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Trivial Question

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Vivek Gupta

May 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/11/99

I have one question. My apartment manager says that the phone jack
(one) in my apartment is capable of handling 2 phone numbers... i.e. I
can have 2 seperate phones with 2 seperate number coming out of that
single phone plug.....

I am not sure whether she is right or wrong.... Is it possible ?
Please help....


Thanks in advance,


Doug McIntyre

May 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/12/99
Vivek Gupta <> writes:
> I have one question. My apartment manager says that the phone jack
>(one) in my apartment is capable of handling 2 phone numbers... i.e. I
>can have 2 seperate phones with 2 seperate number coming out of that
>single phone plug.....

> I am not sure whether she is right or wrong.... Is it possible ?
>Please help....

Most often, they run at least two pair (or three pair) cable up to
each apartment. The jack is probably wired with the first pair on the
inner two pins. The second pair is wired on the outer two pins after that.

There are some phones that are two line and use this arangement
automaticly. Otherwise, you just need to have a splitter box of some
kind that will have two jacks that you can plug phones into.

Doug McIntyre
Network Engineer/Tech Support/Jack of All Trades of Vector Internet
Due to circumstances beyond your control, you are master of your fate
and captain of your soul.


May 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/12/99
Most newer phone lines have the green and red wires for one telephone
line, and the black and yellow wires for another line. I happen to
live in an older building that has a weird three wire cable, with no
black wire. So I can only have a single line.

Vivek Gupta wrote:

> Hi

> I have one question. My apartment manager says that the phone jack
> (one) in my apartment is capable of handling 2 phone numbers... i.e. I
> can have 2 seperate phones with 2 seperate number coming out of that
> single phone plug.....

> I am not sure whether she is right or wrong.... Is it possible ?
> Please help....

> Regards,
> Thanks in advance,
> Vivek

Gary Steed

May 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM5/13/99
Vivek Gupta wrote:
> Hi
> I have one question. My apartment manager says that the phone jack
> (one) in my apartment is capable of handling 2 phone numbers... i.e. I
> can have 2 seperate phones with 2 seperate number coming out of that
> single phone plug.....
> I am not sure whether she is right or wrong.... Is it possible ?
> Please help....

As others have said, yes it is possible and likely to have at
least 2 pairs. The last apartment I was in actually had a 25
pair cable that looped through at least 8 apartments. I had
an additional line turned on and the installer just toned out
an unused pair and crimped a pigtail on it to the wall jack. I
thought it was interesting that everyone elses lines came
through my apartment. If someone was nosey they could listen
to anyones phone calls.

Gary Steed

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