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Last Laugh! Noms de Guerre

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julian macassey

Feb 7, 1990, 2:30:13 PM2/7/90

In article <>, SKASS@beta writes:

> julian macassey <jul...@bongo.uucp> writes:

> > If you really think that you are so wonderful that the great
> > unwashed should not be able to call you, there is a cheap and useful
> > solution: List your phone under a nom de guerre. Yes, just tell the
> > telco that you want the name in the phone book to be Ivan Boesky or
> > Jim Bakker.

> Seriously, will the telco do this for you?

Yes, the telco does this for me on a residential line. It does
it for my girlfriend who has a residential line. Some "Nom de Guerres"
are creative and some are dreary and unimaginative things like
mother's maiden name. I personally use the name of an obscure African
dictator. And worse is yet to come, see below:

In article <>, rtech!llama.rtech.UUCP!
(Jim Shankland) writes:

> Two such entries from the San Francisco white pages (last name first
> for both):

> Wheldone Rumproast IV
> Wong Numba

In the 818 area code (La Canada neighborhood) phone book are
the folowing entries (last name first for both):

Black Jesus
White Jesus

Yup, they are listed so if you don't believe me, you can call
information -:)


Julian Macassey, n6are {ucla-an!denwa!bongo!julian
N6ARE@K6IYK (Packet Radio) [] voice (213) 653-4495

Leonard P Levine

Feb 8, 1990, 5:17:31 PM2/8/90

From article <>, by jul...@bongo.uucp (julian macassey):

>> Wheldone Rumproast IV
>> Wong Numba

> Black Jesus
> White Jesus

> Yup, they are listed so if you don't believe me, you can call
> information -:)

For years we had our phone listed under our cat's name, Mehitabel

We got mail for her, a playboy card, and many phone calls. When she
was called, we would always say that Mehitable was out on the lawn,
chasing mice.

+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
| Leonard P. Levine e-mail |
| Professor, Computer Science Office (414) 229-5170 |
| University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Home (414) 962-4719 |
| Milwaukee, WI 53201 U.S.A. FAX (414) 229-6958 |
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

Bryan Stearns

Feb 8, 1990, 6:39:17 PM2/8/90

I used to be listed under my name spelled backwards ("Snraets,
Nayrb"), but when I moved, the friendly phone company folks refused to
let me keep such a "frivolous" listing. So I asked to speak to a
supervisor, who refused to let me keep such a "frivolous" listing. So
I called the CPUC, who said that they don't have jurisdiction over the
white pages, and the phone company can refuse any listing they don't

Bryan Stearns Apple Computer, Inc.
Macintosh Finder Group 10500 North DeAnza Blvd, M/S 27-AJ Cupertino, CA 95014
{nsc,sun,ucbvax!mtxinu}!apple!stearns "Laugh while you can, monkey boy!"

Travis Lee Winfrey

Feb 8, 1990, 10:17:45 PM2/8/90

In article <> you write:

>He pointed out that if/when anyone comes to his door asking for that
>person, its an immediate tip-off the visitor is up to no good. (wink!
>wink! smirk!). He says he has been able to avoid Haines since 1971.

Who or what is "Haines"??

Arpa: Usenet: rutgers!columbia!travis

[Moderator's Note: 'Haines' is the Haines Directory Company, a/k/a the
'criss-cross book'. Haines, along with other similar publishers such
as Dressler's, R.L. Polk, Donnelly, and the City Publishing Company of
Independence, KS publishes cross reference directories which are just
telephone books arranged in street number order or telephone number
order rather than alphabetical. So walking down the street, I wonder
who lives in that nice house next door....the local criss-cross book
'addressokey' section tells me that 1234 Any Street is occupied by the
Smith family, and the phone number is 123-4567. Or, I have a message
to call Mr. Smith at the number 123-4567. I never heard of him; who is
he? Before I call, I consult the 'telokey' portion of the criss-cross:
123-4567 is listed as the Smith Collection Agency, 1234 Any Street.

Very useful books, the criss-cross directories, although I don't like
being listed in them myself.... :) PT]

David Lesher

Feb 10, 1990, 12:18:33 AM2/10/90

>>Who or what is "Haines"??

>[Moderator's Note: 'Haines' is the Haines Directory Company, a/k/a the
>'criss-cross book'...

>Very useful books, the criss-cross directories, although I don't like
>being listed in them myself.... :) PT]

Gee, Patrick, as a bill collector I thought you would LOVE Haines, not
try to subvert it..

I have several cures to the problem. The first is a non_pub
*address*. I have yet to be charged extra for this service by any
(BOC or IOC) company. With such, the upside_down books seem to ignore
me, even in the number section. The second is of course the old alias
question. For many years I was listed as Ernst Stavro Blofelt. Prior
to that, I used Bela Oknyx. My current one? Well, let's say that's
left as an exercise for the student... If you do find out, enjoy it.

A host is a host & from coast to
no one will talk to a host that's close..............(305) 255-RTFM
Unless the host (that isn't close)......................pob 570-335
is busy, hung or dead....................................33257-0335

John Higdon

Feb 11, 1990, 6:58:48 AM2/11/90

David Lesher <> writes:

> I have several cures to the problem. The first is a non_pub
> *address*. I have yet to be charged extra for this service by any
> (BOC or IOC) company. With such, the upside_down books seem to ignore
> me, even in the number section.

Not only the upside down books seem to ignore me with no address
listed, but so do the "neighborhood" books published by GTE and
others. The Willow Glen/South San Jose Neighborhood Phone Book has
never had my name in it, yet I live squarely in the area covered by
the publication and have for twenty-two years with a listed telephone.
I have never been charged for the lack of address in the listing, nor
for any of the unlisted numbers at my residence.

John Higdon | P. O. Box 7648 | +1 408 723 1395 | San Jose, CA 95150 | M o o !

Dolf Grunbauer

Feb 14, 1990, 8:23:18 PM2/14/90
Apparently they are not so strict in the Netherlands concerning names in
telephone directories. In any city with an university you can find the
most wonderful names listed under the students homes, such as (for

beuckingham palace (note: a `beuk' is a tree and the house happens to
be at the beukenlaan), breakfast at noon, crequeouaqueouo, draai's 4 5
4 7 6 3 (meaning `dail 454763' and yes that's there telephone number),
dry martini shake dont stire, he een jongen aan het ontbijt (he, there
is a boy at breakfast), het huis van mevr. roelofs (the home of mw
roelofs, that is a real nice one to ask the telephone operator :-),
langs 219 (meaning: next door to 219, as they live at 217), langs 217
(the neighboors of the previous one), oedipuscomptex, oh oh seven (as
they live in the bondstreet), om 7 uur wordt gegeten (breakfast/dinner
at 7), pink and icecream, probeer morgen nog eens (try again
tomorrow), we hadden graag een katje (we would like to have a kitten),
the white house, wenementochnietop (wedon'tanswerthephone),
xguppoekopperaftottoptbot, 42 b or not 2 b (as there house number is

Dolf Grunbauer Tel: +31 55 433233 Internet
Philips Telecommunication and Data Systems UUCP ....!mcvax!philapd!dolf
Dept. SSP, P.O. Box 245, 7300 AE Apeldoorn, The Netherlands n n n
It's a pity my .signature is too small to show you my solution of a + b = c

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