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Informix -208 error

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Tim McCrea

Feb 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/28/97


Hopefully there is an Informix magician out there who can help me cos
I'm stuck big style!!

We consistently get an error (-208) when executing one report and I
haven't got a clue what the problem is.

The platform is an ICL DRS6000 (sparc) with 128mb ram. Online V5 and
4GL/RDS V4.11.

Any help, clues, pointers, anything at all would be gratefully

Thank you
Tim McCrea

Am drink and eat lots

Nils Myklebust

Feb 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/28/97

Tim McCrea <> wrote:


:Hopefully there is an Informix magician out there who can help me cos
:I'm stuck big style!!
:We consistently get an error (-208) when executing one report and I
:haven't got a clue what the problem is.

Executing one report? When do you get the error exactly? When finish
report is executed?
May be you have order by in your report and this requires some
resources that aren't available.
You may try to change this to order external by and see what happens.
Yes the report will probably be wrong, but does it run to completion?

:The platform is an ICL DRS6000 (sparc) with 128mb ram. Online V5 and

:4GL/RDS V4.11.
:Any help, clues, pointers, anything at all would be gratefully
:Thank you
:Tim McCrea
:Am drink and eat lots
NM Data AS, P.O.Box 9090 Gronland, N-0133 Oslo, Norway
My opinions are those of my company
The Informix FAQ is at

Feb 28, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/28/97

For those of us who do not know what the -208 is:
-208 Memory allocation failed during query processing.

The database server needed to allocate data space memory in order to
process the query, and none was available. This may reflect a hardware limit,
or an operating system configuration limit, or a temporary shortage of space.
Try the query again after a delay. If it still fails, consult your system
administrator. If possible, revise your query to join fewer tables or order or
group on fewer columns, or to operate in two or more separate statements.

--- Sounds to me if this gives you your answer to the problem, Now what to
do to fix it:

1.Identify the culprit query!
Reduce the join/order by/group by ...... make the query as efficient as

2.You might also trying to increase you Shared Memory Size by modifying the
BUFFER parameter in the configuration file and bouncing the engine!

3. After trying 1 and 2 above the OBVIOUS ---- Get some more memory.

Hopes this helps!
Cheryl L. Kendricks
--------------------------( Forwarded letter 1 follows )---------------------
Date: Friday, 28 February 1997 1:46pm
Subject: Informix -208 error
Date:Fri, 28 Feb 1997 12:27:36 -0600
Reply-To: Tim McCrea <>
Organization: MCC Limited
X-Informix-List-Id: <news.34627>


Hopefully there is an Informix magician out there who can help me cos
I'm stuck big style!!

We consistently get an error (-208) when executing one report and I
haven't got a clue what the problem is.

The platform is an ICL DRS6000 (sparc) with 128mb ram. Online V5 and

David Williams

Mar 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/2/97

In article <>, Nils Myklebust
<> writes
>Tim McCrea <> wrote:

>:Hopefully there is an Informix magician out there who can help me cos
>:I'm stuck big style!!
>:We consistently get an error (-208) when executing one report and I
>:haven't got a clue what the problem is.

Try using finderr -208 to get the error message. In this case it is
-208 Memory allocation failed in query proceesing.

This means you are running out of memory on the machine, either add
more swap or add more memory in the machine.

David Williams

Timothy M. Hood

Mar 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/3/97

What version are you running? Is this a large or complex report? I
discovered a bug in 5.04 with a large report I wrote. I had to re-write
the way the report worked to solve the problem I had.

David Williams

Mar 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM3/3/97

In article <$>, David Williams
<> writes

>In article <>, Nils Myklebust
><> writes
>>Tim McCrea <> wrote:
>>:Hopefully there is an Informix magician out there who can help me cos
>>:I'm stuck big style!!
>>:We consistently get an error (-208) when executing one report and I
>>:haven't got a clue what the problem is.
> Try using finderr -208 to get the error message. In this case it is
> -208 Memory allocation failed in query proceesing.
> This means you are running out of memory on the machine, either add
> more swap or add more memory in the machine.

I know, replying to myself but I'm more awake today...

If you are running Online 7.x then check in your ONCONFIG file to see
if OPTCOMPIND is set to 2. If so then change to to 0 and try again.

The default under 7.x is OPTCOMPIND=2 and it gets reset back to 2 if
you upgrade to a later version of 7.x!!.

David Williams

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