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Re: Printing USB to Parallel

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Jan 14, 2016, 5:36:51 AM1/14/16
On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 05:30:36 -0500, Micky <>

>I've been printing so many test sheets, I'm going to run out of black
>ink, but I have an old monocolor laser printer that only has a
>parallel port. (and it's not as black as it used to be which the
>manual says is a serious problem.)

I also bought a DB25F/RJ-45,Modular Adaptor

I know that having the right cable doesn't mean something will work.
I once tried plugging the toaster into the kitchen faucet and that
didn't work at all.

Using this would mean plug it into the router and creating a node? for
it. Any chance that would work to print from a router to a parallel
port printer?

>I also recently bought a USB to Parallel(CN36 Male / IEEE1284)
>Converter Cable - 6ft
>Any chance I can under XP or Vista or 7 print to my parallel port
>printer with this cable?

David H. Lipman

Jan 14, 2016, 10:43:19 AM1/14/16
From: "Micky" <>

> On Thu, 14 Jan 2016 05:30:36 -0500, Micky <>
> wrote:
>> I've been printing so many test sheets, I'm going to run out of black
>> ink, but I have an old monocolor laser printer that only has a
>> parallel port. (and it's not as black as it used to be which the
>> manual says is a serious problem.)
> I also bought a DB25F/RJ-45,Modular Adaptor

That will not work. Man you are all over the place !

You will need on of the following...
a USB to Centronics cable Ex: Belkin F5002
a USB Port Replicator that includes a Parallel Port Ex: TrendNet Tu2-ET200
a Print Server such as a HP JetDirect 300X so yoy can print over TCP/IP
a PCI or PCI-X card with a parallel port
a BlueTooth to Centronics Print Server such as the Premiertek BT-0260-V2
( I use a MPI Tech G10089 BT Print Server )

What gets me is that you won't even supply the make and model of the old
laser printer or the make and model of the computer you are trying to print
from. But you'll include; alt.comp.networking.routers in the query where
this subject matter is Off Topic.

There are so many solutions but you won't give details to narrow it down.

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