture before attempting to turn it into your personal service

First, only rarely do people here send fonts by email. Comp.fonts is a
discussion group in which people exchange information about fonts, not
the fonts themselves. Alt.binaries.fonts is a group in which people
often post fonts for others to download. Because much of this activity
is of questionable legality, people do so from anonymous accounts and
they, again, do not generally email fonts directly to individuals. I
imagine the reason for this reticence is that they think those
individuals might be shills for font companies trying to entrap them. Or
it might just be because Usenet etiquette discourages private side
conversations; these are public fora, after all.

Second, nobody here gets paid. People generously help each other out in
response to polite requests. If someone posts partial information that
turns out not to be useful to you, the polite thing to do is thank them
for the effort, not harangue them for their error. We can't all be right
all the time. Character is right most of the time and made an effort to
help you out; and the possibility exists that he or she posted correct
information and your difficulty in following the link is based in your
own impatience.

Third, your request is pretty weird anyway. Imagine how it sounds to
have some petulant person asking for the capability to write letters in
the handwriting of an assassin. What could be the purpose to which this
capability will be put? We can only wonder if you plan to forge some
sort of "evidence" to support a whacked-out conspiracy theory about the
Kennedy assassination or if you plan to write threatening letters to a
sitting head of state. So even if someone does have the font you
requested, I suspect some people would be reticent to share it without
knowing more about your project. In fact, it may well be the case that
the site Character pointed you to once had the font posted and then
withdrew it in response to legal concerns; I have no idea whether or not
that's the case; but it is one plausible explanation for your difficulty
in getting the font.

Fourth, as long as you persist in annoying us, you might at least follow
some of the basic conventions of the group: Do NOT change subject lines
without using the "(was ...)" convention. DO quote at least the relevant
portions of the post you are responding to. Following these conventions
helps ensure that others who might be inclined to help you can at least
tell what it is you are talking about.

I hope the rest of your day gets better,


Gibson Vendettuoli

Feb 27, 2005, 8:56:03 AM2/27/05
Listen, man, I would try to be polite, but this is seriously urgent!!!
I need it for a book I'm working on, sections of which are about Lee
Harvey Oswald. Since I didn't have clearance to use actual things he
wrote, I figured I'd put together "printed reconstructions." Somebody
please let me know.

Dick Margulis

Feb 27, 2005, 8:57:56 AM2/27/05

Gibson Vendettuoli wrote:
> Listen, man, I would try to be polite, but this is seriously urgent!!!

Try harder.


Feb 27, 2005, 11:24:22 AM2/27/05
Dick Margulis wrote:
.. a nice essay ...

All of your comments went through my head when I saw his/her response. I
decided to just ignore it and leave him to his own devices.

From the writing style in his response to you, I hate to think about
the tenor of the book he's claiming to write.

(BTW - the link I posted is active and shows the font - at least it did
yesterday - but it DOES appear to be an "orphan" page with no links to
it from elsewhere on killerfonts' site, and clicking on the "order now"
brings you to the order form, where it isn't listed)

- Character

Andreas Höfeld

Feb 27, 2005, 12:07:34 PM2/27/05
Also sprach/Thus spake Gibson Vendettuoli:

> Listen, man, I would try to be polite, but this is seriously urgent!!!

mh ... wrong answer, I'm afraid. But you have already received
enough information to serve yourself.


Tim Murray

Feb 27, 2005, 10:31:31 PM2/27/05
On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 22:07:37 -0500, Gibson Vendettuoli wrote:
> A) I said I already went there.
> B) It's not on the order form.

Send an e-mail to the site owner.


Mar 1, 2005, 3:26:54 AM3/1/05
Tim Murray <> wrote in message news:<>...

>I'll make you a font if you're willing to pay for it.

Gibson Vendettuoli

Mar 1, 2005, 2:47:19 PM3/1/05
@ Tim Murray: I've sent e-mails twice now, they both bounced back.


Mar 2, 2005, 2:17:11 AM3/2/05
On 27 Feb 2005 05:56:03 -0800, "Gibson Vendettuoli"
<> wrote:

Send an email to the site owners. Back in 1997 they were selling it
for about $5. Ask politely and explain why you want it and maybe
they'll de-mothball it. I think they got flack from people offended by
what they saw as glorification of Charles Manson, Dahmer, etc.
(Probably that's why Emigre renamed their "Manson" font to "Mason".)

