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PLS-00907: cannot load library unit

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Raamsdonk J. van

Mar 7, 2001, 5:56:08 AM3/7/01
Hi all,

I am migrating an Oracle DB from v7.3.4.4 to v8.1.6.2 on AIX4.3.3.
Procedures and functions that use database links to a v7-database yield
"PLS-00907: cannot load library unit" when I try to recompile them. With
this are mentioned the objects that are supposed to be granted over the
dblink (the "library units").

Whatever I try to do (drop and remake the dblink, create new synonyms,
grants on everything which is referenced in the invalid object), nothing

Metalink has only a terse acknowledgement of this problem and offers a
bogus solution ("Provide the needed library unit" - doh!).

Anyone has experience with this?

Jos van Raamsdonk (
Centraal Boekhuis BV

Sybrand Bakker

Mar 7, 2001, 4:01:39 PM3/7/01

"Raamsdonk J. van" <> wrote in message

I believe in many cases it is better not to use database links inside your
pl/sql but instead create the whole procedure remotely and run it remotely.
Shouldn't the problem disappear when you have upgraded all of your


Sybrand Bakker, Oracle DBA

William Bailey

Mar 7, 2001, 8:26:37 PM3/7/01
There is a bug open on this issue, I think ... if memory serves, the problem
was caused by incorrect interpretation of permissions across a database link
... and the solution had to do with granting additional permissions to the
database link user (on a referenced object ... I believe in the case I was
remembering, it was a sequence) and then flushing the shared pool one or
both of the databases. Sorry I can't remember more, but its been a while ...
also, is now available for most platforms (including AIX I think) so
you might consider applying it ... the bug may be fixed in that version.

"Sybrand Bakker" <> wrote in message

Raamsdonk J. van

Mar 8, 2001, 4:51:04 AM3/8/01
Thanks William - flushing the shared pools on both db's helped a bit
(another 10 functions validated - 42 left to do). Sybrands'suggestion to
wait until all db's are the same version is a bit unpractical here -
with the time in mind that it takes to do just one db, the migrating of
two at the same time would be too risky in case something unforeseen
crops up (which is always as Murphy clearly states). There are around
160000 stored objects in the two related db's combined...

Anyway, I will give Oracle a call and open a new TAR. In the meantime,
if there are more suggestions, I will gladly contemplate them!

Thanks guys,


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: William Bailey []
Gepost om: donderdag 8 maart 2001 2:27
Gepost naar: misc
Discussie: PLS-00907: cannot load library unit
Onderwerp: Re: PLS-00907: cannot load library unit

Raamsdonk J. van

Mar 8, 2001, 5:44:01 AM3/8/01
After my last response, I contacted OTS. It's a registered bug
(#1639327) and there's a new TAR concerning this (#492365.55). This bug
only seems to affect updates *to* v8.1.6.% and it now has severity 1 at
Oracle Development. OTS advised me to wait for a patch to solve this.


Jos van Raamsdonk.

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