If I may ask, is this method of implementing RI for Exclusive Subtypes
one of your original concepts (like the Nested Sets), or is it someone
else's or general practice or whatever ?
Much to contemplate here! Is there a reference on the web or book that
fleshes this concept out? Thanks much.
To be clear, I am totally for:
- correct Normalisation, which results in Subtypes
- and certainly a hierarchy, if that is what the exercise produces in
any given situation.
- No Nullable columns, especially not FKs.
- simplicity, which is a classic result of the formal process.
- No "hiding", such that the model is plainly exposed in the catalogue
Credit for the concept or notion of Subtypes goes to Codd & Date; for
the theoretical modelling, to Codd and Chen; and for practical
modelling or implementation specifics, to R Brown.
I appreciate that SQL does not have formal support for Subtypes, as it
does for eg. Declarative Referential Integrity, Foreign Keys (and even
that was added years afterward). Which leads people to
implementations such as this.
This method does have a bit of processing, and of hiding that behind
Views, though.
My question was specifically regarding the method, of implementing RI
for Subtypes. Who deserves credit for this technique ? (I am not
suggesting plagiary here.) When I present this method to others, I
would like to give due credit the original author, as we do when we
discuss Joe's Nested Sets.
> Is there a reference on the web or book that
> fleshes this concept out? Thanks much.
(I assume you mean the concept of Subtypes, since Joe has provided the
subtype RI method in fair detail.)
Well, no. Anyone with a keyboard can "publish" these days. The web
is full of shallow information and misinformation; one has to dig deep
through that morass to find nuggets of truth, and to do that one has
to be able to discriminate between the two, which is not possible for
the seeker. Also, there are many related issues within the one
science; one aspect cannot be excised, held up, and inspected in
isolation from the other aspects (which is the common problem
afflicting any technical discussion on the web). All you need is a
good text book and some formal study. Or work with a mentor over a
period of time.
Subtypes have been with us since the 1980's, when the RM was first
available in product form, and I and many others have used them since
Thanks for the response.
What a relief.
The flattery is real, for your *other* work, and I had difficulty
accepting that the same person presented this work.
This "class hierarchy model" is one of the most idiotic things I have
seen in my 34 years in databases.
1. The method of implementing RI for Subtypes. This:
> UNIQUE (vin, vehicle_type),
> UNIQUE (vin, vehicle_type),
> UNIQUE (vin, vehicle_type),
a. basically doubles the number of indices in the relevant tables, and
that has a substantial overhead.
b. requires vehicle_type to be carried in the subtypes, which AFAIC is
completely redundant (in SUVs, we know all the rows are SUV, why carry
a column in which every value will be "SUV").
c. I am not entirely against concept of de-normalisation, but that
assumes prior normalisation, and has a specific purpose. Whereas this
is un-normalised: vehicle_type is 1::1 with vin, and belongs in
Vehicles, once.
d. it is indirect, and subverts the normal or direct method of
identifying the relation in the two subtypes, which would normally be:
REFERENCES Vehicles(vin)
e. introduces complexity and processing; views; instead-of triggers,
etc. I would rather the database remain open as possible, without
such complications for use. Particularly when such nonsense is
completely unnecessary.
> Now start hiding all this stuff in VIEWs immediately and add an
> INSTEAD OF trigger to those VIEWs.
f. Of course vin is unique, therefore adding anything to vin will be
unique. As I understand it, the three added UNIQUE constraints are
merely (or heavily) for the purpose of checking the Subtype is legal,
that it exists in the parent with the proper Discriminator value. In
that case, Why not use normal SQL capabilities (yes, we know there is
not DRI for this) which provide that particular form of RI, *without*:
- one additional redundant column in every subtype
- one additional redundant index in every table (subtypes plus
parent). Note the additional processing load
- complexity
- Views to "hide" the complexity
- Instead-Of triggers
I saw this insanity (posted method) in a database last year, and
ripped it out, in part permitting the database to run about 20 times
(2000%) faster, with no loss of capability. I say "in part" because I
removed a couple of other tumours in the same exercise, therefore I
cannot say for certain exactly how much this tumour contributed to the
negative 2000%. The developer who implemented it (and fancied himself
"modeller" and "DBA") had been reading too much Ambler and Fowler;
(who are famously clueless re the RM or databases; perfect examples of
Maslow's Hammer). The company required a Relational Database, he
created a scratch pad for his app, not a database.
He is still coming to terms with the concept that in the Relational
Database world, we never need to "refactor". First the snake oil
salesmen sell you the cancer, then they sell you the relief. RDB
types do not buy either one.
> I can continue to build a hierarchy like this ...
In which case the doubled indices; subversion; duplicated column; and
complexity will continue down the hierarchy. At each level of the
hierarchy, one more column needs to be duplicated, and it will always
contain one value: SUVs contain a column containing "SUV" only;
TwoDoors contain a column containing "SED" only, *and* a column
containing "2DR" only.
To be clear, I agree with:
- the concept of the hierarchy (the Subtypes may well have subtypes)
- the value of ensuring the integrity of Subtypes
I disagree with the implementation method.
2. The case of Sedans and TwoDoor.
(Staying with the posted method.) I do not believe it is a good idea
to mix vehicle_type {SED|SUV}, with sedan_type, they are two separate
Things. We already know it is a sedan because it is in the Sedans
table, likewise, every row in TwoDoor is a two-door sedan (not an
SUV). A hierarchy, which I agree with, would be:
sedan_type CHAR(3) DEFAULT '2DR' NOT NULL
CHECK (sedan_type IN ('2DR', '4DR') ),
REFERENCES Vehicles(vin)
CONSTRAINT Sedan_Excl_ck
REFERENCES Sedans(vin)
CONSTRAINT 2dr_Excl_ck
As the the model progresses, VehicleType and SedanType will be
Normalised into separate Entities, and Vehicle and Sedan
(respectively) will have Foreign Key References to them.
3. And finally:
> If an entity doesn't have to be exclusively one subtype, you play with
> the root of the class hierarchy:
If the Subtypes are Non-Exclusive, simply exclude the CHECK
4. Class Definitions
Now that the db has first been modelled (separately, as data, using
rules for modelling data) the object definitions (which are separate
as process, and use the data/database) are pedestrian.
The posted method of implementing RI for Subtypes is completely and
utterly without merit in any "database" (this is c.d.t.). I would
respectfully suggest that you apply RDB fundamentals to the cute ideas
of others, such as "class hierarchy model", and test their validity,
before posting. Otherwise you run the risk of harming your
reputation. Due to your standing, your post, your making them
popular, lends a certain credibility to these otherwise in-credible
and absurd concepts. When they get punctured (any of the RDB types on
this forum can puncture them, I just happen to be the first in this
instance), your credibility suffers along with it, and that is not my
5. Nested Sets
> I did not invent Nesteds Sets
That is a relief as well. Now I can correct my colleagues, who
presented that hilarious concept to me as yours. Who do we credit for
providing us with such a source of laughter ?