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Help with remote access to X (Ingres 11.2)

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Roy Hann

Apr 12, 2022, 7:52:55 AM4/12/22
I am having no joy getting a remote connection to 11.2.

I've installed 11.2 on a Linux box and a Windows box. I've tried
automatic installs and manual installs.

Ingres is up and running. I can ping the host. But I cannot get a
connection. Testing within Netutil I get this and no more:

| The connection to database 'nixbox::sandbox' has failed. |
| |
| E_GC000B_RMT_LOGIN_FAIL Login failure: invalid username/password. |

I will admit I've only skimmed the 11.2 Connectivity Guide. Nothing
leapt out at me. I'm hoping someone will save me the trouble of
laboriously studying it...



Apr 12, 2022, 4:03:59 PM4/12/22
I remember hitting something like that and it was because of the characterset of the client and Ingres being different.
The client was sending UTF and Ingres was setup with Greek,so the characters of username/password despite being in English were being mangled.
After setting the correct character set (Greek) on the connection string everything was fine.

In your case is there a case between multibyte and single byte encodings?

Vaclav Dohnal

Apr 13, 2022, 2:20:22 AM4/13/22
Dne úterý 12. dubna 2022 v 13:52:55 UTC+2 uživatel Roy Hann napsal:
I think you have the dbms authentication turned ON. Check the cbf - dbms server - dbms_authentication. You have to restart the installation if you change it.


G Jones

Apr 13, 2022, 2:36:18 AM4/13/22
At risk of pointing toward the more obvious settings - dbms_authentication, II_SHADOW_PWD ?

On Linux, where I tend to install using ingbuild, I've noticed that in recent 11.1 upgrade patches you no longer get ingvalidpam automatically, which confused me for a while when I'd set II_SHADOW_PWD to a binary which didn't exist.
There's a mkvalidpam now to set it up - but that wants root access which I might not have, so instead I grab a copy from $II_SYSTEM/ingres/files/iipwd/ingvalidpam.dis

I'm yet to move onto 11.2 though. Things could be different there.

Roy Hann

Apr 13, 2022, 4:12:26 AM4/13/22
Thanks Vaclav. I am pleased to say I just double-checked your suggestion
and I did not make that error. But thank you all the same.


Roy Hann

Apr 13, 2022, 4:47:54 AM4/13/22
Good thought Nikos. I'd not considered that.

I was pretty sure I'd installed all my copies of Ingres using ISO88591
so I just did a quick check. As it turns out the Windows machine where
I tried to create the vnode is using WIN1252, but the Linux machines are
all using ISO88591. That windows machine has never had a problem
connecting in the past in spite of the different character set--which is
why I've not noticed the difference before I suppose.

I just installed another copy of 11.2 on a second Linux box and I
can't get the two 11.2 installations to talk to each other. I can
connect to the remote name server but that's all.


Roy Hann

Apr 13, 2022, 5:21:26 AM4/13/22
You totally nailed it Geraint!

Manually running mkvalidpam as root then setting II_SHADOW_PWD to point
to it makes everything work as usual.

Add one to the list of pints I owe you.


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