> Now that the new V.90 modem standard is out, do we have to wait for our ISP
> to upgrade his end?
Basically, yes. Unless your modem and his both support K56flex or both support
X2 (but that's not really a V.90 question).
> If I am now using X2 and upgrade to V.90 before my ISP does, how will my
> connect speeds be effected? In the same vain, what if my ISP upgrades first?
They might improve, although apparently some folks who have already bought V.90
modems are reporting that things don't work as well as they used to (I'd
encourage you to find and read those threads). If this is true it certainly
wouldn't be by design.
# __ __ Eric Ewanco
# IC | XC e...@world.std.com
# ---+--- http://www.wp.com/Eric_Ewanco
# NI | KA Framingham, MA; USA
>Now that the new V.90 modem standard is out, do we have to wait for our ISP
>to upgrade his end?
>If I am now using X2 and upgrade to V.90 before my ISP
>does, how will my connect speeds be effected?
Hopefully not at all, but you might well have problems if the client code
is unstable. I strongly advise NOT upgrading until there is a good reason
to do so. "If it's not broke, don't fix it!"
>In the same vain, what if my
>ISP upgrades first?
Hopefully not at all, but you might have problems if the server code is
unstable. Pray that your ISP proceeds with great caution.
For that matter you might well have problems with V.90 at both ends of the
Best regards,
John mailto:JNa...@NavasGrp.Dublin.CA.US http://www.aimnet.com/~jnavas/
28800-56K Modem FAQ: http://www.aimnet.com/~jnavas/modem/faq.html
>On Sat, 28 Feb 1998 17:12:25 GMT, Use...@NavasGrp.Dublin.CA.US (John
>Navas) wrote:
>>[POSTED TO comp.dcom.modems]
>>"Ted Huf" <th...@steelcity.net> wrote:
>>>Now that the new V.90 modem standard is out, do we have to wait for our ISP
>>>to upgrade his end?
>>>If I am now using X2 and upgrade to V.90 before my ISP
>>>does, how will my connect speeds be effected?
>>Hopefully not at all, but you might well have problems if the client code
>>is unstable. I strongly advise NOT upgrading until there is a good reason
>>to do so. "If it's not broke, don't fix it!"
>John, why are you telling so? Because most X.2 modem are flash-modems,
>I would like to give it a try. It is possible, that a new X.2 code has
>a last trick in it, so the connection CAN be better.
>So if it's a flashable modem, and you have the 20 minutes to gamble
>around: Flash the new code, give it a try. It it is better or same
>quality, go that way. If you loose quality, reflash the old code.
>Specially in the "PCM"-modulations, there are sooooo many things,
>which can change the quality of connection, that _nobody_ can say that
>it will - or will not - something, for that specific(!) connection
>from THIS user to THAT host.
Unless you actually have an option to flash back to older firmware (which
was not provided on Sportster x2 modem updates), you could be stuck with
firmware that does not work as well.
As for x2 improvements, I think it's safe to assume that USR has been
putting all its energy into V.90, not x2, and that V.90 will soon be
touted as the fix for any/all x2 problems. (Likewise the K56 camp.)
> Unless you actually have an option to flash back to older firmware (which
> was not provided on Sportster x2 modem updates), you could be stuck with
> firmware that does not work as well.
Plus there's always the small possibility of "bricking" the modem due to
a failed flash. That happened recently with one Sportster model. I was
flashing my Courier recently only to have the power brownout a couple
minutes after it finished. Was I breathing a sigh of relief! That was
the incentive for me to finally get a UPS. :)
> As for x2 improvements, I think it's safe to assume that USR has been
> putting all its energy into V.90, not x2, and that V.90 will soon be
> touted as the fix for any/all x2 problems. (Likewise the K56 camp.)
I think those are safe assumptions too.