Alternatively, If you have samples of Oswald's handwriting, get
FontLab's Scanfont. You can make a serviceable font from a scan in 20

But in a non-fiction book, faking handwritten text seems suspect
practice. Look what happened to Dan Rather; the facts were all true
but because they illustrated them with poorly faked documents, the
original point was lost and we got 4 more years.

Gibson Vendettuoli

Mar 2, 2005, 2:26:25 PM3/2/05
It's not a non-fiction book; in fact, it's about a fictional detective
trying to work the case and discovering evidence of a conspiracy that
he is asked to cover up.

The theory I chose to portray was an odd idea: a combo of the Corsican
connection/James Files threads, which isn't as easy to pull off as it

Either way, I'd still like the font. I'm desperate enough to try
Scanfont. Got a free copy you can lay on me, mate? I'm seriously skint
for cash.



Mar 2, 2005, 6:52:08 PM3/2/05
Gibson Vendettuoli wrote:

You were advised long ago to ask in alt.binaries.fonts. Here's part of
my original response, which you rudely responded to while ignoring its
useful information:

This is a text-only group, so no attachments can be posted here. It's
also very unlikely (but not impossible) that anyone would send an
e-mail. Fonts can be posted in alt.binaries.fonts.

It's possible that someone there has NOT seen this thread and will
satisfy your request. Just keep it simple and ask for the specific font.

- Character

Gibson Vendettuoli

Mar 2, 2005, 8:04:25 PM3/2/05
I can't reach alt.binaries.fonts through Google Groups, it's the only
news server I use. Listen, I'm sorry for the way I went about asking
it, but I seriously need it. Could somebody nice please ask for me?
It's not hard. As I said to Tim and now to Alan, I've been trying to be
courteous, but I've made several tries now and no luck.

The e-mails bounced. I just seriously need help. Somebody please either
find time grudgingly or choose to use the kindness of their heart and
help me achieve this.



Mar 2, 2005, 8:08:14 PM3/2/05
Gibson Vendettuoli wrote:

Your ISP appears to be COX. They have a newsserver that's free for your
use. Three, in fact - one each for east, west, and central (you may be
able to access all of them or just the one in your area).

- Character


Mar 3, 2005, 12:52:41 AM3/3/05

I suspect Gibson is new to newsgroups.
See <>

Anyway; I don't personally have a copy of that font, or recall seeing
it posted.

Dick Margulis

Mar 3, 2005, 5:56:56 AM3/3/05

Alan wrote:

He followed through in a.b.f and received his font in one try.

Tim Murray

Mar 4, 2005, 12:26:08 AM3/4/05
> @ Tim Murray: I've sent e-mails twice now, they both bounced back.

Yes, I did too. I even sent one to the Web designer asking how to get ahold
of the guy. No response. Not a way to sell product, huh?


Mar 5, 2005, 2:45:48 PM3/5/05
'Piss Poor Prior Planning' on your part is *not* a valid cause for *any* of
us to go into "emergency mode."

As Dick Margulis and others have mentioned, you have no basis of
"entitlement" in this group.

"Gibson Vendettuoli" <> wrote in message

> Listen, man, I would try to be polite, but this is seriously urgent!!!

> I need it for a book I'm working on, <Snip>

Dick Margulis

Mar 5, 2005, 2:57:40 PM3/5/05

RSD99 wrote:

He already repented and asked more or less politely in a.b.f, as
Character suggested.


Mar 5, 2005, 3:14:31 PM3/5/05
Dick Margulis wrote:

> He already repented and asked more or less politely in a.b.f, as
> Character suggested.

And got his font, and hasn't been heard from since. But then, Santa
Claus seldom gets thanked.

- Character


Mar 8, 2005, 5:46:02 PM3/8/05
I have now noticed that ... and please excuse my posting.

"Dick Margulis" <> wrote in message

May 24, 2005, 4:15:18 PM5/24/05
Character wrote:

i thank santa claus with pot brownies and 40 oz. bottles of Crazy Horse.
last xmas i got a ferrari.


Sep 21, 2020, 6:12:15 AM9/21/20
Did you ever find the font?


Dec 30, 2020, 12:54:39 AM12/30/20
Siemreaper <> wrote in news:0809bc9b-84dd-44e5-9da9-

> Did you ever find the font?

Try alt.binaries,fonts
Someone might be able to help you there


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