Hi !
can somebody tell me how to delete duplicate rows from a table using a single
query in Informix. Is it possible in Ansi-Sql ?
I tried using the following query but it is giving a syntax error :
delete from table
where ( select column 1, column 2
from table
group by column 1, column 2
having count(*) > 1 )
Appreciate your response
- Kishore
In the above query , u have not specified the condition for a
particular field . If u change the query as follws it should work ...
delete from table
where 1 != ( select count(*)
from table
group by column 1, column 2
having count(*) > 1 )
Note : having clause is not needed here .
..... Have a nice time ....
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Hi Kishore ,
I have missed something in the above post ...
Extremely sorry ...
} delete from table
} where ( select column 1, column 2
} from table
} group by column 1, column 2
} having count(*) > 1 )
U have to link the main query and the sub query ......
I will post it later ...
Informix says Delete / Insert /Update cannot uses data taken from the
same table in a sub query . It suggests to create a temp table first .
By referencing the temp table main table rows can be deleted ...
And group by caluse cannot be used with delete clause .
Note : Check error number 360.
I apologise for posting misleading information in the previous posts .
select column 1, column 2
from table
group by column 1, column 2
having count(*) > 1 into temp dup;
delete from table where table.coulmn1 in ( select dup.column1 from dup
where dup.column2 = table.column2 );
--- This works ......
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
>Subject: Deletion of duplicate rows in a table
>Author: INTERNET:nkk...@pbdap.snfc666.PacBell.COM at CSERVE
>Date: 6/20/96 1:43 AM
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>From: nkk...@pbdap.snfc666.PacBell.COM (Kishore Kaseebhotla)
>Message-Id: <4q9i7r$s...@gw.PacBell.COM>
>Subject: Deletion of duplicate rows in a table
>Date: 19 Jun 1996 18:51:39 GMT
>Reply-To: nkk...@pbdap.snfc666.PacBell.COM (Kishore Kaseebhotla)
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You can retreive all the rowids that are duplicated and then
delete those rowids or unload first and then delete.
>> echo "unload to junk.unl select * from table" | isql database | sort |
>> uniq > junk.load;
>can somebody tell me how to delete duplicate rows from a table using a single
>query in Informix. Is it possible in Ansi-Sql ?
I love the uniq command. Nowadays I use 'sort -u' which sorts and
'unique's also.
The best way to get rid of EXACT duplicates (i.e. all columns in the table
contain duplicate values) is to do something like
unload to filename
select UNIQUE *
from tablename;
delete from tablename; {Might want to drop the table and then
rebuild if it
is very big. It's quicker to
drop than delete.}
load from filename
insert into tablename;
I'd try it from inside a transaction with a rollback work first or at
least take do the unload to see what you get before you do the delete.
That only works for exact duplicates though.
Here's a nice way to identify duplicates where only the key fields are
select column1, column2, column3, count(*)
from tablename
having count(*) > 1
You can then do another select for each row returned to get the rowids and
then pick one to delete.
Hope this helps some.
--- Frank